THE SAFE, HOME BANK i The Best Place in the World For N oiu MOIICA ""Money Sent Outside Ol theCoun t\ Makes Your Home Count\ Poorer. The best and the safest place in the world for money is in a conservative, home bank. Money loaned out is sometimes hard to get back. Ileal estate values often tluctuate, while titles to real estate are sometimes doubt ful. I'nless you have competent legal advice, it is safer not to place money out on real estate mortgages and deeds of trust. Money in the hunk is always at hand when you want it. "f. you can get your interest without ding-donging your debtor. -Mon ey in a home bank that is well managed. i> the satest place in the world, and when you put it there y u are doing your home a good turn. Money placed in the home bank is loaned at ho o and thus gets back into circulat ion making times at home easier, and flushing all the channels ot trade. Money loaned to a bank on the outside of your countvj helps business in the outside county, but makes your home county poorer, as every dollar sent outside of Stokes county makes it that much nearer a| pauper county. We offer you a conservative, safe home bank, a bank that is run on conservative business principles, and backed up by) responsible stockholders. We have a reputation for fighting shy of wildcat investments, and of handling our depositors' mon ey like it was our own—not on questionable enterprises, but placed on safe collateral. We pay four per cent, com pounded every three months, on money left with us for three months, or if you wish to do a S NEW STORE il $ , „ @! a Announcement to the Trade: f ® T H E Sj I FARMERS' SUPPLY STORE I ® Walnut Cove, N. C., i § lias bought the entire stock of General Merchandise formerly owned and conducted by J. E. James and will HI continue the business at the same stand, where you are invited to call and examine their stock of 9 General Merchandise. # • FARMERS SUPPLIES A j§ Z SPECIALTY. J We are now buying large quantities of Supplies and all kinds of (icneral Merchandise, at prices that enable us to please you and £ SAVE YOU MONEY. £ 0 ,o^>ouVuyanyTin u d of General Merchandise. # Mr. Fletcher Hawkins remains with the new firm, whce he will be glad to see and please his many old customers, as well as make new ones. Remember the place--J. E. James stand, Walnut Cove, N. C. •C. M. JONES, Manager. • •••••••••••••••••••ft checking business, we furnish | nice check books free. Call on or write either our Dan bury or Walnut Cove cashiers for full particulars. Money sent by mail is receipted for by the next mail. 11ANK STOKES COUNTY, M. T. CHILTON, Prest. DK. J. WALTKK NKAL, Vice-President. N. E. PKITER, Cashier at Han bury. O. N. I'KTKKK, Cashier at Walnut Cove. letter Front Mrs, J. E. Hutchins. Peter's Creek. Va.. April 2!'. Mr. Editor: Please allow me space in your paper to correct a mistake that has gone out about Mr. E. Hutchens burning his house. There was no insurance, and the loss is estimated at about !?U'>oo. I suppose it caught from the stove. When first found out it was burning in the cook room up over the stove, but there had not been any fire in the stove since about half after eleven o'clock, and the house was burn ed about five o'clock the first Sunday in April. I 1 want to thank my neighbors and friends for their kindness towards us and helping us to build our home back. This is the second time 1 have seen my i home go down in ashes and left us standing in the open field and the little children crying, ' 'Mama, where can we go tonight?" MRS. J. E. HUTCHENS. Cure for Stomach Disorders. Disorders of the stomach may be avoided by the use of Cham berlain's Tablets. Many very remarkable cures have been effected by these tablets. Sold by all dealers. THE DAINBURY REPORTER Gideon Hems. i Gideon, April 2S. —It is real cool for the time of year. Mrs. Burkhead is visiting Mrs. 15.,1. Martin for a white. Anion}? those that visited Miss Kthel Fly nt Sunday, were Misses Sadie and Bessie Mae Flinchum and Bessie Martin, Messrs. John and Elmer Klinchum, Robah Bvdlen, and Walter Flynt, ill Smith, Hardy Johnson, and Joyce Reid. All report a jolly time. Misses Sadie Flinchum and Bessie .Martin spent Saturday night with Miss Kthel Flynt. Mr. Hugh Heath spent Sunday night with Mr. \Y. M. Flynt. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ilobt. Mitchell, a baby boy. Dr. D. F. l)ix and daughter, 'Miss Minnie went to Walnut Cove to attend the entertainment at the close of the school last Friday and stayed with his daughter Mrs. O. J. Cates, until Sunday. Miss Minnie did her shopping while there. Mrs. Bruce llatelvood and children spent Saturday and Sunday at Mr. S. A. Gatewood's. Mrs. W. M. Flynt and Mrs. J. F. Duncan went to Madison last Friday shopping. Mr. J. W. Ward spent Sun day evening at Mr. J. J. Martin's. SCRIBBLER. Heath a Factor in Success. The largest factor contribut ing to a man's success in un doubtedly health. It lias been observed that a man is seldom sick when his bowels are regular —he is never well when they are constipated. For constipa tion you will find nothing quite si goodas Chamberlain's Tablets. They do not only move the bowels but improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. They are sold by all dealers. Mr. J. C. Flinn, of Pine Hall, has purchased an automobile. Right Here Is Your Chance 10 Buy That Typewriter! cr:q—r»*- This is a Straiglit=froin=the-Shoulder Typewriter Talk by a Typewriter Man to the Readers of the Reporter. \,l • >t IIIT typewriter WIU'IIMT you have lunl Imiit— rejmrdless of nny tin- use of n typewriter or claims 111; 11 It*—is ll"t. von list v«» |>.-l ill fur one 11 ;ii our expense, if you whether you use them or will permit us. not. THIS IS THE NEW VISIBLE FOX " BETTER THAN THE BEST OF ALL OTHERS " Sent on Free Trial, Express Pd. Look at the illustration of our New Fox Visible Typewriter, shown above, and compare it with anv other typewriter you have ever seen or used. Here is a really VISIBLE typewriter - note that the printing point is on top in plain and that the type bars rise from where they are lying and strike the platen in full view of the operator, and in a direct line of vision, and that all of what you have written remains in full sight until the paper is removed from the typewriter. Compare this with those old style typewriters, that some firms are still advertisii g as visibles, but on which the printing point is beneath the typebars, and you have to look down into them—or between them-to see what you have written. Touch a key in the keyboard and you change the color of your writing instantly from black, blue, or purple to red. Press the Tabulator Key at the left (in front) for paragraphing, writing the compli mentary closing, etc.: also for all kinds of billing. At the right (in front) is our Back Space Key. This moves the carriage backward for making corrections, or putting in punctuation. This key also enables the operator to erase a word of three letters and write one of four in its place. Press the Stencil Key shown at the left (front) for making stencils from which thousands of duplicate letters can ! e made. Four rows of keys reduce the shifting one-third. The right Shift Key locks automatically for writing in all caps. A positive automatic Line Lock prevents you from writing beyond a predetermined line. The ribbon travels in a "zig-zag" line-not straight across from spool to spool as on others—thus using all of the ribbon and making it last three i r four times as long as on other typewriters. The ribbon automatically re-winds itself from one spool to the other without any attention from the operator. Carriages are interchangeable, and run on ball bearing tracks. Platens are re movable, so that both a hard and soft platen can be used on the same typewriter. Extremely light touch, "No falling leaf is lighter than'the touch of the Fox Typewriter." Choice of Elite, Pica, Condensed Roman, Medium Roman, or Italic Type we carry more than three thousand special type in stock, of our own manufacture, and can furnish keyboards for any language. The Fox has an easy, almost noiseless action, is very durable, and is sent com plete with cleaning outfit and metal cover with hard wood base. Thi* is I lie Fox, t lie 1v pe writ er we ma n i if." let lire— t his is tlie typewriter that we will send to anv one air. where ill l lie I uitei ISt a les on Free Trial, all express rhnrires fully pniil—no ""reil tap""—no delay— to litiy. If puieha.-eil after trial you ean pay a little down whatever you ran spare— and i lie lialauee in small niotitld.\ payments. ia-adt'i*. in all sincerity we ean hou«sily say this proposition has never heen equaled ii.v any other t vpewriti'i" eoinpany. and all we a>l\ is t hat you write tis Ti M>.\ V—Nt i\V—jflvinjr us your name and •i'ddre»s so we ran send you our catalog and write you personally about our typewriter and Free Trial offer. : : fox Typewriter Co. MA M'FACT!'II Kits V* FRONT AVENUE, GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN. d C\ i TaKe S. Pain Pill, then— v T" \ E.asy. To Head-Off a Headache Nothing is Better than Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pill# They Give Relief Without Bad After-Effects. "It givtj me ur- !t pleasure to offer a word of recommendation for Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills, as there are thousands suffering unnecessarily from headache. 1 was afflicted intermittently for years with headache and after other remedies failed, I tried Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. For the past ten years I have carried them constantly with tnc, getting instant relief by using one or two on the approach of headache. They are also effective lor neu ralgia, giving immediate relief." C. M. BROWN, Estherville, la.. For Sale by All Druggist*. ' 25 Doses, 25 Cent*. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Tkt (1H DAILT MR SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Daily - $6.00 Per Year Daily and Sunday - = 8.00 Per Year Sunday only - 2.00 Per Year The Semi-Weekly Observer Tuesday and Friday - - SI.OO Per Year The Charlotte Dail> Observer, issued Daily and Sunday is the leading newspaper between Washing ton, D. C., and Atlanta, Qa. It gives all the news of North Carolina besides the complete Asso ciated Press Service. The Semi-Weekly Observer issued on Tuesday and Friday for SI.OO per vear gives the reader a full re port of the week's newS. The leading Semi-Weekly of the State. Address all orders to i The Observer Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C.