DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XL. PIEDMONT SPRINGS The Concert and Classical Recital a Success. MANY AUTOMOBILES A Party of Younjf People to Spend the Night On Moore's Knob This Week. Piedmont Springs, N. C., July 15 — A concert and classical re cital was given by the guests of this resort on Friday night last under the direction and management of Mrs. Colonel GaUoway for the benefit of the Episcopal Mission Hall at Mayo dan. The entertainment was a success financially and a rare treat to the large audience in attendance. Dr. t*eo. W. Brit tain, of Reidsville, in a few words made known the wrecked condition of the Parish Hall which was caused by a tornado which recently visited that town, stating that it was necessary to have a certain amount of money to make the needed repairs. After a grand olio by the or chestra "Great Brittain" began the introducing ana announcing the cast in regular order as programmed: 1. Grandolio, "Sally's Dream," Simpson, by the orchestra. 2 Song. "Oh, Believe Me." Moore, Miss Ethel Follin 3. Recitation, "Poor White Trash." Lindsay Ellington, Mis 3 DeWitt Chatham 4. Song. "Ah, I Have Sigh ed." M Pepper, Miss Ruth Price 5 Vocal duet, "Annie Laurie," Eugene Pepper, Mesdames Means and Noel G Recitation. Selected. Byerly, Miss Elizabeth Wilkerson. 7. Song, Selected. Dr. Brit tain, Miss Ethel Follin. 8. Recitation, "Nothing At All," Ben Gray, Miss Elizabeth Bynum. 9. Monologue, "Brunswick Stew," Great Brittain. 10. Music, "Everybody," Ver day, orchestra. Piedmont is rapidly becoming distinguished for its many auto mobile parties. Among those Sunday were the following: Messrs. Wm. R. Dalton, Abe Womack, W. W. Smith and B. W. Staples, of Reidsville, who arrived here Sunday morning from their home, it requiring only three hours to make the 1 trip. Later in the day Mr. W.j Lee Springs, of Winston, ac- 1 companied by Mr. Chas. Siewers, and family of Winston, came over in Mr. Springs' big Ca dallic On the same day Mr j C. J. Tinsley and famly, of ] Greensboro, came in their' Chalmers Added to these was the big Hupmobile which plies regularly between this place and ; Walnut Cove, and it brought j Messrs Lawrence Mcßae, Eddie; Sheppard, A. W. Davis, Mr. i Gates and others Dr. J. C. j Wiggins and Mr. Will Hill spent i the day here, coming through in i Dr. Wiggins' car. Almost any j hour one may see a machine • driving up loaded with guests, here now Misses Delphine, Eleanor and ] Willie Carter and Mrs Wood ruff, their sister, of Winston, j arrived Saturday to spend some weeks here Dr Brittain, of Reidsville, is | among the entertaining guests, spending the summer here. A party composed of the fol-, lowing young people will spend the night this week on top of Moore's Knob: Misses Evelyn Shipley, Ellen, Mary and Lucy Sheppard, Ruth and Charlotte I i Critz, Ida Wilkinson, Ruth I Price, Margarette Moses, Messrs. Ben Gray, Eddie Sheppard, Allen Sharp, Watson Scott, I James Norfieet, and others and j will be chaperoned by Mr. and !Mrs. Sanders and Mrs. J W. . I Shipley ' I A huge rattler was kill°d by j Mr. A. D- Lajoie, of Charlotte, '! three miles west of here Satur day Misses Eleanor Follin and Mr. ; and Mrs. Marion Follin are . among those who arrived here 5 Saturday to spend the summer, t Mr. Cabell Hairston, of Wal -1 nut Cove, came up Friday to 1 join his daughters, Misses W'il j lie and Lula, who are summer . ing here. They are also ac i companied by Mr and Mrs. ;. Smith, of Texas, i Among the new arrivals are .! Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hill, Misses •'Elizabeth Hill, Louise Horton, [ and Mrs. Lawrence Mcßae. of 1 i Winston; Mrs. C. P. Wall and >' family of Spray. There are 125 or more guests ) in the hotel and annex now, and r large numbers expected this , week and next. Probably 150 . are residing in the cottages. i ; Oak Grove. Oak (irove, July 14.-Mrs. Permelia Lambert, the wife of , James (1. was born Dec. IG, 1825, and departed this , life July 7, 1913, aged 87 years, ' 6 months and 21 days. She professed faith in Christ in youth and connected herself with the ( church at an early date, and lived a consistent life until the , summons came She was the } mother of five children, of which three are living and two dead. She leaves 1!) grand children and 17 great grand children to mourn their loss. The remains were placed at Olive Grove Baptist church in the midst of a host of - 1! eral services were conducted by .! Rev. Yewel Matthews, of Pilot ' I Mtn. We are sorry to learn that ' ; Mrs. Mary T. Wilson, who has 1 been a life-time subscriber to the ! Reporter, is seriously ill at this ' j writing. 