II MIDRIB OCCASION i The V. M. C. A. Boys Entertains Complimentary to the Visitors At the Hote!. Piedmont Springs, June 2b.— The Y. >l. C. A. boys who have >een in camp here entertained Tutsday night complimentary to he visitors at the hotel and the rottages. About one hundred quests were in attendance and he occasion proved to be a very , nteresting one. Among the features of the evening i A-ere excellent moving pictures, i he entire equipment of the Star! Theatre at Danbury being Drought over for the occasion, j mmediately after the pictures Rrere finished a bon-fire was ] ighted and by its bright light; he boys served icecream, nabi.ro! vafers, etc. Every one who jartook of the genuine hospital ty dispensed by the boys, felt /ery much indebted to them for in ttv-t-nimr of rare pleasure. The men. twenty-one in num ber. who are members of the Greensboro Y M. C. A., have >een in camu here two weeks, rhey are under the care of Di rector Yergin and his assistant, Mr. Preyer. Camp was broken Thursday, the 26th. and they returned home much to the re fcret of the visitors here. A severe electrical storm, ac companied by wind and rain visited this section Wednesday afternoon. A number of tele phone poles were blown down, trees uprooted, and other damage done. Hon. J. C. Buxton, of W'ins ton-Salem. spent a day or two the past week here with his family. BEST LAXATIVE FOR THE A;ED Old men and women feel the need of a laxative more than young folks, but it must be safe and harmless and one which will not cause pain. Dr. King's New Life Pills are especially good for the aged, for the act promptly end easily. Price 25c. Recom mended by all druggisis. A BIG LOT I OF | Slippers I AT A GREAT REDUCTION Come and get choice. BOYLES MERCANTILE COMPANY. kFine Shoes INS, CAROLINA. Designed and Patented (*l*l ii • «o OT JySF in 1807 i WSMSM The Standard WUm,\\ Ever Since Ayh ■ MM Pjj* V * W V F I*l JJERWH Roofs put on twenty-six yean ago are as good as new to-day, and have never needed repairs. What is the result? Why practically every other shingle manufacturer is trying to imitate it, so be not deceived —look for the words "Coftright Reg. U. S. Pat. Off " embossed op the corrugation. It is put there for your protection. Accept no substitute. | For Sale by R. H. R. BLAIR, - - DANBURY, N. C. i _________________________ ; {The Best Automobile : IN THE WORLD IS TheHUPMOBILE Can Climb any Hill in Stokes County. DR. J. A. ROACH, Agent MADISON. N. C. I I I i FOR SALE. I i Mi** fnriii in l.ec county •( 112 acres line laml with a.-res umler cultiva tion. practically level with nice live room farm house. splemlhl barn ami out i.uihlitms ami witliiti one mile of two of tlie largest railway systems in the South, I'riee SlT.'itt.iMt. Wtih terms. Ji One farm ill Harnett of 11:! acres with about .10 aeres open. This laml is iHViutifnlly situateii on the National Highway within one-half mile of the town of Olivia. Soil is saml.v loam, very productive .ni'l easy to , culture. A splendid old time live-room farm house with barn and orchard. I'riee .LVHI.«Hi. With terms i The above two farm* arc special offerings that must lie sohl. Knelt of them are priced far lielow value. |l t'ati offer any size farm ilesiivd iui|iroveil or uiiitii|iroveil saml i.r clay soil. Also I have a niimttcr of nice village homes currying live, ten ot , twenty acres of nice laml suitable for truckers or small farmers that I can i offer at interestin«; prices. No healthier place in the State than in the loim leaf pine licit. We mill tohacco farmers. It is easier to cultivate ! three acres here than one ill hill country. . 4J4t w. .1, oi.ivi:, Olivia. N. «\ DANBURY THE REPORTER > Preaching Appointments. Elder Isaac Jones will preach at: Stewart's Creek. Saturday. July I2th. at 11 o'clock. Toms Creek. Sunday. July loth, at 11 o'clock. State Line. Monday. July Uth. j at 11 o'clock. Snow Creek. Tuesday. July j loth, at 11 o'clock. ii ■ i i 1 Notice of Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of a decree of the j Superior Court of Stokes County, N. C., rendered on the 6th day i of June. 101:1. in the Special Proceeding entitled "Julia A. Tuttle, widow, and others. ; against Ollie Tuttle and others. I will expose to public sale to the highest bidder, upon the pre-; mises as set forth below, and at the times set forth below, on Saturday, August the 2nd, 1913, five tracts of land belonging to William T. Tuttle, deceased, in Stokes county. First tract, adjoining the lands of J. R. Tuttle and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone, J. R. Tuttle's corner, running East, 10 1-2 chains to a stone, thence •South, 11 degrees East. 11 chains and 78 links to stake, near an apple tree, thence South, 84 i degrees West. 2 1-2 chains to a stone, thence North, 55 1-2 de grees West, :{l-2 chains to a locust at the barn, thence North. 64 degrees West, 7 chains and 14 links to a stone in the road, thence 75 degrees West, 3 chains and 12 links with the road to a stone, J. R. Tuttle's corner, thence North, 15 degrees East, on his line, 6 chs. and 22 links to the beginning, containing 11 53-100 acres, more or less, and being a part of the tract of land set forth in a deed from Daniel Kiser, admr. to Wm. T. Tuttle recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Stokes Gounty, in Book No 26, page 588. Second tract, containing 57 acres, more or less, and being the same tract described in a deed from -las|>er C. Tuttle and wife to Wm. T. Tuttle. recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the county of stokes, in Book No. 35, page IN'.', and to which reference is hereunto made for boundariesani 1 SJOp tion. Third tract, containing 6.6 acres, more or less, and heinu the same tract of land described in a deed from T. Jetf Boles and wife to Wm. T. Tuttle. recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Stokes County, in j Book No. 59, and to which I reference is hereunto made for ] boundaries and description. Fourth tract, containing 37 ! acres, more or less, and being the | same tract described in a deed I from W. K. Willis and wife to Wm T. Tuttle. recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes Countv, in Book No. 43, page 571. and to which reference !is hereunto made for boundaries 1 and description. i Firth tract, containing 3 acres, I more or iess, and being the same tract of land described in a deed from H. McGee and wife to Wm. T. Tuttle. recorded in the office of the Kegister of Deeds t'or the County of Stokes, in Book No. 56, page 56, and to which reference is hereunto made for boundaries and description. The three first named tracts will be sold at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at the former home place of the said Wm. T. Tuttle, near where J. R Tuttle now lives, and the same will be sold as a whole, and in three seperate tracts to ascertain in which way the best price can be obtained. The two last tracts will be sold at the home place where the said W. T. Tuttle was living at the time of his death, near Germanton, at the hour of 2:30 o'clock p. m., and will also be sold as a whole and in two tracts to ascertain in which way the land will bring the best price. All crops on said land for this year will be excepted. Terms of sale:—One half cash on day of sale, and the remain der due and payable six months from day of sale, with bond and approved security for the defer red payments bearing six per cent interest from day of sale, with Drivilege to the purchaser or purchasers to pay all cash on day of sale if they desire so to do. This the 27th day of June, 1913. F, E. PETREE, Commissioner. N. O. Petree, atty. for Com- North Carolina. ! In The Super-! Stokes County, j ior Court, j I T. M. Lawson I Notice of vs. I summons and 1 J. A. Stone. i warrant of I attachment. The defendant in the aboveen : titled action will take notice that ! .on the 20th day of May, 1913, ' a summons in said acction was [ j issued against the defendant by |M. T. Chilton. Clerk Superior; I Court for Stokes county. North i Carolina. plaintilf claiming $600.00 due him on contract with the defendant, where plaintiff l j furnished fertilizer to defend- j, ant to sell and pay for after . sold and which defendant has i failed to pay accrding to said ' contract, which summons is re i turnable at next term of Super ior Court for Stokes county held i in Dan bury, N. C., beginning on j 27th day of Oet., 1913. : The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attach-! | ment was issued by said clerk of, 1 the Superior Court on the 20th 1 day of May, 1912, against the ] property of said defendant, j; which warrant i* returnable at j. , the next term of the Superior! i Court of Stokes county at the! ! time and place named for the I return of the summons, when; 1 and where the defendant is re- ; quired to appear and answer or i i demur to the complaint, or the J relief demanded will be granted. This 20th day of Mav, 1913. M. T. CHILTON. Clerk Superior Court Stokes Co. NOTP K. T«I AM. WHOM IT M V\ M;\: i Nuthv is hereby siivfii that Jacob Fulton, the intestate of tin* under -1 sijrncd. was tlie owner and holder of 1 il eertltleilte of stock of tile Stokt-s ilrocer.v ''onipuny, :i corporation •Inly organized under tin* laws of 1 North I'arolina. with its principal ' otiice at Walnut i 'ove. Stokes coim -1 t.v, which eertitieiitf of stock was | tiuuilH-r two. in the amount of ' SI.MHI.IHI, representing ilftcctt slinrvs of the capital stock of the Stokes "irocer.v I'oinpany. of the par value ' of !?|IMI.IHI each. IIIKI which has lieen lost, mislaid. or destroyed, and all . persons claiming any tight* under said certificate of -stock arc hereby notified that the undersigned, Joel 11. Fulton, administrator of Jacob 1 Fulton, deceased, will apply to the ; Stokes iJrocery ''•mipany. it its otiice in tlu> town of Walnut I'ove, IN. on the 12th day ot July. Isip!, 1 | for tile issuall a duplicate of the ' nliove named certificate of stuck, when and where, all persons • laiin , itia;any riirhts under the same, can 1 appear-Old show cause, if any they , have, why said duplicate certificate , of slo *k should tlot lie issued. . j Till- the ith dm of June. Isila. !| .mix ii. FFI.TON, *.!|!ll\ •f.l , !coli Fulton. div'd. NOTICE. Having dulv qualified as ad-1 j i minitrator of estate of G. '|W Merritt. deceased, all persons: ' indebted to same will pl»ase make j | settlement or' same, and all per- j [ | sons having claims against the ■ I estate of the said deceased are ' j hereby notified t«. present samej 51 to the undersigned duly authen-! ticated for payment on or before • the 10th day of May, 1914, or j this notice will lie pleaded in ' bar of their recovery. This Mav 3. 1913. ? D. H. BOYLES, Administrator. l r NOTICE. » Having qualified as adminis ) trators of the estate of Henry i W. Kiser, deceased, notice is . hereby given to all persons hold- J ing claims against the estate of I the said Henry W. Kiser, to i present them to the undersigned j i for payment, duly authenticated, j on or by the 12th day of June. ' 1 1914, or this notice will be - pleaded in bar of their recoverv. 1 t All persons indebted to the said r Henry W. Kiser, are respectfully } requested to make immediate 2 payment to us. s This the 7th day of June, 1913. i LUTHER KISER, 1 P. P JOHNSON, r Administrators. P. 0. King, N. C., Route No. 1. i N. O. Petree, Atty, for Admrs. 1 NOTICE! The Board of Education will r meet on Tuesday June 17, 1913, • for the purpose of acting upon r outstanding claims against the 1 school fund. All persons having 0 claims against the school fund • are hereby notified to present ( them on the above date, for this' will be the last meeting of the • Board during this school year. J. T. SMITH. Sec'y Bu. i-.d. DR. CHAS. MARTIN Dentist. Office over Madison Drug Co.. Madison, N. C. D. H. MARTIN. Jeweler, Stuart, Va. All work guaranteed satisfactory P. W. Gunter, PROFESSIONAL BARBER King, N. C. All kinds first class barber work done. Barber,fshop open at all hours. VV. G. Jerome Real Estate and Insurance Winston-Salem, N. C. 506 Wachovia Bank & Trust Building. Phone 983. FOR SALE- Several farms near Winston-Salem. All kinds of city property. Life, health, accident and fire insurance. VV. READE JOHNSON Attorney-at-Law. Masonic Temple. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Will practice in both State and Federal Courts. ; CHAS. O. Mc.MICHAEL. J. E. SAINTSINd, Wcntmorth. M'MICHAEL & SAINTSING, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Practice iu Stite and Federal Courts. All business given prompt attention. Chas. O. Mc- Michael will be in Madison on Saturdays, at his old otfice over the post office. DR. H. V. HORTON, Dentist, Is now back in his old location, corner 3rd and Main Streets, Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. building. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Rooms: 301, 302, 303. DR. THOMAS W. DAVIS. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Otiice 400-7 Masonic Temple, Winston - Salem. N. C. Honrs : vl to 12:30, 2to 4 and by appointment CHAS. R. HELSABECK Attorney at Law, DAN BURY. N. C. Prompt attention to all busi ness entrusted. Will practice in all State courts. | P. L. CULLER ! THE PAINTER AND ..PAPER HANGER... See me and get the advan tage of 12 years experience before painting. I'. » KI Mi, N « . ! plumt' uii ■ livlsiuii DONALD. D. HAWKINS Attorney-at-Law 4th Floor Wachovia Bank Building, Coll ctions a Specialty. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. R. R. ROGERS J. I. FULTON ROGERS & FULTON, LAWYERS. Offices Jones Building, Liberty St. Winston-Salem, N'.C. J. W. HALL, Attorney-at-Law, DANBURY, N. C. Will practice in all courts, both State and Federal. Office over Martin' sstore. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney-at-Law, DANBURY, N. C. Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will praotioe in all State courts. Dr. I. A. McClung, Dentist. i Office—7ol-702 Wachovia Bank > Building. 9to 1, 2to 6 N. C.

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