DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XL 111! COVE NEWS ✓ Town Foik Telephone Com pany Installs Switch board a Vaughn Hotel. \*R O. j STONE ILL Operated On For Appendicitis Items and Persona!;; ol tnlcrcst From the C-v?. Walnut Cove, -luly 1. IT.e fowii Fork Telephone Company I,as installed a switchboard in the Vaughn hotel, and have then exchange in operation fur local and long distance service*. Tie Summerfiold bast* ball {earn pl iyoti t)it> i.'ome team at the Lai! Park here Saturday afternoon, to the tunc of eleven to two in favor of the Walnut Cove boys The next game is billed feu Friday July I ill when the "All Stars" of Wins ton will play a double header at the park here. Mr. R. L. Murphy went tu Winsion-Salem last week and bought him a Two-Manual organ, to be i!'eel by his son who is taking music lessons under Prof. Loiighmsr of Winston. Mr. I.(■(• Murray visited his wife at St. Leo's hospital at Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Nunn returned last Thursday from Mt. Airy, where.they went to attend the funeral cf Mrs Nunn's mother, Mrs. J. D. Bliz zard, who died at her home there with consumption. Mr. 0. J. Stone, who resides on Route 4, was carried to St. Leo's hospital last week where he underwent an operation of appendicitis. Dr. A. G. Jones, his attending physician, accom panied him there. The last re ports were that he was getting along all right. Little Numa Marshall fell out the back door of James & Co's bowling alley Friday morning, breaking his arm between the wrist and elbow. Dr Tuttle set the arm, and we hope he will get along all right Mr A. J Barker has bought the interest of MrC M. Jones in the livery business of Jones & Isom, and Mr. Jones has Mr. Barker's farm near Fulp. Mr. Natt Hedgecock returned from . Winston-Salem, and tells us that his brother there con tinues seriously ill with typhoid fever, we are sorry to note. Mr. and Mrs. J Wesley More field were in town Monday from a visit to Winston-Salem Mr. Lawrence Mcßae, of Winston-Salem, was here last week Miss Mary Matthews, of Ger manton, spent the day in town Saturday. Mrs. Norman J. Stone, of, Winston-Salem, is spending a 1 few days here, on her return' trip from Piedmont Springs. Messrs. L. D. Hagne and A.; R. Whetstone, of Newark, Ohio, were in town Monday enroute to Mt. Airy. ,Mr. A. E, Strode went to I j Madison last week, to have some |! dental work done. j Mr T. S. Petree visited Dan ! bury Sunday. 1 Mr. J. L Mitchell and famiiy spent Saturday and Sunday at ! Guilford College. Mr. Hob Mitchell carried them in an auto ■ mobile. • I Mrs. J. ('. Bailey visjted Wins -1 ton-Salem last 'week on a shop ' ping trip M'ss Kate Fulton returned to her home at Mt. Airy las't week, after spending some time here! as the delightful guest of Miss, ! Jessie Vaughn. i Little Misses Ruth and Nancy '■Tyi.e, of Winston-Sdeni, are ; spending some time her.- with ! the Misses Rierson I Mrs Rob Cardwell returned •'to her home at Mv.dison Monday, II after attending the furrral and ..burial of her father, Mr. Ah:.. ! | Lewolly n. at Meadows. 11 Mr. Will East ieft Sunday' •I for a busines trip to Star N. . Carolina. Mr. A. E. Strode left Tuesday , i; morning on a business trip to I! Charleston W Va., Hagersunvn ' Md. and other Northern cities ;I Mrs. W. L. Vaughn and littlei Ison, Julian. ?pent Saturday and i j Sunday at Pine Hall visiting, . ! relatives. J i Mr Matt Marshall and sister, ■ Miss Minnie Gray, of Dennis. ! were in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. II Fulton , | spent the day in Winston-Salem , i Tuesday. Base Ball at Walnut Cove. Walnut Cove, June 30 ' j On the local diamond here last Saturday Summ'erfield was | slaughtered by the walnut Cove Reds to the tune of 11 to 2. j Watking. the new pitcher for 1 the Walnut Cove