1 Misses Emma (ientry and : ; Minnie Boyles spent Sunday at 1 : Mr. G. W. Smith's. '! Messrs. C. T. Darnell and R. | K. Long went to the river fishing ' Saturday. They came back late Sunday evening with a sack of ! 'frogs. They report no fish but ; a lot of fun. 'j • Messrs. A. S. Marsh and G. A. | Jones got them some sox and a 1 cake of soap and went to the ; footwashing last Sunday. , ! SCRIBBLER. ■ I I I When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not not only give relief, but effect a | prompt and permanent cure, ! a remedy that is pleasant to ,! take, a remedy that contains ! nothing injurious. Cha m - berlain's Cough Remedy j meets all these requirements. |lt acts on nature's plan, ; relieves the lungs, aids expect -1 toration. opens the secretions ! and restores the system to a i healthy condition. This remedy i has a world wide sale and use. ! | and can always be depended upon. Sold by all dealers. I J | NOTICE. j A meeting of the stockholders land directors of the Bank of i Stokes County is hereby called ito meet at King, N. C., on Aug. 19, for the purpose of organizing | a branch bank of the Bank of | Stokes County at that place, 1 arranging for the building, ] electing a board of directors, I officers, etc. This July 1, 1913. N. E. PEPPEK, Cashier.' I DANBURY, N. C.. JULY 10, 1913. MR. DAVID REID ILL; Mr. J. Frank Dunlap Loses Fine Milch Cow. MEASLES RAGING; Mrs. Zeb Martin Returns From! Hospital—Other News Items Of Inrerest. Gideon, July 15. — People are j topping tobacco in this section j j and we are needing rain very j i badly. Mr. David Reid is very ill with j ! typhoid fever but we trust he i i will soon be well again. Rev. Folger filled his regular l I appointment at Davis Chapel' j Sunday. Quite a crowd was I i present. Mrs. R. W. Mitchell was car-1 ! ried to Winston last Thursday to i undergo an operation for ap- • i pendicitis. Mr. J. Frank Dunlap lost a j I fine milch cow last week. Mrs. Zeb Martin returned; home Monday from the hospital j I in Greensboro. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin I H. Flynt, a boy. ! Mr. W. M. Flynt, who is spend- i j ing a month at Piedmont Springs, j 'spent Saturday and Sun-j |day with his family, returning; , Monday i Messrs. Henry and Charlie Bui- j j len have purchased a new bug- j igy. j Misses Ethel Flynt, Sadie, Car jry and Ethel Flinchum, Bessie land Stella Martin, and Messrs. j Carey and Walter Flynt, Elmer, ; Roy and Early Flinchum. Miller and Bloomer Wilkins and Jodie Kington visited Misses Berchie and Avis Dunlap Sunday after noon. ! Quite a number of youngsters ! visited Misses Ethel Flynt Sun : day evening. Among those were i Misses Bettie and Lucy Johnson. | Berchie and and Avis Dunlap; 'Messrs. Claudie Rhodes, Elmer j Flinchum, Hardy Johnson, Gid I Mabe, Walter and Robah Flynt. I The family of Mr. Colly Shep ! pard has been very ill with j measles, but are improving some ! we are very glad to say Mr. Watt Martin and family | visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I J. J. Martin, Saturday night and Sunday. ; Mr. Levi Hennis called to see! Miss Kate Reid Sunday and car- j ried her to preaching at Delter. i SCRIBBLER, j j GUARANTEED ECZEMA REMEDY. The constant itching, burning, | redness, rash and disagreeable i effects of eczema, tetter salt l ; rheum, itch, piles and irritating skin eruptions can be readily cured and the skin made clear land smooth with Dr. Hobson's j Eczema Ointment Mr. J. C. Eveland, of Bath. 111., says: I' 'I had eczema twenty-f years and had tried everything. Alii failed. When I found Dr. Hob son's Eczema Ointment I found a cure." This ointment is the formula of a physician and has been in use for years— not an experiment. That is why we can guarantee it. All drug gist or by mail. Price 50c. Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Philadel phia and St. Louis. Eogioe Breaks Down. The Reporter is two days late owing to a break in the engine, which had to be repaired at Wineton. V Cure (or Stomach Disorder*. Disorders of the stomach may be avoided by the use of Cham berlain's Tablets. Many very remarkable cures have been effected by these tablets. Sold by all dealers. wiit cove n | i Pleasant Affair Given By j Misses Claude and Stella j Rierson. j PUTTING IN PHONES i j Walnut Cove People Taking Stock in Big Creek Line —Items and Personals of Interest. Walnut Cove, July 15.—Misses | Claude and Stella Rierson enter | tained very delightfully last Fri jday evening at their home on I Summit avenue. The affair was | a surprise given in honor of i their brother, Saunders, Jr., six teenth birthday anniversary I Games were played on the porch land lawn, while the ladies played i several delightful piano selec tions, and as the evening's 1 pleasure drew to a close the j hostess served delicious refresh ments. Among those that enjoyed the hospitality of the i Misses Rierson on this delightful | occasion were: Misses Mabel | and Edith Petree, Bettie, Clara and Bernice Woodruff, Myrtle | Samuel, Lucy Burton, Lenoir I Lewis, Flossie Crews and Lillie I Joyce, and Messrs. Sam Stewart, | Tom Petree, Bob Mitchell, Tom ! Covington, Jacob Fulton and lots 'of others. Mr. Rierson was the I recipient of many useful i presents The Walnut Cove ball team played the Winston White Sox at Winston Saturday. The score was 5 to 3 in favor of the White Sox. The College Bloomer girls' ball team played the Walnut Cove b2'l team here Monday to the tune of 15 to 1 in favor of Wal nut Cove. Mr. R. L. Nunn has been in town for the last week with a force of hands fixing in tele phones in most all the business houses and lots of dwelling houses. Mr. Nunn is represent ing the Big Creek Telephone Co. Mr. 0. N. Petree has returned from a visit of several days to Asheville, N. C. Misses Ruth and Agnes Hairs ton, who are spending some time at their farm, spent the day at Winston-Salem Friday. Miss Sallie Fulton is spending | some time in Roxboro visiting ! friends. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vaughn : and sister, Miss Nellie Vaughn, I Winston-Salem, spent Sunday in I town with relatives. Mr. and Mrs J. C. Bailey, Jr., spent the week-end in Winston- Salem visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Cahill. Mrs. Susie Walker and child ren returned to their home at Richmond, Va., after spending the week with Mrs. Walker's sister. Mrs. John A. Burton. Mr. Ben Cahall, Jr., of Wins ton-Salem, spent Saturday and Sunday in town with relatives at the Vaughn Hotel Kev. W. H. Willis, Messrs. B. F. Sparger and R. T. Joyce, of Mt. Airy, and Mr John M. Price, of Dobson, were in town last week en route to Leaksville to attend conference. Little Miss Annie Fulton is spending some time in Greens ' boro visiting her cousins, Misses Nina arid Nellie Fulton. Misses Jessie Vaughn and Martha Ross left Monday for a few days visit to relatives at Arcadia. Misses Carrie and Jessie Ful- j ton, of Greensboro, were in town j last week en route to Meadows' to visit relatives. Mr. Otis Bodenheimer return- j ed to Roanoke, Va., Sunday, ' where he is attending the' National Business College, after .spending some time with his j parents. His father, Mr. Chap ! Bodenheimer, accompanied him ! back to Roanoke and will spend ; j a few days there. Mrs W. L. Vaughn, of Route j5, returned home Sunday, after 1 spending a few days visiting i relatives at Winston Salem. Miss Rennie Moore, of Pin nacle, spent the week-end in ; town as the guest of Mrs R. L.! I Murphy. She left Monday for a few days stay at Winston- j Salem. Mr. A. W. Davis spent the ' week-end at Piedmont Springs, j M r Tom Petree spent Satur-1 day and Sunday with home folks j at Dan bury. Mrs. J. F. Shelton, of Ports-' mouth, Va., and Miss Beulah; Davis, of Pinnacle, returned to their respective homes Sunday , after spending some time here as the guests of Mrs. Arthur Davis. Mr. Odell Jones and mother, Mrs. C. M. Jones, spent the 1 night Saturday at Germanton I with relatives. \ Mrs Jim Scales and Miss ; Morrison, of Madison, are the ■ guests of Miss Salome Fair this » week. I Sandy Ridge Route 1. Sandy Ridge Route 1, July 15. A large crowd attended services at North View Sunday, the \ weather being beautiful and pleasant. Miss Effie Stone and Wootsie Ramsey returned home Saturday I after spending several days visit ing friends in Stokes. ' Miss Jettie Moorefield spent Saturday at Moore's Springs. She was accompanied home by her brother, L. B. Moorefield of Winston, who spent the week end there. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Taylor, '|Dr. and Mrs. Simpkins, Mr. ' j Busick Taylor, of Stoneville, and [Miss Mary King, of Spencer, IJ Va., spent a while Sunday with I Mrs. J. Wesley Moorefield on ! their way to spend sometime j at Moore's Springs. Mrs. C. H. Sheppard and Mrs. ' Edd Carroll of Sandy Ridge ' Route 1, have been right ill with , | measles, but glad to say that r ; they are improving. Miss Carrie Sisk visited her sister, Mrs Pid Sheppard, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Pid Sheppard I ,spent Sunday on Danbury ; Route 1. Mr. Fletcher Kallam called on Miss Beaulah Sheppard Sun ; day Misses Bessie and Jettie Moore : field entertained quite a number of youngsters Sunday after ' noon. M. R. B. MOST CHILDREN HAVE WORMS. Many mothers think their ; children are suffering from I indigestion, headache, nerveus- I I ness, weakness, costivem ts, , when they are victims of th .'most common of all children s ! ailments—worms. Peevish, ill »] tempered, fretful children, who toss and grind their teeth, with bad breath and colicky pains, have all the symptons of having worms, and should be given Kickapoo Worm Killer, a pleasant I candy lozenge, which expels : worms, regu'ates the bowels, ! tones up the ystem, and makes j children well and happy. I Kickapoo Worm Killer is'guaran- I teed All druggists, or by mail, i Price 25c. Kickapoo Indian j Medicine Co., Philadelphia and I St. Louis, I Mr. E. O. Caudle, of King, was a Danbury visitor Mon 'day. No. J,07 OILUM fIONAWAT Mules Go Through Barbed Wire. Fence With Thresh ing Machine. DRIVERS HEAD CUT But Bverett l.awson Not Serious ly Hurt—Crops are Need ing Rain. Dillard, July 1. —The ice cream supper given at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Carter last Saturday evenincr was at tended by a large crowd and was enjoyed by all. Delightful music was furnished by the Messrs. Mortons. We are most through threshing wheat in this section. Messrs. Reggie Hartman, Frank Powers, Branscome Young and Wm. Wood spent Saturday night at Mr. G. W. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Will Peebles spent Saturday night with Mrs. Peeble's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Young. Among those who visited Misses Delia and Ruth Alcorn Sunday were Misses Bessie and Myrtle Fagg, Mannie and Bettie Roberts, and Messrs. Reggie Hartman, Will Wood, Branscome Young. Eaney and Elbert Rhodes, Grady Mitchell, Stacy Rothrock, Coon Martin, and Wade Dun can. Last Friday afternoon while moving a threshing machine, Mr. Bob Lawson's mules became frightened and ran away. They ran down a very steep through a barbedwire fence before they could be stopped. Mr. Everett Lawson was driving but jumped off in time to escape serious injuries. His head was badly cut bruised in jumping. The mules were not hurt, but the machine was wrecked so badly it will be several days before it can be repaired ready for threshing. The family of Mr. .Terry Berry returned home Wednesday, after spending several days with friends in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson Mitch ell and children, Bernard and Bernice, are visiting relatives and friends in Virginia this week. Mrs. Mitchell and children of Walnut Cove spent the latter part of last week with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Mitchell. Mesdames J. 'W. and Will Young are spending several days with relatives and friends in Greensboro. Crops are not looking so well jas we have had very little rain the past month. Mr. Robt. Ward and son, Wil lie, went to Madison Saturday on business. R. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercurv : as mercury will surely destroy the | sense of smell and completely i derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pre scriptions from reputable physic ians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure,' manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, 0., contains no mercurv, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine- It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi monials free. Sold by druggists. Price 75c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.

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