FROM MR. PETREE He Shows How It Is Costing Us More To Do Without Good Roads Than It Would To Build Them=== A Strong Letter. Editor Panbury Reporter: While I am for Rood roads and favor the proposed bond issue now oefore our people I had not thought to write anything en the subject. But since Mr. Oliver's article appeared in the Reporter a number of citizens have insisted (by letter and otherwise* that 1 write an article in reply to what he has said Still it is with some degree if reluctance 1 am constrained to say an> thing about it. For 1 realize that the matter of roads and bonds* is something whu-h reaches to. and affects either for good or bad every liber of our national struc ture. and 1 feel that the subject is t''i big for me. and had rather leave its discussion to wiser heals However, notwithstand ir my sense ol weakness and incompetency in the matter, ! have decided to write ym these lintnot s.i much as a reply to Mr. Oliv. r as to set forth my views 'tile s ibieet. goir.: further I may s:i v ti-.a: when 1 was a mere child Mr. Oliver was my teacher for u short while, and from that day t > this. he has e* er had a warm ; lace in my heart. And to.liiy. there s no one in the c.tmmui.! .. f r whom I have greater respect. He gave splendid, advice when he insis ted that with minds void of passion and prejudice and with none other than the good of all at heart, we carefully and serious ly consider every phase of both silt s of the proposition before us, in order to arrive at a correct c inclusM n as to how we should act in the matter, and then > rivr l to do that which we de cide would be best to make our county a good place in which for us and those coming after us to live. Yes, this is good adv'o ; and i i my investigation o: tie subject in hand I have baen governed by the spirit set f>rih therein: and I feel sure that '.ir i'rend has been govern ed by the same. But whib he, looking at the matter from his viewpoints, is led to believe that to vote the proposed bonds would be a disadvantage to our county and »«-nd to make it an undesirable place for our people to live in, I, Ico' ing at it from dif ferent viiwpoiirs or rather from a different num >er of viewpoints, am led to see ir in a different light and be lev > that it would be an advantage to vote the b:>nds and tend to make the county a better place to live in. I feel sure that this difference of opinions is not the result of prej udice but arises from our failure to see the matter from the same standpoints. So let us all try to view the matter from every conceivable standpoint. For it is only by considering it from every side that we can arrive at a correct conclusion as to how we should vote on it. What the Present System Of Roads Is Costing LJs. We v ill now look at our pres ent system and try to see what our bad roads in Stokes are cost ing us as compared with the debt the bonds would bind on us. While some claim that the bonds would run so long we could vt r pay the debt because of the accumulated interest, it should be plain to all that a sinking fund will be provided, and that the interest on this, and the accretions of money and wealth brought (o our county by good roads, in the way of savings in the cost of marketing our crops, and the many other advantages the roads would bring to us would enable us to Ipiy the debt before it got so I Before comparing the cost of bad roads with the cost of the proposed bonds to build good ones, I may say that the losses our county sustains on account of bad roads are so manifold anil of such a natuie they are never considered in their aggregate. In fact, but very few of them are ever considered as money losses at all. For they are usually of such nature as extra work performed, extra food and time onsumed, extra wear and tear of wagons and harness, and the shortened life of stock, and all costs and losses not paid by a direct money or cash outlay. But while these are seldom counted as money losses they are money losses all the same, and should be counted as such in measuring the cost of bad roads as compared with the cost of building good roads. It is be cause we fail to see these tilings as money losses on the one hand, and see only the cash outlay on the other hand, that makes the bond issue look so big as com pared with the advantages of good roads and the disadvantage# of bad ones. The Price the I ree Laborers Are Paying. Under our present system of free labor the law requires every , man subject to road duty to work »'> days on the road every [ year. Ido not know the num , her of men subject to road duty . in