DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XL. HEWS OF KING Mr. Ive Gordon Recovering From Fractured Skull. MRS. W. G. WRIGHT ILL , $60,000 to $75,000 Worth of ( Fertilize Sold At King this Season. King, May 24.—Messrs. R. A. - and V. W. Newsom have re turned from Mt. Airy, where they went to visit their brother. Mr. Lum Newsom, who is very sick. Mr. Newsom moved from | this place to Mt. Airy several, years ago. His recovery is re-! garded as doubtful. Mr. Ive Gordon, who had his j skull fractured by getting hit j with a ball during a game of! baseball a few weeks ago, isj improving and it is thought now that he will recover. Mr. S. W. Pulliam has sold to V. T. Grabs the 135-acre farm j which he recently purchased: from C. 0. Schaub, for which Mr. Grabs pays $4,792.50. Mr. 0. S. Fulp, who is assign-' ed to the U. S. S. Franklin, U. S.; Navy, stationed at Portsmouth,, Va., is at home on a 10 days: furlough. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Tuttle| returned yesterday from a shop- j ping trip to Winston-Salem. Mr. C. A, White has purchas ed a half interest in the busi ness of I. B. Wall & Son. They expect to devote most of their time to the buggy repair busi ness. Mr. James R. Caudle has a child very ill with meningitis. Farmers in this section are about half through planting to baccco. Mrs. W. G. Wright, who has been seriously ill folr several days, remains unimproved. It is estimated that from $60,- 000 to $75,000 worth of fertilizer has been sold here this spring. Mr. L. R. Gravitt has purchas ed from Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rierson their 33-acre farm for which he paid $3,000. An Enjoyable Hay-Ride. The students of Prof. J. T. I Smith's school took an enjoyable hay-ride to Piedmont Springs Sat-: urday night. After arriving at the springs they all j decided to have a shen-dig, and i music was arranged and they all enjoyed an old time country j dance for a couple of hours. Those who went were: Misses Irene Allen, Ida Lee Wall, Lelia Boyles, Sadie Pringle, Mary Pringle, Annie Martin, Peaii Wall, Myrtice Simmons, Tracy Simmons; Messrs Joe Black well, Roscoe Chilton, Chas L Young, Cary Yuung, Chas Helsabeck, G C. Davis, Frank Tilley, J. (*• Mori-field, Walter Petree, and Burnie Culler Miss Hester Wall chaperoned the party. Death of the Wife Of Congress man Stedman. The many friends of Major Chas. M. Stedman in the county will be deeply pained to learn of the death pf his beloved wife which occured a few days ago. Mrs. Stedman had been in de clining health for several months, and her death was expected. LAWSONYILLE NEWS. | Much Visiting Ammng the| People of That Section, j Lawsonville, May 27. —Mrs. j Z. R. Sheppard is spending the! week with her mother, Mrs.j Smith, at Campbell. Miss Delia Martin spent Satur- j I day night with Miss Lucyi Lackey. Quite a large crowd attended divine services held at Snow, Creek church Saturday and Sun day. The services were conduct- , ed by Elders Collins and Cum-i, mings. Miss May Ayers returned home Sunday after spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. E. C. Shep pard. Mr. Charlie Joyce spent a short while in Lawsonville Sun day evening. Misses Lucy Lackey and Delia Martin are artending school at Danbury this week. Messrs. Monroe Fagg, »ilmer Nelson, Lester Smith and Gabe Hylton visited at Mr. W. H. Robertson's Sunday evening. Elders Collins and Cumtr.ii'gs preached at Mr. J >«• 1 A Shep-j pard's Saturday night. Quite j a large crowd went out to h'.