1. JOHN NEAL ILL Stricken With Paralysis Fri dav Of the Past Week IS ABLE TO BE UP Mr. Jas. Taylor Improving But Nit Out Of Danger-Other News of Meadows. Meadow:--, Jan. 7. —Mr. John Neal, one of the oldest citizens in the community, was stricken with paralysis Friday, affecting him in one side. He can walk about some but cannot talk. He is improved some at this writing. Mr. James Taylor, who was recen Jy shot by N'at Nelson, is still confined to his bed. and not out of danger. There are a good many cases of measles in this section and most of families have been ex posed. Miss Ruth Glidewell and brother. Fred. ha\e returned from Mavodan where they spent Christmas. Miss Minnie Glide well. who is teaching in Rock ingham, visited her parents Xmas. Mr. Sam Tuttle spent Xmas , with his mother and has return ed to Winston. Miss Carrie Hill spent Xmas 1 with relatives at Walnut Cove. 1 Mr. Robt. Neal has returned to Whitsett after spending his ' vacation with his parents here. 1 Mrs. -Ino. Neal is visiting relatives at Madison this week. Mr. Edgar Wall and wife, of Winston, visited Mrs. Wall's i mother, Mrs. W. P. Sands, Christmas, returning home last 1 week. , 1 Mr Tross Wall, who holds a ' position in Greensboro, visited ' liH parents last week. ' Mr. Joe Joyce has been con fiT?d to lis room for several 1 days with mumps. He is out again now. Slit Cova Scute 1. Walnut Cove, Route 1, Jan. —The farmers of this section are busy burning plant land. There are several cases of measVs in this neighborhood, but it don't seem to hurt the j people veiy much. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Meadows visited their son, Mr. C. A. Meadows, a* Kfrnesville last 1 Saturday, Mr. fin' l Mrs.. J. R. Smith visited at Mr. W. V. Meadows* Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fowler visited Mr. C. R. Fowler Sun day. Miss Harrett Ross visited friends at King the past week Messrs. Tom Green, -f Wal nut Cove; Billie and Settle 1 Smith, of Mizpah: I. G. Ross. Jr., and Miss Martha Ross were visitors at Mr. J. B. Green's •Sunday. Miss Pearl Blaylock visited ■ Miss Catherine Smith Sunday, i There will be preachin? at Palmyra church at 11 a. m. SUNDAY SCHOOL GIRL, j Walnut Cove, Jan. 6.—Mr. Oliver Smith's family have measles, and several other families in this neighborhood are expecting to take it. Mr. Charlie Meadows and little son, Valma, of Kernesville, spent Friday night with his father, Mr. M. T. Meadows. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman visited at Mr. S. C Montgomery's Siturdf y night. A FRIEND. WANTED—A good mule 5 or 6 years old. Must have good qualities and be sound. Cash if a bargain. Address quick, FARMER, care Reporter, Dan bury, N. C. LAND POSTERS-Ten cents a dozen, mailed to and address "REPORTER, Danbury, N. C. ladies' Missionary Society Holds Interesting Meeting The Ladies' Missionary Society met at the Methodist church Sunday, Jan. sth, at 2 o'clock. The program is as follows: Song—"Throw out the Life Line." Devotional Exercises by Presi dent, Mrs. H. M. Joyce. Secretary and Treasurer's re port. Organ solo — "Humoresque,", D'Torak, Miss Mary Taylor. Reading—"The New Year and its Duties," Mrs. N. A. Martin. Reading "From Peking to! Yantse Kiang," Miss Jessie Pepper. Local solo—Bright in the East, i Miss Mary Joyce. Christmas poem—Mrs. J. S. Taylor. Song "Bringing in the Sheaves." After the program was carried out the committee, Mesdames T. J. Folger, J. T. Smith and Miss, Josie Pepper, who had arranged the program for the afternoon invited the members of the society into Sunday School room where they served delicious re freshments, consisting of am brosia. waiters and hot chocolate. The room was artistically deco rated with holly, ferns and sev eral blooming plants. The Missionary Society meets the first Sunday in February at the Presbyterian church. Brim. Brim, Jan. 4.—Misses Rosa Carroll and Annie Moore have returned from their homes where they spent Xmas, and will take charge of their school at Asbury Monday. Messrs. John and Lee Frans of Winston spent the holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Frans. Mrs. Walter George and child ren of King visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tilley, last week. Mr. Tom Dearmin and wife of Mt. Airy visited Mr. Dearmin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dearmin, during Christmas. Miss Nomie Jessup of Mt. Airy visited relativts on Brim Koute during the holidays Mr. Joe Tilley and Miss Emma Hudson were married last Satur- j day night. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John R. | Smith, a fine boy. BLACK EYED KID. hARM E S S J. .W SHIPLEY Successor to 1886 HINE & SHIPLEY 1912. The Old Reliable Manufacturer For Twenty-Six Vears >t' Harness and Saddlery and Dealer in Lap Robes. Horse v Covers. Whips, Collars, Harness Oils, etc. See me before you buy. 1.1 SHIPLEY, Sign of the Cray Horse. Trade St., WINSTON, N. C. ACTUAL Fifteen selected jewels, plate jewels in settings; , solid nickel plates, finely damaskeened; expan- sion balance; patent Breguet hairspring; patent %1 detachable balance staff; patent safety steel • barrel; exposed pallets; exposed winding wheels; enameled dial. Equity watches are also made in 7 Jewel grade. V 4 m Equity watch movements are cased at the • factory, and delivered direct from the factory to the jeweler. Each watch is accompanied by a de -0 scriptive tag, on which the price is plainly marked. THE DANBURY REPOton* Family Reunion and Other News. Tobaceoville Route 2, Dec. 28. —A reunion of the family of Mr. and Mrs. C. Shultz, on Dec. 123 : All the children and grand j children were present, as fol lows : Ed. Shultz of Roanoke, ; Va., who holds a responsible po sition with the N. & W. railway: E. H. Shultz, who is taking a business course in the Roanoke .Business College: W. N. Shultz. I who is house manager of the ;Zinzendorf Hotel of Winston: Miss E. 0. Spainhour of Win ston: Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kiger of Donnaha: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. : Rutledge of Dalton. After a i short chat and a view of the nice presents, the call came for din ner. All gathered around a heavy laden table of the very best things to eat, then Mr. C J. Shultz offered thanks. After all had eaten to their hearts' con tent, all went into the house where we had some fine music on the graphophone. The writer hopes that Mr. and Mrs. Shultz will live to see many more happy 1 Christmases like this. There being about 25 present, the wri- 1 tor feels much gratified as being I one present and enjoying the fine ' dinner with them. Miss Mina Houchins is visiting! her parents Mr. and rs. W. N. 1 llouchins during the holidays. Mr. Calhoun, of Dobson, came down to vis.it his daughtdr Mrs. J. H. Newsum for a few days, and was taken ill, only lived two days. He was buried at Trinity Church today, aged (57 years old. He leaves manv frit nds to mourn his loss. CLODKNOCKER. Wood's Seeds For The Farm and Garden. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, giving descrip tions and full information about the best and most profitable seeds to grow, ic tells all about Grasses and Clovers, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans, The Best Seed Corns and all other Farm and Garden Seeds. Wood's Seed Catalog has long been recognized as a stan dard authority on Seeds. Mailed on request; write for it T. W. WOOD &• SONS, SLLDSMLN, RICHMOND, VA. " W% For Ifcsulis sZ tigg> Est~lßßß O KOYSTERSFERTIUZERO Pinnacle. Pinnacle, -lan. 3.—Christmas has passed off very quietly with , the exception of a little drinking. Measles is raging in this sec tion at present. Mr. and Mrs T M Lawson at tended preaching at Pilot Mt Sunday. The services were con ducted by Rev L T Tucker. I think the wedding bells will soon ring as Mr. Gordon calls on Miss Lawson every Sunday. Misses Ada and Ella Boyles i gave a musical entertainment ; last Tuesday night in honor of \ Miss Elsie Gordon. Among I those present were Misses Clem -1 mie and Eliza Gordon, Macie Pulliam, Joy Wall, Lora and Delia Lawson. Messrs Duke and jCebron and Frank Dodson, Har ; lis and Robert Lawson and Er nest Wall. Mrs. J. W. George and daugh ter Elsie and Miss Lora Lawson | spent Saturday and Sunday with I their sister Mrs. J. S. Pell. Miss Macie Pulliam spent the Christmas holidays with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Pul liam of King. •Misses Ada »nd Ella Boyles spent Monday night with their cousins, Misses Marie, Lora and Delia Lawson. Born to Mr. and Mrs Burge, a fine boy. The residence of Mr. Harris Lawson is nearly completed. Miss Marie Lawson gave a New Year party last Wednesday night in honor of Miss Macie | Pulliam. Those present were Misses Nellie Austin and Lizzie J Fulton of Georgia, Dunkley Law ison of Ivanhoe, Va., Miss Helen Clark of Winston, Messrs. Wil ! liams and Lester of Summerfield, and Paul Clifton of Winston. All seemed to have a jolly time. | The party began at 7:30 when ' the nice fruits were served by Delia and Robert Lawson. Then 1 some games were played until 9:15 o'clock. Then they were invited into the beautifully dec- i orated dining room, with ferns and evergreens, where a sumpt-, uous supper was served of cakes, 1 pickles ard wine, after the I supper was over they were en- j tertained until the parting hour with music bv Miss Nellie Austin, i FARM FOa SmLE 1 175 acres on Big Creek near ! i Francisco, N. C., best phone; : connection in the county, 1-2 mile to good school, 10 acres second bottom worth SIOO.OO i per acre, 20 acrrs creek bottom i worth SSO per acre, buildings on place worth at least SI,OOO. All the above land fine for corn, ! wheat and tobacco, - good orch-! | ard, good new feed barn, very j good dwelling, tobacco