LOCAL® :,swß si| P Mr. P. P. Johnson, of King, i was here today. jjl Mr. Hurbert Ray, of Smith, j L was a Dan bury visitor today, lo Mr. John Redding, of German- 1 ton Route 1, was in town Mon-! p day. r Mr. Jack Duggins, of Mead-J j| ows Route 1, was here a short i , while Saturday. ■ ■> j ii Deputy Marshall G. A. Carroll, j a of Winston-Salem, was in town I a short while Monday morning, j 1 Mrs. Julia Flinchum, of Wins-j j ton, is visiting friends and re-' j latives in Danbury this week. i Several of the Danbury boys | 1 are expecting to attend the cele- : bration of the 4th of July at! * Moore's Springs. *" Mr. Lindsay Ellington, of j J Reidsville, who is spending j e some time at Piedmont Springs : c hotel, was in Danbury a short j » while this morning. K Mr. T. S- Petree, of Walnut £ Cove, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. 0. * Petree. I » Mr. J. A. Tuttle, of Mizpah, i I 1 called on the Reporter yesterday. Mr. Tuttle reports crops good in | his neighborhood. I Messrs. Sid Marsh and G. W. . Smith, of King Route 2, spent I Saturday night and Sunday at Piedmont Springs hotel. I Mrs. W. D. Mitchell and * Arch Stephens, of Walnut Cove, ' Route 3, spent a short while in I Danbury Monday morning on, business. Mrs. A. J. Fagg and little daughter, Edith, who has been i visiting friends and relatives at j King for several days, returned, home today. The road from the poor hous , i creeks to Meadows is in a very | deplorable condition, and should, certainly receive the attention of! | the supervisors. There is noi provision in law whereby an overseer or supervisor may j escape should such vile roads as' , these be haled into court f ft i I get fresh air, sunshine and I above all the cell-building, I energy-producing properties I of scorrs EMULSION. I Its prompt us* often thwarts I tuberculosis. Ihß TK PHOTOPLAY EHTERTAINMEHT CO. ** k The High-Class Moving Pictures World COMING TO News! Hartman and Youngs School House Saturday Night, July sth, 1913 01 V niir A three reel feature film and "Uncle 111 1 011 l Hiram Visits Washington." All We will give you two shows in order to let everybody have comfortable seats. y First show will begin at 8:30 and the fypp second at 9:30. flip r LJOo Come in time for the ice cream supper, »lu and let every one come and enjoy a full evenings entertainment. |, Every event enchantingly exposed. Com- ... ~ |H pare it to the others. nONU i "What it takes to show good L , pictures we've got it." Ilwenfo - a a I Admission 10c. Minutes, - -I^nager.. flags. | I Some of the Danbury people ! j are expecting to take in the 4th of July at the Guilford county | Battle Ground at Greensboro. | Among the visitors at Pied mont Springs are Messrs. John iT. Simpson and Joe Glenn, well ; known to the people of Stokes j county as of the mainsprings . behind the success of Brown's 1 Warehouse. Last season Brown's I ! made a very enviable record t among the warehouses of North j Carolina, South Carolina and ; Virginia, when the high prices , | were gladdening the hearts of ! thousands of tobacco farmers. It! I lis sincerely hoped that high | prices will reign again this fall, 'and it is believed by the best | judges that they will reign again, and you may bet your ; bottom dollar that John Simpson 'and Joe (*lenn will do all in j their power to bring back the | good times, and will be just as happy over it as the farmers. Banbury Route 1. I .Danbury. Route 1, June 30. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Mabe, of Walnut Cove Route 3, visited Mrs. Mabe's parents, Mr. and I Mrs. VV. R. Bennett, Saturday j ! and Sunday. Mr. W. R. Bennett is spending j some time at Moore's Springs j in the interest of his health. Mr. and Mrs. Ham Mabej visited at Mr. W. R. Bennett's! Sunday. Mr. Jesse Bennett called on i ! Miss Jettia Mabe Sunday. Mrs. 0. M. Bennett and child- j ' ren visited her sister, Mrs. ! ! ' I ; George Tuttle, Saturday and j Sunday. i Mr. Alex Nelson called to see j ' Miss Verda Bennett Sunday I afternoon. ! i | Misses Etta and Hester Mabe, ; Sadie and Dora Nelson and, i several others visited at Mr. : W. L. Nelson's Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Boss Brown | j visited at Mr. Lee Bennett's Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Gilmer Nelsoi* went to Winston last week to buy him a new buggy. Guess he can i ride the girls about now? Mr. Chesley Taylor calls to | see Miss Carrie Nelson right often. Mr. W, E. Joyce gave a mov ing picture show at the Buck Island school house Saturday night which was enjoyed very much by all who attended. ONLY GIRL. THE DANBURY REPORTER CROPS NEEDING RAIN I Mrs. Zeb Martin Improving After Operation—Other News of Gideon. Gideon, July I.