DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XL. Elnut cove hews nut Cove Not a Finished J own. As Evidenced By Much Building Activity. -JER NEWS MATTERS j Hkss Topsy Turvy" Played to] ■ Crowded house, and Was ™ a Success—Personals. ||Valnut Cove, May 20. Mrs. I Unnie Fulton is having her a lib dwelling house erected on j ■I corner lot of Summit Ave. , ad second street, while Mr. j Wesley Morefield is having! jjlber hauled on his lot on | Rrth main street to build him a • gfelling house, while we learn ■t Dr. .1. Walter Neal will i'e him a house built on one of, ots near "Fulton Heights" , uat north of town, at an early ' late. This speaks well of Wal- | it Cove, and shows that it isn't town" by any means. "Ifhe Farce Comedy, Miss Popsy Turvy, that was given in fee acts for the benefit of the MJnut Cove High School by; Deal talent, under the manage- { Mt of Mr. J. Irving Bolt, last night, at the Junior Hall, | iijfl splendid in every re-; P«t. and has been the subject j f favorable comment by every j ad that was present. A large | SjOto'd was out and a nice sum | iplized. fljessrs. Jim Hill, George Chaf- i pi.and Herbert Kurfees, and' Annie Hill and Mabel j idCinzie, of Germanton, were: town Friday night for the Jay. Vliss Topsy Turvy. Jlrs. S- C. Rierson left last ; "rid ay for Charlotte where W will spend some time visit-1 111 friends and relatives. Misses Eva and Eunice Vaughn j ejprned home last week from: vjjsit to friends and relatives at Wjftston. Mr. A. E. Strader made a trip j a Winston last Thursday and: there attended the ball j ■ne between Winston and l )urham. Our town was well represented t Snow Creek Primitive Baptist j pociation last Sunday. Among 1 j|t crowd that went were Mr.j 1 fclynes Linville and family, Air., 1 nd Mrs. W. F. Bowles, Air. j •fctson Joyce and Miss Lillie Bee, Messrs. Arthur Davis, i' ftrtney Bailey, Sanders Rierson,' ' f*i Odell Jones, Eugene Dodson, ' fitaish Wheeler and many others. 1 Walnut Cove failed to play ' II ! Saturday on account of the ting team failing to come, lder Moore of Martinsville ' iched a splendid sermon at 1 Junior Hall last Thursday : tit. He left Friday morning I Stiow Creek to attend the, hiitive Baptist association j liss Margarett Oxley, of | |ens, W. Va., was in town a j days last week She was I eling in the interest of theU fornia Perfume Company, jr. and Mrs. John R. Lackey j It the day last Thursday at j ( tr. and Mrs. Zeb Gruhbs. of i f rlotte, came in Saturday. Grubbs returned to Charlotte day but Mrs. Grubbs will ain in town for some time ling relatives. r. and Mrs. J. H. Robertson jVinston were in town Satur- for a short while, iss Nell Petree left Friday c South Bethlehem, Penn., re she will take training in ospital for a trained nurse, many friends here regret ] : very much to see her leave but j wish for her the best of luck in i her new work Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Vaughn j lof Winston spent the day in l j town Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ! j W. B. Vaughn. Miss Rosa Carroll of King: j was in town Sunday enroute to | i Winston where she has accepted | a position with the Southern Bell I Telephone Co. Mr. Frank Petree of Ger j manton spent the day in town ! Sunday. | Mr. John Bolt left town Sun-: day for his home at Holyoke, Mass., where he will spend a | short while before going abroad. Mary Frances, the infant ■daughterof Mr. and Mrs. P. W. . Davis, who has been critically ill . for the last two weeks, is some-: what improved at this writing. : She was carried by her parents | |to Summerfield Monday, where she will be under the care of Dr. Davis, and we hope she will, soon be entirely well again. Mrs. W. B. Vaughn has been i sick for the last few days, wo aro' sorry to note, and hope for :.er 1 a speedy recovery. Mr. Pinkney Allen. Jr., of Winston, spent the day Sunday with relatives here. *, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. East were j in town Monday returning from \ ! the association at Snow Creek. I They left Monday afternoon for j their home at Winston. I Mr. George Cookers left test; | week for Roanoke, Va., where; 