barns, ; out buildings of all kinds, the best pack house in the county, one tenant house, 10 acres in grass, and 6 acres in clover. Possession given Jan. Ist, 1913. Cash $3150.00. R. E. SMITH, Francisco, N. C. ! ———————————————— 1 Different Clothes! | l|Jj YOU CAN GET $lO SUITS IN ANY # CLOTHING STOREIN THE STATE 1 2 lIwDIIT y° u want Good, Pure Woo!, tfjp A 2 WeU Tailored Suits they are hard X S more than s ' x months, taking the /) S 9 mnjgn/ best from several lines and now for 1 J ggjjmfok £ H $9.75 HJ-fI 2 roiiii we will show you all-pure wool, well* Vy! j W 9 ® tailored suits hard finished worsteds C/j 1* II A Iri \W Hill or cashmeres 80.75. Compare them LL 111 Z I'm IHif I" hoys' suits we challenge any of A B ml $1.95, $2.50, 52.95, and" $3.50. All X 0 HL& wo °l su * t9 * 4 - 55, 56, $7.50 and up. W \Tmad«/ 9 Other men's suitssß.6o, sl2 50, sls, W ® 1 FRANK h. STITH CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. ' ' ' 4th St., next to Thompson's Drug Store. £ HHHHHHHHHHHtIIIMMMMtIIt Xing. King. Jan. 8-Rev E W Tur ner filled his regular appoint ment at King Baptist Church Saturday and Sunday, j The King Sunday School is I progressing nicely with a large enrollment. I Miss Nannie Fulton of Mount I Airy is visiting Miss Mamie Moore this week. Mr D V Carroll left for the I Legislature Morfdav. The King Baptist Church is ; making arrangements to buiid an addition to the church and I repaint. Hope if weather is | suitable to have the work com i pleted in 30 days, j Mr L R Coe of Dalton has ac cepted a position with the Southern Railway at King and hopes to move here and assume his duties in the near future. We welcome him in pur midst. Mr. S- T Reynolds is improv ing after a week confinement with neuralgia. Rev. Mr. Burrus, of Siloam, preached an excellent sermon to I a filled houte here Sunday night j Attorney H O Sapp, of Wins ton-Salem, spent the night with ! W R. Kiger, returning home j this morning. The stockholders of the Fair j Association was called to meet j here last Saturday, but failed to i get enough stock together to do ! business. The annual business meeting iof the Quickstep Telephone Co ; was well attended. All the old lofiicets were re-elected The: King centrol office was contract ed to Mr. L. K. Pulliam , Mrs. J. E. Fowler and son, . Mr. Sebon Fowler, have returned from a visit to High Point. LEE. Walnut Gove Route 1. Walnut Cove Route 1, Jan. 6. Measles and scarlet fever is all the go in this community. Rev. J. H. Brendall will fill his regular appointment at Palmyra church next Sunday morning at II o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Carroll re : turned to their home at High i Point Sunday, after a stay in Stokes county visiting friends ■ and relatives. Messrs. Charlie Blaylock and J. H. Tatum have the measles. Mr. R. C. Allen visited at Mr. - AND All kinds of watches and jewelry at lowest prices. Also all kinds of repair work and engraving. Give me a trial and I will please you. CHAS. F. SAPP, WINSTON-SALEM, - - - N. C. W. F. Chapman's last Sunday. Miss Pearl Blaylock visited her cousin, Mrs. Janie Chapman, Sunday morning. Among those that visited at Mr. S. L. Smith's Sunday even ing were Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Allen, Miss Pearl Blaylock, Messrs. Y. S. Smith, W. H. W. Smith, L J. Fowler, Mrs. W. F. Chapman and daughter, Halie. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith visited at Mr. W. V. Meadows Sunday, Mr. Wade Carroll is spending this week at High Point with his daughter, Mrs. Fannie Hart grove. Mrs. Mary Boles spent Sunday night with her son, Air J. W. Boles. Rev Jim King preached at Bethel church Sunday evening. Campbell. Campbell, Jan. 4 —Christmas passed off very qietly in this sec tion with the exception of a lit le drinking Measles i$ quite plentiful in this section at present, and there is no reason why this disease should be allowed to run un controlled as it does. I think quarantine should be strictly enforced Not only does it cause many deaths, but leaves the body an easy prey to other diseases such as consumption and pneumonia. Mr. Fletcher Case of Madison, and Miss Dottie Leake of Camp bell, were quietly married Wed nesday. Dec. 25tn, at Mr C. D. Smith's. The ceremony being performed by C- D. Smith, Esq. We extend congratulations. Mr. J. M. Lovins, of Campbell, spent the Christmas holidays at Fries, Va., with his brother, Mr. H- J Lovins. Several schools in this section have been postponed owing to the epidemic of measles Mr. C. E Smith had a wood chopping Friday. Mrs L. J. Leak has been very low with influenza for the last few weeks. We hope she will soon be up again -808 WHITE Notice. I am payinjr cash sl.lO per l>4Uhcl for good milling wheat ilclivered to III.V mill. I also buy corn and pny cash at the market price. 1 we'll ilour. meal and chop at the lowest prices. JOHN It. F-.U KKY, Wal nut "ove, N tf