SHOCKED BY LIGHTNING Mrs. Ed .Mitchell Confined to her Med From Effects of Bolt Which Struck House. lied Shoals. June 30.—The health o! the community i good at this wi'trg. T v : i M >ti this are ul - ■ .. . as they are . a ing s.~! - .v it i ■ la»V iu s en t' ii. c i) ■. • : r t i» ;u\ d« rt*. i.avvi ir. ' «>t ! i ♦•! . v 4 V . v, . . i »v v 1 »• ' » » \ \»t t .• . ..r ' . /. 1 ! .' • , K.. v I*' • •' . . v ' • »• . M .} . 1 . ( • ■ • { ' • ! • • * s t 1 • t •, I.; ■ . . l ill'.-i; t • ! ': ill ■ ji, i: • .»! the- hghtnint:, but h* e sho will •'' •' be out A. Y : Sides. J u Sat; i •Jr.;.'-' I" 1 1 tan. .; ?ht an trt' tintr :•!■•' !v • ' - r 1 iiii" • crop-- . - ' M• Ha.- •' > i *■" 't Mr. Bi!i ni. - rivrht sick He fi-I! sti.T ; *jr 'i«\t. rs think 11 1 i ? «'! I A' :| Pay hf • v-.y I t i J." t •; i • • tiit-.! -.r.ti hav ar. •.•per.ti t. foitiH'i 1 1..-:'i.i\ lie i >ii : w -Vi \ N'ivp •'.! YuVghn, The- httl« «•':t di' Mr . i t: Mrs. ieorge Kal'aw. is at j v. sent. Mr K' 'v 1 ' nvmn-' of (. 1 r»»t;- bori is at i. ir.t* with his parents, Mr *u 1 Mrs. ? W Hawkins, will .•; •!. a month or two be for* re'urninr Mrs Mary Harrell and children. Walter, and tvma. of Reids ville. visited la r sister. Mr« 1. W. Murphy Saturday and Sun day returning home Monday Mrs. Flora Wali and children visited her sister, Mrs Huston Steele Sunday Thos vis-ting Mrs. Fannie Hawkins Sundav were Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Harvie Vernon Mr. Frank Morefield and family visited at Mr. J. P. Steele's Sundiy. Mr. J. H. Martin and children visited his daughter, Mrs. Hard t Hawkins Sunday ' Those visiting Misses Mary and Nina Steele Sunday were i Miss Idell Hodge, Messrs. Clyn -1 Hodge. Joe Mooiv and Charlie Mak ■ Mr Swar.son Monro called to t see Miss Claudie Martin on Madison R-ule Sunday. it\dat Mr I. Murphys J Sunday v.eiv V aial -V-vs. :! • W.iuJ.. . :.:vt Mrs. M;»ir '. Ml and Mr*. Wi'.\ ■ \\ !:;. ..v \! Albei* :.nd v vi ., v •. «t. !.' si r-min "i t'li •: :'v ; c,!. ".is.,-. M . • t • t 'V »I t .i • 4 •. V ' ! » S v . v •V) • ' .... "i. 1» 1 ! 1! . S ' '■ e tr ' ■ ' ',. i. i v « i ' . ■ ' r :i 1 :i - ir i 1 •. ■! li. ' . . . ; ) ■ ii 1 , . • • i i ii'ivllH". "1 i K ;• had • ' ■.■■{ t' -.y i>ne r. • i \ • .i\ r milk. St' e.n figured »ut. . a gallon >f milk • .i . t \ ■ .■ ! eie.l t : :i . .;n . i'.at abi lit twt |»; . i v iWeed nual : ■ ' ;"(•(!, i ; re!.ably a little !t*s-- : i.;i»i ft is. would he a • licit nt -iiiv t • n*»-d this cow !• ;s giving around 1 i.e. : .ni a lav We i.... ::'.>'.vn . many dairy • • r. s ; i ihsoluteiy no v. -it'll tl".'y are on a good i'ii- 1 .iui g.-t'i-iv ail the given ; • i • ; iu\* ■ at il then produce " : nit ni milk, it is doubt : . i: :■ vii! '»av vou to feed • feed. However, it is soi t'l-vs us"il. .Hid when sil stitat'-d !'ii-itran. pound for I) I'iin!, ir is probably all right. I'. 'vhere yt.ii !;a\e plenty .>f paVtiiv. civi plenty of silage or other stuff of this character, we do not recommend the use of this molasses seod. Suit should be pla''"d wlv->- the animals can get it at any and all times, as milk tk>\v is very often decreased whvn the animal does not get a . suflicient amount of salt. Hock salt kept in a convenient place where the animals can get u> it at all times is advisable. Prog ressive Farmer. Constipation Lured 1 Dr. King's New Life Pills will 1 relieve constipation promptly and get your bowels in healthy con dition again. Jon Supsic. of e Sanbury, Pa., says: "They are 3 the best pills I ever used, and I j advise everyone to use them for constipation, indigestion and j liver complaint." Will help you. il Price 25c. Recommended by all , | dealers. | FOR SALE—A good milch cow. WADE BOYLES. King, d N. C. Route 2. 