our crunty. But assuming I that we have a population of 1 24,000 and that half of these are malts and supposing that onr> in ; r every three of these is subject I to road duty, we would have j r 4,000 men working 6 days every i I year. But to be conservative, j ! we will not figure their time at , what the law requires, but at 3 i days a year. Putting their work ! at one dollar a day they would \do sl2,''oo worth of work on the ; roads every year. Multiplying . this by 30, the number of years . the proposed bonds are to bear | . interes r , we have §360,000. We , will now count the interest on ! this. But as this work would , not all be done at the beginning, i but be equally distributed over' ! the 30 year period, we can! count the interest for only 15 j . years or half the time. But this I would give us $324,000 interest. , This added to the $360,000 , would make $684,000 in all, to be charged up to our present system. • And the roads no better than they were at the beginning. Another loss chargeable to bad , roads is the increased cost of I hauling In order that the ! reader may form some idea about this, I submit the follow ing taken from Southern Good | Roads: Steep hills necessitate a re duction in the size of the load and so increase the cost of haul ing. A horse that can pull 1,000 pounds on the level, can double " his exertion on short pulls and take the same load up a short " hill of as much as 4 1-3 per cent. 1 grade, but he could not take the 1 same load up a 5 per cent, grade, nor up a long hill of even 1 or 2 i per cent, grade. The following I table gives approximately the i increase in cost of hauling up t different grades:* i Increase in Cost of Hauling a Load Over Roads of Different j Grades. /; 1 per cent, grade, or 1 foot irt f 100,11 per cent. II 2 per cent, grade, or 1 foot in r i 50, 23 per cent. 1 4 1-3 per cent, grade, or 1 j foot in 24, 100 per cent. fhE DANbURY REPORTED 5 per cent, grade, or 1 foot |in 20: 150 per cent. 10 per cent, grade, or 1 foot in 10, 400 per cent. "Uttluoted from Tattle p.ti. Fiirmers lliil. i:w I*. *•. Dept. >f Agrleulture. From this table we gather that if we can reduce alO per cent, grade and there are many such in the mountains—by changing the road to a 4 1-3 per cent, grade, we reduce the cost of hauling one fourth. The improvement of the sur face, however, is just as im portant as the grade. The ap proximate cost of hauling one ton over a level road with dif ferent surfaces is given by Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt* as fol lows : On broken stone (macadam), dry and in good order, 8 cents. On sand-clay road, dry and in good order, S cents. On compacted gravel road, 13 cents. On earth road, dry and hard. 181 cents. On earth road with ruts and 1 mud. 39 cents. "I I LIOIHLX MM YEMENI in (IK* Smith" 111 Anti.iU uf tin l Amerli'iin Ai"il'iii\ iif I*• illtU-.*i 1 ;111 1 Sm-lal Si-U'isri's. \ nl. \\\v. No. 1. It can be seen by this that the cost can be reduced from one half to one-fourth simply by im proving the surface. The I.oss In hauling Tobacco To .Market Over lsad Roads. We can get some idea from the above to serve as a kind of basis upon which to figure out the loss (due to bad roadsi in hauling our tobacco to market. I do not know just the .yearly average number of pounds ot tobacco Stokes produces. Hut we will put it at 5.000,000. This multiplied by 30, the number of years the proposed bonds are to run, would make 150,000,000 pounds of tobacco produced by our people in the 150 years. Now taking 1,500 pounds as the j average size load the farmer, could haul there would be 100,-; 000 loads to haul in that period of time. But if we had good 1 roads, instead of 1,500 pounds, each team could easily take; '2,000 pounds to the load, and there would be only 75,000 loads ! to haul instead of 100,000. Here, 1 then, are 25,000 fifteen hundred pound-loads of tobacco to haul on account of bad roads. Charg ing six dollars a load or 40 cents a hundred for this hauling it would amount to $150,000. This equally distributed over the 30, ! years would draw $135,000 in- j terest, and this added to the j $150,000 would make $285,000.! But this is not all. This calcula- i 1 tion takes into account only the j i loss due to the reduction of the j size of the load hauled, and doesi | not take into account the extra j amount of food consumed to; produce the extra energy over j and above that which would be' required to haul the 1,500 pound ; loads if the roads were good. Of course I cannot give the exact cost or loss from this standpoint, but I will try to