Reds, allowed 18 of the Summertield Sluggers to lay down the bat in the form of strike-outs. The game was slow owing to the extreme hot weather, but the Reds kept it i interesting for the fans the most ! j of the game, and only until the ninth inning did our boys allow 11 any any of the visitors to go ; around and inspect the bases to • j see if they were in the the right | place. ' One of the features of the | game was Robert Young stealing 2nd and 3rd bases on the Sum-; merfield catcher and then in | turn stealing back to second. The Walnut Cove Reds will! I play a double header on the' ; local diamond here July Ith with the White Sox of Winston j The first game will be called at! 10 A.M. and the second at 4 1 P. M These will be interesting games and a large crowd is 1 1 expected. I ) I j " . j Mr. W. G. Petree, of Danbury,. spent Sundav at Lawsonville. I ULCERS AND SKIN TROUBLS. j . If you are suffering with any j I old, running or fever sores, i ulcers, boils, eczema or other skin troubles, get a box of Buck ! len's Arnica Salve and you will! Jet relief promptly. Mrs. Bruce ones, of Birmingham, Ala., suf , fered from an ugly ulcer for nine months and Bucklen's Arnica i Salve eured her in two weeks. \ Will help you. Only 25c. Recom mended by all druggists. DANBURY, N. C., JULY 2, 1913. iJAP EVAN ARRESTED! 'i i r ! The Slayer of Joe Legon at; 1 Ge.rmanton Seventeen >1 Years Ago, Caught in West V nginia. TO 11 L IDKNTIFIi O J Shtiiff Sl.-iu- Accompanied liyj /Mr. I I:. Pttres, Leaves For i • BitiefieiJ —PrclMirfc T r I i tot October Court. ' i ' ; j Jap I'.van, a negro, who killed | Jot* I t., on, white, at German ton, seventeen :>..«ir ago, was am 4-, edin iikuiicld, Went Vr ginia,' I this ! by Bald in detecti \ s. H .* i* being held in custody until the arrival of Stokes authorities.' Sheriff W (' elate. aci'«.n;; »n --ie.d by >ir 1 E Petree, of ter manton, the latter going t* j j identify the prisoner, left today fo» Blucficdd, to ti>!. cliarg.' of! ; Evan The detectives, who had in j th«.ir possession a description of J Evan, had inquired of the author-j ities here if there was any re-1 ! v\ard offered for tko murderer Dr Sh.'te wired a negative | answer, but ol fered to pay 'M 1 for the arrest of the negro The ! detectives then nabbed him. Legon was stabbed to death in ; a stable at Germanton by Evan ; m the year 18% The slayer escaped. Both parties were 1 about 18 years of aue at the time ; iof the homicide Leggn was a son of Edward Legon Should the arrested party be the murd erer of Le«on, and this is not doubted materislly, it means that Evan will be tried for his life at the fall term of Stokes | Superior Court, in October. Sandy Ridge Route 1. ij Sandy Ridge Route 1, June 30. | i —Crops are looking fine in this' i section. • I The health of this community , is very good at present. There was an ice cream sup i per at Mr Solomon VenableV Saturday night, i Messrs. H T. Dodson and; i Roy Duncan visited friends in Rockingham Saturday and Sun-! day. i Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ward spent i j Saturday night at Mr. S. H. Ward's. There will be an ice cream j (supper at Rev. J. A Joyce's; ; next Saturday night, July 5. ' Everybody is cordially invited to attend. Rev. J. A. Joyce will preach !at Zebulon school house next! 1 Sunday, July (i, at U o'clock. The singing club Will meet l at Delta the second Saturday in | July and sing all day. There will be refreshments on the ; grounds in the afternoon. ; Rev. D. A. Oakley will preach ! at Delta the second Sunday i i night in July. Hope to see a large crowd out. Mr. S. R. Ward spent Sunday ! night at Mr. W. R. East's. Quite a destructive wind and hail storm passed over the Mayo dan section late Saturday even i ing. There will be preaching at ! Buffalo next Sunday. IJNVIILE IEK : Miss Pearl Sheppard Enter tiin3 a Lai ge Number .! the Young Friends. A LAMILY REUNION i the Oc liiion \i Mr. A, C Sht-I j i ton's Stmd«> Was \-ry Kit ioyri >ic —Personal and Social ; ill , July !. Miss' : Ises :-!i j >:■> d : r,(! hrr-ihi ,IV r Percy •. isiuo at rh i. uncle's, 'Mr. Shcppard, day j and S , ' Mrs. .