—The health of this community is not so good at : present. The crops through this section are needing rain very much. Mrs. Zeb Martin who under went an operation at the hospital in Greensboro is getting along nicely. We hope she will soon be able to return home. Elder A. G. Morton, of High Point, preached an excellent sermon at Wilson church last Friday Miss Berchie Dunlap returned home Sunday from a two weeks visit to friends and relatives at Walnut Cove. Messrs. Walter and Carey Flynt made a business trip to Winston-Salem Thursday and re-1 turned home Friday. Little Miss Mary Mitchell spent Friday night with Miss Ella Flynt. Mrs. R. L- Hartman visited her sister, Mrs. Ed Mitchell Sunday. Misses Fairy and Medley Wilkins and brother. Bloomer, j spent, Saturday night and Sun i day with their sister Mrs. Frank jJohnson. Miss Mamie Wagoner is real | sick but we hope she will soon ' recover. There was a large crowd I attended Sunday school at Davis Chapel Sunday. SCRIBBLER, i i About Cutting Tobacco. | Mr Editor, i Dear Sir:—Forty-eight years j ! ago I began the work of grow-! | ing tobacco. After a few years I ' I decided, or rather discovered, ! | that there were certain days ; better than others for cutting to i bacco in order for it to cure up ! , nicely and have a "heavy body" ; ! and be oily and "waxy." To explain, I'll say that to bacco has a sap just as a tree and tobacco also has at intervals an oily substance, which is its natural possession. When the sap, or water, rises ip tobacco it pushes out the oil through the pores of the leaves on the prin ciple that water and oil won't mix, and tobacco cut in this state will be light and "chaffer," when cured. From the fact that sap pushes the oil out of tobacco is why it is so "gummy" at certain times and barely stain your hands at other times. But cut tobacco when full of oil and it will cure up nicely and have a "heavy body" and be oily and "waxy." When to bacco is full of oil it cannot evaporate as sap does in curing, therefore the tobacco is com pelled to be rich and heavy. Farmers have experienced cut ting tobacco one week and do well with it and then again the next week and off of the same piece of ground and have al together different luck. If any of the farmers will write and send a stamp for reply I'll be pleased to write to them upon this matter. Yours truly, Daniel V. Davis, Mocksville, N. C-, R. F. D. 3. * For Sale. Good dry flniihed lumber at good prices, from 11.30 to SI.BO. Call or write at once to MEADOWS BROS., sivrrataniOH, N. C., Rooute 1. THRESHING MACHINE BURKED Also a $300.00 Barn Goes up in , Flames--Barn Was Struck by I Lightning. Messrs. Hub Moore and Will'. Rhodes lost a new threshing i machine by tire last Saturday | , night, the loss being complete, j At the same time a S3OO 00 barn belonging to Mr. Rhodes, went j up in flames, together with some tools and feed. The cause of the j fire was a bolt of lightning which during the storm if Saturday night struck the barn, and be- ' fore the machine could be re- 1 moved it was burned with the building. Messrs. Moore and Khodes had just bought the gin, and had threshed only one crop. Their loss is several hundred dollars. The scene of the fire was near Preston vi lie. ( Oillard. ; Dillard, July 1. —Rain is very ' much needed in this neighborhood i jas the corn and tobacco seem to j be suffering. The ice cream supper given at the home of Mr. L. A. Duncan was attended by a large crowd, but the pleasure was all broken up by the storm that passed near about 9:30. Mrs. J. C. YateSand daughter. Miss Florence, of Madison Route 1 1 3, spent Saturday night here j with Mrs. Yates' sister, Mrs. G. W.Roberts. , Misses and Lessie ; Duncan spent Saturday night with Misses Bessie and Myrtle Fagg. j Quite a crowd visited at the home of Mr. J. E. Alcorn Sun day. Among the number wore: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tur::e and children, of Meadows: Mr I 0 ' j Yates, Miss Florence Yates anal i Mr. Yancie Yates,, of Madison; i Route 3: -Messrs. C. W. Sisk and !