DANBURY REPORTER"' VOLUME XL. DAVE JOYCE NIPPED Officers Finally Nab One of the Slickest Moonshiners in the Woods. HE IS NOW IN JAIL Including Dave Sheriff Slate Has All the Necessary Equipment For a Doubling. While not soliciting any orders, Sheriff Slate is certainly in position to make some good real old-fashion moonshine should the notion ever strike him to make a doubling. He has the equipment, complete, including a copper still, plenty of water and corn meal, and a real live stiller. Dave Joyce, who has been wanted by the officers, both national and State, for some months, was captured Thursday by Sheriff Slate, Deputy Sheriffs J. F. Dunlap and Frank Tilley a few miles north-east of Danbury. He was brought to jail. Dr. Slate the Sheriff had already in his possession in the jail a copper, and now with all necessary machinery, including Dave, he is prepared should the demand be come sufficiently urgent, to turn out a few barrels of mountain ■ I dew on short notice. Dr. Slater and his deputies have been keeping a weather eye open for Dave for some time, and on last Wednesday they made diligent search for him, without success. Continuing the watch on Thursday, they suddenly ran up on the alleged moonshiner, and brought him without further ado to prison. It is probably that Dave will not make demand for bail, as the revenue officials will immediately put in a claim for him. and he may therefore await his trial with the State authorities think ing that when the latter get through with him, further prose cution would be dropped. Card From R. W. George. Francisco, June 20. Editor Danbury Reporter: There is a report in circulation that Sam Smith and Jesse Pyrtle some time last spring entered the burial ground at River Presbyterian church and took down and demolished the grave' " stones, and that I had put out a reward for them. Now there is f not one word of truth in this re-' port. Nothing is bothered in any way, for I closely examined myself after hearing the report. I can't see why any person would circulate such a report. R. W. GEORGE. j j Cure for Stomach Disorders. Disorders of the stomach may be avoided by the use of Cham berlain's Tablets. Many very remarkable cures have been effected by these tablets. Sold by all dealers. For Sale. Good dry finished lumber at 1 good prices, from 51.30 to SI,BO. ! •Call or write at once to MEADOWS BROS., Germanton, N. C., Rooute 1. ' GERMANTON NEWS. I j Daughter Of Mr. Tom Boles Dies—Personals. I Germanton June 24.—Mr. Tom Bole's daughter died from tu berculosis last Friday and was buried at Red Bank Saturday afternoon. Rev. Rufus Crews preached the funeral. Miss Irene Kurfees and Boots Foy are on the sick list this week. Mr. John Petree was in town this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nance of Winston visited Mrs. R. L. Tuttle Sunday. Miss Etha Anderson of Rural Hall spent Sunday with Mrs. Jno. W. Kurfees. i Miss Lillian Wyche and Teddy Wolfe of Rural Hall visited Miss Mabel McKenzie Sunday. Mr. Ernest Gladstone of Wins | ton made his weekly trip to this i city as usual. > I Mr. J. G. Wfiite was here a short while this morning. Miss Janet McNeily of Greens boro is spending the week with Miss Mary Matthews. Mr. J. M. Hill left for Pied mont Springs Saturday. Dr. L H. Hill and grandson, Lauriston Powers, made a trip to Winston Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Myers re turned to their home in (ireens boro Sunday after spending the week-end with Mrs. W. C. i Matthews. Mr. W. A. Fox of Greensboro spent Sunday in town. Mr. J. C. Carson and children have returned from Durham. Miss Gladys Hailey of Rural | Hall is visiting Miss Mary Matthews. Messrs. B. J. Savage, H. McGee and Dewitt Tuttle went to Walnut Cove on business one day last week. Mr. H. S. Foy has gone on ! another trip. He will visit New I l York, Boston and other cities i before returning. A much needed rain came