DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XL. SMALLPOXAIOILLARD Mrs. Drew Mabe Very 111 With the Disease, md Others Will Be Vac cinated. J. M. FAGG REMOVES With His Family Reaches Dillard Today From Red Shoals — Personals Of Interest From Diliard. Diilard, April 29.—We are having very cool weather here now. Mrs. Drew Mabe is very ill with smallpox. Guess several of the people here will be vacci nated. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Essex and small son, Harold, called on Mrs. Essex's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Mitchell. Sunday after noon in their automobile. The sm vll s/O of Mrs. C. A. Mitch II is improving, we learn. Mrs. W. P. Wilson and child ren. of Madison, are spending a few days with relatives here. Mrs. «. W. Roberts spent Sunday with Mrs. J. F. Roth rock. Nearly all of the family of Mr. J. E. Alcorn have mumps. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Robert j spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Will Young. People are busy planting corn here this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Carter and little daughter, Irene, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mitchell and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Martin. Miss Delia Alcorn went to Madison shopping Wednesday, accompanied by her brother, Robert. Mr. Robt. Alcorn called on Miss Berta Ward Sunday afternoon at five o'clock. Mrs. G. W. Roberts went to Madison shopping Thursday. People are hauling in plenty of fertilizer this week. , Mr. J. M. Fagg, of Red Shoals, will move his family here Wed nesday. They will reside in the house formerly occupied by Mr. J. Wilson Mitchell. We will be glad to have them in our neighborhood. A crowd of our young people went to the farm of Mr. J. H. Berry Friday night to see him burn off his new ground. Among those present were: Misses Minnie and Bettie Roberts, Emma, Katy Mae and Vera Berry; Messrs. Elberth and Gerald Roberts, Grady and Lester Mitchell, Wade Stultz, Frank Reid and Marion Berry. Were chaperoned bv Mrs. J. H and Jerry Berry. All reported a nice time*. R. HOW'S THIS ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 ye»rp, and believe him perfectly honorably in all business tr-nsactions and finan cially *ble to carry out any ob icati' n- trade by his firm. NAT'OMAL BANK OFCOM MFI CP. Toledo, 0. Ha I s Catarrh Cur • is taken intern*!y acting directly upon the b'ond and mucous surfaces of the svstem. Testimonial sent free Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by ad Druggists. Take Hall's Family I ills for constipation. feting Closes it M. [. Church The series of revival meetings held at the M. E. church here last week closed Friday night, and Rev. E. L. Bain, of- Wins ton, who assisted Pastor Folger in the meetings, returned to his home Saturday. The meetings were well attended and no doubt did much good. There were several professions of religion. Mr. Bain won many friends while here and his preaching was highly enjoyed by the people of Dan bury and communit.. Sandy Ridge Route 1. Sandy Ridge Route 1, Apr. 28. —Farmers are about done plant ing corn in this section. There has been a large acreage plant ed Prayermceting at l)olta Sun day night was conducted by Mr. Elias Hawkins. Misses Dora r.tid Lillio Minnie and Rosa Ei>!: '•! J. E. Ward. George and Willie East visited iei.ii': es :>t Ayersville Saturday arid Su.i dny. Mr. T. N. Ward is visiting re latives at Francisco at present. Mr. Otis Shelton has recently purchased him a nice automobile. Rev. J. A. Joyce preached an able rer on at Aycrsville Bap tist church Sunday morning. J. E. W. Hews Items and Person als From Germanton. Germanton, April 26.