*wm. V. Wood, from near Hart-; man; Misses Myrtle Rothrock,! , Minnie, Bettie and Lois Roberts: i Messrs. Grady, John and Charles, Mitchell, Elberth, Eany and; , Gerald Roberts, Coon and Dave Martin, Stacy, Horace and ; Emory Rothrock. Miss Lelia Hartman, of Hart- 1 | | man, was a visitor here Sunday Miss Helen Willisana brothers, j Messrs. Ashley and Roy, and 1 | Mr. Van Tuttle,' of near Walnut; Cove, spent Saturday and Sun-, day here. Mr. Geo. E. Roberts, who has I been attending the National i Business College, of Roanoke, | Va, the past winter, is spending a few weeks with his parents; here before accepting a position ! I Mrs Bob Martin is still very ill, we are sorry to note Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Drew Mabe, a boy. - Messrs Rex Sheppard and Edd Smith, of Sandy Ridge Route 1, were among the visitors here Sunday. Rev. James Fagg, of Walnut Cove will preach here Saturday night, July the 19th. Several people from this place expect to attend the footwashing at Pinev Grove Sunday- Several of our young men ex pect to spend Friday July 4th, at the Guilford Battle Ground. Miss Berta Ward, is attending J school at Greenville, Pitt county, North Carolina. H. Earners Union to Meet. j Westfield, June 24. To the Members of the Farmers' j Union of Stokes County: You are hereby called to meet in quarterly session at Danbury on the 12th day of July, to transact such business as may be brought before you, and the members of the council are here by called to meet the night before at the Taylor hotel at 8 o'clock' P. M. j We want to see each local I represented as business of great | importance will come before I this meeting. Yours fraternally, R. L. NUNN. | i I MOST CHILDREN HAVE WORMS. Many mothers think their children are suffering from indigestion, headache, nervous ness, weakness, costivent*.s, when they are victims of th \ f most common of all children & ailments—worms. Peevish, ill-i tempered, fretful children, who toss and grind their teeth, with bad breath and colicky pains, have all the symptons of having: worms, and should be given Kickapoo Worm Killer, a pleasant candy lozenge, which expels i worms, regu'ates the bowels,i tones up the ystem, and makes 1 children well and happy, i Kickapoo Worm Killer is guaran teed. All druggists, or by mail.! Price 25c. Kickapoo Indian i Medicine Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis, ' BIG REDUCTION in Men's and Ladies Slippers, Millinery and all Summer DRESS GOODS. 25 Pounds Granulated Sugar, sl.lO. ! JOHN A. BURTON Walnut Cove, N. C. Extremely low fares to Gettysburg, Pa., and return via Southern Rail= way account Fifteenth Anniversary Battle of Gettysburg and Reunion of | the Blue and the Gray, July 1-4, 1913. Tickets for this occasion will be on sale June 2S, 29 and 30 and ; July Ist, with final return limit July 10th, prior to midnight of I which date return triD must be completed ; Following round trip fares will apply from stations named: Charlotte $13.45 Concord 12.50 Salisbury 11.40 Lexington 10.50 High roint 10.50 Greensboro 10.05 North Wilkesboro 13.15 Mount Airy 11.65 Winston-Salem 10.05 Statesville 12.70 Mooresville.. 12.80 Hickory 13.70 Morgan ton 14.15 Gastonia 13.90 Fares from all other points on same basis. Special train will be operated from Charlotte Sunday, June 39th, leaving about 9:00 p. m. via Washington, arriving Gettysburg about noon June 30th. This tram will consist of both day coaches and Pullman sleeping cars, and passengers from branch line points can use regular trains, connecting with special train at junction points. Reservations should be made in advance. Stop overs will be allowed at Washington and Baltimore and also at all points on Southern Railway where there are agents on either going or return trip, oa both, within final limit of ticket. For further information apply to any agent Southern Railway or R H. DeBUTTV Divisia. Faece-g r .Agent, Charlotte, N. C. A BATTLE NEAR FRANCISCO ! Between Whites and Blacks, hut No Serious Damage Done- Needing Rain in Quaker (jap Township. Mr. F. S. Nunn, a prominent citizen and a good farmer of Quaker Gap township, was a Danbury visitor today. Mr. Nunn reports crops very good in his section, but are need ing rain very badly at present. Mr. Nunn reports at a colored | preaching stand near Francisco lat which there was preaching j last Sunday several fiights took place, but no serious damage iwas done. The parties names j who were fighting could not be learned, but Mr. Nunn says there were some two or three negroes | and one or two white men in the J difficulty. Several pistol shots were fired, but as far as has | been learned nobody was hit. Notice. The Stokes County Pension i Board will meet in Danbury on the first Monday in July (next | Monday.) All new applicants j should come before the board on i that day or send a doctor's cer tificate that they are unable to come. i Cure for Stomach Disorders. ! Disorders of the stomach may be avoided by the use of Cham | berlain's Tablets. Many very remarkable cures have been effected by these tablets. Sold ' by all dealers.

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