approximate it and make it low enough by figuring from a con servative basis. So many pounds of corn and hay will produce so many units of energy, and so many units of energy is equal to a horsepower, and so much horsepower will haul a load of tobacco to market. Men who claim to know, tell us that a work horse or mule should have about one pound of hay per day for each 100 pounds weight. In other words, a horse or mule weighing 1,000 pounds should i have about 10 pounds of hay per 1 day. We will take 1,000 pounds | as the average weight of the ( horses and mules in Stokes I county, and to make an estimate I low enough we will say that at 1 ordinary work each would do on 1 10 pounds of hay per day. But [at hard work like two hauling i 1,500 pounds at a load over bad ! roads, each should have at least i 2 pounds more or 12 pounds per day. We have already seen that in the 30 years there would be 100,0C0 fifteen-hundred-pound loads of tobacco to market. And it would take a man and his team at least 2 days to haul a load. The two extra pounds of hay each horse or mule would consume per day on account of the increased strain put upon him by reason of the bad roads would, when multiplied by the number of loads hauled and the number of days it would take to make a trip, amount to SOO.OOO jwunds or 400 tons more than what would be required to feed the teams while hauling the to bacco to market if the roads were Rood. Putting this hay at twenty dollars a ton it amounts to SB,OOO. To make the loss or cost of the extra grain consumed to get the tobacco to market, low enough, we will allow each horse or mule only 2'more ears per feed, (of such corn as would shell a bushel per every 10) ears.) while hauling. This would m:ike a (Continued on page 5.1 Ba i r iShoe Store 436 Liberty St. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Edmunds, Jerome & Johnson REAL ESTATE We have several farms near VVinston for sale at a bargain. If you would be interested we will take pleasure in showing you. T.V.Edmunds. W.G.Jerome. Ray Johnson. Offices: New Bank Building, Winston, N. C. Phone 241. Running: Water Under Pressure Sr own farm, village or suburban home, lent supply of hot and cold, hard and soft e kitchen, bath and laundry, running wa iwn, in the garden, or in the barn, for he grass, flowers and garden truck; for sring the stock, flushing out the barn, hing the buggies or automobiles; to be lin case of fire, for ANY purpose and nywhere you want it. If you have a Pneumatic Water Sup you may have all the conveniences of the choicest city apartment right in Pneumatic Water Supply Systems may be operated by hand, windmill, gasolene engine, or motor, if electric current is available. They are simple, economical and capable of practka lly a lifetime service. Ask us to plan an out fit for you. You will be surprised to learn for how little members of your home may enjoy the comforts and con veniences Pneumatic Water Supply **~ l v Systems afford. Literature cheerfully furnished on request. Maynard=Crutchfield Company. Plumbing: and Heating Contractors. PHONE 22 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. 1. 1 : TAT ONLY OT CHECK | | The Great Advantage Of Carrying a Checking Account At the Bank. ; ALSO THE SAFEST WAY I Ninety-nine One Hundredths Of the Successful Business Men Transact Their Business Throurrh the Bank. The man who pays his bills by check has a big ad vantage over the fellow who pays by cash 1. His paid checks returned to him once a month by his banker, are legal receipts and a guaran tee against anyone claiming that a certain bill has not been paid. 2. It keeps a check on your business, and shows you where your money goes. 8. You are never bothered about making change. It is as easy to write a check for sll.7J> as for SIO.OO. 4. You are not uneasy for ! fear a thief will steal your cash, |or that vou will lose it from ; your pocket, or that it will be | burned, or eaten by rats. 5. It saves you money when 1 you want to order goods from ja distance. A check may be j lost in the mail, and you can notify the bank not to pay it if 'it ever turns up. Then issue another. If you send cash by registered letter, it cosls a fee as well as a risk that the money may be stolen in the mails. Money orders also cost a fee. It c ists nothing to send a check. 6. When you bank your money it gives you prestige and stand ing fti a business way. 7. When you need a loan you can always get it. Banks show preference to their depositors. Start a bank account today. We furnish nice check books free. HANK OF ST>KKS COUNTY. Danbury or Walnut Cove.