ve^ 0^ DANBURY REPORTED VOLUME XL. GIVE US THE TRUTH Let No Honest and Intelligent Man Be Fooled By False Statements Re= guarding the Cost of Building and Repairing Roads==Read What Dr. Pratt Says. The Reporter learns that many wild and untrue reports; are being circulated in the coun- 1 ty by opponents of the bond issue regarding the cost of building sand clay roads. It would be much better to let only truth be told, and if good roads are a bad thing let them \ be voted down, but if a good i thing lets build tnem. Let the people decide with their in telligence and judgment from a truthful statement of facts whether or not we need good roads, and what their cost will j be. There is a report in Danbury township that *15,000 will not j trim out the brush, etc., for the route. Such false tales as this are doing the cause of good roads a benefit rather than in jury, and will fool no one. The Reporter invites the con sideration of honest and intellig ent people to the following letter received from Dr. J. Hyde! Pratt, the North Carolina State 1 Geologist, and one of the highest authorities o.i road building in the South : March 6, 11)13. Editor Reporter. Danbury, N. 0. Dear Sir : I wish to acknowledge receipt j of your letter of recent date re-1 garding the sand clay road in Stokes county. The estimate | that I gave of $1,500 per mile i for the construction of sand clay roads in Siokes county took •into consideration that you would probably have a great deal of grading to do. If you; have little or no grading, you can- reduce the cost of sanding a clay road down to as low as S2OO and S3OO per' mile, accord ing to the distance you have to haul the sand. We have built sand-clay roads as cheap as $275 per mile according to the grading. If conditions exist as you state in your leiter you ought to be able to cut down the $1,500 figure I gave you quite a lot. Then again it de- B;nds on the width of the road. 0 not make you roads less than 20 feet wide. You will get bet ter results in the end. You will not need, however, to sand-| clay but 9or 10 feet in the cen ter, keeping the dirt portion on ,each side of the sand-clay with a gentle slope to the ditches. 1 built last year a small stretch of sand-clay road in front of my house. Last winter, which was one of the most severe we have had here at Chapel Hill, the sand-clay road did not soften or have much more mud upon it than a re gular macadam road, while the balance of the roads were any where from a few inches to hub deep in mud. As soon as the ' rains ceased and the snow got off the road had dried out hard and smooth almost within twenty-four hours. We have built the sand-clay roads in the mountains in Buncombe and Henderson counties, and it is considered by all up there better than tftieir macadam roads and it goes through the hard winters 1 without being especially hurt. In order to keep a sand-c ay road in first class condition the road drag should be run over it after heavy rains. I wish to say that if the people of Stokes c unity vote the bond issue, they will never regret it. You have naturally a fine county, which will grow in wealth and ; population rapidly with a good 1 system of roads. Yours truly, J. HIDE PRATT. State Geologist. ] In another letter regarding i, it he cost of repairing roads, the j Reporter has received the follow- j |ng: 0 i Editor Reporter, Danbury, N. C. I Dear Sir : I w : sh to acknowledge receipt j of yours of February 25th in l regard to the question of main i tenance of sand-clay roads. In ; reply would say that the up-1 keep of the sand-clay road is a | comparatively simple matter. ' • The principal feature in its up keep is the use of the road drag! at regular intervals and at such! time as the road is in proper con dition for it to be of most benefit Of course, when any portion of the road becomes worn and hol'js appear, these should be im mediately filled in with sand, j The cost of this would depend on the distance the sand would have to be hauled, the :">«• of labor, etc. It is gen^ 1- . . i mated that on a cost for dragging {. . is as low as $3 p this cost would have the expense of rej. .. „ i. j places which needed *" ' liiiod ■ in with more sand. I To sum up, I would say that the cost of maintaining the sand-clay road would be £3 per mile per year plus what it would | cost to haul enough sand to fill |in the holes which may have » worn; provided the road is pro ! perly biult, crowned and drained j under the supervision of a com petent road engineer, in the first place. Trusting the above will give 1 iyou the information desfred. I am. Yours sincerely, . J. HYDE PRATT. State Geologist. , Hamm-Harris Marriage. King Route No. 2, March 10. —A beautiful home wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hamm, of King Route 1, on March sth, at high J noon, when their attractive daughter, Miss Ruby Alma, be come the bride of Mr. Frank P. Harris, of South Carolina. The bride and groom entered the parlor where a few relatives and friends were assembled and Rev. J. W. Vestal, of Pilot Mt., spoke • the words that made the happy , couple man and wife. The bride j was handsomely attired in a tail-! ored suit of blue with hat and gloves to match, carrying a large boquet of carnations. After con gratulations they were ushered: into the dining room where a nice surnptous dinner was pre- ! pared in honor the bride. The bride and groom amid a showerj of rice left on the 2:30 train for. South Carolina, the home of the groom's mother, where they will j spend a few days before going i to Dabney, N. C.\ the groom's I place of business. We wish the | "happy couple a long and happy I life. SCRIBBLER. | At Mt. Olive Church Third Sun day In March. King Route 2, March 10.— Mr. Archibald Johnson, the editor of Charity and Children, of 1 Thomasville, will address the peo ple of Mt. Olive Baptist church the third Sunday in March at the morning service on the needs of the orphanage. Would be glad j to have a large representation J from other churches. It will do ' you good to hear brother John- ! son. J. WALTER TUITLE. Armoor River Privet, the one best hedge plant, combining beauty, hardiness and efficiency. Two feet, heavy per hundred, F. O. B. winston- Salem. L. A. REYNOLDS, 31etn mi 3, >l. C. 15jan2mo DANBURY, N. C., MARCH 12, ir,3 H. HENRY REID HURT ! ! :Caught By Rolling Log and, Seriously Injured—Several Ribs Broken, and Other- ; Wise Bruised. j Mr. H. H. Reid, of Danbury | Route 1, was seriously and 1 i almost fatally hurt last Satur-j ; day by a rolling log, which i caught him and crushed several j ribs. He is in quite a serious ! condition, but it is expected that j he will recover. Mr. Reid was attending a chopping when the accident befell him. He is attended upon Iby Dr. McCanless of ! being confined to his bed with I much suffering. Lawscnville. , I ! Lawsonville, March 10.'—Mr. Willis Moore visited his sister, MissOberia, Sunday. Miss Sullie Sh-lton returned home Saturday f*' * spending two weeks witl r brother, 1 Mr. Hub She' i S'uart, Va. Mr. and . E. i. Lawson visited at 11. Robertson Sin 1 ty. dr. Josiuh Robertson visited !;».■» brother, Mr. John Robertson Sunday who has been sick for some time. He is not improving • ry much we are sorry to . know. Misses o!>eria Moore and Pearl Sheppard and Mr. Willis Moore visited at v, r. .J. A. Sheppard's a short while Sunday evening. Misses Fannie Sands and Ola Burge visited at Mr. J. A. Law son's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sheppard, ] Mr. J. A. Lawson and children ! visited at Mr. M. H. Robertson's Sunday evening. i Mr. R. L Lawson and daugh ter. Miss Myrtle, attended divine service h Id at North View Sunday by Uev. Watt and | Paul Priddy and Walter Mabe. Mr. Fred Ayers of Stuart, Va., visited at Mr. E. C. Sheppard's Sunday. Mr. Percy Sheppard visited at Mr. Z. R. Sheppard's Sunday. Quite a number of young i people visited at Mr. J. A. Shep- 1 pard's Saturday and Sunday. I Among those present were, Ayers Alpha Brown, I May and Alpha Jessup. Messrs.; 1 Ralph Brown, Lester Smith, 1 .limmie Cirns, Roy and Noy Doss, Wheeler Smith, and others. ! Mr. Fred Smith returned home last week from Winston where he has been employed by East & Dairy for several months. ! I Virginia-, the little daughter of j-Mr. and Mrs. Z. R. Sheppard, who has been sick for some days, is improving, we are glad to know. I JOEL Y. HOLLAND. ! j Whereas, our Heavenly Fath- 1 ; er has called from our midst and i church one of our beloved mem-1 Ibers. Joel Y. Holland was' j born Apr. 3, 1891, died Feb. 24, j ] 1913, age 21 years, 10 months' and 21 days. He professed faith in Christ at a protracted l I meeting held in the grove at! I Haw Pond school house in Aug. 1909, and was baptized at the close of said meeting. After • wards he united with Quaker Gap Baptist church when or ganized in Oct.. 1909. Brother ' Holland had scarcely arrived at early manhood when the sum-' mons came; which should be a j caution to all to remember our i Creator in the days of our ' youth. He was loved and re- j ; spected by all who knew him. j | Resolved first, that we deeply i i sympathize with the relatives of ! our deceased brother, and would ! gladly help them bear their sorrows. Second, that we com mend them to Him who knoweth and doeth all things well. Third, that a copy of these re solutions be spread on our minutes and one be sent to the Danbury Reporter for publica tion. . . W. G. SLATE, | J. H. COVINGTON, \ Com. W. J. JOHNSON. \ IN OLD SNOW CREEK i Big Change Taking Place In Favor of Good Roads. WILL VOTE FOR BONDS i Mr. J. J. Priddy Estimates That Majority Will He Cast In Favor of the Issue-Mr. Priddy's house Catches Afire. i Messrs. J. .J. Priddy and R. JN. Throckmorton, the former from Snow Creek, the latter a citizens of Danbury township, were in town Wednesday of ; this week on business. Mr. Priddy stated that Snow Creek will give a majority for the bond issue for good roads on April 1. |'lhe people for a-v.hile were 1 against the bond issue, as they had figured the co.»t was too heavy, etc., but after studying the question they are fast chang ing to the idea that we are al ready paying much more tax on account of had roads than the interest on the lionds will amount to. Mr. Priddy estimates that a majority of GO or 75 will be given for roads. Mr. Priddy's house caught on fire the other day, but was dis tinguished before any damage was dope. j- - CHARLES lAM MIS. Charles Hiram Adkins was born in Surrv county near Pilot Mountain, N. C., May 18th, i 18(>8, and departed this life in ! North Dakota uii February loth, 1913. • He was converted and joined the Methodist church in August, 1879, and lived a consistent Christian life until the time of his death. Charlie lived his religion daily. His faith in God was strong. He trusted Him when the dark clouds were gathering as he did when the sky was clear and the day bright. He possessed that faith of which the poet wrote when he said: "A i faith that shines more bright ! and clear when tempests rage j without; that when in danger knows no fear, in daakness feels | no doubt." i About four years agi when his brother, Johnnie, was suddenly killed, he at that time being in North Dakota, wrote a letter to his-mother. These are some of the words: "Ma, we must just trust God. We don't know what ( is best hut He will lead us. God ! knows that I had rather died my self than to have seen John go. I can't understand it, but God does what is best. I will meet him in Heaven." j On February 20th, we laid his I body away irt the old family I burying ground, to rest until the | great resurrection morning, ! while his spirit is with God and ] redeemed ones above. We can j say of Charlie, as Jesus said of Lazarus: He is not dead, but sleepeth. But on the resurrec | tion morn, when the trumpet of Jof the Lord shall sound and the j dead in Christ' shall rise, Charlie's body shall arise clothed with \ immortality and then soul and i body united again, he shall live I with the blood washed throng in the Heaventy Home, where there I will be no more sorrow, no more i separation, no more death, and where no tear will ever dim the eye; for God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. Let us be faithful in the Master's service and we shall i see Charlie's face again. THOMAS J. FOLGER. Best For Skin Diseases. Nearly every skin disease yields quickly and permanently to Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and nothing is better for burns or bruises. Soothes and heals. John Deye, of Gladwin, Mich., says, lifter suffering twelve years w;ith skin ailment and spending S4OO in doctors'bills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve cufed him. It will help you. Only 25\ Recommended by all Druggist?. | MR. PETBEE'S LETTER. Every voter in Stokes county ! should read carefully the letter of Mr. W. A. Petree in this paper before he votes in the I coming election on the bond issue for roads. Mr. Petree is well and favor ably known all over Stokes county. He is an educated man of the very highest standing and has the confidence of every man who knows him. He was, up to the time of accidentally falling and being hurt, county farm demonstrator and did much for the farmers of the county. Com ing from such a man this letter should and we believe will have the careful consideration it de serves. In his letter Mr. Petree shows plainly that it is actually cost ing the people of Stokes county much more money to do without good roads than it would to build them. And it is. costing even more than he has made it appear. Mr. Petree informs the Reporter that since writing the letter referred to he has found from information given him by Winston warehousemen that Stokes produces a million pounds more toEiacco than he calculated upon, and the added extra ex pense from bad roads in getting this to market runs Mr. Petree's figures past the two million dol lar mark. This will probably be shown by Mr. Petree in our next issue. So, then. Stokes county is ac tually paying more than two million dollars a year tax to bad roads. This is indeed a "stu pendous sum," Mr. Oliver, which we are laying out every year—and