DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XL. I WALNUT COVE LETTER \ Considerable Building I s Going On In the City. (MR. LINVILLE ILL ' R. P. Joyce Recovering From > Illness —Various Other News Items and Personals. Walnut Cove, Jan. 21.—Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis gave the young people a very delightful dance at their home at Stokes ' bury last Friday evening. The young society set of the city gave Miss Bessie Morefield a surprise party last Friday 1 night. Gentlemen Lawrence and ; Cameron Macßea, of Winston > Salem, were in town last Wed ! nesday night for the good roads meeting. Considerable building is going i on now, and others are talked of. Messrs. Dodson & Co. are build | ing a large warehouse just back of their store. ' Mr. W. R. Stephens is build ing a repair shop on the lot next to his hardware store. This 1 shop will be occupied by Gilbert Bros., who will do a general blacksmithing and repairing business. Barker Bros, are also > building a cottage on one of their lots in the northern part of town. Mr. C. W. Patterson made a business trip for the Stokes Grocery Co. to Summerfield last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, of Red Shoals, returned from Greensboro last week where , they carried their little son to St. Leo's Hospital to be treated for tuberculosis of the hip. Mr. John A. Burton went to Winston-Salem last Friday. Mrs. Kate Withers and sister, Miss Lillian Grubbs, went to Winston last week shopping. Mrs. Herbert Smith, of Liberty, who is spending some time with Mrs. Dr. Jones, went to Winston-Salem Friday to have some dental work done. Mrs. Wyatt Fulton returned to her home at Belews Creek Fri day after spending several days with friends here. Mrs. Jack Fair is improving some, we are glad to note, after several weeks illness with lagrippe. Miss Jessie Vaughn returned to her school at Fulp after spending Saturday and Sunday in town with home folks. Miss Frances Jones spent several days last week in Wins ton. Miss Salome Fair, who has been very sick, is improving, we are glad to note. Mr. Robert Alcorn made a business trip to Winston-Salem Friday. Mrs. Inez Tuttle and Miss Mary Matthews, of Germanton, spent the day in town last Thursday as the guests of Misses Claude and Stella Rierson. Messrs John C. Bailey, James R. Voss and W. F. Bowles went to Danbury to attend a good roads meeting which was held there Saturday. Miss Nell Petree spent Satur day and Sunday in town, leav ing Sunday evening for her school near Germanton. Mr. 0. N. Petree made ai business trip to Winston-Salem last week. Mr. John Baiby, Jr., went to Winston last Saturday, return -0 ing Monday. Mr. A. J. Fair N went to Wii s ton on a business trip last week. 1 Mr. T. P. Fulton, of Winston, was in town Saturday. Mr. Reid Joyc». who has been ill with rheumatism, is improv \) ing, and able to be on the street again with his cane. We wish \ for Mr. Joyce a speedy recovery.; Mr, and Mrs. Dick Fulton i have been on the sick list again,! we are sorry to note. Messrs. R. J. and Harry' Petree, of Germanton, were \> in town Sunday. Hon. S. P. Graves, of Mt. Airy, was in town Sunday en route to Winston-Salem. Mr. find Mrs. P. W. Davis and little daughter, Mary Francis, spent tne day Sunday » with relatives at Summerfield. Miss Jettie Morefield, of Sandy Ridge Route 1, spent a few days last week in town as the guest of her sister, Miss Bessie, who is attending school here. Mr. Phinnix Bailey, of Wins ton, was in town Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bowles, who live North of town, spent Monday in Winston. Mr. J. J. Adams and family, of Winston, spent Sunday in town. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Adams' sister. Mrs. H. H. Davis, who spent a few days with her. Mr. L. G. Marshall, traveling salesman for the Eagle Overall Co., of Bristol, Tenn., was in town Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Haynes Lin ville are at the bedside of Mr. Linville's father, Mr. John Lin ' ville, who is seriouslyill. Mr. Linville is quite an old gentle man and verv little hope of his recovery is entertained. Mr. Gilbert Petree, of Wins ton, spent Sunday in town. Germanton. Germanton, Jan. 18. The weather is fine out here in the country. It really seems like spring, and the farmers are al ready burning plant beds. Mrs. E. J. Styers, who had the misfortune of fracturing her hip sometime ago, is improving. She is up in a chair again, and we hope it will not be very long before she can be out. Measles and chicken-pox are chasing folk about trying to find victims. Rumor has it that several men have come into to**n walk ing down the middle of the street for fear of meeting some one and catching one or the other of the dreaded diseases. Mrs. Grace