yesterday. S. M. Announcement. Trinity M. E. church South near King, will have an auction sale at King July 4th, at 3 o'clock P. M. They will have for sale many articles that have been given them, such as wheat, corn, molasses, chickens, embroideries, collars, aprons and many such articles. Also refreshments will be served and a supper of chicken, sandwich and cake and other things will also be on the ground. The proceeds all go to paint Trinity church. Everybody take July the 4th and come, we will entertain you with music and other amusements FOR SALE at a bargain to quick purchaser, nine room dwelling house and lot 100x300 in Stokesburg, including barn and out houses Ideal location and a bargain to anv one who ex pects to come to Walnut Cove to live or to invest. Price to quick purchaser SI6OO. See T. J.Cov ington, representing Piedmont Realty & Development Co. It. FOR SALE—A good milch cow. WADE BOYLES. King, N. C. Route 2. 6-24-2t DANBURY, N. C., JUNE 25. 1913. IK GROVE LETTER I Farmers Most Done Harvest-! ing Wheat Crop. ; MR. OLIVER IMPROVING ' I Slight Chance For His Recovery —Other News Of Oak Grove. Oak (irove, June 23.—The; farmers are about done harvest-! | ing their wheat crop. In some ; | sections the wheat is extra good. I The weather is very hot and j ! dry. The tobacco is very small and | down in the clods, and the i worms are laying back in the ! bushes waiting for it to get large J i enough to make them a chew. j Irish potatoes and tough cab- j ; bage are the favorite dish, as the I snap beans got caught in the! 1 drought.' The correspondent and his' I partner visited the base ball game at Brim's (Irove Saturday' evening. The game was interest ing. The score was 2G to 10 in l , favor of Pilot Mtn. ( We are glad to learn that Dr. j Helsabeck. of Rural Hall, who ! ) : • passed the Medical Board this ; year, will locate with Dr. S. F.' ; Tillotson this week. j> We learn that there was a fist , ( and skull scuffle at the ice cream I, supper at Boyles store Saturday , evening, which caused some! ! | excitement. The people are coming to the front Rev. P. P. Oliver is slowly im- : ! proving It is thought that there is some chance for his recovery.! There is a lot of sickness in i this section at this writing SCRIBBLER. Elude Music Club Meets j Willi Miss Annie Blair The Etude music club met with Miss Annie Blair Friday evening, June 20th. The composers stud j ied were Leschetizsky and Cham jinade. The program was well carried out. ; The program was as follows: ! Reading - Leschetizsky's Rank ! as a Teacher. Miss Mary Taylor, j j Vocal ?olo—Trail of the Lone some Pine, Miss Mary Joyce. Instrumental duet—The Scarf ' Dance Chaminade, Misses ' Nellie Joyce and Mary Taylor, Reading—Sketch of Chamin -1 ade's Life, Miss Nellie Joyce. Piano solo—Mabel's Favorite, ! Miss Annie Blair., 1 Reading— Leschetizsky's Per sonality, Miss Mary Joyce. Piano solo—The Flatterer— Chaminade, Miss Mary Taylor. Piano solo—Little Love Song,; ; Miss Luna Taylor. Piano duet—The Banner of, Society, Misses Nellie Joyce and I Mary Taylor. A very interesting contest I added much to the joy of the j ! occasion. Each member was: ; given mere suggestions of a story to be filled in with musical 1 terms. The prize, which was I a box of candy, was awarded to j I i Misses Mary Martin and Mary Taylor. Delicious refreshments consist ing of ice cream and cake were served by the hostess. SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 j | Capt. W. W. King Has An- i | nounced The Date For ! Old Soldiers' Re u n a on. BIG TIME EXXECTED Ball Games, Tournament Riding Moving Pictures, and Alany i Other Attractions Will Be Arranged. : Captain W. W. King has an ! nounced Saturday, August 2, the 1 date for the Old Soldiers' reunion and picnic, which promises to| !be one of the largest ever held! |in Danbury. The picnic will | i held at the usual place, in the I ' grove at the