6-24-2t THE DANBURY REPORTER GOOD DM IS AT KING I ! And Crops As a Result Arc Look-1 injj Fine - Hems nnil Per sonals. King, .lul. 1. The crops are, looking good in this section on ! account-of so manv good rains, i Lois f ' - in , munit\ ai vv.m ut The inl'ar. .Mr Mrs. -I. S Mi-'.viu i.l rii.'ht with typhoid lVv !. ]>'• ft! >iv' ; ■' and made • ■ J'i ui ■ i ■■ si ■ • i • '.' • 1 . .! 11. • * ' » •IT !\ii ' «•••' 1 :v . ; . i i i * ;. '• v 1 • . a I ' . »:.'. .'i .»■ v . . • , V ' -• ' ' \ • V W ilO :;. ■ll ■ ■ I'll Pt I ' ! k! tk'l • •.! ! i v :-i ; •• v. ho.;. ■; I • • • v Puiiiam ' ct'-i.: Mi ?: » >• Sum' . i." • will |!ii: uu\ i i i;«r t ■•>:»ehin ol't Miss , .V orm is i online to ml ' ; ; tho .'iimmi! ; . Slate'.- mil! fishing Think Mrs. Stor.i will sum. , h ivo mure- help as the Dr. calls om Miss Mallie 'O often. ( Mr. Wjj| Spainhower will soon leave for White- Sulphur Springs wiit»iv ho wili spend a month in interest. «»f liis health Mr Will Moreliold was a wei- come visitor tr. oir little city i Sunday ' > CHATTER P>« >X. ■ KM!.' I 'l F'Jli SAI.E Con tan 1 ; ing ~ acres, located one mile north ot i iuilford College, in ( graded school dis-trav. Mas good new twr-st«ry 'sarn, pi id trv and wooil house. Write or come t sei L'. o S Smith, t'uil lord College. N. C ii lune 4 w £Uiag3UmasS2» wye 1 Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats / | Shoes, Ladies' Dress 1 Goods, General Mercli an „. - "jry QV/ — diS. VS/ 1 guarantee! V'" f\ m > pnces to be a \ * as low as you can buy I n North Carolina or Vir- § ginia. Come to see us. i • u i iam>fi»"BriTMM—iiiMgf'riwmT MirrirgraTTiir'fwWTiiiwra FOR SALE !S 4, As surviving partner of the firm of Bennett | a & Murray I offer for sale, as a whole, the entire | stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE belonging > to said firm. 'j Everything clean and new. I A quick buyer can get a bargain in an estab £ lished business. See or write V S. L. MURRAY, , $ Surviving partner of the firm of Bennett & Murray. Lj WALNUT COVE. N. C. - 'mmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmammm II Visit to Stokes After ao Absence of 40 fears. i Winston, June 25. —A. U , -lesti r, of Boise. Idaho, spent (several hours in the city yester day on his way to visit his brother at Mt. Nebo. Stokes county Mr fester stated to a ;\ l re.'i ntativi •>!' The Sentinel that ! left this State when he ws'.s • -unto.-n yws old, >.o i ;i,i % is li- f\vt vi • i ; i. 'd !• • 'li t' t> ii. ;.i:l ilk* m ".. >r *•! ant. •! I:. lv- ,i • . \ -i i i -i .i.i ••. .. V. i ; >\ • ; i'!V. .ii v* •• • * • ■ » • .' t' i • • t ;:." ' v. i•« i !. n i «vl "l :i. • a *■,.• . 11 . • « \ ■ ' . • . '.■•'.ll* ..: I 4 . . . 1. - i)l r I t t I ' ' » •• • ! ' ' 5 i'HV ! V t K• ; :• :: n k ■ i «'• «Si • it us ;l ;?r : was . , i ten ,■ of mm ft • I Ml t w ."t .i • I. I • ■ - - P !. • .'.!•? '.. ii , i. Agriculture. Horticulture, S.i i«.ii•• i. ». !\ m v I'\»uHi > •V.'i.. \ ■ .!•; \ '' ('!.