DANBURY REPORTER '" IoLUML: XL. Dim spies II Known and Popular ; jsort to Close For j The Seaeon Sep tember 1. :cESsruL SUMMER| idance Has Been Larger I. an Ever Before—Personal j Mention. ;dmont Springs, N. C.. Aug. Judge Robt. M Douglass, of , snsboro, and Hon C. B. Bon, of Winston-Salem, are r»g the distinguished guests itered at the hotel here!, ! r. W. L. Trotter and family, | reensboro, arrived here Fri to occupy their cottage, j y are accompanied by Mr. all and wife, Mrs. Patterson, | j Messrs. E P Grantham and Bi Coble. Misses Marybelle fwas and Stuart Hayden led them Saturday, having h guests at the hotel up to I time. Irs. J N. Watt and child. 1 L Tucker and Miss Mills, of | ■sville, arrived here Thurs- j Ito spend some days. ■ss Cecile Avery, of Columbia, fc., is among the new guests pe hotel. J. W Neal and son, | pp. of Monroe, spent several L here the past week, ■ng through the country in r car r. Brian Floyd, of Spartan :, S. C , returned to his home week after spending two ks here. iss Marianna Justice, of left Friday for her; |e. Mrs. Justice, her mother, ( remain here another r lessrs. William Coan, C.; F. D. Crawford and Joel gers, of Winston-Salem, arej ong the young men here j v. )r. Charlie Pratt, of Madison, o has recently located at j (lcaster. S. C., for the! of his profession, is here j ipent a week or two. dr. Walter N'ading, of Wins ■Salem, returned to his home j dav, after spending a week | p. !r. Murphy McNair, returned j his home at Winston-Salem iday after a week's stay i e. i [essrs. Thos. Knight, of i ksville, and R. L. Vaughn, Walnut Cove, spent a day or here the past week. [r. and Mrs. A. W. Davis, of Inut Cove, spent the past k here. ev. C. W. Irvin, pastor of Danbury Presbyterian ■ch, preached to a large and •eciative audience here last it. essrs. Thos. J. King, H. A. i and Miss Minnie King are ng the new guests who red here yesterdby ;tornevs D. D Hawkins and I. Whicker, of Winston-Sa spent Sunday here, r. George C'oan, whose family is here, returned to ! Winston-Salem Sunday. Mr. 'Coan will return here Friday, i Postmaster R. D. Douglass and family, of Greensboro, are | ! expected here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stone and Mrs. Herbert Smith are guests at the cottage of Dr. A. jG. Jones hefe- All of the correspondents of the Danbury Reporter have been | invited here for next Saturday, j the 30th inst. Hon. C. B. i Watson, of Winston-Salem, will probably address them. The occasion promises to be a very pleasant one and is being looked forward to with much pleasure. The annual reunion and picnic l of the Stokes County Farmers' I Union was held at Danbury, two miles from here, Saturday. Hon. Clarence Poe, of Raleigh, and Maj. Alexander, of Charlotte, addreMed the farmers. The farmers were very enthusiastic over the addresses. Mr. P. A. (iorrell, whose family are summering here at the hotel, arrived Saturday and expects to spend ten days here ; visiting the farmers in the 1 interest of his warehouse at I Winston-Salem. Misses Minnie and Ada Allen, of Winston-Salem, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Saunders at their cottage here. Mrs. Lee Springs, who has been here with her family since June, left Thursday in response to a message stating that her uncle in Philadelphia had died very suddenly. She will return to her home in Winston-Salem in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Dick and Mrs. Thos. Crabtree, of Greensboro, who have been spending some weeks here, left for home Friday. Miss Ethel Blackburn, of Columbia, who is a guest here, spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. H. H. Riddle, of Winston- Salem, who is at Moore's Springs. The d."~ce here Saturday night was participated in by an un usuall large number of couples. Mr. Sullivan Booe, of Walker town, spent several days here the past week, returning home yesterday Mr. J. O. Young, of Winston- Salem, spent Sunday here. Misses Mary Griffith, of Winston-Salem, and Mary Louise Moore, of Dillon, S. C., and Messrs. R. M. Walker and C. M. Schaum, of Winston-Sa lem, were guests at the hotel here Sunday. Messrs. A. M. and C. H. Wehb, of Winston-Salem, and H. C. Sherrill, of Charlotte, spent a few days here the past week. Miss DoreKorner, of Kerners ville, is expected to join her mother, Mrs. J. (Kilmer Korner, here this week. Mr. Cameron Mcßae, of Chapel Hill, is expected here Thursday to spend some days. The hotel will close for the season next Monday, September I, after having experienced the most successful year under the present management. DANHUWV, .\. C.. AUG I. ST 27. 1913. BEAUTIFUL CURES Farmers of Yadkin Township Busy Saving Their Tobacco Crops. A GREAT CORN CROP Expecting Wilson Prosperity — Mucb Dealing in Real Estate - How Land Mas Ad vanced In Price Chicken-pox Rampant. Oak Trove, Ailg. 25.