DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XL CRIMINAL COURT Adjourned Saturday Morn ing At Ten O'clock. DOCKET FINISHED iFive Prisoners Sentenced To [ Terms On Rockingham County Roads. After being in session four and one half days the criminal term of Superior court adjourn ed Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Immediately after ad journment Judge Cook left for I Winston-Salem, where he spent Sunday, returning here Monday to preside at. the civil term. [Solicitor Graves also returned to this home at Mt. Airy, but was ; here again this week attending to some business matters, t During the term of court five prisoners were sentenced to terms on the Rockingham coun ty roads. Cases not reported last week f were disposed of as fellows : State v Abe Hayes and Gran ville Oliver. retailing, four cases > : each. Hayes fined 525 and cost. Oliver four months on county roads ■ i State v Chas. Phillips, forcible trespass, judgment suspended on payment of cost. I State v Fred Boles, a. d. w., fined $lO and cost. State v Jonah Nelson, a d. w., fined six pence and cost. State v Walter George and |"Will Nelson, affray, each fined 930 and half cost. State v Jas. Nelson, d. r. c., *ot guilty. ' State v Uid Mabe, c. c w., fined $25 and cost. State v. John Carroll, d r. c.. *tot guilty. § State v E. O Caudle, perjury, tot guilty '■si Kimball Johnson, simple? as iault, prayer for judgment con tinued on payment of cost ;fnd filing of bond for §2OO for Appearance at the next two spring terms of court. State v Baz, Henry, and Rich pird Martin, murder Not guilty ■pis to Richard Martin. Guilty as ■to Henry and Baz Martin. Sen tenced to four years each on ■tounty roads. \ State v Nat Nelson, a. d. w.. judgment eight months on coun ty roads. \ State v. Will Penn, larceny, $0 months on county roads. 4 State v Will Penn, breaking Jail, six months on county roads. State v George Smith, retail ing. three cases, three months on county roads, i State v Jim Dixon, c c. \v. t lAnedI Aned $25 and and cost. % State v Nan Covington, lar iny, three months in county iil and assigned to work at >unt.y home. State v John Golding. Walter oldmg and Wood Benton, re sting arrest, judgment sus ;nded on payment of cost. State v Gid Mabe, c. c. w., led #lO and cost. State v Nai Nelson. George ennett and Oscar Flynt, d. r , judgment suspended on pay ent of cost. State v Nat Nelson, George ennett and Oscar Flynt, nui ince, prayer for judgment con nued on payment of cost. State v Roy Green, forcible espass, three months in jail Id hired out. Btate v James Taylor, simple ■ault, fined $1 and cost. Etate v Alex Mabe, c. c w.. led $25 and cost, fetate v. Nat Roberts, disturb- A MCE AFFAIR. i Etude Music Club Gives Interesting Organ Recital At Methodist Church In j Danbury. One of the nicest affairs at tended by the Danbury people iin quite a while was the organ I recital given at the Methodist J church here on Thursday night. The entertainment was given under the auspices of the Etude Music Club and the attendance was large. The interior of the church presented a very beautiful appearamce during the services, being lavishly decora i ted with rhododendron, roses and ' ferns, and lighted with candles, ! the latter being nestled among ' the decorations. The program, which was j excellently rendered and highly enjoyed, follows: Organ solo—"Largo," Miss j Mary Taylor. Vocal solo-"Calvary," Miss Mary Joyce. Violin solo— "Traumevi", Mr. William Joyce. Vocal solo—"L.»a 1 Kindly Light," Mr. Chas. H.'ljw'o.v-: Organ solo--"Cava!lir:a 11'-.