**.i':dy I": uUly .:ini. iast ; Surds. night v/uh r- r-i.L v, ; Mra.l. r, 1 Mi* i':t.o I -iv.pj urd find brithi i i'-ii. ij .Viin: .'••• v)ii:v saul ■ Agries R-.iL- j ! "unday. ! Elder A. Morton, of ifigli ' Point, pr .vu hed in Snow Cr- »i: ! church !a>t Wednesday (juite I a large- m wd went e»ut to hoar ! him ! Mrs. I-'lora Cox returned home i last work alter •pending sever-l days in Lawsonville visitintr rr i ativeS} .nul friends. Mrs. J, P. Rhodes and -l.uig! - ter, >'i.'; Lillian, visited ,\t Mi Billie Riiodes' last week. Mi3s '')nio Robertson spent last Friday night with Miss I'-Isie Sheppard. Several of the Lawsonville peopl • attended the ice avam and photoplay at Hard-' band school house last Friday night They all reported a nice time. Miss Bessie Moore spent several days in Virginia last i week visiting Miss Mary Ayers. Quite a large crowd attended ! divine services held at Snow | creek church last Saturday and Sunday. The services were con , ducted by Elder Lewis. i j Misses Annie l , Ethel, May and ; Rufus Ayers, of Stuart, Va., spe'iu last Saturday night at Mr. Young's. Mr. Fred Smith spent Satur day night with his sister, Mrs. Z. R. Sheppard. ; Mrs. E. C. Sheppard and daughters returned home Sun | day after spending two weeks !in Virginia visiting relatives and friends Miss Bessie and Mr. Homie Moore spent last Friday night at Mr. R. M. Smith's. Misses Sadie, Ruth and Mary : Pringle entertained a few of their friends last Saturday night. Among those were: Misses Bessie and Erie Moore; Messrs. jCiabe and Charlie Hylton and: Roy Martin. Mr. W. W. Smith and family | spent last Sunday at Mr. J. T Lawson's. , Mrs. J. A. Sheppard and sons, i Percy and Guy, visited at Mr.! j R. L. Lawson's last Wednesday, Mr. Homie Moore spent Satur day night at Mr. A. J Ayers'. Messrs. Rov Martin and Evelene Ray visited at Mr. J., W. Lackey's last Sunday. Among those who visited Miss ! Pearl Sheppard last Sunday | were Misses Annie, Ethel and! May Ayers, Isca .and Erna Sheppard, Oberia Moore and i [ Myrtle Lawson; Messrs Charlie! | Hylton, Banner Young, Rufus) ! Ayers, Percy Sheppard, Fred, j iand Wheeler Smith, Willie j Moore, Jimmie Corns, and other., On Kst Wednesday owning a j severe wind storm passed \ irhrousrh this secMon der.rur aj great deal damage. | Mrs. P. L. Lawson i-Jted at ,Mr I 11. L'wsori'. Iwst s uniay During an eleetric storm last >atuiday night ir.e lightning i str i"!: y>. Hub . n- vv ' threshinj.' i i .cbin n: o , it fid tii bare. A! tl'.e old ':ita' 1 ni>,( r,\ Mi A >bi-U- o'.- mjh-I. v !.'• hi i >. yc?:rb fai';ily reun r. which was attended by a large crowd frw ! ..»itle H.'dg-:, S .;-rl and I.uV/srnvdle j! 'i p;:.n; -.tli. r points Ait';rr.')on iher: \ ' preaching by lie 1 Winibish. of. i Stuart, Va •'ht day v i.» urn- to be lenp remembered b;, *'.ll pK-serit. Two beddings Here taifef Early Monday morning Mr j Frank Vernon and Miss Maty Welch and Mr. Luther Tulbert: and Miss Roda Welch, of Wal nut C'tVi:' R'aut" •}, drove in Dhp- , bury ar.d secured licenses andi were happily married at D I'O o'clock by Esq. N. Martin at ' Mr. Martin's store. They were accompanied here by the Misses ' Welchs' father, Mr. Walker and two other girls who the. Reporter failed to learn the names. Before returning home they spent a few hours with the Misses Welchs' 1 Mr. John Welch, who lives right near town. Stoneville Man Shot by Son-iif-Law. I Stoneville, June 23. Mr. Jas. \ Pratt, who lives near this place, was shot, yesterday