—The farmers are very busy priming, cutting and curing tobacco. Some beautiful cures have been made. The farmers are expect ing from one to two hundred dollars to the barn. This makes us think of Wilson's prosperity. Mr. (i. A.Jones sold a lot of tobacco last week. Ho reports prices good. The refreshing showers keep falling. The well cultivated crops keep growing. There is the greatest corn crop that has ever been known through this section. Mr. A S- Marsh has the best two acres of corn I have seen through this country. The farmers are making prep arations for another wheat crop- There is more dealing in real estate than we ever knew in this section of the country. The prices range from $25 to §SO per acre. The same land was sold for $4 and $5 per acre 10 years ago. This advanctment in price has come about bv improvement in cultivation. The people use to cultivate a piece of land for what they could get off of it. Now we improve our land while cultivating and then we are sure to get something off it. Be sure you cultivate your crops in a way that you will improve your land. Work in a way that the rising generation may be bettered by you being here. There was a large crowd at tended the footwa3hing at Volunteer the third Sunday. Elder Jesse Ashburn, of Wins ton-salem, preached an interest ing sermon. The chicken pox are spreading over this section. SCRIBBLER. Announcement. There will be a Union Sunday School Rally at King on the first i Sunday in September, 1913 | Everybody invited to be present. Exercises to begin at 10 o'clock a m and continue all day. Hon. Gilbert T. Stepenson, of ■ Winston-Salem, and Rev. E. W. Turner, of Lime Rock, and many other speakers of prominence will be on the program Come and bring a lunch and spend the day; hear Sunday ' School work thoroughly discuss j ed. Cure for Stomach Disorders. Disorders of the stomach may be avoided by the use of Cham berlain's Tablets. any very remarkable cures have been effected by these tablets. Sold by all dealers. WALNUT COVE NEWS Several Real E«t«fe Exchanges in Walnut Cove. ROLLER MILL SOLD To Mr. Jim Southern —Mr. John Q. Fulton to Build New Store —Other Inter esting News. Walnut Cove, August 27. Quite a good many deals have been made in real estate during the last week. Among them were: Mr. John R. Lackey sold the Walnut Cove Roller Mills to Mr. Jim Southern %hile Mr. I Southern has sold his farm, north of town, which was known as the Wyatt-Vaughn plantation to Mr. Joe Fowler, and Mr. A. T. Rothrock has bought the brick-stone building of Mr. Jno. G. Fulton which has been occupied for some time by the Stokes Grocery Company, and it is learned that Mr. Jno. t. Fulton will build a store on the lot opposite Bennett A Murray's store, on South Main Street The voung people of Walnut I Cove gave quite an enjoyable I picnic on Thursday afternoon of last week complimentary to the visiting young ladies in town. About forty or more young people enjoyed this delightful outing. ! The honor guests were Misses ! Mildred Rla:kburn, of Guilford j College; Sallie Crews, of Durham; • and Harriet Ross, of Walnut Cove Route 1. Mr.- A. E. Strode, operator of the N. & W. Ry. Company, is spending fifteen days at Atlantic City, Norfolk, New York City and other cities. Mr. and Mrs. Ham Rudd, of Brown Summitt, spent the week end in town with relatives. Mrs. J. F. Fulton and daughter, of Greensboro, spent the week eari in town with relatives at the Vaughn Hotel. Mrs. Bob Hedgecock has re turned fiom a several days visit to friends at Martinsville and Roanoke, Va. Presiding Elder R. M. Taylor, of Mt. Airy, preached at the Methodist church at Stokesburg last Satur day and Sunday. Mr. Joe Petree will move his family to Winston-Salem this week where they will make their ! future home. We regret very I much to give up th*se good people, but wish them much suc -1 cess in their new home. Little Miss Hellen Doggett, of Summerfield, is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. P. N. Davis, at Stokesburg. Mr. Julius O. Young, of Wins ton-Salem, was in town Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Joh'n Bailey, Jr., spent Sunday in Winston-Salem with relatives Mr and Mrs Haynes Linville and children, of thip place, spent the day Sunday with relatives at High Point. Mr. N'uma Vaughn spent the day last Friday at Winston-Sa lem. Mr. W. P. Wheeler spent the day last Sunday with relatives at Pilot Mtn. Mrs. Hubert Smith, of Liberty, was in towh last weekenroute to Piedmont Springs where she will spend some time with her mother, Mrs. A. G. Jones, who is now occupying her cottage. Dr. W. H. Critz spent Sunday night and Monday at Winston- Salem. Miss Lillie Wheeler is spending some time at Pilot Mtn. visiting