The Danbury Reporter PUl'l'KK ltliOS . Kiuroiis AM' 1". P.I.IKIIKUS. Subscription : 3 mo., 25c.; 6 mo., 50c; one year, SI.OO WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 27. 1913. THE FUTURE FOR STOKES AS A SUMMER RESOR T. There are seventy-five thousand visitors in Western North Caro lina. These people came from every State in the I'nion, carry money with them, and don't hesitate t.> spend it. Imagine what a market is thus created for everthing to eat, which the farmers protit by. Stokes will beat any western North Carolina county as a mecca for visitors and tourists some day. We will lead because we are practically equal with them on climate, scenery and air, while we are ahead of them on mineral waters, and are closer to the great centers of population. Some day a tine svstem of roads will penetrate every region of our mountains. Then will Winston- Salem Charlotr.'. i■ reensboro. Salisbury. High Point, Danville and other cities near and l'ar penr into our county for several mi rths in the year their sweltering populations The honk-honk of the automobile through oar w > »ded dells will be as common as is now the whittle of r 'n' iVId birds With this situation mav be o ntidently exp-ctod come a hundred shining plunks where now heltor-s:\iiters out TOB \CCO PKOSPi CIS FINE Great tiv-lds of yviiew t ibacco ai • now fast yielding to the knife Many funa. - -• - 'rm* Th r-p is large, and « the quality as z •»«! as . ' v a ' :■.* 'bent eur-> . the -*'ai .as ' well as priming* art beinrt reported. And then th new* comes ] fj.'tn tin ..K t that tin > > v.n »•; . ..' -r than : .** ■; •• in ' • •* ** H : • it md w, t:\t v .mrra ■ Giilard. • v } A- ~ J 1 —J* ;iV»IH ;*> in this -•■•c-*. n art' t utin~ a; prima*. tobr.i Se\eral people t'r.m this *..'•' att nded t«!«.' i at Ihini :• Saturday. Mr V.'adt Stult/. is \i.-*i:i: *g reiatives in Kv;;noie, \a.. this i we Mr. ■ >t . i> M «'.♦«. •' an ... ; u I rent Mi - (i Hobe'tS. \i"it. It and Li's-ie 1 1 nnan. and M;-.-t. r o, . ; . f.-. ;.t Sill*'!..* .t Mr. II ■ .i. if t av ' Among t • ■ a'.t« •: 1 the l> p ■ .'l' M.'. Sh •!'. s Sundav vert* M.s- s [it'll; l . Ai.> i. and i• cy ; •' '• "•'•; ' ' Lt- --. ! »u•. stui !»!•.• '* ■ Ene.* IND ! 'Kt• I*T }.U!'«'!\S, IC« I and Willie Aic:n, Mite 1 f.. Fiank : ■ !)';■•. ' "a and Iv. .eithrock *.ud Oscar !»•::.e.t. Mr. an . I- H. i :. ■:.>! \s * ■ C. Roberts. ?lis- - !mn ■ 'ioberts spent S-V . ; ... I...Jit *!. t*4l 'T .*,■ • It L' I. ! A i > i:*■ "t. aj .- s • •; t vrtic Fagg .- • r -'; •:ii •»:' young people ••. J :-. r \! . .i. Faarg'a- R fin.? Hal'. Pine Hall, Aug. 25.—People are bu\v pruning th »ir tobacco through this S'.cuo : now. Mr and Mr '. ' Flynr. a»d s n, Charlie, and vi >* and Mrs. Tuckle left l.i-t Mondav for li vison. > C.. ma'ier th • trip in tl eir 'ouring c.r. Mr eor :- 'la.'k, tr-iw-ii I;.; sail*-" an fori. I), -v-skej. c'' i.;chmond. V«. v.'as |-e.*«- 1-tst week ■ is.- ..iyrlie Neal who has been v i-iny: friend? and • ea iiv:s :r s, . "'ne ille n« •! »•» her wc rk here last •ek Mr. W. L. Cullen, who has been i ■ rator here f 1 somei in* *. IIKS mo e i his 'a f al\ Kcuna Vista, Va. Wt i'y t«> them leav« our ,m in it; Mr. .?-ihn I'uitoi. of Walnut Cove spent a short whil TC last week. Mis.*. Luk: Mo' i rie, Sn>kes dale, was tht guest Ganr las;, week. Mrs. W. L. An i;n :s on th; sick list this week, we are sorry to note. Mr. J F. PoinJexter. of VVins ' was her-i-a few hours la •: week. ANXIOUS. Notico! ! T.' St-htvi! ("onanittec j•; IVtu'hers: Tiio l-oaril «>i KduiMli.* their meeting in duly iixed theji tirat.- and place* :'>>r the meetin; j j • '*e , uumittee with the Ct>ia> i t * Superintendent for the pur- j 1 I - • i ..'in : teaeiiers t'o>- this;' '! ' « ir rhe law retjuires all teacl ersl' ti !'.!• tia ir apt :*.-a;ians with ine ! ' t'ouniy S'iperintetui- nt p:- *.is t ttiese it.'. \ii .s. :'ii-.- pi,., t s i', r nu otintr *..-■ > M- ai. \vs towtv iiip K '' St l >iv, \ in s-;;. ' -pt. •*•• in 0 \ k t i*. Va towi. hip- • High Schonl build: 'v 'f'hiir^da 4 *. I. at in i -•'•n-k. '.j'uaKi i ; >ap township l>eavi i , l>ani soh'idl house. Saturday, Sept. ''> at Hi "'dock. i'eter's Creek townsiup —L«iw- sonville school house, Tuesday. ,j l't. at 10 o'clock. >!.