morning, by' his son-in-law, Tom Cardwell, with a pistol, the ball entering the abdomen and perforating the intestines. The attending physician states that the .wound 1 will prove fatal. Particulars of the shooting are I meager. I I Later. Mr. Pratt was carried to the hospital in Greensboro; j Monday morning but died a ; short time after reaching there. The remains were carried to his home Monday evening for I burial. I ! Beware of Ointments for Catarrh! That Contain Mercury : as mercury will surely destroy the! sense of smell and completely i derange the whole system when I entering it through the mucous ; surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pre scriptions from reputable physic ; ians, as the damage they will do lis ten fold to the ge>od you can I possibly derive from them. Hall's : j Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taktn internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of! ihe system. In buying Hall's I Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally land made in Toledo, Ohio, iby F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi jmonials free Sold by druggists. Price 75c. i per bottle. | Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. No. 2,05 IBEAUTIFIL SHOWERS i Miking C orn and Tobac. o | ! at Oak Grove Lock t'tvsli and Pmi.'jiaii:j. BIRTHDAY 1)1 NM R i V\ 4! A Plcn-iotit to Mr. L'illie fso>its Rev. I', Oliver Continues to !m« p T'J v v. Oaii (• rove, June oi. We ' i; Rtirac beautiful h;»v.cr« . ' ff.l'i i»» tin:; ■ ■ ♦icn i!i(- ;»s.st • week which caused the &ro\ wig ropH of com and tobacco to kx k 1. • :.)• and p; omi:!ir»;{. '1 !ie WiUrand his friend have i wlcd ' vv v a p;.rt of lour town- .■ 1 >-i lor rhe iasi few (Jay "',' and '.saw large barns packed full of and large -stack yards i.'ii i'\ery farm, but the 0-.k 1 drove section ha:- the rreatcst cu'.l" k for corn and t bacco Ihe writer has sevn, tint its - rns •.hat the he rn worms are deteni;- 1 mod to destroy the crop 1 ft bac ' CO. Mr. G. A. Junt s wants to buy a pair of bird dogs, i-.s !i has | hoard th.t they can be trained to worm tobacco There w?is a st.prise birthday ;dinner at Mr. l'illie Boylos' last Sunday. A large crowd attend ed and all seemed to have a nice time. We are glad to ltarr. that the Sunday School at Chestnut Grove is progressing nicely. We think that some of our good ladies of fOlive Grove have tacked our Sunday School to the wall to await the resurrection morning. Rev. P. E. Simmons, of Vade Mecum, will preach at Olive 'Grove on Saturday before the I first Sunday and also on Sunday. Mr. Robert Boyles, who is ' doing a lot of sporting, took his | best girl and went out on a 1 (lying trip a few days ago and after they hat gotten out a few miles from home the mule be came frightened and ran away and the vehicle being old shackl ing suori shuck to pieces and the poor girl had to walk back home as the mule wouldn't toat but one at a time. We learn that Rev. P. Oliver is still improving and we hope he will soon be out again Messrs. A. S. Marsh and G. W. Smith spent Saturday and Sunday at the Piedmont Springs Hotel. They report a nice time. Mr. J. J. Gentry and family, iof Winston-Salem, are visiting Mr Gentry's father, Mr. R. G. iGentrv, on King Route 2 SCRIBBLER Mr. Sam Dodson. of Danbury ; Route 1, was in Danbury Mon day morning on business. I When you have a bad cold you ■ want a remedy that will not 1 not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to I take, a remedy that contains ! nothing injurious. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts 0 n nature's plan, relieves the lungs, aids expect toration. opens the secretions and restores the system to a healthy condition. This remedy has a world wide sale and use. and can always be depended upon. Sold by all dealers.