relatives. Miss Mary Stanley, of (iuilford College, was in town Monday, she was accompanied by her friend, Miss Wilson, of Indiana, who spent the day with her here at the Vaughn Hotel. Mr. (ieorge Lewis spent the day Monday at Winston-Sa lem. Gideon. Gideon, Aug 26. —The farm ers thn.ugh this section have begun cutting an 1 curing tobacco There were eleven baptized near John Shelton's on Madison Route 3 Sunday afternoon, and was attended by a large crowd. Mr. W. M. Fl.vnt attended the I'nion stockholders meeting at Walnut Cove Monday. Miss Dora Deshazo returned to her home near Price, Va., last Wednesday, after a few days' stay with Mrs. B. J Martin at this place. Mrs. B. J. Martin visited rela tives at Walnut Cove Monday. Mr. and Mrs W. M. Flynt and Ismail son, Hilary, have gone to Madison on business today. ' Mr. and Mrs. Carlie, of Mayo dan, visited at Mr. S- A. ate-i wood's Saturday night and Sun day. _ | Miss Delia Andrew, of \\ ins-! ton-Salem. has been visiting! friends and relatives near here I ; for a short while. I There was an apple peeling l I given at Mr. Hob Reid's Monday night SBRIBBLER. Bate Changed. King, Aug- 25.—The Willing Workers will have their ice cream supper and chicken fry on Saturday Sept. fith, instead of August the 30th. Supper will be served from 5 o'clock till 7. The proceeds will go for the benefit of the High School At 8 o'clock there will be a free entertain ' ment. Everybody cordially in ' vifced. MRS. C. F. WHITE, (General Manager. | MOTHEPS! HAVE YOUR CHILDREN WORMS. Are they feverish, restless, nervous, irritable, dizzy or con : stipated? Do they continually | pick their nose or grind their teeth? Have they cramping pains, irregular and ravenous appetite? These are all signs of , worms. Worms not only cause ' suffering, but stunt its mind and growth. Give "Kickapoo Worm Killer" at once. It kills and removes the worms | improves your child's appetite, ! regulates stomach, liver and i bowels. The symptoms disap ! pear and your child is made hap py and healthy, as nature in j tended. All druggist or by mail, I 25c. ! KICKAPOO INDIAN MEDICINE CO. Philadelphia, Pa. St. Louis. Mo. Tobacco twine at J. Walter Tuttle's. No. 2,040 LMVILLE NEWS Rev. Mr. King Closes Success ful Meeting at Peter's Creek Church. PERSONAL MATTERS Items of Interest About People and Things in Peter's Creek Township. Lawsonville, Aug. 26—Mr. Joe Martin and family of Stuart spent Saturday night at Mr. J» A- Sheppard's. Miss Jennie Sheppard of Win ton is spending a few days in Lawsonville with relatives and friends. Rev. King closed a very suc cessful meeting at Peter's Creek church the third Sunday. Three professed faith in Christ. Mr. H. M. Stephens and fam ily s.jerit last Sunday (at Mr. Z. R. Speppard's, Mre. W. L. Ashby aryl Miss May Ayers of Stuart spent the week end at Mr. E. C. Shep ptrd's. Several from this community attended the Union picnic held at Danbury Saturday. Miss Mary Foley of Stuart is spending some time near Lawsonville as the guest of Miss Seng Taylor. Mr. Helon Sheppard spent last Wednesday with his uncle, Mr. Z. R. Sheppard. Messrs. Percy Sheppard and Charlie Hylton of this place made a business trip to Winston last Friday, returning home Saturday. Miss Sallie Smith returned to Mr. J. A. Lawson's Sunday after spending some time on Smith Route 1 with relatives and Frieds. The annual communion was held at Snow Creek church last Sunday with a large attendance and very good behavior. Mr. Roy Martin visited at Mr. W. J. Lackey's Sunday. Mrs. Sam Robertson and Miss Hester Smith left Monday for their home at Greensboro, after spending a few days here as the guests of her aunt, Mrs. Joseph Martin. Misses Annie Blair, Annie, May, Ethel and Jennie Ayers, Virginia Handy and Beulah j Sheppard: Messrs. Tom Handy, I Helon Sheppard, ( iaither Davis, ! Fred Smith, Ernest and Ivor I Shelton, Charlie Clark and j others spent Saturday night at j Mr. E. C. Sheppard's. On account of the bad weather ! Saturday night the ice cream | supper at Lawsonvillle was very | unsuccessful I Mrs. Liza Rhodes and little |son, Glenn, are spending this ; week with her sister, Mrs. Jim ' Smith. | Mrs. W. L. Ashby and Mrs. E. C. Sheppard spent last Thursday p. m. at Mr. Joseph Robertson's. Mr. and Mrs. Hub Rhodes and ! children visited Mrs. Rhodes' : father Sunday, Mr. Jim Corns. Miss Mint Oakley and Mr. i Wheeler Smith spent Saturday ! night at Mr. M. H. Robertson's. The protracted meeting begun at Snow Hill M. E. church tha third Sunday in August, closed Saturday night. Mrs. C. H. Sheppard, Mrs. Carm Smith and Mr. and Mre. Perry Dillion are spending this week at Moore's Springs in the interest of their health. Miss Lillie Sisk spent Saturday night with Mrs. Malissa Lawson.

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