DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XL. BILL JACK « Aged Citizen Dies and Is Buried At Snow Creek Cemetery. LAWSONVILLE NEWS News and Personal Items of In terest From Peter's Creek Township. Lawsonville, April 14. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shoppard visited Mr. J. A. Sheppard's Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Ayers, of Nettle Ridge, Va., spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Hub Young, of Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ayers, Miss Jennie Ayers and Messrs. Kufus Ayers and Powell Robertson visited at Mr. E. C. Sheppard's Sunday. Mr. W. C. Moore has recently purchased from Mr. L. V. Fod dril the old estate of John Fod drill, deceased. Ruth, the little daughter of Mr. P. H. Linville, is visiting at her aunt's, Mrs. A. J. Pringle. Mrs. Corrina Lackey and Miss Nannie Martin visited Mrs. Moses Lawson Monday. Misses Elsie and Goorgie Shep pard and Messrs. Jimmie Corns, Wheeler and Lester Smith, Powell Robertson, Roy Doss, Gabe Hylton, Roy Lackey and others visited at Mr. J. A. Shep pard's Sunday night. Mr. Frank Pringle visited at Mr. H. H. Taylor's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith visit ed Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. Malissa Lawson. Sunday and Monday. Messrs. Cleve Lawson and Reid Stovall left last week for North Dakota. Mr. Gilmore Nelson visited at Mr. M. H. Robertson's Sunday. Mrs. A. J. Pringle and little daughter, Harriett, returned home Sunday, after spending a week with relatives and friends at High Point and Walnut Cove. Claude, the son of Mr. Frank Tilley, happened to a very pain ful accident last week when he cot his foot while cutting wood. Mr. Rufus Ayers visited at Mr, Z. R. Sheppard's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Robertson, have gone to Madison to have some dental work done. Mr. P. H. Hall is erecting a new dwelling house preparatory to the association to be held at Snow Creek the third Sunday in May. Mr. Billie Jack Lawson, an aged citizen of Asbury, former ly of this place, was buried at Snow Creek cemetery last Fri day. Mr.' Charlie A. Hylton return ed home yesterday from Central Academy, Stuart, Va., where he has been attending school for some time. Mrs. Malissa Lawson has re-1 quested me to announce through! the Reporter that all persons; who have friends and relatives . buried in Snow Creek cemetery j to be there Friday the 25th be fore the fourth Sunday in April to help clean otf the ground Mr. Henry Wright from West field is down this week installing the 'phones and switchboard. | Mr. Dave Hodgins, traveling! salesman forOdeil Hardware C 0.,! passed through Lawsonville last j week. Agents For Laundry. | The Stuart-Jones Clothing Co. j are agents for Winston Steam Laundry. See new ad. [MRS. RUFUS MOUNCE.I !Critically 111 at Her Homej Near Meadows -- Other News Of Interest From Meadows. Meadows, April 14.—Mrs. J. C. Wall spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Sadie Roth ; rock, who is in declining health, i Miss Thelma Neal. who was ! confined at home with grip last week, has returned to her school. Mrs. Gertie Morefield, of Winston, is visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wall, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martin, of Nettle Ridge, were visiting friends of this community last week. Mr. Carl Wall and wife made a business trip to Winston this week. Mrs. J. M. Neal has just re turned from a visit to relatives in Greensboro. Mrs. Ilul'us Mounce is very critically ill at this writing, hav ing some kind of nervous trouble. The little daughter of Mi. :.nd Mrs. Wesley Main-, who has been very low some tinv with rheumatism, is improving. i Entertainment for Moore's School On the 19th. Campbell, April 14.—0n ac count of the inclement weather the entertainment at the Moore school house was postponed from j the 12th until the 19th. The pro gram is ts follows: ( Song—"Sitting up for Hus bands." Recitation-"Sunbeamof Hap piness." Dialogue—"An Unsuccessful Advance." Recitation— "A Hundred Years ; from Now." Dialogue "A Shoemaker's ! Troubles." Recitation "Home Happiness, ,Man of Word." Dialogue—"The Assessor." j Recitation "What Moses | Spoke." Dinner. Song "When the Roll is ■Called." j Dialogue—"Married By the i New Justice of the Peace." | Dialogue—"Burglars." Recitation —"Good Evening." Recitation—"Lament of a Lit ! tie Girl." Dialogue "Assisting Heze kiah." Recitation—"An Incident of War " "Our Motto." Dialogue—"Cqon Creek Court ship." Recitation—"Uncle Pete." Recitation—"At the Door." i Recitation. Dialogue "Master of the Situation." Song —"God Be With You." Music will be furnished bv the Nissen Band. The entertainment will open at 10 o'clock, A. M;, closing at about 2:30 or 3 o'clock P. M. 12,000 FEET OF LUMBER WANTED. I want 8,000 feet of oak lum ber 2 1-2 xlO inches, 12 feet long, and 2,000 feet of pine lumber 4x6 inches, 16 feet long. Want same delivered at Buck Island ford on Dan river at once. Parties who can furnish same will please write or phone me at once. R. R. KING, Tanbury, N. C. IMNBURY, N. C., APRIL 10, 1913 WEDDING IN YADKIN Carroll County Young Man Wins Stokes Bride. TOBACCO PLANTING To Start on King Route 2 By May s—Other5 —Other Yadkin Town ship News of Interest. King Route 2, Apr. 14.