-ar l them. Messrs, Rufus Ayers, Wheeler! ! Smith, and Roy Doss spent Sun ; day evening at Mr. Z. R. Shep ! pard's. Miss Lucy Lackey entertained j a few of her friends Saturday j night. Among them were Misses [Delia Martin and Erie Moore; Messrs. Gabe and Charlie Hyl ton, Frank and Wesley Pringle, Roy Martin and others. Mrs. E. C. Sheppard and Miss Hattie Shelton visited at Mr. J. i A. Sheppard's Monday evening. Miss Mary Jessup is spending this week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jessup, of West field, who are in very bad health. Mr. Homer Moore spent Fri day night at Mr. E. C. Shep pard's. Mr. Jim Newman spent a short; while at Mrs. Malissa Lawson's! Sunday evening. Misses May Ayers and Elsie' Sheppard visited Misses Clarie and Agnes Robertson Thursday. evening. Mr. E. C. Sheppard'went to i Danbury Saturday on business, j Elders Cummings and Collins spent Saturday night at Mr. J. j A. Sheppard's. Misses Onie, Paulie, Sarah and Mary Robertson spent a short while at Mr. E. C. Shep ! pard's Monday. Mr. Charlie Hylton visited at Mr. W. C. Moore's Sunday J ■ evening. Mr. C. H. Sheppard and son, j Rex. visited at Mr. J. A. Shep-! pard's Sunday. Rex has just re j turned from Whitsett Institute, j where he has been attending school. ! Mr. C. L. Sheppard lost a fine! milch cow Monday morning. Mr. Burke, traveling sales-! man of Winston-Salem, passed through Lawsonville Tuesday. Pine Hall. I Pine Hall, May 26.—Messrs. j J. C and Clarlie Flinn, Jim i Tickle and J. S. Gant went to Stokesdale on a business trip Saturday. Little Mabel Berry got her arm broke Tuesday. We hope . she will soon be well again. Mr. J. H. Brendall filled his regular appointment here Sun day morning. Wheat is looking fine in this 1 section. DANBURY, N. C., MAY 28, 1913. SHOOTING AFFRAVII i Hard Jarnes Has Bullet In j' His Arm As Result of Quarrel. DONE BY ED MOORE Trouble Occurred At Negro As sociation Near Prestonvllle J Last Sunday. Hard James of Dillard was shot in the arm in a fight with some negroes at a negro associa tion at near Prestonville last Sunday. The wound is r.ot ! serious. The one who is said to 1 have done the shooting is named Ed Moore. The particulars seem to bo that Moore was riding up and down the road recklessly, j and when cautioned bv some of j the bystanders, he cursed them.! James took up the quarrel, and! threw rocks. A !;irge crowd 1 was present. ' .arsis learned j no arrests w • made. : liari | ! Dillard. May 27. -We have j b en having plenty of rain the. j past few days. | Sunday school at Oak (irove; is progressing nicely under the management of Mr. Z. B. Mar-j tin. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. j C. Southern is very ill. Miss Delia Alcorn. Messrs.; Robert Alcorn, Hardy Johnson j and Grady Mitchell called on I Misses Minnie aod Bettie Roberts ' Sunday evening. Messrs. Banner Young and ! | Will Wood from near Hartman visited here Sunday afternoon. Among those who visited at Mr. J. E. Alcorn's Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Carter and little daughter, Irene, Mrs. P. H. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. J. T- Rothrock and little daughter, Myrtle, Misses Minnie and Bettie : Roberts. Messrs. Hardy Johnson, ;Grady Mitchell, Wade Duncan, | Mary and Horace Rothrock and I Herald Roberts. ! Misses Mallie and Lucy Young ■ visited the Misses Duncans Sun |day. Miss Bertha Ward has return jed home after spending a few weeks at Roanoke, Va., with : relatives. ! Miss Mary Sue Willis from near Walnyt Cove spent Satur day and Sunday with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. ! Mitchell of this place. Mrs. Arthur Powers of May- J odan is spending a few weeks I i with relatives here. Mr. C. W. Peebles spent Sat- j ! urday and Sunday with his here. Mr. Posie Key, of Pilot Mtn. spent last week with friends here. Several people from this at | tended the picnic at Pine Hall ; Saturday. Rev. Brendall will 1 fill his regular appointment at I Bethesda M. E. church Sunday j morning at 11 o'clock. R. ; Meeting el Union. | Mr. Editor : Please publish the following notice to the mem bers of Local Union No. 676 : Ore Hill local, you are hereby notified to meet on Saturday, May 31st, at 3 o'clock P. M. All members are earnestly re quested to meet promptly. H. H. REID, President. Summer dress goods, send for samples. Boyles Mercantile Co. H. W. KISER DEAD Passes Away in Greensboro Hospital Following In jury Sustained Monday. WEALTHY C I T IZ E N Mr. Kiser Was One of the Largest Land