•*.. v .cek tmvrship Sandy U;d;y sciieoi house, Wednesday, Heaver Island township L)ii-' lard school house. Thursday, Sept. 11. at 10 o'clock- Sauratown township Walnut Cove high school building, Fri- j day, S"]'t. ll', at i" o'clock. I'anbury township Dan bury: school house. Saturday, Sept. lo,; at 10 o'clock. .1. T. MITH, County Supt. i A'.ur. 2.'». 191.1 I THE llriSf PAIN KILLKK. Hucklen's Arnica Saive when I applied to a cut. bruise, sprain, j burn or scald, or other injury of i th» skin will immediately remove i ail iiain E. E. Chamberlain I >: Clinton, Me, says:—lt robs cuts and other injuries of their! terrors. Asa healing remedy its' equal don't exist." Will do good ! for you. Only 2.1 cat all drug-' gists. Don't forsret the special sale at •/. Walter Tuttle's. Mr K. ti. (ii jitry, a promin ent c itizfcn and a good farmer of King Route 2, was a Dan bury visitor Monday. Mr. 1 'entry reports the t ibficco c 'o t ( the best in Ins st .;ti-.*- t that i>a* been for several y'-ais, am! he also says thr.t the com crop is extra liiK. t FOR SAL On September 17. 1!)13, at 1 . /clock I wid s-*i: ?:i public anc tit.n a t/act e: mountain !:.u:.l j containing oue hundred aci'ts ' more or less, i r lays n the end of Sauratown mountain three ,{miles North of Dalton, N. C., ; adjoining (i. W Smith and oth ers. Twelve acres is in cultiva tion. balance in timber. There ~ is two tobacco barns and base ment and a three room dwelling. Terms, cash. , W. ti. WHITAKER, 27a3w King, N. C., li. i. Good milch cow for sale. J. Walter Tuttle. I'ME i/.a.NBURY REPORTER Makes Home Baking Easy RWAI . &AKIN» POWDER Absolutely Pure Tho only baking powdor made front Royal Crapo Cream of Tartar NO ALUM.NO UMEPHOSPH/H SHUCK 111 ITiifi The Narrow liscape «>r Young Son of Mr and .Vr*-. C. ). Maker. While suck> ring U.l.uvo one evening last week the \ .eg >n of Mr and Mrs (' O IVAirof .M>ws K.-ui.- l. !ir«l arrow escap • fi'ii*it in nit' b : - ...sin.!-. Tit: reptile w: ' eoi'ed ' • r the. the : n«r 'e ' . ■!' iVi-ti. tie 1 : work i' th. "'fiiiJu: >in : .ck a., ligl.tiii' ;. • *r:ehed irs fui! :>•' . ' . • anefiot' i bury its i'ai'i : ih*- youth's ee. but only a slight skin-scr: -h was ■.) v result t ailing hi ;• from nearby, vourg i!:ik»«r s> i killed the dange' .us reptile ! is quite certain t'.iai il" ill*' ■;. had b-'en an ineli c'..ser to t i -nak. the i i • :..-:• s wou! 1 have preve'l ver> -t 1 ions ii' nt i'ata! !w Of Peter's Cstk, Va. By telcphom to the l.eporter Peter's Creek Va . Aug A biv r watermelon feast wa.- giw n last Thursday. nigin bv Miss Liliie beak, and one given last night at Mr Chaiiie , Blancett's Abjut H> young people were present at both places and they all seemed to enjoy themselves very much There will be a Primitive Baptist association held at State \ Line church the last week in ! November If the weather is i favorable we think there will be t one of the largest crowds ever attended an association Death of Mrs. Masten Male. News is received here over the telephone that Mrs. Martha Mabe died at her home on Wal nut Cove Route :> yesterday at 1 o'clock. She is survived by a husband and several children besides other relatives. Inter ment will be made at Clear Spring church today. i HOW'S THIS ? We otf'er One Hundred Dollars' Keward for any case of Catarrh I that cannot be cured by Hall's | Catarrh Cure. F. •» CH;:NKY co„ T iedo. O We, t. e undersi;rr ed. ha', - ; known F. J. Cheney ii.r the ia.-t i"). year.