xne picture snows Jonn oinipeun. OI Drown s »> arenouse, Yvinsion; w. n. oternberger, President of the Revolution Cotton Mills, and Lesley Meador, - i Burlington, on the brink o Moore's Knob. / LOCAL mi HEMS m Mr. J. J. Priddy was here to day from Route 1. Mr. N. 0. Petree and son, Walter, visited Walnut Cove Tuesday. Mr. E. P. Pepper made a business trip to Winston-Salem' Saturday. Mrs. Nannie McO»ee, of Hern don, West Virginia, is visiting relatives here this week^ Mr. William Shelton, of Dan bury Route 1, was a visitor in town Monday. Mr. J. M. Neal, of Walnut Cove Route 3, spent a short while in town on business Tuesday. Mrs. J. Spot Taylor and little daughter, Mattie Sue, visited friends and relatives at Mount Airy Friday and Saturday of last week. | Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Murray, of Mayodan, visited Mrs. Murray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Covington, here Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. Jones & Isom, Livery men at Walnut Cove, lost a fine horse Friday evening. The cause of the horses death was from' being overdrove to a load 1 of lumber. ~~ ■■" - "r" ll|^^^|^9B^^^A..' * ■■« II ill nil rt .., • . Sandy Ridge Rout* 1. Sandy Ridge, June 9.—Rev. T. J. Folger filled his regular appointment at Delta church' Sunday afternoon. Quite a small crowd was o(|t, owing to the bad weather. i Rev. Charlie Wall will preach at Delta church next Sunday evening at 3 o'clock. Mr. James Carter continues 1 quite ill. ; Mr. Elliott' Hawkins is right sick at present. c Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hawki.is visited at Mr. J. W. Murphy's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkins visited Mrs. Hawkins' mother, Mrs. Emma Hill, Saturday and| Sunday. I Mr. J. W. Murphy visited Mr. James Carter Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hawkins I visited Mr. Hawkins' sister, Mfß. Dave Hawkins, Saturday night Mr. Will Murphy, of Moore's Springs, visited his sistjr, Mrs. L. E. Morefield, Sunday. Messrs. Roy and Charlie Oakley filled their regular ap pointment at Mr. J. D. Steele's! Sunday afternoon. Messrs. H»rd and Watt-Hutch- j ens, of Syray, visited their father-in-lav, Mr. Bill Wool Sunday. Mrs. Peter Martin and daugh- THE DANBURY REPOkTtsK ters, Misses Fannie and Bonnie, visited her son, Mr. Bud Martin, at Mayodan Saturday and Sun day. ! Mrs. Lindsay Alley, who has been ill for some time, is still unimproved. ; Mr. John Murphy called to sei' Miss Ella Rhodes on Madison Routt- 3 Sunday P. M. Those who visited Misses , Mary and Nina Steele Sunday .evening were Messrs. Speed Mabe, Ott Wall. Sam Taylor, ! Swanson and Willie Moore, Elias 1 Hawkins. Roy Dillion, Roy and Charlie 0 ikley. Miss Ella Wall; Messrs. Sam Taylor and Carl Mabe visited I Misses Edna and Ida Hawkins Sunday. I Prayermeeting at Delta Sun -1 day nitfht was conducted by Mr. Cleveland Carter. JACK AND JOE. Dynamite. Boyles Mercantile Company. Slippers, slippers, slippers. Boyles Mercantile Co IF YOUR CHILDREN ARE DELICATE OR FRAIL under-tizt or ander-weight remember — Scott'* Emuluon is nature's grandest growing food; it strengthens their bones, makes healthy blood and pro motes sturdy growth. Scott & Bowne, Bloom 6cld. N. J. IJ-J7 BERMJIVTim SOCIAL; AFFAIRS •' • ii > i : •• Mrs. R.- L» Tattle Entertains —The Young People Playing Tennis and Dancing. Gerpanton, June 9. —Mr. S. C. Hill and Mrs. W. L. Chaffin and Mrs. L. M. McKenzie are on the sick list this wteek. Mr. Joe Poindexter and Miss Lillie Smith were united in mar ! raiage last week, Mr. Joe West ' moreland officiating. Mrs. Zack Marshall and Mrs. J. H. Mclver, of Winston-Salem, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Jettie Vaughn. Mr Claude Marshall and Miss ; Eunice Mclver were in the city I Friday afternoon. Prof. M, F. Longhurst, at ; present of Winston-Salem, spent I Friday in Germanton in the inter i est of his music class. Mr. P. A. Petree returned from Jefferson College, Phila delphia, Pa., last week. Miss Maude McGee, who is a graduate of the Class of 1913, and Miss Getrude Phoenix have returned home from Salem Academy and College, Winston- Salem. Mr. Jno. G. Fulton, of Walnut Cove, was here yesterday. Mr. Geo. H. Charles, who is t engaged in the lumber business > at Ellerbe, N. C., is spending a few davs with his family. Mr. Claude Transou was in ' town Saturday in the interest of • Vaughn & Co. Mr. Hauser, who is a represen tative of E R. Messick & Co., j was a business visitor the past ' j week. | Mr. R. J. Petree passed through } i Sunday en route to Walnut Cove. V Mr. C. M. Petree spent Sunday with-relatives of this place. 