DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XL. fHE NEW SCHOOL LAW [Drastic Changes Take Place, 1 In the Public Educaiion al System. STATE WITHDRAWS '\nd Leaves Stokes County Alone , , / , to Bear Its.Burdens of Taxation. In a Sense. But for Our Good —Compulsory Law In Effect—School to Open October 1 and Run Six Months. * In accordance with laws passed Iby the last legislature some in teresting and important changes i are to take place in this county 'soon with reference to the pub i lie schools, and taxation. At the impeting of the board of county commissioners here Monday these matters came up. when the Superintendent of Education, f'Prof. J. T. Smith, submitted to the board the estimated appropri ation of extra tax money which , the people will have to pav in order to bring the schools up to the status required by the State. This appropriation will amount to 15 cents on property and 45 cents on the poll. Previously th® State had paid this money, i bi:t now the county must bear its own burden and must increase K i;- allowance for the education >t' t!v "ohi'dren in order to bring i e \'• l v .'l'oui up to a four-months o 'i : ■ ' when we do this, the S vi 'urnish the cash i" 'V ; : »onths longer, thus rgivi:; " . ■: strict a six-,ninths school In • on to t! is iunox i tion. •.. . " mak *s ;t the d'.i'y i " as- a whole to p•" ' 1 i choi .1 taxes. T!o:s *Stt v • • must hear *tl ,vp n • rh schools [at King. .v nit Cow iand I'ii- ' ; i ay yon look at it. : is ;• ii "dship on the do;. ' - .i • : ii :• ■? no high sdrul-. iiut at th.si i.igh schools, AU •*!«! of KC1IO:I| .TO in the county may havo twitioi I free of c'nir while »rh ■"• t h jtricts who wish t« come into the advantages oi' tin'high s-hools may do so. by compiyirg wit 11 , the State's requirements. as King. Pinnacl •, VV dnut Cove and Pi re Hall have done. The new compulsory education law goes into effect immediately, J and Prof. Smith informs ih-» Reporterthe that law will req.iir* * all children of Bto 12 years of age to attend the publi" school -, from the beginning of the term, for a peri>)l ot' four months Sickness, living more th in 1 1- ? miles from a school buil ling and severe storms, are aniontr the excuses that will relieve a elti .! from complying with th— law. but the discretion i left wi'h a district suparintendent, wh; must pass on such matters, ■ and whose duty shall bo to pros ecute those who fail to obev. the new law's provisions. In 1 case of sickness, the child must l have a physician's certificate. In order that the full six , months term may be effected,' [ Much Sickness Around Meadows--Other News of ; Interest. Meadows. -liine 4. Will, the son of Mr. Ben Smith, fell from a tree and broke his : arm Sunday. His arm was set by I)r. J. W. Neal, and is get ting along nicely- Mr C. E. Neal, who has been ! spending a few days at his home, | left for Winston Thursday. Mr. Peter Mounce. who has ' been ill for some time with ap- i I pendicitis, is some better we ?re' glad to note. Mrs. Rosa Covington and I friends, of Winston, spent Sun day with relatives here. Master Lee Cromer, who has been critically ill for some time with peretinitis is improving rapidly. William, the little son of Mr. R. W. Sands, had the misfortune of getting one of his toes mashed off while playing with a bicycle last week. Mr. Robt. Neal spent Sunday with Mr. Joe W. Neal, ofMi/.pah Route I. Mrs. A. L. Lewellyn and little son, Alexander, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Neal. ! Mr. Alex Lewellyn, who has been sick for some time, is no better, we are sorry to note, i Mr. -I H. Neal, who has been complaining with rheumatism for the «>nst week, is some . bettrr. Mr Robert Neal. who has been in school sit Whitsett 't «iitute, r.'turned home Wednes day with his diploma. The infant child of Mr K'dri ■ flicks hs>* boon hot : s hot ter (it this writing. Mr lim M. ;thews, who !i;.s been coniinod to his boil with, mumps. is some better. Mr. Ollie Hicks, who has beer sick for the pu«t week. is up again. Mr. Obe Young and familv, of Danbury Route 1. spent Sunday with Mr. J. Wm. Morefield. Mr. Morefield has a very sick baby, i Mrs. J. W. Neal and daughter, | Thelma, attended the Salem com mencement this week. Mrs. Hattie Simmons, who has heon visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cole man. has returned to her home at Winston-Salem. Oil Mrs. Biddie Glidewell, who has been low for a fe\£ weeks, is improving rapidly. Mr. Percy Wall, who has been in scho-.l at Tinsley Military Institute at Winston-Salem, has returned home. » Mr. and Mrs. Pari Wall moved] to Kn.r last week, where Mr. Will is in th* liv.