—A beautiful wedding took place at Mr. Dee Boyles' Saturday levelling at 6 o'clock, Apr. 12, when Miss Agnes Tillotson be came the bride of Mr. Hatten Patterson. Mr. J. T. Johnson was the officiating officer. The groom is a handsome young man of Carroll county, Va. The I community wishes them much j success in life. Born to Mr. and Mrs. D. L. : Boyles of King Route 1, a fine boy. The peopU •' uis section are ! buying and 1 . ing fertilizer. A lot of tuluciM plants in this • ration will be largo enough to , transplant by the sth of Mav. A good many farmers around here are sowing oats and grass i seed. The farmers have neglect led sowing grass soed until a ! good many of them have had to j buy shipped hay. We learn that Yadkin town ship will be well represented at this spring term of court. Dr. Thomas Smith of West ; field will preach at Mt. Olive on I Saturday before the third Sun • day and also Sunday. I guess I there will be a large crowd as it I is time for new hats and slippers. SCRIBBLER. | Association. I The Primitive Baptists will hold their "Association" at , Snow Creek church on May 17- 18-19, the same being the third ; Saturday, Sunday and Monday. ,The occasion will doubtless be I attended by thousands of people from North Carolina and Vir ginia. The good Primitive Bap tists in the neighborhood are . preparing to entertain their I friends with true Baptist hospi j talitv. Mr. John R. Smith In Runaway j While returning to his home ' near Walnut Cove recently Mr. |Jno. R. Smith's horse became frightened and ran away, throw ; ing him from the buggy and I breaking two of his ribs besides injuring him otherwise. The horse turned the buggy over and ran into a ditch, killing itself. Mr. Smith is out again but has not fully recovered. The Old Reliable. John A. Burton has been sell-' ing goods more than 40 years, j and ought to know something | about buying as well as selling, j See bis cnange of ad this week., Mr. E. L. Martin, of Madison, : spent a few hours here yester day. For Burns, Bruises and Sores The quickest and surest cure for burns, bruises, boils, sores, infiamation and all skin diseases is Bucklen's Arnica Salve. In four days it cured L. H. Hafiin, of Iredell, Tex., of a sore on his ankle which pained him so he could hardly walk. Should be in every house. Only 25c. Recom mended by all druggists. BRIDGE WORK: I I County Commissioners Let Contract To R. R. King, of Danbury. ' l AT PRICE OF $1,860 ! _ i' i ' New Steel Approaches For Buck , | Island Bridge and Small Re pairs To Danbury Bridge. At a special meeting of the i county commissioners held in Danbury yesterday the contract , for the erection of new steel approaches and other repair s-.work to the Buck Island ford i bridge on Dan river was let to i Mr. R. R. King, of Danburv, at the price of SI,SGO. This price also covers some small repairs to be made to the bridge across ; , Dan river at Danbury. Rep resentatives from several , bridge companies were present ; and placed bids on the work, , but Mr. King's bid was the l lowest. The contract calls for , the completion of the work in I sixty days. A few citizens from Peter's . Creek township came before the L commissioners and asked for a i bridge across Buck Island creek, | near the Buck Island bridge on i . the river, but the commissioners j ; declined to take action in the j matter at present. : Trouble At Walnut Cove. 1 i ' John Golding, Walter Gold-; " ing and Wood Benton, three Danbury darkies, got into trouble' at Walnut Cove Saturday, j Wood and Walter tried to rescue | John, who was in the hands of | J officers who were tak ing him to, I; the lock-up for disorderly con-, .jduct. During the scuffle John. . i got severely beaten by a stick | [I or billy in the hands of some [ jone. Walter was fined $25,00 ( i from which he appealed to | /court. Wood and. John were| . | bound over to court in bonds of, . i 5500.00 each, on the charge oft , | resisting officers and attempting i . to rescue the prisoner. Revival to Begin, j A series of revival meetings! | will begin at the M. E. church 1 i j here next Sunday. Rev. E. L. j ; Bain, pastor of the Centenary ,j M. E. church at Winston, will [ j assist Pastor Folger in the meet-! , ing. Mr. Bain is a strong preach-! Jer, and the services will doubt-! , less attract wide interest. The II public is cordially invited to at-, , | tend. Fresbyterian Pastor. Rev. Mr. Er\yin, of Graham, : is the name of the new pastor of the Presbyterian church here, | ( - - - ! ; Mr. T. R. Pepper, of Winston, ; lis moving hands and machinery ' jtotheJ. M. Mabe track of land ' Jon Danbury Route 1, to iufacture barrel staves. Mr. Pep ; per has recently purchased Mr.: I ! Mabe's timber. II Mr. J. Wesley Morefield is! having material hauled to build I a residence at Walnut Cove. Mr.!, Morefield owns a beautiful lot on , Main Street, next to Mr. Joe: Allen's. The Reporter regrets to learn of the serious illness v of Mr. W. 1 G. Slate, of Mizpah, who is suf- ] fering with a general break- i down. KING TO HAVE BANK Bank of Stokes County Mav Establish Branch At That Place. King, Stokes county, is one of the prettiest and nicest towns