the worst is that we still have no roads after paying this enormous tax. Good Reports Received. Good reports are being re ceived from all over the county in regard to the bond issue for roads. Mr. R. L. Nunn, who has ; recently been speaking at a num ber of places in the county, says that he finds a good many who formerly opposed the bond issue are now in favor of it. Mr. J. J. Priddy has recently talked with many voters of Snow Creek township, and he gives it as his opinion that the township will carry the bond issue by a good majority. The Reporter learns that Mr. jO. J. Cates, of Sauratown town ship, and Mr. Isaac D. Barr, of j Yadkin township, both leading | citizens of their respective ' -communities, who have been opposed to the bond issue, now are for it. The Reporter has heard other reports to the same effect, but mentions these only to show that the bond issue is growing more in favor with the people. Oillard. Dillard. March 11. Rev. King filled his regular ap pointment at Oak Grove Satur day and Sunday. Mrs. Lizzie Featherston is visiting at Mr. J. T. Rothrock's this week. Messrs. Will and Robert Ward, Stacy Rothrock and Wade Stultz called at Mr. G. W. Roberts' Sun day afternoon. Master Cecil Mitchell has been very ill for the past week. Ex-Sheriff C. M. Jones, of Walnut Cove, was here Monday collecting taxes. Mr. J. Wilson Mitchell has sold his house and lot here to Mr. J. M. Fagg. Mr. Fagg will move his family here about May the Ist. Mrs. J. P. Carter is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bill Neal, near Madison this week. * R. Union Oyster Supper Saturday Night, March 11 The Danbury Local of Farmers F. E. & C. U. of A. will give an oyster supper at the Taylor Hotel in Danbury on Saturday night, March 22nd. All members are invited to attend. No. 2,0210 Mn MEETING Of Farmers Union To Be Held At Danbury On March 21 and 22. SPEAKERS COMING Mr. W. L. N'unn Makes A\ore Appointments To Speak To Local Unions. will hold a county meeting at Danbury on the 21st of March, commencing at 7:30 p. m., at night, and continuing on next dav. March the 22nd. We will have State Organizer J. Z. (ireen and Mr. P. M. Comer, of Danville, Va.. at our meeting, who will make speeches for us. We want every Union man in the county to attend this meeting sure. Drop everything 1 and come. Mr. .1. Spot Tay'or will call 'a mfetin'x of the stockholders of >f the Dry Pri/.ery to meet with :u* at the same time. Matters of great importance are to come 'before this meeting and you can't afford not to be here. 1 will be at Piedmont local on th' l 17th of March, at 1 p. m.; 'Mt. Tabor, on 17th. at 7:30 n. m,: Rn=e Hud, on 18th, at 7:30 p. m.: Chaffin's, on 19th. at 7:30 p. m. ■ Don't fail to meet us at the above named times and places and be sure to attend the county and stockholders meetings at Danbury. Come on the 21st at night and stay all day Saturday. Fraternally, R. L. NUNN. Sandy Ridge. Sandy Ridge, March 9.-Rev. Fred Smith preached at Delta ! Sunday. There was a large crowd out. Mrs. Fannie Morefield, of Sandy Ridge, is very sick at this : writing with measles. Born unto Mr. and Mrs. Willie Steele, a fine boy. Mr. Ott Wail, of Donnaha, purchased a fine team of young mules and moved to his father's farm at Sandy Ridge. Mrs. Fannie Hawkins and daughter, Lottie, visited Mr. I and Mrs. J. J. Martin Sunday. | Those who visited Misses Mary and Nina Steele Sunday night were as follows; Misse3 Edna and Ida Hawkins. Ella Ruth and Lemma Wall; Mr. and i Mrs Moir Hawkins, Messrs. Ott and Pete Wall. Percy Morefield, Carl and Charlie Mabe. Tomie, Everett and Elias Hawkins, Albert and Sam Vernon, Swan son and Joe Moore, Sam and Frank Taylor and .John Murphy. Rev, C. A. Wall will preach at Delta Sunday at 2 o'clock. Campbell. Campbell, March 10. —Miss Mary Pringle opened school at the Sand's school house Mon day. Mrs. T. W. Tilley visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lackey, Sunday. Mr. L. V. Foddrill recently sold his farm on Campbell Route 1 to Mr. Hub Rhodes. Little Jim Martin Pringle hap pened to a very painful accident, when he almost cut his finger off with a knife. Services will be held at Peter's Creek Sunday by Rev. -lames King and Jim Martin. Hope to see a large crowd out. Misses Mary Pringle and Gladys Lackey, and Messrs. Wesley Pringle and Hassell Tilley visited Misses Bessie and Erie Moore Sunday. Mrs. Harriett Moore is visiting her son. Mr. Mr. W. C. Moore, this week. Mr. R. A. Martin, traveling salesman for Swans in Bros., spent Friday night at Mr. J. W. Lackey's. JU ANITA. Rev. Jas. King, of Walnut Cove Route 1, has an appoint ment to preach at the M. E church here tonight,

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