Owners of Yadkin Township, and Was Worth a Good Deal of Money. Mr. Henry W. Kiser, of King Route 1, died in a Greensboro hospital Tuesday, probably fol lowing an operation. This news was brought to Dan bury today by Mr. Thos. B. Smith of King Route 2, who wis here to bring his daughters, Misses Har.tie and Clemmie, to school. Mr. Smith informed the Reporter I that the most reliable informa- I tion he could gather with-re j ference to Mr. Kiser's death was , that it was a result, of an ac cident sustained in the side while plowing Monday. Upon , Dr. Tiilotson's advice. Mr. Kiser was carried to the hospital, jHe was brought home dead to- I day. Mr. Kiser was one of the largest landholders of Yadkin j township, and was also probably (worth a good deal of money. |He was aged about 65 years, land is survived by quite a family. i Sandy Ridge. Sandy Ridge, May 26.—Farm ers are getting a large crop of tobacco set out. There was a large rainfall in this section Tuesday night of last week doing a lot of damage on creeks and washing away much land. Miss Sarah Oakley conducted prayermeeting at Delta Sunday night. Quite a crowd was out. Mr. S. R. Ward visited re latives and friends at Ayersvi He Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. J. W. Ward spent Satur day night at Mrs. J. "w. Joyce's. Mrs. Robt. Francis and Miss Mallie Hill of Francisco spent last Sunday night at Mr, W. T. Ward's. Quite a crowd of both white and black attended the colored baptising near Mr. John Shelton's Sunday morning. J. E. W. j A Ploy To Be Presented In The ! Junior Hall At Walnut Cove j ly The Kernersville Dramatic I Club. The four act rural play, | "Home Ties," will be presented iin the Junior Hall Friday night, ;by the f Kernersville Dramatic i Club, for the benefit of the Walnut Cove High School. The play is under the management jofJ. Irving Bolt, and has been i presented twice in Kernersville, i and once in VValkertown and i always to packed houses. 1 ! When you have a bad cold you ; want a remedy that will not j not only give relief, but effect a ' I prompt and permanent cure, : a remedy that is pleasant to ' take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on nature's plan, relieves the lungs, aids expect toration, opens the secretions and restores the system to a healthy condition. This jemedy has a world wide sale and use. ■ and can always be depended • upon. Sold by all dealers. WALNUT COVE ROUTE I. Baseball Game June 7th —Vari- ous Other News Items. Walnut Cove Route 1, May 2G. Rev. (>lenn filled his regular appointment at Rose Bud last third Sunday at eleven o'clock. Mr. Thomas Tuttle, of High Point, is visiting friends and relatives in Stokes this week. Mrs. S C- Montgomery is very sick at present with appendicitis, we are sorry to note. The Sunday School at Rose Bud is progressing nicely under the efficient supervision of Mr. W. E Butner The Hill Top and Rural Hall baseball teams will cross bats on the latter's ground June 7th. This promises to be the best game of the season, for Rural Hall has a strong team, while the visiting team will have Mr. Chas. Tuttle, the star pitch of the Rose Bud team, to do the twirling fur them The little daughter of Mr. John Butner is right sick at this writing Misses Sadie and Glenn Tuttle visited Misses Susie and Ida Bowman Saturday and Sunday. Misses Bitha Lovell and Fannie Davis visited Mr. C. F. Smith's Sunday afternoon. Misses Canie and Martha Rut ledge, Dora Tuttle and Paulina Smith visited Misses Minnie and Mamie Wood Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Gray Rutledge and, George Tuttle visited Mr. A. A. Miller's Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young visited Mr. Thomas V\ung's Sun day. Mr. Eck Wood, of High Point, is visiting friends and relatives here this week. Rev. Rothrock filled his regular appointment at Chaffin school houfe Sunday at 11 o'clock. R S. W. POLLY MOSER. Polly Moser, daughter of Peter Moser, was born July Ist, 1838, Nov. 10th, 1911, aged 73 years, 4 months