Matthews has re turned home from a visit among friends at Winston-Salem. Mr. John Fulton of the Stokes Grocery Company, Walnut Cove, spent the night here this week. Mr. R. S. Beck has been right sick for the past week with grip, but is much better , Mr. Joyce, salesman for Joyce Brothers, was in town yesterday. Mrs. B. J. Savage and Mrs. W. B. Bynum spent the day in Winston yesterday shopping. Sandy Ridge. Sandy Ridge, Jan. 20. —Mr. Frank Hawkins is quite ill at his home with pneumonia, we are sorry to note. Mr. Hub Moore is confined to his home with measles. Mr. Kirby Hawkins, of Greens boro, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hawkins. Messrs. John and Willie Murphy visited their sister. Mrs. T. E. Simmons, near Vade Mecum last week. Mrs. Murphy Crews is visiting her brother, Mr. Frank fylore ; field this week. Mr. Will Hutchins removed to I Mr. Otis Shelton's farm on ! Snow creek the past week, j Mr. Roy Oakley and Miss ( Mary Steele visited at Mr. J. I W. Murphy's Sunday afternoon. Rev. J. A. Joyce didn't preach at Oak Ridge Sunday on ac- I count of measles. IREN. Carried t» Hospital By Dr. W. C. Slate : Mr. John Grabs, a good citizen of King, was this week taken to a hospital in Raleigh by Dr. W. 1 C. Slate for treatment. Mr.' Grabs' mind has recently be come slightly deranged and it is thought and hoped that he will soon be restored under \ special treatment. Danbury Route 1. Danbury ltouU* 1. .lan. 20.—Mr Alfivd Smith Ih rln'ht nick with pneumonia, we are are sorry t> nay. The Hard Dank public school hat* closed on account of incanleH. Mr. At. K. Simmon* has recently Iteen right Hick. Alxo Mra. Lulu Lawnon Ih real nick. A large crowd vlalted at Mr. I). J. Tucker'* Sunday. DANBURY, N. C., JANUARY 2.2, 1913. NEWS OF KING Death of Mr. Pleasant Burk lin Kirby, An Ex-Con federate Veteran. NEW CHURCH AT KING Business Prospects tiood--Aleasles Going the Round —Other Items. King, N. C., January 20. Pleasant Burklin Kirby was born April 11, 1838, died Jan. 17, 1913. Aged 74 years, 7 months and 6 days. Was united in mar riage to Martha Hauser in 18G1. To them were born 5 sons and 3: daughters of whom 7 are living j i and 40 odd grandchildren. About ! 3 years ago he professed a hope jin Christ, and was baptised and connected himself with Mt. Pleas ant church, and from that time to his death lived a devoted christian life and was ready I when the call came. He was 'patient through his sickness i which was very sov , and try iing and ah »•; 7 weeks of awful suff•! >£ but the end was calm anu c-usy, just simply like going to slee.j. | lie was an obliging neighbor and an ex-confederate soldier with a meritorious record. It has been said that Mr. Kirby while in the hottest battles was always found in the army's front. The remains were laid to rest to j await the lastcall in Mt. Pleasant j cemetery, Rev. Stimpson preach ing the funeral. His sermon was appropriate to the occas sion with a warning to the living , to prepare for death. The family wishes to thank the neighbors for their help and ! : kindness during his afflictions j 1 and their bereavement. I Mr. S. A. Spainhour, of Gastine,! I Florida, is visiting Mr. T. E. ; | Stewart, a relative who lives near i King. Mr. Spainhour left this ' section some 15 years ago. His i j father and mother still live, ( I their home being in Winston | Salem. Mr. Spainhour will j I return home in about 2 weeks. I I Arrangements are being made j to erect a new M. P. church! on north Main St. The Grabb's Manufacturing I Co. is doing a rushing business |at present. Business of all kinds ' looks encouraging around King. There are some measles in and 1 around King, but the community i is by no means crippled. LEE. ! Marriage Saturday In Register's Office. Mr. Clarence Powell and Miss Nettie P. Walter, a young couple ! from Patrick county, Va., drove 1 over to Danbury Saturday and after securing licenses were married at the court house in the office of Register of Deeds Morefield. Mr. Joseph Fowler, a Justice of the Peace of Meadows township, who hap pened to be in town on business, performed the ceremony, and the young couple immediately left for their home in Virginia. The marriage was witnessed by quite a crowd of citizens from all parts of the county who were at the court house attending a good roads meeting at the time. A Big Sale. The well known firm of N. L. Cranford & Co.. at Winston, announce in this issue their regular Mid - Winter Clearance Sale beginning Saturday, Jan. 25th. There is no better time or place to buy a bargain in clothing than at this sale. A word to the wise is sufficient. Read their ad. Ross-Greene. King. Jan. 18. —Mr. W. E. Ross, of Forsyth county, and Miss Maud Greene, of Surry county, were married at the home of