'he has accepted a position with ( | the N. & W. Ry. Co. Mr. R. W. Hedgecock of' j Winston spent the day in town ] I Friday. Mrs. W. G. Dodson and, daughter, Willie, left Monday, night for Pilot Mtn. where they j will spend some time visiting j relatives. j Dr. R. G. Tuttle spent the day j i Saturday at Winston. Mr. W. S. Vaughn has been suffering a great deal for the last ten days with rheumatism, I we are sorry to note. Little Miss Elizabeth Bailey! came in last Friday from High Point, where she spent the winter at school. Mrs. Lee Murray, who has been seriously ill with appendi-' citis for several days, was carried to St. Leo's hospital today to be operated on. She was accompained by Dr. R. G. Tuttle. Her many friends here hopa she may get along 0. K. ■ and soon return home fully re-' stored to health. Capt. R. L. Murphy made a : business trip to Greensboro j Tuesday. Mrs. R. G. Tuttle spent the; day today in (»reensboro. (lew Students Enter j School For Teachers The school here taught by! Prof. J. T. Smith is progressing nicely. Several new students have arrived this week, and more is expected. Those who have arrived since the last issue of the Reporter are as follows: ! i Miss Obeira Moore, of Cam- 1 pbell. Miss Irene Allen, of Walnut Cove. Miss Hester Wall, of Madison. Miss Wilmeta Smith, of King, i Miss Effie Gentry, of King. 1 Miss Harriet Ross, of Walnut ! Cove Route 1. Mr. Jesse Beasley, of Fran- i cisco. 1 Mr. A. S. Francis, of Fran- | cisco. j Mr. Joe Blackwall, of Pine , Hall. , DANBURY, N. C., MAY 21, 1913. PIEDMONT SPRINGS ' Season At Popular Resort Formally Opens On Sat urday, June 14, 1913. HOUSE PARTY COMING Popular Society Leader of Wins-! ton-Salem to Entertain Large Party of Friends at Hotel — Summer Camp of Greens boro Y. M. C. A. Boys to Arrive June II —The Orchestra Other Attractions. i The season at Piedmont Springs open'? on June 14, the date when , the orchestra and other attract j ions will have arrived. A most suc i cessful season is expected by the ! management. Guests are already being booked for June and July.; On June 20, Miss Anna Buxton. > the popular daw r of Mr. and Mrs. J C. B' v ' ... of Winston ; Salem, will v •• a house-party at the hotel to ;it.'>«•» 12 or 15 of her 'Viends, both ladies and gentle men. These guests will lie large ly from Winston-Salem, but several will be from other cities. I On June 11th to the 24th, the; l Oreensboro Y. M.' ('. A. boys' camp will be located at Piedmont. This camp will be in charge of Secretary E. W. Yergin, and ! will be comprised of about 40 of j the younger men of Greensboro, ; who will hunt, fish, bathe and: I play, and rest in their tents in the; j beautiful Piedmont woods. ! Mr. Herbert Thurston, of; ' Richmond, Va.. and Miss Harris,; lof Buffalo. N. Y.. will be again j , with the orchestra which means i that the high-class music which I ! has for the last two seasons been | j a very attractive feature of Pied-! | mont life, will be maintained. | The leader of the orchestra ! will be a violinist of eminent dis- i tinction from New York city. j A good many improvements ' will be made at the popular resort before the coming of the crowd, and a most pleasant sum mer is anticipated. Arrival Home of Mr. and nirs. C. R. floyles King Route 2, May 10. —Mr. Chas. R. Boyles and his bride, who were recently married at Mt. Airy, arrived at his father's home, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boyles, on : King Route 2 about 10:30 o'clock a. m. May 16. Upon their 1 arrival they were greeted by the immediate family and a host of friends and relatives. After conversing with friends for a while they were ushered into the dining room where a nice. | sumptuous dinner was prepared! for the occasion and also in honor : of the groom's birthday. Among those present were: Mr. and. Mrs. J. P. Covington, Mr. and J Mrs. R. R. Boyles, Messrs. T. W. Gentry, G. W. Smith and son, Ira, James Nelson: Misses Lillie. Daisy, Effie and Emma Gentry, Hattie Gibson. Mr. and'l Mrs. Boyles left Monday morn- s ing for Mt. Airy, where they; will make their future home. !] SCRIBBLER. ] Heath a Factor in Success. j t The largest factor contribut- c ing to a man's success in un- j ] doubtedly health. It has been' t observed that a man is seldom sick when his bowels are regular j —he is never well when they 8 are constipated. For constipa- 1 ] tion you will find nothing auite so good as Chamberlain' s Tablets. They do not only move the bowels J but improve the appetite and 1 strengthen the digestion. They are sold by all dealers. 