and 9 days. She was married to John W. Edwards March 4th, 18G0, who preceded her to the grave about 24 years. She joined the M. E. church south when about 20 years of age at Ebenezer, and lived a consistent member until her death. She leaves two sons, one daughter, 15 grand children and a large number of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. She was sorely afflicted for some years, which she bore with patience, and resignation to the Lord's will. It was her request that the writer should conduct her funeral service. It was so, owing to previous engagements, that he could not do so on the day of the burial, hence arrange ments were made, and her desire was carried out at Chest nut (irove M. E. church on the second Sunday in May. May the Lord bless and comfort the sorrowing ones; and may each and all be prepared for a happy reunion in Heaven. P. OLIVER. We offer you So Uueen, Nancy Hall. Early Red, and other varieties sweet potato plants, *1.50 per thousand, thousand, lots or over, $1 25 per thousand all f. o. b., Hickortf. Send us your orders. HICKORY SEED CO. Hickory, N. C- It. Daisy middlings. Boyles Mer cantile Co. No. 2,028 SURPRISE WEDDING Mr. Oscar Creson And Miss Emma Bennett Wed On Germanton Route 2, CROPS VERY GOOD Dalton, The Five Year Old Child Of Mr. And Mrs. Luther Fowler, Dead —Other News Of Qerman ton Route 2. Uermanton, Route 2, May 27. Mr. Oscar Creson and Miss i Emma Bennett surprised their many friends by getting married Sunday. They drove to the home of Rev. R. W. Crews and were I quietly married in the presence of a number of friends. Miss Ada Crews at the piano played softly Lohengrin as the bridal party entered the parlor, which was beautifully decorated for the ! occasion. Rev. Crews took his place, next came Mr. C. E Marshall, of Dennis, as best man, | with Miss Alma Crumpler, of :*ermantor, as maid of honor. The bride is an attractive and popular young woman, while the groom is a splendid young man of noble character and holds a responsible position as manager of a large farm for Mr. R. .1. Bowen. Both bride and groom are the happy possessors of al ! most countless friends who wish ! for them much happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Creson will make their home in Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fowler, of Winston-Salem, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. B. F. Fowler. Mrs. I. T. Crumpler is visiting relatives in Winston this week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Flynt spent Sunday with Mrs. Flynt's sister, ; Mrs. Slate, near King. ' Mr. and Mrs. Rober Caudle's ; twins have been seriously ill the j past week, but have improved a ! little for the last few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lewis I spent Sunday with Rev- R. W. i Crews. | The Sunday School at Red Bank is getting better. We have good singing and large crowds, i but still there is room for others. ' Rev. L. W. Burrus will fill his regular appointment at Red Bank : first Sunday in June. There will ibe a communion service just ; after the sermon, and a large I crowd is expected. Dalton, the little son of Mr. J and Mrs. Luther Fowler, was ■ buried at Saiem Chapel May 24. Dalton was a beautiful little boy and unusually bright and in -1 telligent He was noted for his kindness He was five years old. j ' | 5100 Seward, 5100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is ! at least one dreaded disease that . science has been able to cure in : all its stages, and that is Catarrh. ( j Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only ] positive cure now known to the 1 medical fraternity. Catarrh be ' ing a constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of . the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its I work. The proprietors have so much faith-in its curative powers ' that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testi monials. Address: F. J. Cheney &Co. t Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation