GAY LIFE AT PIEDMONT SPRINGS I Written For the Greensboro i News By One of the Piedmont | Guests. Piedmont Springs is again the I scene of merriment and general good times. The hotel opened up on the fifteenth of June and an unusually large number of guests have been pouring in ever since. The Y. M. C. A. campers from Greensboro are making the hills echo with their yodelling and blasts from the bugler's calls. All of the guests are en joying daily trips to Moore's Springs, the Cascade, Yado Mecum. Moore's Knob, Dan bury, the river and other points of interest. Friday evening Miss Anna Buxton from Winston-Salem ar rived and will remain until June, 30th. during which time she will I be hostess at a house-party given at the hotel. The quests are : Misses Adele Irvine, of Dallas, Texas: Mary Cabell Sheppard, j Senah Critz, Lucy Lybrook, and ; (•race Whitaker: Messrs. Beverly Stras, Phillip Williams, •lohn j Whitaker. Beverly Sullivan,; PorterStedman and Wilson Gray. j Friday evening the guests at the , hotel including the house pa»-ty. opened the ball-room with a very delightful dance. There are many charming qualities at- J tributed to Piedmont but perhaps j the one most pleasing at thisj season is its never varying cool, evenings. The days are never what one might term hot but the evenings are always striking ly cool—a fact which is very much enjoyed by all those who have the good luck to be op here. Saturday morning the mem bers of the house-party availed themselves of the excellent op portunity of horse back riding Piedmont is a perfect haven of delight for ."hikers" and from the way in which the guests are hiking this summer one might say that a good many of them had found their proper niche. Saturday night people from, Winston. 1 iermanton. Danbury, I an 1 Wahut attended the hop,! Qiiv \ number of people living; arourc 1 tbe springs came in and i ir»'itil*_r»-»} in a square dance, w::u'\ .-.a- •-Xv'cuted in a skilled i tshi ' Si.ii :i >n»i:ig religious ser v;« r .!-•!• the auspices of the Y. .V. l A. leaders, Mtssrs. Yer/in :m.d Preyer, were con ducted at the spring pavilion. During trie day automobiles call- j ed at the hotel, and among these visitors were Mr. and Mrs. R. -1. Reynolds and Master R. -J. Reyn olds. Jr., and Mrs. D. Rich, of j Winston-Salem. Monday morning Mrs. J. C Buxton entertained the house party from the hotel at a porch party given at her cottage. Those enjoying her hospitality were be- 1 sides the house party. Misses j Percy Joyce, and Ada Allen, Mrs. Mercer, and Mr. Jim Hill. Tuesday evening the Y. M. C. A. boys entertained all of the cottagers and hotel guests at "Whip-por-will" Camp where an out-of-door moving picture show and three good distinct pictures were reeled off. Ice cream cones and nabisco wafers were dis pensed, much to the delight of the guests. During the show a phonograph was in constant a n ion and the Y. M. C. A. hosts proved their hospitality to be the I genuine kind. Just as the guests \ | were saying good night a large | j bon-fire was lighted, photographs ] | were taken and "Good-Night, ! Ladies" was excellently rendered iby the Y. M. C. A. campers, ! Surely there never was a better party at Piedmont— the party place. Wednesday morning the Y. !M. C. A. boys are breaking camp so the guests at the hotel invited the party of twenty to supper Wednesday evening. A ■ party of horse-back riders went ■| to Vade Mecum Springs last i, Thursday. : Those having a good time at ■ | Piedmont Springs now in the hotel are: Mrs. Mrs. W. Lee Springs and son, Master David, of Winston-Salem. Mrs. Davis and Miss Mayberrv of Camdon, jN. J ; Masters Billie and James , Springs of Philadelphia: Mr. and T. M. Meade, of Danville, Va.: A. B. Carter, of Asheville, Mrs. Deane, of Winston: Misses Adele Irvine, of Dallas. Texas: | irace Whitaker. Mary Cabell i Sheppard. Senah Critz. Lucy Ly brook. Phillip Williams. Beverly i Sullivan, Porter Stedman. of I Winston: Misses Beverly Shipley and Hattie Pitts, of Winston j Salem: L. A. Woodruff of Kern ersville, J, M. Hill, of German ten: Miss Mary RuHin and Mrs. H. H. Harrison, of Mayodan: J Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur White. | of Mebane: Misses Annie Maude j Pollard and Delphine Brown, of Winston: Mr. William Pollard and Miss Mary Pollard, of Wins | ton: Mr. Robert Critz. of wins iton: Misses Charlotte Critz and Elizabeth Conrad, of Winston , Salem i j Mr. and Mrs. A F. Moses and children and . the families of Messrs John T. Simpson and Joe I 'ilenn, of Winston-Salem, are ( expected her this week. In the cottages here are : Mrs. C. Buxton with two guests. Mrs. Mercer and Miss Percy Jovce, of New York: Mr. and Mrs. H M. Saunders and Miss Ada Allen, of Winston-Salem: and Mr. J. Willie Smith and : daughter, of Greensboro Among those who will arrive I J here on July Ist arc Mr and' Mrs. r. A. Follin and daughters, j lof Winston-Salem: Mr. Marion Follin and family, of Winston-1 Salem: Mrs. John T. Price and j children and Ruth Price, of Spray:; Mr. W. L. Springs, of Winston- j Salem, and many others. I Boy Shoots op Court. Washington, June 23.—Ray M. Stewart. 18, tried to shoot up the criminal court here today when Justice Stafford refused to release him on probation after conviction for attempted highway robbery. Before officers could overpower him Stewart whipped out a pistol and put i three bullets perilously near justice Stafford and Assistant I United States Attorneys Given and Hawken. He was jailed to ! answer a more seriuus charge. i i Wonderful Skin Salve. Bucklen's Arnica Salve is known everywhere as the best remedy made for all diseases of the skin, and also for burns, bruises and boils. Reduces in- J flammation and is soothing and healing. J. T. Sossaman, pub lisher of News, of Cornelius, N. ; C., writes that one box helped his serious skin ailment after other remedies failed. Only 25c. i Recommended by all dealers. THE DANBURY REPORTER DALTOK - SPACK MARRIAGE 1 Former Stokes Boy Weds Attrac i tive Winston-Salem Girl-*-The Ceremony Beautiful. Winston-Salem, June 10. { —A beautiful wedding was ; solemnized last evening at the j home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel > Spach at Southside, when their j ' lovely daughter, Miss Lillian, ' was united in marriage, to Pr. I W. N. Dalton. I I The home was beautifully! [ decorated for the occasion with : | many lovely flowers. [ j Mr and Mrs Charles Creech ? | graciously welcomed the guests ;at the front door and invited ■ J them into the parlor, where 5 ! they were received by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Griffith. Here. 5 j the ceremony was performed. ' the decorations being effectively j carried out in white and green, iln front of a back-ground of 1 clematis vine, a white arch was i gracefully entwined with sprays i ' of clematis, tall vases were filled I 1 with Queen Anne's lace, and the , I • I I mantel was banked high with i these delicate blossoms. Just before the ceremony, i "Traumerei" was beautifully ; played by Mr. Kilmer Korntr on the violin, accompanied by Miss Dora Korner at the piano. This j was followed by a lovely song, j "All for You," sung by Miss Creech, of Greensboro, I with the violin accompaniment 'j by Mr. Korner. To the solemn tones of the | wedding march from "Lohen ''grin," played by Miss Korner. the bridal party entered the j parlor. ' The ring-bearer, little Miss i Mary Creech, the lovely small ? daughter of Mr. and &Irs. f i Charles Creech, entered first. i She wore an exquisite hand em broidered lace frock and carried ; the ring in the heart of a large | white rose. ' I The maid-of-honor. Miss '! Catherine Spach. sister of the bride, then entered, she was ', beautifully gowned in white messaline with crystal trimmings j and wore a becoming brides maid's tulle veil. Her ilowers ! were an arm bouquet of American Beauty roses. Then the lovely bride entered, i leaning on the arm of her father. She wore a handsome white satin wedding gown with the , regulation train and her beau ; tiful bridal veil was caught with graceful sprays of orange blos smos. The bridal bouquet was a shower of brides' roses and lilies jof the valley. She was met at I the rostrum by the bridegroom, Dr. Dalton, attended by his brother, Mr. Robert Dalton, of ' Charlotte. During the beautiful ring ; ceremony, performed by the bride's pastor. Rev. V. M. Swaim ; of the Southside Baptist church, j Mr. Korner and Miss Korner | played softly, "Sing, Smile, ' | Slumber." '| After receiving the good t j wishes and congratulations of i their relatives and friends, Dr. j and Mrs. Dalton, with the guests ! present, were invited into the ij dining-room, presided over by ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Masten. j The bride's table was beau i tifully decorated with bride's roses in a tall cut glass vase on 5 on a lovely cluny lace piece. ; White candles were arranged about the table, in silver candle sticks. Delicacies, cakes, mints and salted nuts were served. The wedding register was presided over by Miss Bessie Hilton and Miss Mary Campbell, of Friendship. Right here Is Your Chance To Buy That Typewriter! This is a StraighMronMhe-Shoulder Typewriter Talk by a Typewriter Man to the Readers of the Reporter. ———_______ _______________________ Nil other typewriter i Whether you have limit ivmirilh'MM u( iiny tin- use of a typewriter or ;'r.,i'*h,•! will permit us. no f THIS IS THE NEW VISIBLE FOX " BETTER THAN THE BEST OF ALL OTHERS " Sent on Free Trial, Express Pd. Look at the illustration of our New Fox Visible Typewriter, shown above, and compare it with anv other typewriter you have ever seen or used. Here is a really VISIBLE typewriter —note that the printing point is on top in plain sight, and that the type bars rise from where they are lying and strike the platen in full view of the operator, and in a direct line of vision, and that all of what you have written remains in full sight until the paper is removed from the typewriter. Compare this with those old style typewriters, that some firms are still advertising as visibles, but on which the printing point is beneath the typebars, and you have to look down into them—or between them—to see what you have written. Touch a key in the keyboard and you change the color of your writing instantly from black, blue, or purple to red. Press the Tabulator Key at the left (in front) for paragraphing, writing the compli mentary closing, etc.: also for all kinds of billing. At the right (in front) is our Back Space Key. This moves the carriage backward for making corrections, or putting in punctuation. This key also enables the operator to erase a word of three letters and write one of four in its place. Press the Stencil Key shown at the left (front) for making stencils from which thousands of duplicate letters can be made. Four rows of keys reduce the shifting one-third. The right Shift Key locks automatically for writing in all caps. A positive automatic Line Lock prevents you from writing beyond a predetermined line. The ribbon travels in a "zig-zag" line-not straight across from spool to spool as on others—thus using all of the ribbon and making it last three or four times as long as on other typewriters. The ribbon automatically re-winds itself from one spool to the other without any attention from the operator. Carriages are interchangeable, and run on ball bearing tracks. Platens are re movable, so that both a hard and soft platen can be used on the same typewriter. Extremely light touch, "No falling leaf is lighter than the touch of the Fox Typewriter." Choice of Elite. Pica. Condensed Roman, Medium Roman, or Italic Type—we carry more than three thousand special type in stock, of our own mannfacture, and can furnish keyboards for any language. The Fox has an easy, almost noiseless action, is very durable, and is sent com plete with cleaning outfit and metal cover with hard wood base. This is tin- Fox. the typewriter we niantifaetuW—this is the typewriter that we will send to anv one anywhere in the I'nlteii States on Free Trial, all#Npress charges fully paid—no "red tape"—no tielav— no obligation to liny. If puivhased after trial you can pay a little down — whatever you can spare ami the balance in small m.uithly payments. keader. In all sincerity we can honestly sa.v tills proposition has never been equaled by any other typewriter company, and all we ask Is that you write us TODAY—NOW—«IvIn« us your name and address so we can send you our cat a loir and write you personally about our typewriter and Free Trial offer. Fox Typewriter Co. MANI FAI TI HFKS ;S!M>2-;}942 FRONT AVENUE, GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN. Whole Family Benefited By Wonderful Remedy There art- m-'-ny little things- to annoy us, under present conditions of life. The hurry, hard work, noise and strain all tell on us and tend to provoke nervousness and irritability.. We are frequently so worn out we can neither eat, sleep nor wi "ith any comfort. We are out of line \Jith ourselves and others as well. A good thing to do under such circumstances is to take something like Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills to relieve the strain on the nerves. Mrs. J. B. llartsfidd, 33 Corput St., Atlanta Ga., writes: "I have on several occasions been vastly relieved by the use of your med icines, especially the Anti-Pain Pills, which 1 Keep constantly on hand for the use of mysetf. husband and two sons. Nothing In the world equals them as a headache remedy. Often I am enabled by the use of one or two of the Pills to continue my housework when otherwise I would he In bed. My husband Joins me In my praise of the Anti-Pain Pills and Nervine." Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain mis are relied upon to relieve paiifc nervousness and irritability it> thoo sands of households. Of proven merit after twenty years' tue, you can have no reason for ' onger without them. At all Druggists, 8 deass SB MDtk MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Intf. 11 The ill DAILT MR SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Daily - - . - $6.00 Per Year Dailyfand Sunday - - 8.00 Per Year Sunday only - - - 2.00 Per Year The Semi-Weekly Observer Tuesday and Friday - - SI.OO Per Year The Charlotte Daily Observer, issued Daily and Sunday is the leading newspaper between Washing ton, D. C., and Atlanta, Qa. It igives all the news of North Carolina besides the complete Asso ciated Press Service. The Semi-Weekly Observer issued on Tuesday and Friday for SI.OO per vear gives the reader a full re port of the week's news. The leading Semi-Weekly of the State. Address all orders to The Observer Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C.

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