■• i.: in I'ivii, i'.,i cli jcu'. ;-. u Mecl ani f.,! tm :!?»»•• •»( chemi try ■ r.o IH- •.} it. i o'.! >: .Mannlat.• r. tui:: . r ur year courses, i -i )ne vejr futa- -. s. 53 'ei.c ; iers: till!'st .dents, 'i tmiid -1: •.;• . Moth m j. i| 11 ■ nt. Coun v S'o •.-rintender.ts Ik i-. i.tratK e e.\a:ninaii 'tis at 'di lounty-seats ■) lti. Write for complete Catalogue to * K. 1\ OWK\\ He«istrar, it. West Raleigh, N. C. NOTICE. A meeting of the stockholders, and ilireciors of the Bank of Stokes County is hereby called to meet at King, N. C., on Aug. :t. for the purpose of organizing a branch bank of the Bank of Stokes County at that place, a •ranging for the building, electing a board o! directors, officers, etc. This July 1, lUId. N. E. PEPPER. Cashier. ITO OUR mm MID Tit DUTItiO PUCMC: I We have just received ihe biggest line of all ?. kinds of fancy and staple dress goods and ladies' | furnishings ever though I to Walnut Cove, and * at prices so low tiv. will simoJy astonish you. «* Have also Uijt received on* solid car of Pi:ls- S bin s Daisy Midi!. >.*.. uiu 1 so?id car of hay and P a car ol corn a'id oat:. nil of which we will sell | ;* you as low a > a.t.v one ;n WaU;i.u Cove ft Six thousand yards of !>•••• " ; ,ir:ot t «.d .Yludin at I lowest pi ices. V hen in need of an> thing in | ihe goods, line t>« *u;*" lo see us beiore Int.* ing. $ v; V'-'v can and v,:;» v-w*. you rr»rne> 01. \our £ r- J* , ,'«••• «p ~ ». I ic,*«w. X, V fVi i-M, 3""B r-1, bjf & «s» n::, O l>*. Uk * W v>*«i 1 IV { t"i r- »v« V r • ' ' 'i.U I v V» * \ *. t t « « *W « if t ** *• . . . ... . \s.i * l«"« :! an - ; still in the ring selling 23 POUNDS G vJANULATED SUGAK for sl.lO. A big lot of White Canvass Slippers, S!.2S and SI,OO values at M W $ pet' '/ 3 Sl'lO 3- ii€® \ John L Barton w C ol" ut DAVIS AND LINVILLE Liverymen Walnut Cove, N. C. Good Teams and Careful Drivers Furnished at all Times. We will conduc* ' !;e transfer line between Walnut Cove and Piedmont Springs. j THE WORLD'S" RECORD IN HllfciMM IS HELD BV THE ford Automobile ! A car in a class to itself. You can't net a check for $400.00 on every deal, but when you buy a FORD you save this amount in the first cost to say nothing ot the cheapness in the cost of upkeep. Beware of the heavy, money-burning monster. Get your Ford and be satisfied along with 200,00" satisfied Ford users. Let Covington-show you. Auto Livery Service. T. J. COVINGTON, Automobiles, Walnut Cove, N. C. I DAISY MIDDLINGS AND CHOP In Car Load Lots. Also other Heavy Groceries at Jobbers Prices. Merchants, see us Refore You Buy—we will save you money. Hamilton-Brown Shoes. Ail lines of General Merchandise. We give everybody :i cordial invitation to visit our store. *■ Fagg& Nelson, Walnut Cove, N.C. aamsaa "KawgßVia EacewumnsanuMH iii imi —am hi ii iiHiMtimfirmi « bbmbbbbbbbba———■ I I nnk' HFPF thres hing outfits,.. ? Lv/V/IY ■ ILIiL gasolene engines don't ——— f a jj to cal | on me !When you are in need when in town. ofH arvester machinery, hinHpP c mnwerti hav The r,ght P r,c es. and binders mowers, na> terms and fai( . dealinJf- r rakes, wheat drills, corn Yours to serve planters, fertilizer, dis tributors, Oliver Chilled i\/ P and Chattannooga . . ' plows, cutaway har- rows and section har rows, wood saw outfits, Walnut Cove, N. C.

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