-, and beiiev • him per . :'ec:ly i'-r-i. Tab!.' i;i «:! business transactions and linani iailv . I to carry out m obligations made by his tirm. > National Hank of Commerce, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Stat? of North Carolina, Stokes County. Mrs. M. J Crouse, (widow), Thonuis V, Crouse, William ('rouse, John W. ('rouse, Mrs. E. F stone and her husband, E. F. Stone, Mrs. S B 'MeCall and her hus band, S B. 0. MeCall. vs. Curtis Crouse, Bunyan Crouse, minors, appearing by their Guardian N. 0. Petree. By virtue of the authority vested in me by a judgment of i the Superior Court of Stokes county in the proceedings entit led M. J. Crouse vs. Curtis: Crouse, et al, appointing me 1 Commissioner, to s 11 the lands hereinafter described, I will on j the first Monday of October, it being the Gth day of October, \ 1913, at 3 o'clock 1' M offer fori sale, on the premises in Pinnacle, j N. C., for cash, to the highest ; bidder, the following property, 1 to-wit: Beginning on a stake on the west side of the Hollow ttoad, running north 221-2 deg. west 1 chain and .">1 1-2 links to a stake in the said road: thence South >!) deg. west: thence C. and 3 links to a stake: thence south 22 1-2 east 7(> links to a stake: thenc ft!' leg. west 1 1-2 chains to a p ist oak: thence south22 1-2 deg east 2C and -7 1-2 links to a stake in the Watson line: •hence, r.erlii :!'! ! east I 1-2 chains: thence 22 1-2 west ! chain and ."> 12 iir.Ks to stake: th' nc r-.-rth 'l9 •.•ait 3 chains and links i- tlie beginning. containing four acres more or ;•> ss. Record* «' in page ~i-»7. i:i the oi!:ceof ti.» Regis* • I >eeds «.f ' '•s Co lll.\ This tin 2-ith dav of Aug. :'d:\ J >ll n j; JONES. Com. Ha.\es uJ j' Ati\ s NOTICE: Having •.inly qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Mrs. Mary Lewis, deceased, all persons owing said estate are hereby requested to ■ 'ir.e forward and make immed iate payment of same, and all j* rsons holding claims against .-.aid estate are 11 ere by notified to present the same, duly authenti ca'- d for payment on or lie fore th > first dav of August, 191 1. or ti is notice will bo pleaded iti bar of their recovery. Walnut \e, N. C, July ltith. 11»1:'. JOHN A. BI'RTON, Executor >: Mrs. Mar\ Lewis, deceased. J. 1). HUMPHREYS. Atty for executor Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as the administrator of the estate of ■S. M. Shelton, Sr., deceased, this is to notify all persons owing the estate to come forward and make immediate payment: and all persons having claims against the estate are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned i administrator at his residence at iSpray, N. C., duly authenticated and proven on or before the 15th, day of August. 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. L. J SHELT >N. Administrator. ! This the 18th. day of August, 1913. Valuable Propertv For Sale At this place on Saturday, Sept. «, 1913, at 1U o'clock a. m. we will offer for sale a lot of good farming tools, household and kitchen furniture, consisting of wagons, buggies, harness, cutting knives, four or five good feather beds, pillows, bed steads, cook stove and vessels, trunks, tables, bureaus, side board and • many other articles too tedious to mention. 1 Cash sail- unless other terms 1 agreed tip": J. «■. H. MITCHELL. B. J. MARTIN, j "idt-on, N. '.. Aug. 2i, 1913. CORTRIGHT METAL SHINCLF^^N^gp last as long as the building and never need repairs. Just the thing (or town or y"«""try building;, because 11 key meet every condition 5 lOmfoxt, beauty and lecurily. ft I ll Sale by "' V ' .-' R. H. R. BLAIR, - - DANBURY, N. C. Notice of Sale of Real Hstate. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Stokes County, N. C., rendered on the Bth day of April, H'l3, in the case of Mrs. Nannie •). Bostiek, widow of .las. A. Bostiek. John Bostiek and others, exparte, being No. ,516 of the Special Proceedings Docket of Stokes County, appointing the undersigned a commissioner to make sale of the lands of .lames A. Bostiek, deceased, I will expose to public sale upon the premises in stokes County, to the highest bidder,! on Saturday the 13th day of Sept., 1913, at the hour of one I o'clock, p. m., the following 1 tracts of land belonging to the estate of the said .James A. Bostiek, deceased, set forth in the petition of said cause: I First—A tract in the county of • Stokes containing 30 acres, more lor less, and being the same tract ! described in a deed from J Y. Phillips, administrator of D. N. Dalton. deceased, to .James A. Bostiek recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Stokes county in Book No. -HI, pages 3.' ; .f>, etc.. and to which reference is hereunto made for boundaries and description, and being the fourth tr:;et set forth in the petition. Second A tract in Stokes 'County,- containing3l 1-2 acres, 'more or less, and bring the same .tract described i:i a deed from K. ,!. Petre ami wif - to .'as. A. P...;ick, recorded in the otfice of the )i\vi . tor St' k>s ''ounty. Hi Bonk N >. IS, page t >7. : and to which reien nce is hen liii'.'t made for boundan -s ami description, ivusg tile !:Ith tract set forth in the petition. Third A irae' ir.inv acres in* re or less, lying mainly in the count of S-.okes, v.ith ih.t! a};> •. por.: "i ot .