1 DAMAGE BY STORM i heavy Rains Last Night Swelled the Streams. Destroyed Crops and Washed Away the Roads A Striking Example of the Folly of Money and Labor j Spent On the Shifting Sands | of Temporary Roads. i I I A very damaging freshet oc -1 curred last night, doing great \ destruction to farm lands, both : upland and bottom; washing i away the newly-planted fertilizer, land tearing great trenches I through freshly plowed lands. I Dan river was nearly as high I ,as in the great freshet of a few ; I weeks ago. Smaller streams j I were past fording. The mail man was unable to cross the, "Rierson" creek until late in the ! day, delaying the mail for Wal-I nut Cove several hours. Corn on bottom lands along j 1 the river and creeks is ruined to i a great extent, necessitating a second planting. The storm began about mid night. and heavy rains fell for several nurs through the night, being accompanied by electrical disturbances. Late-worked public roads are washed away. In many sections !of the county, stimulated by the I recent popular interest in good roads, there had been a marked t • improvement in all the roads., This work is practically destroy-! Ed, showing the transient effect l and the unwisdom of working roads in any but a permanent ; way—the labor having to be 'done over again after every | heavy rain, while roads that ■are built on correct principles 19tand up against the storms. I . j Marriage Licenses. Since the last issue of the Re | porter Register of Deeds Jno. U. ■ Morefield has issued marriage licenses for the following couples: Arthur George, 22, to Ida Tilley, 18. Weldon Hicks,' 21, to Milley Bullen, 15. I R. A. Morton to Ida A. Forest. Richard H. Morefield, 21, to Minnie Mabe, 17. | N. A. Morton, 29, to Mary Hutcherson, 17. E. F. Rhodes, 24, to Claudie Vernon, ID. I Chas, S. Rutledge, 23. to Annie F. Tuttle, 24. Bud Sott. 22, to Mallie Mar shall, 22. William Tilley. 21, to Mary M.! Tilley, 15. Wallace H. Webster, 37, to Mattie Southern, 25. COLORED. G. W. Daugon, 45, col., to Mary Stanfield, 27, 01. SANDY RIDGE. i Mr. Noah Priddy's Mules Frightened At Automo bile. Runs Away- Other Items. Sandy Ridge, May 19.—The j health of the community is not I so good at present. Rev. J. A. Joyce filled his regular appointment at Oak j Ridge Sunday. \ \ The Primitive Baptist associa- j tion was held at Snow Creek' church Saturday, Sunday and j Monday with a very large at tendance each day. Misses Ella and Ruth Wall j spent Saturday night with Misses Harriet and Fannie Wall. Mrs. Lev Alley, who has been 1 quite ill for some time, is much better. Mr. Moir Hawkins went to 1 Madison one day last week and got him a buggy, and while com ing home with it happened to get the shaves broken out. Messrs. Elias and Early Hawk ins and Misses Claudie and Grace Joyce and Ollie Martin spent Sunday at Mr. Bob Wrnon's. Mr. B. B. Oakley, of Winston, spent Sunday night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oakley. ' Mrs. Geo. Kallam spent Friday I and Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Walter Hawk ; ins Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shelton : visited at Mr. Paul Priddy's Sun ■ day. j While coming from the asso j ciation Sunday Mr. Noah Priddy's | mules became frightened at an automobile and ran away, but no j serious damage was done. uessthe farmers were glad to see the rain Friday and Satur day, as the crops were badly needing rain. JACK AND .10E. Red Shoals. Red Shoals, May 19.