3 MY. J. C. Carson went to | Greensboro Saturday on busi ness. ' i Mr. H. McGee made a business | 1 trip to Winston-Salem Thursday i Captain J. D. Powers, who has been spending a vacation | with his family, left for his work Sunday. ' Mrs. J. C. Carson and children visited Pilot Mtn. the past week. Mr. J. W. Kurfees spent Sun day with his family here. Miss Mary Matthews attend ed the Salem College commence ment and returned home Tues day. Mrs. R. L. Tuttle entertained Mesdames Jettie Vaughn, J. H Mclver and Laura Marshall at dinner Monday evening. The young people of German ton are amusing themselves now a days by playing tennis and attending the dances which are Riven weekly by the Ger manton German Club. S. M. Rural Hall. Rural Hall, June 11.—The wheat crop is looKing fine in this section. The most of the farmers in this section are about through planting tobacco. Miss Maude Merritt visited Miss Eleie Bennett Sunday. Miss Alice Edmonds spent last Saturday and Sunday with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ed monds and Misses Elsie Bennett and Maud Merritt will leave in a few days for Moore's Springs where they will spend some time. Mr. Robert Merritt visited at Mr. Charlie Browder's Sunday. Mr. Jesse Bennett spent Sun day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tandy Bennett. LONELY KID. Daisy middlings. Boyles Mer cantile Co. Since the last issue of the Re porter Register of Deeds John G. Morefield has put on record tha following real estate transfers: Mrs. Elmira Young to Jno. W. Young, 44 acres, consideration SI,OOO. Thos. J. Ri arson to L. R. Gra vitt, 39 acres, consideration S3OO. T. Jeff Boles to W. T. Tuttle, 6 6-10 acres, consideration 566. Roscoe C. Gann to R. P. Law son, 19 3-10 acres, consideration $1,500. ' J. H. Covington to P. R. Boyles, 2 3-4 acres, consideration $145. S. W. Pulliam to V. T. Grabbs, ; $139 1-3 acres, consideration \ $4,750. W. A. Bennett to Zack Ben-, nett, 100 acres, consideration I $275. FOR SALE. One farm In Lee county of 112 acres line land with :$0 acres under cultiva tion, practically level with nice five room farm house, splendid liarn and outbuildings and within one iulle of two of the largest rallwav systems In the South. Price $1750.00. Wtlh terms. One farm In Harnett of 113 acres wltli about 50 acres ojien. This land Is beautifully situated on the National Highway within one-half mile of the town of Olivia. Soli Is sandy loam, very productive anil easy to culture. A splendid old time five-room farm house with barn and orchard. Price $3500.00. With terms. The above two farms are special offerings that must l>e sold. Each of them are priced far below value. Can offer any site farm desired Improved or unimproved sand or clay soil. Also I have a number of nice village homes carrying five, ten or twenty acres of nice land suitable for truckers or small farmers that I can offer at Interesting prices. No healthier place in the State than in the long leaf pine belt. We need tobacco farmers. It Is easier to cultivate three acres here than one In hill country. •*J4t W. J. OLIVK, Olivia. N. The Best Automobile IN THE WORLD IS TheHUPMOBILE Can Climb any Hill in Stokes County. DR. J. A. ROACH, Agent MADISON, N. C. WOOD MOWERS, RAKES, ROOF PAINT, STAG PAINT, OILS, ETC. Keiger's Store, N IN C G 27m2w • When in Winston on Business or Pleasure, Call at O'HANLON'S DRUG STORE. If you are in need of anything in the drug line. Always the largest stock of drugs in Winston to select from. Also the greatest assort ment of PERFUMES, TOIL ET ARTICLES,HAIRBRUSH ES and bristle goods. O'HANLON'S Is the place to buy. W. G. Slate to J. T. Watkins, 40 acres, consideration S9OO. William G. Slate to Dr. J. W. Slate, 48 1-2 acres, consideration $750. A. P. Stephenson to the Trus tees of the Quaker Gap Baptist church, 1-4 acre, consideration $25. Mattie Martin and T. A. Mar tin to L. S. Amos, 45 acres, consideration S9OO. Walter M. Flynt to Hugh O. Heath, 158 acres, consideration 82,500. Hugh O. Heath to Joel H. Fulton, 50 acres, consideration $1,200. J. B. Woodruff to Joel H Ful ton, I lot, consideration S7OO. J. (J. H. Mitchell to Walter M. Flynt, 14G acres, consideration $2,500. Joel H. Fulton to J. G. H. Mitchell, 5 34-100 acres, con sideration $2,500. Cure for Stomach Disorders. Disorders of the stomach may be avoided by the use of Cham berlain's Tablets. Many very remarkable cures have been effected by these tablets. Sold by all dealers.