Methodist church. I One of the largest crowds is ! j expected that day that has ever been in Danbury. Several ball | games will be arranged between I the best teams of the county, and the boys of Danbury are arranging to have a tournament riding in the street in front of : Mr. N. K Petree's residence, ! and the best tournament rider! ; will be awarded a crown with j which he will crown his best girl.' : The Star Theatre will be open all day and give moving pictures 1 every hour. : One or more good speakers I j will be here to address the Old j Soldiers. Everybody is invited j |to come and bring full baskets j and help give the Old Soldiers j ' a good time. Many other attractions will be 1 arranged which will be announc ed in the Reporter later on. | Red Shoals News. Red Shoals, June 23. —The' health of the community is not so good at present. The farmers are about through 1 harvesting their wheat and oats, 1 and report the crop good. I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hartman j spent Sunday with her sister, 1 Mrs. Ham Flinchum, at Red' Shoals. i The ice cream supper at I Gideon Saturday night was at ; tended by a large crowd. ! Misses Susie and Lizzie Adkins ; visited at Mr. Alex Flinchum's Friday p. m.. Miss Beulah Sheppard is con- j fined to her room this week with measles. i The Sunday School at Davis Chapel is progressing nicely, I with 56 or. roll. j Mr. and Mrs. P H. Morefield , visited their son, Mr. Will More ; field, at Meadows Sunday. Mr. Morefield has a sick child at this writing. j Elder A. G. Morton will preach , at Wilson next Friday. , Mr. Yance Yates called on I Miss Carrie Sisk Sunday, j Miss Katie Fulton is visiting | ; relatives at Red Shoals this week. Miss Sarah Smith is spending some time at Winston. There will be an ice cream supper at Dillard next Saturday! night under the management of ; Mr. L. A. Duncan. Mr. A. B. Carter will be at i Davis Chapel next Sunday to| organize a singing school. A. Y. G. | BOY LOSES HIS FINGER. Accident Happened at a Saw - mill-- Mrs. France Talks Interestingly of Farming in j Texas. Meadows Route 1, June 21. ; ! The health of the community is j : very good at present. Mr. -lames Mabe has a right ! sick child at present, but hope it ' will soon be better, j Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morefield's baby is improving some, we are | glad to note. The son of Mr. Thomas Martin aceidentlv got his finger cut off; ■ while he , was at work at Mr.! •lames Matthews' sawmill the t ! other day. Mrs. France, of Texas, is [ j spending a few weeks with her j | cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Hufusj | Mounce, of Meadows. She is quite an aged lady to make such a long trip by herself, but she is just as supple as a lot of young these days. She is 7(1 years old. j She left this country about 32; ! years ago, and this is her first j visit back to North Carolina. It ;is right interesting to hear her' i tell of raising cotton. She says \ it is lots nicer work than raising ( tobacco, and they don't have to ' use any richness under it. And i when they make it they are not ;at so much expense as we are. j raising tobacco. She says that a • bale of cotton generally weighs j about f)UU pounds to the bale, and | they get from $70.00 to $75.00 i per bale. Thev have plows that j they can ride and do their plow- I ing, and so we all know it is easier than working on these j rough* hills. (t. P. M. i Xing News. King, June 24.