—The! health ot this community is not, so good at present, j Crops in this section are looking 1 fine since the rain. There has been some tobacco planted in this neighborhood. i j The children of Mr. J. G. H. : Mitchell are improving some, we are glad to note. Messrs. John and Elma Flinch- 1 ; um attended the association at Snow Creek Sunday. Report a large crowd and a nice time. Mr. and Mrs. Ham Flinchum attended the association Sun-; day. Mr and Mrs. Robt. Mitchell has a right sick child with pneu ! monia. Ihe family of Mr. J. M. Fagg is confined to their room from the effect of vaccination and hope they will soon be out again. Mr. Dillard Venable called on j Miss Sarah Smith Saturday night. I Mrs. M. T. Chilton is spending a week with her mother. Mrs. ! Adkins at Red Shoals. | A. Y. «. 1 | Pine Hall Items. | Pine Hall, May 20. —People are almost through planting corn through this section now. i Miss Nellie Flynn visited her 'sister, Mrs. C. H. Powell, at; ' Stokesdale last week. Dr. J. L. Hanes made a busi ness trip to Winston last week. Mr. J. C Flynn has; purchased a nice automobile, i Mabel, the little daughter of i •Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Berry, got i her arm broken last week, but i she is getting on very nicely. Mrs. W. L Hairston, who has been in Roanoke, Va. for some 1 time, returned to her home here last week- Misses Virginia Smith and Sudie Byerley of Madison, were the guests of Miss Effie Black- j well last week. Mrs. J. C. Flynn went to Madison shopping last week. Mr. J. T. Poindexter. of Wins- : ton was here last week. RED WING. Mr. Cephus Baker, of Mead ows Route 1, was in town today. Mr. Baker reports the land badly washed away in his sec tion by the heavy rainfall last night. Mr. Wm. Mounce was in town today looking rather sad- Most of his corn crop waa under water. No. 2,027 DOUBLE WEDDINGS ! Mr. R. A. Martin and Mrs. Ida E. Forrest and Arthur George and Miss Ida i! Tilley. BOTH IN ONE DAY Rev. Mr. Simmons Performed the Ceremony—A Good Rain Visit ed Quaker tiap Saturday. Westfield, May 20. - There ; was a good rain fell in this cnm ! munity last Saturday night. The I farmers planted some tobacco. '! Mr. R. A. Martin, of Smith, j and Mrs. Ida A Forrest, of this 1 ; community, were happily mar ried at the home of Rev. Mr Simmons on last Sunday, May 11. I Mr. Arthur George and Miss Ida Tilley of Brown Mtn. section, were happily married last Sun day, May 11. HAPPY HOOLIGAN. j Baseball News Wanted. I The Reporter is preparing to 1 give a good deal of space to the baseball players of Stokes coun ty this summer and will have to have some help in getting : all the games promptly every week. We would appreciate it very much if some one at every game would heep the score and send it to the Repor ter so that it would reach us not later than Tuesday. We will give every game a good write up. Letter From Alex FliDchum. Red Shoals. N. C Mr. Editor: ! I notice in your last issue that some smart man has told the Reporter that the registrars and judges of the Dillard precinct in the road election were not j sworn. As to my part I will answer for myself. Mr. .1. Wilson Mitchell will tell all about it. I refer you to him. thanking the smart man for his i kindness. I Yours truly, ALEX FLINCHUM. New Winston-Sab Mercantile Co. Chartered. Raleigh, May 17.—The Moore- I Newsome Co., of Winston- Salem, was chartered today to ] do a wholesale and retail : mercantile business. with i $25,000 authorized capital, j subscribed by R. A. Moore, F. I E Shore and J. F. Newsome. Best Medicine for Colds. I When a druggist recommends a remedy for colds, throat and lung troubles, you can feel sure that he knows what he is talking about. C. Lower, Druggist, of Marion, Ohio, writes of Dr. King's New Discovery: "I know I Dr. King's New Discovery is the i best throat and lung medicine I , sell. It cured my wife of a severe | bronchial cold after all other rem edies." It will do the same for you if you are suffering with a cold or any bronchial, throat or lung cough. Keep a bottle on hand all the time for everyone in the family to use. It is a home doctor. Price 50c and SI.OO. Guaranteed bv all dealers. FOR SALE Good second hand buggy. Cash or credit. CARLOS DAVIS, 13mav2t Danbury, N. C. Summer silks and lawns. Boy les Mercantile Co.

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