in Stokes county, and is the home of some of our best people. They are kind-hearted, wide awake and hospitable, and are at one in idea and effort for the upbuilding of their town. King is surrounded by a splendid agricultural country. A week's travel in the State will not reveal a country richer in natural resources, nor one populated with more prosperous and thrifty people, than Yadkin township. Its soil is strong and of varied possibilities. The people of King and sur rounding country want a bank, and have extended an invitation to the stockholders and directors of The Bank of Stokes County to co-operate with them in provid ing banking facilities. The matter it now under advisement, with every prospect that King will have an up-to-date bank at a very early date. Seralon Germanton, N. C., April 14. —The Germanton school will close Friday. There is talk of i arrangements being made to try for a public school at this place next year, by forming a district. ! including a part of Forsyth. It is exceedingly inconvenient here to any of the surrounding schools, this place being right on the line between Stokes and Forsyth counties. There was right much excite ment in this town last Sunday morning when Mr. Tom Kirby and Miss Ila Griffin both of Rural Hall, N. C., were married in front of the home of Mr. B. J. Savage by Mr. J. W. Burrus, pastor of the Red Bank Baptist church. It is said the couple eloped from Rural Hall, didn't have time to get from the station before they were joined in wedlock. The ceremony was truly a short one and as the couple didn't even alight from the buggy, they were soon speed ing on their honeymoon towards Winston-Salem. Dr. L. H. Hill has been visit ing his son, Mr. L. H. Hill of Kernersville, the past week. Miss Corinne Tucker spent last Saturday and Sunday in Winston-Salem visiting relatives. Mr. J. W. Kurfees left home last Monday morning for an ex tensive trip in the interest of Kurfees Paint. Mr. Ralph Petree celebrated his eighteenth birthday Wednes day evening at the home of his father, Mr. R. J. Petree. Quite a crowd gathered about it o'clock from Rural Hall, Germanton and the surrounding community. A progressive game was played and refreshments were served, altogether, the evening was thoroughly enjoyed. Those at tending from Germanton were as follows: Misses Corinne i Tucker and Mabel McKenzie:! Messrs. A. H. Flowers, J. M. Hill and Jasper Pegram. Mrs. W. R. Graham of Dur ham is visiting her father, Mr. R. J. Petree. Mr. C. O. Baker, of Meadows Route 1, is here today. Bud owns one of the best farms in the township. He brought along his son, Wilburn, whose eyes are giving him trouble. Dr. McCanless was consulted. No. 2,022 DEATH AT GIDEON Mrs. J. G. H. Mitchell Pass ed Away Early Satur day Morning. BURIED SUNDAY Deceased Had Just Returned From Florida —Other News Items From Dillard. Dillard. April 15. — Mrs. Mitch ell, the wife of Mr J. G. H. Mitchell, passed away at her home at (Gideon early Saturday morning after an illness of only a few hours. She, with her husband, had just returned on Thursday before from Callahan, Florida, where they spent the past winter, and was taken ill soon after her arrival home. Besides her husband the de ceased is survived by an infant only a few days of age and three other children. The re mains were laid to rest in the family burying ground near by Sunday. The bereaved husband has the sincere sympathy of many friends. Rev. King filled his regular appointment at Oak • rove Sun day. It was probably his last sermon there as he expects to accept a position in some other part of the State. Messrs. Charlie Sisk, Banner Young and Charlie Pitzer, o: near Hartman. were visitors here Sundav. Misses Minnie and Bettie Roberts; Messrs. Elbert Roberts and Grady Mitchell called at Mr. J. Johnson's Sunday even ing. Misses Florence Yates and Izzie Freeman visited relatives here Wednesday. Misses Minnie, Bettie and Lois Roberts accompanied by their brother, Elbert, went to Madison shopping W ; dnesday. R. What Florida People Think Of Oor Stokes Visitors J. G. H. Mitchell and family j and Mrs. B. J, Martin and i daughter, Miss Annie, who have ! been making Callahan their I home for the winter, left for : Gideon, N. C. Tuesday. Mr. ! Mitchell bought the residence of W. W. Cushing last fall and | these families will doubtless 1 spend their winters here, as they own one of the prettiest and most desirable homes in the city. These estimable people made nothing but friends while here, all of whom want them to return to Callahan next winter. Both families are From Gideon, X. C — From ths Callahan, Fla., Leader. W. 0. Bennett In Extremis. Mr. W. D. Bennett, of the firm of Bennett & Murray, of Walnut Cove, has been at the point of death for several days. His trouble is endocarditis, an affection of the membrane sur rounding the heart. He has had a number of serious attacks dur ing a period of several years. The Reporter received a tele phone message from Walnut Cove today stating that Mr. Bennett's condition was slightly improved. Messrs. Jeff Tuttle, Hilary Tuttle, Wesley Mabe and Emory Rothrock, of Sauratown town ship, were among Danbury's visitors yesterday.

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