Mr. Oliver N. Goff, near Dalton, of the 15th inst., Elder P. Oliver officiating. GIG TO FLORIDA Dr. J. M. Sheppard, Former Stokes Citizen, To Go Into Fruit Business. MRS. HAM JOYCE DEAD Mrs. J. M. Burge Buried At Snow Creek Church Friday —Other News of Lawsonville. Lawsonville, Jan. 21. Mr. and Mrs. -lohn Lackey visited i at Mr. W. C. Moore's Satur day. Mr. Gabe Moore visited his; daughter, Miss Obeira, Sunday. | Messrs. Mai Taylor and Char- I lie Hylton are expected to leave I I next Sunday l'or Central Academy at Stuart, Virginia, where they ! will enter school, j Mr. and Mrs. E C. Sheppard 'visited at Mr. Ham Stephen's Sunday Messrs. J. M., J. A., E. C. and IJ. 11. Sheppard visited their old home place Monday to improve I their father's grave, Mr. J. T. ISheppard. | Gladys Lackey, who has been attending school at Walnut ! Cove, returned home Sunday on account of having been exposed to mumps and measles. Rev. •'im Martin and son. , I Willie, passed through Lawson-i ! ville Monday en route to Wins-; ! ton with a load of apples for sale. Mr. Gid Moore and sister, ' Bessie, visited at Mr. E. C. I Sheppard's Monday. | Mr. Gid Moore expects to enter a! ! business college at Norfolk, Va., | as soon ns his school closes. Mrs. Cann Smith is visiting her 1 daughter Mrs. W. W. Smith this | week. I Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sheppard, | Misses Lilla and Mary Lac Key ; and Maltit, Hylton visited Mr. j and Mrs. W. C. Moore Sunday | Our good roads representative, 1 Mr. R. L Nunn, passed through j Lawsonville Wednesday. Wej i are always glad to see any one jwho is in favor of good roads. | We think Stokes will come to j the front if we could get good ! roads. Mr John Robertson, one of our ■ oldest citizens who has measles, ; is right sick at this writing. Good many of the aged people j I are passing away. Mrs. Ham ] Joyce of Smith aged 83 years' died at her home and was buried near home Sunday at the family burying ground. Dr. J. M. Sheppard, of Fall Mills, Virginia, spent several jdays here with relatives and I friends on his way to Florida I where he has purchased land | and will plant out a fruit grove, j While here he performed an oper , ation on Ruth, the little daughter ,of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Moore, i She is getting along nicely at ! this writing. I Measles settled in Ham | Stephens' toolh and it had to be i extracted before it could break • out. J Stokes Citizen's Farm Covered With Water The Reporter learns that one of our county's citizens, who [some months since purchased a I farm in Florida, recently visited I his new purchase for the pur | pose of preparing some of the | land for a crop, but upon his j arrival there he found the farm j completely submerged in water. I Needless to say the citizen re j turned to Stokes on the next . train. : Big Sale Begins Friday, January 24. The Reporter this week carries the announcement of the big Semi-Annual Discount Sale of Boyles Bros., the well known clothing dealers at Winston- Salem. The Boyles boys have the goods and they are going to put the price down at this sale so that you can't afford not to buy. Sale begins Jan. 24th. I Be sure to read their ad. Stuart, Va. Stuart, Va., Route 2, Jan. 20. —Choppings are all the go in this section. Mrs. Lizzie Joyce died Friday evening of last week. She was laid to rest Sunday evening at the family burying ground. Messrs. Sam, Charlie and Tom Shelton, of High Point, N. C., attended the burial of their mother, Mrs. Mary Shelton, who died Tuesday with that dreadful disease, consumption. The burial services were con ducted by Rev. Martin. Airs. Charlie Hudson died Wednesday from the results of a cancer. Mrs. Mollie Gunter is very | low at this writing, and is not [expected to live. ] Misses Dora Rorrer and Rhoda i Williams spent Tuesday night j with Miss Nannie Gunter. Misses May and Annie Ayers [spent Wednesday with Miss | Lena Martin. j Miss Rhoda Williams spent Fri ! day and Saturday with her [sister, Mrs. Jim Joyce. Misses Nannie Gunter, Geor gia and Oiiie Nowlin attended the burial of Mrs. Charlie Hud ison on Nettle Ridge Route 3 : Friday. ! There are a few cases of measles in this section. Miss Edna Nowlin, of Stuart, ; spent Thursday with her cousin, : Miss Georgia Nowlin. I Mr. and Mrs. Mancie Mitchell and children spent Sunday with ! Mrs. Mitchell's mother, Mrs.! Mattie Haley. I Miss Lottie Martin spent J Sunday night with her aunt, Mrs. Wesley Martin. Miss Lucy Counter spent Sun day night with her cousins, Misses Lena and Alice Gunter. j Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Uun-I ter spent Sunday evening with | Mr. and Mrs. George Gunter. Mr. Tine (iunter spent Satur-' day night in Collinstown and reported a nice time. Mr. R. L Nunn j