—Farm work is going on on all sides. Few farmers are seen loafing around the stores here in town any more. The funeral of Mrs. Nunn, who died here Tuesday from a cancer, was held at Red Bank church yesterday. Religious services were held in the M. E. church here last Sun day by the Junior Order, and conducted by Rev. Hiatt, of tVinston-Salem. A large num ber of Juniors attended in a body. The church was filled and everybody enjoyed the service. Mr. B J. Savage and family spent the iast week's end with Mrs. Savage's brother, Mr. J. R. Jones, of North Wilkesboro. Dr. W. H. Bynum, Mrs. Bynum and daughter, Miss Mary Pres ton, left yesterday for a visit to Richmond, for several days. Miss Corinne Tucker, our music teacher for the past two years, left this morning for her home in Milton, N. C. Mrs. J. C. Carson and children spent Wednesday in Greensboro. Mrs. R. T. Stedman, of Wins torwSalem, is visiting her sisters, the Misses Hill. Miss Linda Gidson and Mrs. Mary Matthews are spending a few days with Prof. Willis and family in North Wilkesboro. Mr. J. W. Jones, of Pinnacle, is spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs. B. J. Savage. A camping partjfT consisting of Prof. A. H. Flowers, Ralph Beck, Lauriston Powers and Thomas White, left Wednesday morning to spend a week in the Sauratown mountains. They ex pected a fine time, and went prepared for ideal camping. Mr. J. N. Stultz left this morn ing for an extended trip through the South. He expects to visit Texas especially, and if he likes that country, doubtless he will consider movin? his family down. DANBURY, N. C., APRIL 30, 1913 LAWSONVILLE NEWS Marriage of Popular Young Couple Sunday. PERSONAL ITEMS Mr. Percy Sheppard Improving • —Services At Peter's Creek Close. Lawsonville, Apr. 22. —Mr. C. H. Sheppar l visited at Messrs. E. C. find J. A. Sheppard'sTues day and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fry visited Mrs. Malissa Lawson Friday. Mr. Ben Gardner, traveling salesman for J. N. Montgomery & Co.. pass-'d through Law sonville last. week. Mrs. W. W. Smith has been very sick, wo are •"••»'! y t > note. Mr. and Mr.- .'*b Rhodes visited at M • father, Mr. H. H. T ■. Sunday. Mr. E. . ,>ard went to ' .u..'on Frl.lay .'.iter hv for Mr. i .-iTi Sheppard. Mis.i Nurm Roivr. «t:ui;.;htar of Vr. t:nd Mrs. A!• Koror. }*nd , Mr. Chariij Reid. soi of Mr. Mrs. H. li. R-id were hap pi'.v martiftl »i tlviir.e o;' tlu bride's parents SuiK!;'.y mo'."i --' i r»g. Mr. S. B. Shelton of Stuart, Va., spe.it Saturday at .Mr. j E. C. Sheppard's. I Misses Sadie, Mary and Ruth S Pringle, and Messrs. Edd Wall, | Charlie Hylton, Fred and Wheeler Smith, Roy Lackey, Frank Pringle, Frank Taylor, and 1 others spent Sunday at Mr. W. IC. Moore's. | Messrs. John Lawson and | Jesse Ray spent Sunday at Mr. M. H. Robertson's. Mrs. Cann Smith is spending this week with her daughter, ' Mrs. W. W. Smith. Quite a large crowd attend ed divine services held at Snow | Creek Saturday and Sunday, I conducted by Revs. Collins, j Mabe, Gray, Watt and Paul i Priddy. i Mrs. E. W. Carroll and Mr. j P. C. Sheppard and little daugh i ter, Stacie, spent a short while at Mr. J. A. Sheppard's Sunday, j evening. Mr. Homie Moore visited at Mr. A. J. Ayer's Sunday, j • Mrs. Nancy Shelton is spend ' ing this week with her son, Mr. J. D. Shelton. M/. and Mrs. Virgie Smith I visited at Mr. Z. R. Sheppard's i Sunday. Misses Annie and Ethel Ayers, and Messrs. Banner Young, Charlie Joyce, Rufus Ayers, Willis Moore, Powell Robertson i and Tommie Tillcy spent Sunday ; at Mr. E. C. Sheppard's. Mr. Charlie Wall's children ! have whooping cough, we arc sorry to know. Artnng those that visited Miss Lena Taylor Sunday evening j were M isses Bessie and Erie 1 Moore, Ruth, Mary and Sadie 1 Pringle, Messrs. Frank Pringle, Charlie Hylton. Edd Wall, Fred and Wheeler Smith and others. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Shelton spent Sunday evening at Mr. E. C. Sheppard's. Mr. Percy Sheppard, who has appendicitis, is improving slowly we are glad to know. The protracted meeting which was begun at Peter's Creek last Sunday closed Thursday. Miss Oberia Moore and Messrs. Hissel and Tommie Tilley, Willis Moore and Rufus Ayers visited at Mr. Z. R. Sheppard's is. li kirbt! Passed Away At Her Home | At King Last Thursday. POSTOFFICE FIGHT' Number of Kin.ij People to Stand Examination—Mr. S. M. Pul" iiam Loses Two Cows—Other King News. King, April 28. —Mrs. Lum Kirby died Thursday morning and was buried Friday evening at Mt. Pleasant burying ground, i Mrs. Kirby leaves a husband, 3 ( children and a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Mr. Ernest Fowler and Will Moorefield went to Greensboro Sunday to sec their best girls, , returning Sunday night. Mr. P. li. Culler went to Hiy:h Point today to attend the wedding of Mr. Culler's sister, Mi-.-s Willow Culler. Miss Carrie Doc'.son el' Va. is visiting her sister, Mr -. L. It. Co •of our city. It !:■> lvpcd I y the joung boys that she will sjn-nri the summer here. Among those who have made application to stand the exam ination for the postoilice here are Stedman Garner, Luther Pulliam, W. R. Kciger, Will Spainhour, Mrs. Sim Pul-; iiam, Miss Macy Pulliam. Mr. S. M. Pulliam had the misfortune t > lose two cows recently, one d;. i'ig, the o'her getting tangled in the chain and falling and breaking her neck. Mr. T. A. Dalton, who got' , badly hurt in a runaway here a | few days ggo, is in the hospital i ' at Winston suffering a leg broken ! in two places. Mr. Coaltrain ( who was with him suffered some bruises but is speedyily recover-' ing. The contract for painting at 1 Vade Mecum Spring has been let to P. L. Culler of our town. King is growing very rapidly. There is plenty of work going on here. Wages are high, business floursihing. It seems that King is the center of trade for the county. Always something doing, here. LEE. ~~ "****"■ I fat By Falling. i Pastor T. J. Folger came near | having one of his limbs broken ' last Friday afternoon by falling ; from a ladder while going up i into the loft of his stable. After ihe was a considerable height j from the floor the ladder broke, I throwing him to the floor. He j jis much better at this writing, | ' we are glad to know. New Currency Coming. Look out for the new money. The bills are to be a good deal smaller in size than the green backs in present use, but their purchasing power will be the same- Read the new ad of the Bank of Stokes County, and learn about it Sunday- Misses Bessie and Erie Moore spent a short while in Lawson ville Friday evening. Mr. Harvy Smith's young mule got fright«n *d at a dog Sunday evening and threw him off, breaking his shoulder. Mr. Powell Robertson and sister, Onie, visited their sister, Mrs. E. G, Lawson, Thursday night. Marriage Last Sunday Rn Banbury Route 1. At the home of the bride's i parents on Danbury Route 11 last Sunday afternoon, Mr.! Charlie Reid and Miss Nina | Rorer were united in marriage; to the surprise of their friends j and relatives. Elder Watt Prid dy performed the ceremony in the presence of a number of tha relatives and friends of the happy couple. The bride is the attractive daughter of Mr. A. A. and is very popular, while tha groom is the young son of Mr. H. H. Reid, and is a hard working and deserving young farmers. i Sandy Ridge. Sandy Ridge, April 28. —Rev. D. A. Oakley preached at Delta church Sunday. Mrs. Frank Morefield has been carried to the Mothers' Home at Stuart, Va. Mr. H. S. Steele and family visited at Mr. Ott Amos' Sun day. Those who visited Misses Edna and Ida Hawkins Sunday were Mioses and Myrtle Shelton; Messrs. Speed Mabe Swanson, Moore and Tommia Hawkins. Those who visited Misses Ella ar.d Ruth Wall Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Martin, ; Misses Nannie Southern and Hutcherson; Messrs. Sam Tay , lor, Carl Mabe, Ott Wall, Tommie | Steele, Albert Vernon and Swan-1 son Moore. I. R. E. N. I ' King. King, April 2\~Mr. J. F. : Newsom, of this place, has closed a deal by which he will go into the grocery business at Winston-Salem. Mr. Newsom will move his family to the Twin-City. Judging from the amount of guano that is being hauled away from here, there will be a large • crop of tobacco planted in this I section. Born to Mr. and Mrs. N. 0. Tuttle, a son. ! Messrs. L. S. Grabs and W. ;T. Pulliam went to Winston- I Salem on business Friday. | Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. R. j Coe, a son. T. A. and C. F. Dalton have ; sold a lot to L. R. Coe; considera tion, SSO. Meeting of Union. Mr. Editor: Please publish the following notice to the members of local union No. 676: Ore Hill local, you are hereby notified to meet on Saturday, May 3rd, at 3 o'clock P. M. All members are earnestly requested to meet promptly. H. H. REID, President. GOOD FAR 4 FOR SALE. [ will sell privately a good farm, consisting of 117 acres. It is situated on a public road five miles from railroad and is adapt ed to the growth of good tobacco and other crops grown in this section. There is a five room dwelling, good well in yard, also good feed barn, good pack barn containing good basement, also good tobacco barns, plenty of timber for place. For any in formation desired address J. A. SLAWTER, Pinnacle, N. C., Route 2. Box 12. a 29 No. 2,024 COURT MONDAY The Criminal Docket Will Probably Be Heavier Than Usual. ONE MURDER CASE Names of Jurors Who Will Serve at Both Crimina' and Civil Terms-Judge Cook To Preside. The Ciiminal sprircr term of Stokes Superior court will con vene in Danbury next Monday. May 5. with Judge C. M. Cook, of Louisburg presiding, and Solicitor S. P. Graces, of Mt. Airy, representing the State. The docket for the coming term is heavier than that of the last term of court with a prob ability that it will grow a great deal between this and the end of the term. There is one murder case on the docket, be ing that of Baz and Henry Mar tin charged with the killing of •Johns Tatum, all colored. The civil term of c urt con vents on Monday fallowing the criminal term. This docket is vi r\ Sv avy and ro doubt will consume the en lire week as there are a num ber of important cases that will 1 require considerable time in 1 their trail. Among the import- J ant cases on the docket, in which many witnesses are sum moned, are J. I. Case Machine Co. vs. Chas. R. Wall and Tay lor Price, Mrs. Sarah J. Wat | kins vs. J. C. Gray and B. W. j(*ray, Burrell Mairtin, guardian for Faker Martin vs. P. W. Glidewell et al, Mrs. Alice J. VVatkins vs. Robert L. Lawson, and a number other cases that might be mentioned. The names of the jurors drawn to serve at each of the terms are as follows : First week—John A. Fagg, J. F. Hartgrove, J. F. Amos, W. C. (George, J. Walter Fimmons, W. I. Bennett, W. L. Nelson, J. W. Baker, J. W. Boles, (son of J. E.) S. K. Anderson, M. H. ! Ligon, P. 0. Fry, W. T. Neal, 1 Weldon W. Smith, T. J. Fergu son, Joseph Joyce, D. I. Bennett, N. F. Christian. G. W. Smith, (Peters Creek), T. J. Vaden, C. A. Jessup, H. M. Flinchum, T. F. Baker, J. W. Kington, M. J. Smith, Joe W. Neal. R. T. Tuck er, W. E. Pyrtle. W. G Lawson, |J. H. Wright, C. J. Shultz, Dar ian Collins. W. H. Spencer, J. D. Young, R. L. Murphy, E. S. Lawson. Second week—DeWitt Tuttle, G. W. Hart, C. C. Creasey, J. : A. Bowles, A. D. Murrav. J. J. Amos, J. E. Wall. C. A. Wagon er, T. J. Kington, B. F. Self, P. I L. Smith, Jas. H. Mabe, C. W. Blancett, W. M. Mabe, L. A. Duncan, W. E. Rutledge, J. P. Dunman, U. H. L. Shafer, Henry Adkins, T. G. Ferguson; J. W. Fowler, J. R. Tuttle, E. R. Voss and John H. Cain. Look To Your Plumbing. / You know what happens in a 'house in which the plumbing is in poor condition—everybody in the house is liable to contract typhoid or some other fever. The digestive organs perform the same functions in the human body as the plumbing does for the house, and they should be kept in first class condition all the time. If you have any trouble with your digestion take Chamberlain's Tablets and you are certain to get quick rtlisf Far sale by all dealers. • Mr. Jasper Slate, of Mizpah, was a Danbury visitor yesterday«

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