-rv business. Mr. nnd Mr.; W. R. Stephens, of Walnut C>v >, Sunday with hi s m >tlv»r Dtisv middlings. Doyba Mer cantile Co. Summer dress goods, send for ! samples. Boyles Mercantil» Co. . I i the schools will open a good deal' | earlier this year than formerly, and the first Mond ty in October will probably b* fix»l by the board of e lucati >n for the open ing of the public schx>ls. DANBURY, N. C., JUNE 4, NO BONOS TILL FALL County Commissioners Decide On September I As the Date Of Issue. TAX RATE IS FIXED ! Meadows Will Have the Highest and Danbury the Lowest- No Levy Arranged to Take Care of the Extra School Cost, Which Will Probably Not Be Necessary. j No bonds for road building Jin Stokes county will he issued until September 1. This de j cision was reached by the board lof county commissioners, who 'were in session for two days here this week, fixing the new tax rate and attending to other matters with reference to Stokes 'finances. A number oi citizens appeared before the board with the view of inducing them to issue the bonds now, according t> the former order of the board ,and the pre-re" a nged plans. Mr. Chap IVv'» '.einier, chair man of the .rd. was warmly favorable t i >» idea of issuing i now. and pu.vu .g forward the iwork, but the other members. Messrs. Fagg ami Owens, took the view that it would be wiser to wait until September 1, so that when the interest on the bonds becomes due, six months ! after their issue, there may be the wherewithal to pay it. It was argued by those who wished immediate action that delay would mean no roads for another year, while it would seriously I dampen good roads sentiment in I I the other townships. They m- I sisted that more than nine j tenths of the people were in i favor of immediate action. | Banks with which the bond , money would be deposited would i gladly pay interest from the > date of the deposits, while many persons would pay their taxes before December 1, Moreover, an act of the legislature could be secured at the next meeting lof the General Assembly to allow the Sheriff to collect the road taxes* earlier, in order to r.v»t the interest dues. The commissioners could hold hack enough of the funds which they would have in hand from the proce. is of the bond issue to mot-t t interest payments that might mature before the act of the legislature was secured, or if ueeess. rv, r, any event the •commissioners could borrow the money if they needed it. But after cansiderat.on, the majority of the commissioners declined to take any hasty action, and on ■the ground that future trouble might be avoided, as the same ►difficulty might, be met with year after year, the bonds run ! ning not for one year but for ;30 years, the decision was made ■to issue the bonds on the first of September. In the mean time t»he township commissioners can go ahead and make neces sary arrangements about the surveys, letting the roads to contractors, etc., while the at torney for the commissioners, Mr. N. O. Petree. will proceed to have the engravings made for . the bonds, etc. No arrangements were made by the board for taking care of the extra school taxes which the people must pay in order to bring the schools up to the four month period required by the .! State. It is probable that this [will not be necessary, owing to the natural increase in the tax able property of the county, which will meet the new burden. The general tax levy was fixed the same as last year, while the special road and school levy was arranged as follows : Special School Tax. Pinnacle district, 30 cts. on property and 90 cts. on poll. King district. 