- ticana," Miss Mary Taylor. Vocal solo--" Who Knows," Mr. J. Irving Bolt. Vocal solo—"0, Dry Those Tears," Miss Mary Joyce. Quartette-"Sweet and Low," Miss Mary Joyce, Messrs. C. R. Helsabeck, J. I. Bolt, and Robert Joyce. Vocal solo-"Beyond the Smiling and the Weeping." Mr. Chas- Helsabeck. Organ solo- "Berceuse," Miss Mary Taylor. Vocal solo- "Sing Me To Sleep," Mr. J. Irving Bolt. Stokes Veterans Going To Chattanooga Reunion The annual reunion of the United Confederate Veterans will beheld in Chatanooga, Tenn , May 27, 28 and 29. A number of Stokes Veterans will probably attend the reunion. Messrs. W. W. King and J H. Stewart, of Danbury, and Mr. A. J. Til ley, of Smith, are among those I who have signified their inten ! tion of attending. This will no j doubt be a great occasion for the (old Veterans. | Snow Creek Association Sat urday, Sunday And Monday As announced in a former issue the annual Association of the Primitive Baptists will be held at Snow Creek church, seven miles north of Danbury, Sat urday, Sunday and Monday. With fair weather the atten dance will no doubt be very hrgc?, especially on Sunday. A good number of the Danbury people expect to attend Summer silks and lawns Boy les Mercantile Co Mr. J. P. Covington, of Pin nacle. was among the visitors jitiei'ding court this week. Mr. Covington reports that the prospect for a good wheat crop ! in his section is fine. ! Big line slippers. Boyles Mer cantile Co. :ing entertainment, fined $5 and cost. ! State v Stump Gunter, retail ing, not guilty. 1 State v Bunch Hairston, retai'- ing, fined $lO and cost. iiANHi kV, N. C., MAY 14, lUio BONO ISSUE TALK SAID! lit NEWS • Some Sensations Sprung In Saurafown and Beaver j Island Townships. CONTESTS POSSIBLE- Anti-Ciood Roads Crowd in Saura- ■ town Consult Counsel With Re gard to Validity of Election Election ' Officers In i Beaver Island Not Sworn In. There are a few sensations going the rounds in some of the townships with reference to the late bond issus election. In Sauratown a party of anti-bond issue citizens went to Winston- Salem Saturday to consult coun . sjl with reference to suing out an injunction against the issu ing of bonds in th • township on the ground of ,i irregulari ties in the e!f 1 .). It is learn 'ed that th i f >!ition of the iunrgents i-s that at Freeman -erect certain parties were , under the influence of liquor, while at Walnut Cove two or three persons w evj allowed to ! vote who were unqualified. The goo' roads people of Sauratown. it is learned, are willing to test the matter in any way, even to throwing out the precinct of j Freeman, if the election there was illegal. It has not been learned what encouragement i was received from counsel with! referenee to the contesting of! the election. Several citizens from Beaver! Island township in Danbury this week reported that there is j strong talK among certain good roads advocates of Pine Hall and I Dillard looking to contesting the j result in Beaver Island, where ; the bond issue was defeated by a majority of 20 votes. It is stated that the election officers at Dillard, including the reg istrar and judges, were not' sworn in, and that therefore the ! election was illegal. What procedure will be adopted in, the matter was not learned by . the Reporter. But should the Dillard election ba declared in valid, this would give the bond issue a majority in Beaver Island, at Pine Hall carried it by a considerable majority. Work On Telephone Line Started This Week Mr. R. L. Nunn, president of the Big Creek Telephone Co., was here last night and stated that the work of building a new tiiephone line direct from Dan bury to Walnut Cove had already been started by his company, as: a force of hands are now at work : getting out the poles. The line will be erected just as soon as the work can be done. Mr. Nunn j also stated that the switch board for the Danbury central office' was expected to arrive right j away and that it with a number of new telephones would bo ■ installed here immediately upon their arrival. _____ I Heath a Factor in Success. i The largest factor contribut-' ing to a man's success in un-j doubtedly health. It has been observed that a man is seldom sick whpn his bowels are regular —he is never well when they are constipated. For constipa tion you will find nothing quite so good as Chamberlain's Tablets. They do not only move the bowels but improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. They are sold by all dealers. A Lot of Sickness Among the People of That Section. : MRS. LEV ALLEY ILL| I (Section Visited By Hail Storm But Little Damage Done — Much Preparation For the Association. Sandy