—The farmers are all smiles because their crops i are looking fine. The nice i showers of rain that we have ! been having bring gladness. i The general health of the com- j I munity is very good at present. i Trinity Sunday School will, i have an auction sale and serve; i supper on the 4th of July for the J benefit of the church. | Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Coe went to Winston, shopping, yester- j ! day. Mr. and Mrs. S. VV. Pulliam j also Miss Connie Dodson will ! visit Winston today. Some of our young people ! attended the ice cream supper at ! Tobaccoville Saturday night, j Misses Connie Dodson and Alverta Pulliam will spend July I at Vade Mecum Springs. ■ Mr. J. W. Spainhower is at ' Moore's Springs for his health. Mr. Cicero Tise was here yesterday to see Mrs. B. F. Pul liam. He wants her to oversee the cooking department of his hotel at Vade Mecum Springs. i Wonderful Skin Salve. Bucklen's Arnica Salve is ■ known everywhere as the best 1 remedy made for all diseases of 1 i the skin, and also for burns, I bruises and boils. Reduces in- j fiammation and is soothing and! healing. J. T. Sossaman, pub-1 : lisher of News, of Cornelius, N. ! C., writes that one box helped j |his serious skin ailment after! I other remedies failed. Only 25c. | | Recommended by all dealers. iCROWD COMES EARLY j Piedmont Springs Hotel Will j Be Taxed To Its Fullest Capacity Bv First Of July. j PROMINENT GUESTS Many Distinguished People Al ready Arrived And to Come Within Next Few Days — Automobile Trans portation Popular. More than fifty quests are now registered at Piedmont Springs | hotel, which is a much larger j crowd than is usual this early in j the season, the hotel having i been open for guests only a little i over a week. Among those who ! have registered during the last few days are the following: Misses Elizabeth Conrad, Senah Critz. Charlotte Critz, Mary Pol lard, Annie Maud Pollard, j Delphine Brown, Mary Cabell Sheppard, Hattie Pitts, Evelyn ; Shipley, Annah Buxton, Lucy 1 Lybrooks, Grace Whitaker, Rosa ! Dean, of Winston-Salem: Mr. ; and Mrs. T. M. Meade, of Dan ville: Miss Mamie Squires, of Columbia: Messrs. Robert Critz, |W. B. Pollard, B. W. Stras, Jr., I J. Porter Stedman, Philip Wil liams, John Whitaker, Beverly Sullivan, of Winston-Salem: Mr. land Mrs. R. J. Reynolds (and son, Mr. and Mrs. D. Rich, of Winston-Salem: Odell Jones, P. H Linville, Cirl Joyce, of Walnut Cove: S. Arthur White and Mrs. White, of Mebane: Allan McKnight, E. W. Yergin, i tordon Pruden, Oscar Williams, ;'lenn Wyrick, Greensboro: Mrs. H. H. Harrison and Miss Mary W. Ruffin, of Mayodan; Mrs. E. V. Craigen, J. C. Clark, Mrs. N. M. Dean, of Winston-Salem: L. A. Woodruff, of Kernersville: and many others. Expected the last of this, week are the following : Mr. and Mrs. John T. Simpson and family; ! Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Moses and | family; Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Follin and family: Mr. Robert 1 Follin and family: Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Stone, of Winston; Mr. W. S. Byerly and family, and Mr. W. H. Gentry and | party of friends, of Madison: Mr. {John P. Price and family, of 'Spray: Mr. and Mrs. Ed uoe !ilenn and family, of Winston- I Salem: Mrs. W. Lee Springs and ' i party, of Philadelphia; and a ;j great many others. From now on the hotel will be taxed to its fullest capacity. The II cottages are filling up also, the Buxton, Saunders, and other cottages already being j occupied by their owners, while Mrs. L. S. Galloway, of Elkin, is expected the first of July, next Tuesday, with her family and a number of friends; Mr. A. W. McAlister and family are ex pected in a few days; Mr J. I*. H. Mitchell and family and Mrs. P>. J. Martin and daughter, Miss Annie, of Dillard, will arrive next week to spend a month or more: and other parties too j numerous to mention will arrive the latter part of June and the ' first to the middle of next ! month. ! The roads are being put in , the best shape for many years, land Messrs. Davis & Linville are operating a handsome seven- I passenger Hup automobile, which is proving a very pleasing feature j of Piedmont travel. The machine I makes several trips a day with j ease and comfort, and is being | liberally patronized. No. 2,04

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