30 cts. on ! propety and 90 cts. on poll. Walnut Cove district, 30 cts. lon property and 90 cts. on the ; poll. Mtn. View district, 30 cts. on property and 90 cts. on poll. Pine Hall, district, 30 cts. on property and 90 cts. on poll., The general levy was the same as last year.' | Road Tax. IIO3ACGO UNO CORN > I Crop Prospects In Stokrs County Were Never Brighter at this Sea son of the Year. jTOBACCO CROP SI 7 T i Nearly All thi? Farm.-ri arc Pin , ishinif Up their Plant Setting —Corn is Loakin; Fine. ; While t'le Wheat Turn out is Exp;ct?d t-> Break ; The l?ect»rJ— Hay an J Oats (ioi:d. \ efeta 11 hies a Little Hn: i Plentiful, an J i Fruit About an Average. i If present pr wp?c'.s continue ( j some ten or twelve weeks. , ! perity will be rampant in Stoke* r county this fall. Crop prospects v.vre never ■ brighter at this season of *he yenr. » (Jood showers ar.d tin huiulv ; tob:teco-planters, which now a!- • most all farmers own. haw «• •:- > abl j d the tobacco grower.- P set , out something like three-fourths ? of the supply of plants, whip I' i« j - i '• impel* supply this tiyif. The • .low settings are doing wvli. am! r many fields hive beer worked I on* or twice. Mi re lertili/f: ■ ivi.- I>v-i n .is-.ti by a fourth t!*.:•. . ever latere, tvi.h ~n sea s i the crop ijiiii-iiii I! : .. ■ , | oats are : late but o.u'is! i'i'.r v.m. .;m is about nil a\ eratrt The wheat cr >. i - . • - largest and best ii I: Ii- • the county. I Taken all in all, ira • plentiful this fall. I . farmer : ilends ari • i stuff to l>: injr it in. ! Gideon. i lied Shoals, Jui; Ila i health of this commmity i.- i at this writing. ( j Messrs. J. G. H. i'itcheii and f '\V. M. Flynt went to Walnut 'Cove Monday on business. The wheat crop in this sectio; 1 is real good and will soor be; . ready for harvesting. Tlie ice cream suppu at Gideon Saturday night was at tended by a large crowd and was ' enjoyed by all. Mr. John Bennett is confined I'to his room yet. we are sorry to note. There will be an ice. cream . supper at Dillard next Saturday night, June 7. Every body is , cordially invited to come. ' The Sunday school at 1 >avis i Chapel is progressing nicely -with 1 about 4> on roll. There will be preaching at Davis Chapel next Sunday at i 11 o'clock. Those who visited Miss Borchie Dunlap Sunday were Miss Bessie I Martin, Messrs. Claud Rhodes. , Elma Flinchum and Rober Flynt. • ; Those who Visited Misses Sadie l and Bessie Mae Flinchum Sunday [were Messrs, Russell Reid. Hard I James. Everett Lawson. Rober , I Carey and Fuller Flynt. I Mr. C. Davis called on Miss | Nannie Pitzer Sunday as usual. > ! A. Y. (I. I i II Sauratown township. :*•" cts. : on property and sl.ll. on poll. Meadows township. 4u cts. on : property and #1.20 on poll. * Danbury township. cts. on property and $1.05 on poll. The Etude Music Club Meets With Miss Petree The Etude Musical Club, ac- \ cording to adjournment, met with Miss Sadie Petree Friday evening, May 30. I Guiseppe Verdi was the com-j poser studied, and after the re- 1 ports of the Treasurer and Sec-| rotary the following p ogramme >cas effectively rendered : Piano Solo - "Quartet from Rigoletto Yerid" Miss Mary Taylor. Reading —Robert Joyce. Piano Solo—Kdith Fa^g. Instrumental Duett—"Crown of Triumph,"- Misses Janie and i Agues Martin. Reading—Miss Mamie Cul ler I instrumental Duet—"Triumph al March from Aida"—Verdi, j .Misses Mary Taylor and Mary Joyce. I'iano Solo— "Meditation,"— Miss Raynor Joyce. Reading —Miss Janie Martin. Instrumental Duet - "In Testal Arra;.," - Misses Sadie Petree atui Mary Martin. ' I'iano Soio - "II Trovatore," \ e:_'ii. Miss Nell Joyce. Trio .Misses Mary Joyce. Marv an i Luna Tavlor. \ ocal Solo Miss Mary Joyce. After the programme 'lie mem- U-r- were given fifteen minutes f« a contest which had been prei a red by the committee. This ' •!;' est consisted of ten questions and the answers to which wetv "lit na'">.'s ».f musical composers. T»ie prize w is awarded to Misses Marv Taylor and Mary Mar tin I'■dicious cream., garnished • vst: strawberries, and wafers • then S 'rvod by the hostess. T ie next ni"eting of the Club ii! be June 1'!, at the home '• At die Blair. Marriage at Dillard. I I'." 1 -!l'.||. |l|o.«t • I ' •••'• - - 1 1.1 1..> i : . 'i 'I I 111 . 11l I M i»!» Alvi> 1• ■ »i! - i i r.'ii' i ?*»*! ft I ' ' ... I -I .• . ! > I . : • Wll.i" : •' ? .. Til • ...lit I|is -p 111 \V' . • i ' II I :i I'll I \> ■ . i • \ . i 1 • . I i • !.. • ; 111 •« ••! i ii ■; ■ i «i •; - i i i 1 •!• r i\ I-.I • . \ 1 M ■ i :•••■• • - 1,.i rll \ oil • i i .-■• HI I 1 •iou-i i :iI, .. 'n '• , .u i. !. Wi ll; v* - . . > I; 11. h .. '! I.y till •' I iII to Mi. .-i in I • - !' \| ~ i l:i '■l! I\ . 11. I '.'trii l- 11| .i I j;.i 11 . I -'I on spent uikl;l.\ .-i• Mr- 11. it i i i i- i'V. Ml-ses Minnie nml |: j« ■ ■; ■!h-im ml In-other. liei'iilil. Njirlil .'mi ml.i'. .it'li-riiooii with tholr Mi> P. II « arter. IS. I' I.( ERS AND SKIN TROUBLS. It' you are suffering with any old. running or fever sores, ulcers, boils, eczema or other skin troubles, get a box of Buck len's Arnica Salve and you will get relief promptly. Mrs Bruce Jones, of Birmingham, Ala., suf fered from an uglv ulcer for nine months and Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured her in two weeks. Will help you. Only 25c. Recom mended by all druggists. Error Corrected. I n the last issue of the Report er Mr. S. A. Smith advertised that his son had left home with out cause, and forbade the public to harbor the boy. In setting up 1 the ad. the printer made the mistake of giving Mr. Y. S., Smith's name instead of S. A. Smith, the father of the boy. The readers of the Reporter will note the correction. EDITOR REPORTER. Wonderful Skin Salve. Bucklen's Arnica Salve is known everywhere as the best remedy made for all diseases of the skin, and also for burns, bruises and boils. Reduces in ?i limitation and is soothing and healing. T. Sossaman, pub lisher of News, of Cornelius, N. C.. writes that one box helped his serious skin ailment after other remedies failed. Only 25c. Recommended "by all dealers. No. 2.029 SANDY RIDGE AFFAIR I i Claude Hutche.rson Arrested and Placed Under SI,OOO Bond Charged With Seduction. MISS CLARA TILLEY Popular and Attractive Daughter ; of Mrs. I.ula Hutcherson the Woman Concerned—Pro found Sensation Cre ated in the t Neighborhood. A sensational affair developed at Sandy Ridge last Sunday when j Mr. Claude Hutcherson, a popu lar and well known young busi | ness man of Madison, wasarrest iedona warrant sworn out by ]Mr Ben Tilley charging the defendant with seduction of Miss Ciar.i Tilley. Hutcherson was brought from Madison iii an automobile by Officer Walker of j Mayodan 'oven a preliminary ; hearing before Jus tic of the Peace • A Hutcherson. the de fendant was placed under a bond of *l,(i(i(i, which was signed by several of his friends. Miss Tilley. the allege I victim ;of Hutcherson. recently gave birth to a child. She is a very attractive and popular young lady of Sandy Ridge, and is a daughter of Mrs. I.ula Hutcher son, v.ho was formerly Mrs. Tilley. Both tht* parties concerned belong t.. prominent s .if Si'.o>v C;v ■!;' ••.vnship. Mr Hutcherson w...' form !y R. F. i> carrier of Sr.ixly Ridge lil'lt '»•- 1 "ii ;.s Miss I'.il-'V able i" . M- i ,u r i.o:r.e th «. i'endant ..11 • iv n a iurtlivr hearing Justice W . K Wi!l:>. • M-ui'tiu promii. 'in.oand iiu pop ilarii* of th ■ ];arn •: con ivP'-.'u. I lie all'air i iis created a •rofoun.i sensati' n throughout .he Ridge community. Cultivators. Bo.\les Mercan tile Co. Sews of Gideon, Gideon, June 2 —Mr. Walter Mitchell, Jr.. and family visited iat Mr. W. J. Flvnt's Sunday. Among those that visited at Mr. W. M. Flynt's Sunday after noon were: Mrs. B. J. Martin and daughter. Miss Annie, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Martin, Mrs. Bobbie Dunlap. Misses Berchie Dunlap and Avis Dunlap and Bessie Martin: Messrs. Elmer Flinchum, Chud Rhodes, Robah Flynt and Robert Carter, i Mr. and Mrs. H. C Martin ■ visited Mr. and Mrs .T, F. Dun lap Sunday. Mr. Fuller Flynt carried Misses Quincy and Myrtle Shelton to Buffalo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Hawkins Sunday. A large crowd attended the ice cream supper at this place Satur day night. There is to be an ice cream ; supper at Dillard Saturday even -1 ing. Everybody is invited to at j tend. Messrs. J. G. H. Mitchell and IW. M. Flynt have gone to Wal nut Cove on business this week. SCRIBBLER, Terra-cotta for well?. Boyles Mercantile Co.