Ridge Route 1, May 13. ; —There is a lot of sickness around here now. Little Nina Morefield has been real ill with j pneumonia the past week, but j we are very glad to learn that she is improving. I Services were conducted at • i North View Sunday with an ex ■ ceedingly large attendance. ; Great preparations are being • made for the association which i is to be hrld at Snow Creek Sat ■ urday, Sunday and Monday. A • | large crowd is expected to at ! tend. i Mrs. Lev Alley has been at the point of death for some time, but is much Letter at this writ • ing. i -Mrs. Andrews has been quite ! sick for some time, i Misses Jettie and Bessie More ; field and Messrs. Fletcher and i Harry Kallam visited Miss Beulah r ; Sheppard Sunday afternoon. i: Mr. Edd Carroll, of Winston, i is spending some time with his ; I wife at her parents, Mr. and ! Mrs. C. E. Sheppard. Miss Lillie Galey, from Mad- I iaon, spem some time last week iwith Misses Jettie and Bessie | Morefield. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morefield j returned from Basse tt, Va., last' week, where they attended an j I association. Mr and Mrs. Joe Martin, from j | Nettle Ridge, Va., spent the i ! week end in Stokes visiting rela i tives. Mr. Perry, traveling salesman, ' passed through last week. Rev. Knight, from near Critz'■ ,Va., attended services at North' View Sunday. ■ A very severe hail storm passed through this vicinity Fri day afternoon but very little damage was done to the crops. ■ Guess the farmers were glad to see the rain. j Mr. and Mrs. Hairston Taylor, of Campbell, visited their son on Sandy Ridge Route 1 Saturday and Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Taylor ar.d little daughter, Pauline, went to Winston Sunday evening, return ?! ing Monday. Misses Nina and Mary Steele .gave an apron party Saturday ' 1 night A large crowd was ■ present. Mr. Hawkins received ' first pri/." and Mr. Dillion second, 'j The Misses Rorer gave a party j Saturday night. 1 , Miss Sadie Jones, of Roanoke, 1 Va., is expecting to visit Misses j -'ettie and Bessie Morefield next • j week. Mr. Lester Morefield. of Wins- I ton. is expected home Sunday. Master Hassell Morefield, frcm ! Winston, who held a position as ! clerk with the firm of Morefield ;& Co., has returned hcune to j stay. R. M. I i Mr. Taylor Buys Valuable Property Mr. Jno. M. Taylor, of the Twin City, was a Dan bury visitor yesterday. v lr. Ta. lor this week purchased the C. Hamlen property at corner of Fifth and Cherry street in Wins ton. The property is a very desirable place. The ponstferation was $13,000. GERMANTON NEWS. | Club Gives An Enjoyable Dance--Other News and Personal Items. Germanton, May 12. The dancing club here gave quite an enjoyable dance last Friday evening. Music was furnished by Dr. Hill, Mrs. J. D. Powers and Miss Anna Hill and it goes without saying what that means. Our young folks will dance, and when nothing better offers they "trip the' , light fantastic toe" to the j sound of a graphophone. ■ Mr. .T. C. Small and family I lof Spencer are visiting Mrs.• iSmall's father, Dr. L. H. Hill. I Misses Percie McNeely, of j Greensboro, and Zannie Koonce, lof Chadburn, who have been | the guests of Miss Alary Mat j thews for some time, left for i Greensboro this morning, j Prof. A. H. Flowers left last | Sunday for h s home in Lumber ton, N. 0. Much to the regret | of his many friends here. Mr. It. T. Beck, -Jr., went to Rural Hall on a business trip this afti'rnoon. Mrs. J. H. White spent last week with her brother, Mr. Cicero Boles. Mr. J. W. Kurfees, of the i Kurfees Paint Co., spent Sun ; day with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Willis ] have just returned from a visit ito their brother, Mr. Edgar j Willis, of Madison. Mr. Z. B. Bitting passed through town last Thursday en route to his home in Rural Hall. Mrs. R. L. Tuttle entertained last Saturday evening compli- I mentary to Misses McNeely and j Koonce. Games and delicious i refreshments were served. Mrs. | Tuttle is a charming hostess jand gave the young folks a delightful time. Those present ■ were Misses Mabel McKenzie, Pencie McNeely, Zannie Koonce, Mary Matthews; «J. M. Hill,! I Herbert Kurfees and Reginald Starr. Mr. E. J. Styers attended the [memorial services at Winston I last Sunday. Mrs. S. C. Rierson and daugh ter, Miss Stella, were the guests of Mrs. L. M. McKenzie last Sunday. i S. M. : I New Students Enter School For Teachers New students continue to enter Prof. J. T. Smith's school for teachers. During the past week the following have been enrolled: Miss Annie Martin, Madison. Miss Maude Smith. Francisco. Miss Etta Smith, Francisco. | Miss Ida Lee Wall, Madison. Miss Lelia Boyles, Walnut Cove. Mr. Alvia Francis, Franeisco. Stokes Prisoners Carried To Rockingham Yesterday i i The prisoners sentenced to the | Rockirigham county roads at j last week's term of Stokes court ' were earned to the roads by that county's officers yesterday. Their | names and terms are as follows: Nat Nelson, eight nionths: Baz ! Martin, four years; Henry Martin, four years: George Smith, three months: Will Penn, three years. "Miss Topsy Tumy" : To Be Given Friday Night The three-act farce comedy, i "Miss Topsy Turvy," which was recently postponed on ac count of the illness of one of the characters in the play, will be given at the Junior Hall in Walnut Cove Friday night, May 16th, by ihe young people of the town for the benefit of the High School. As the proceeds will be given to a good cause let every one attend and enjoy themselves, and at the same time help swell the fund. No. 2,026 « FEW CASES To Be Tried AT The Present Civil Term Stokes Su perior Court. MANY CONTINUED VVatkins vs Lawson the Most Important To Come Up—Sixty Witnesses Examined. Taj civil d)cket, while quite large, is mostly continued for one caus ■or anoth- r Only two cases have reached the jury at I this writing, vV'edneslay after j noon, these being James v South ■ ern, which was decided in favor iof the plaintiff. The other is | Catkins v Lawson, for slander, which is being tri-ed now, all | the evidence having been sub ' minted, and the lawyers on »>th sides having spok T>. Ti.e j.idge iis now charging the jury. This case has attracted a great deal of attention, being hard fought j on both sides. About GO witnesses ! were examined. Mrs. Watkins, the plaintiff, is suing for alleged damage to her character in the sum of £3,000. The plaintiff is represented by Buxton, Petree iand Hall, while Jones and Humphrey appear for the de i fendant. Cases disposed of, which did not reach the jury, are as follows: Ellington, administrator, v Wel ter Joyce. Compromise judg ment signed. Sheppard v Lawson, judgment for defendant signed. Case Threshing Machine Co. v C. R. Wall and others, compromise judgment signer". Chilton v Groom, moved to Forsyth. J. R. Smith v John \\ illiams and others, judgment for plain tiff. Black Draught Medicine Co. vT. J. Gann, compromised. One other case will be tried before the jury before the ad journment of court, to-wit, Young v Venable, which comes up immediately after Watkins v Lawson is finished. Sandy Ridge Route 1. Sandy Ridge Rcute 1, May 12. Farmers are busy plowing corn and planting tobacco. There were two hail storms passed ever this section Friday afternoon. Mr. J. W. Ward visited rel atives at Greensboro, Winston and Donnaha the past week. ! Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Dunlap spent Saturday night at Mr. W. T. Ward's. Misses Minnie and Rasabe East and Mr. Will East spent Saturday night at Mr. C. D Dun can's. A large crowd visited at Mr W. T. Ward's Saturday night. All seemed to enjoy themselves fine. i Pravermeeting at Delta was conducted by Geo. Duncan. I Rev. T. J. Folger filled his re gular appointment. at Delta Sun -1 day. j Rev. Chas. Wall wil' not preach at Delta next Sunday as was expected. Misses Dora and Lillie Ward and Clara Hawkins, Messrs. J. E. Ward, Wallace and Denvey Hawkins visited at Mr. John Hawkins Thursday night. Several of cur people are gcing to attend thi association at Snow Creek next Sunday. Dr. J. H. Ellington has purch as? 1 himself a hupmobile. J. E. W.

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