Filling Appointments Mr. R. L. Nunn, county or-! ganizer for the Farmers' Union, is making speeches to a number of the Local Unions of the! county this week. He will ad-' j dress the Pine Log local tonight | 'at 7:30 o'clock, Meadows tomor- 1 | row night at 7:30, Isom's Fri iday night at 7:30, Stewart's | Saturday night at 7:30, Dillard 'Monday night at 7:30, Preston i ville Tuesday night at 7:30, :Hylton's Wednesday night at ,7:30, and Sands' on Feb. Ist at ' 10 o'clock a. m. ! All members are requested to 1 attend the speakings. Kotice I i • The supervisors of public roads of Yadkin township will meet at King on Saturday, February Ist, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of transacting any busi ness that may come before them in regard to public roads of said township. The overseers of roads in said township will please meet at place and time mention ed as required by law. J. H. COVINTON, Chm. of Board. Double-Dollar Sale I A Double-Dollar Sale will be | inaugurated at the store of Frank A. Stith Co., at Winston, | this week, and at this sale one | dollar will do the work of two. I Read their half page ad. A BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE—A nice little grain and ' tobacco farm 3 miles of Stone ville, 100 acres, half cleared, re mainder in fire wood and timber. Dwelling of four room, stables, pack barn, two tobacco barns and other buildings in good condition, nice orchard. Cash or on time, $1600.00. Write or see CARL F. VAUGHN, Stoneville, N. C. 22 jan 3t Mrs. Joe W. Neal, of Mizpah Route 1, has been ill for several days, we regret to know. No. 2,024 STOKES ROAD DILI Now Before the Legislature at Raleigh For Enact ment Into Law. ELECTION TO BE HELD About the First of Alarch In All Townships Of the County Salient Features Of the Act. The committee appointed by the mass meeting on January 11 to meet with an attorney here and frame a bill authorizing the voters of Stokes county to pass on the question of issuing bonds in the sum of $300,000 for build ing a system of modern high ways in Stokes county, met in the office of Mr. N. O. Petree here last Saturday. The com mittee was composed of D. F. Tillotson, J. M. Hill, H. G. Tut tle, Z. V. Martin, H. H. Reid, J. VV. Fowler, R. H. Priddy, J. I Spot Taylor, R. L. Nunn. All I the townships were represented Jin the meeting either in person, i by proxy or letter except Beaver j Island. In addition to the regu j lar committee, a special delega tion was present from Sauratown composed of W. F. Bowles. J. R. Voss, A. W. Davis, John C. ! Bailey and others. Quite a num ber of others were present at the meeting from the various town ships, among them Joe W. Neal. Joe Fowler, J. Wesley Morefield, Thos. Martin, and others. After several hours of hard work, during which the most open discussion prevailed, the main details of a bill were adopt ed. On Monday Mr. Petree was engaged all day putting the in strument into legal form. On Tuesday it was sent to the coun ty's representatives in the legis lature with urgent request for immediate enactment. The main features of the act are as follows : Bonds for Sauratown 550.000 Yadkin 50,000 " Quaker Gap 50,000 " Beaver Island 25,000 " Meadows 40,000 " Snow Creek 35,000 " Peter's Creek 35,000 " Dan bury 15,000 The election is to be held by all the townships on the same day which will probably be about ! February 25, or March 4. The i carrying or defeat of the law in i any one or more townships in the : county will not affect the others. Each township stands on its own j footing. ! The free labor system will be j abolished entirely in those town , ships which carry for bonds. | On account of the comparative |ly small territory of Danbury township, its quota of the bonds | was cut down from $25,000 to *ls, - j 000, in order to as nearly as possible equalize the tax rate in every township, which will be about 30 cents on property and 90 cents on the poll. Later the Reporter will publish the full text of the bill, together I with the tax rate in each town- I ship, so that all voters may J know exactly what their taxes will be in case the election car ries for bonds. It is the general opinion of all who have read the bill that it will pass in several townships of the county without reasonable doubt. Marriage License. i The records show that Regis i ter of Deeds J. G. Morefield has I issued marriage license since I our last report as follows : | E. C. Carter to Viola Terrell. T. F. Carter to Nannie Dod ! son. i Louis Chapman to Bessie | Mabe. | Joel Jessup to Sadie Collins. Clefford Nunn to Elva Shaf- I fer. Clarence Powell to Nellie P. Walters. W. E. Ross to Maud Greene. J. H. Robertson to Lilla Young. G. W. Smith to Mary Edwards. Drew Smith to Ida Parish. John T. Trent to Fannie Millg,