•';.m • extending ;rit. Forsyth n.irety. and bein ; a part >•:' the sixth tract set forth in tho petition, known as the .May tract. plat of the boundaryof the sanuu being filed in the papers in said case and to which reference U hereunto made f• »r boundaries and!ipti>ii Fourth A tr:.ct containing oS.DT acres, more or loss, lying on the South, side oi Town Fork creek, partly :r Stokes and partly in F ivytn ':: it \ and boi:>g parts of several uaeis.set forth in the petilion. as per survey, a plat oi sumo lv i:v.: file i in the papers in this t ase. and to which reference is hereunto made for boundaries and description Fifth—A tract containing IS. 14 acres, more er less, in the count> »f Stokes, n.ade up of portions of several tracts set' forth in the petition., a plat of same filed in the petition in this case and to which reference is hereunto made for boundaries and description: s .id hist named tract being subject to the dower right of Mrs Nannie •J. Bostiek, widow of the said Jas. A. Bostiek. Said lands will be sold as a whole and in seperate tracts in order to ascertain in which way the best price can be obtained. Terras of sale:- ' >ne third cash , on day of sale, one third in six ■ months, and the remaining third ! in twelve months, with bond and approved security for the deferred i>ayments, bearing six iper cent interest from day of sale, with privilege to the purchaser or purchasers to pay all cash on day of sale, if they desire so to do. All crops growing upon said lands during the present year will be reserved. This the 4th . dav of August, 1913. HARRY (i. PETREE. Commissioner. N. (). Petree, Atty. for Com. I NOTICE. > A meeting of the stockholders ,of the Bank of Stokes County ; will be held at the Walnut Cove I ink on Tuesda\ September 10. I.MM. N. K. PEPPiOK, Cashier. This Aug. 13, 1913. DR. CHAS. L. AIATRIN, Dentist. Office over Madison Drug Co., Madison, N. C. D. H. MARTIN, Jeweler, Stuart, Va. All work guaranteed satisfactory P. W. Gunter, PROFESSIONAL BARBER King, N. C. All kinds first class barber work done. Barber , shop open at all hours. i W. G. Jerome Real Estate and Insurance Winston-Salem. N. C. 508 Wachovia Bank & Trust Building. Phone 983. FOR SALE Several farms near Winston-Salem. All kinds of city property. Life, health, accident and fire insurance. W. READC JOHNSON Attoruey-at-Law. Masonic Temple. WINSTON SALEM, N. C. Will practice in both State and Federal Courts. CHAS O McA'.ICM A!:l. > p. SAINTSINO. Went wnrtli. Uetdgtille. M'MICHAI-l. & SAINTSINU, Vtt- nify 'incl its ut Lw. Pru-tir-j in St ite »md . F?dcrai Co'irty All J/iibine-j" ! r •! pt • ttenti" C!m>i '>. Mo- Mie'iite! wi'i be in Madison on w -iiTiir'livs. *si.- »»ld o*tioe over c'fV.c DR. li. V. MORTON, Dentist, Is now back in old location, corner 3rd and Main Streets, Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. building. W INSTON -SALEM. N. C. Rooms: 301, 302, 303. DR. THOMAS VV. DAVIS. h'ye. Ear, Nose and Throat. ' 405-7 Masonic Temple, Winston - Salem. N. C. I:cii.t. .i to 12:30, 2to i »ind bj npj ointment CHAS. R. HELSABECK Attorney at Law, DAN BURY, N. C. Prompt attention to all busi ness entrusted. Will practice in all State courts. DONALD. D. HAWKINS Attorney-at-Law 4th Floor Wachovia Hank Building, Coll ctions a Specialty. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. J. W. HALL, Attorney-at-Law, DANBURY, N. C. Will practice in all courts, [ both State and Federal. , i Office over Martin's store. ' 'jOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney-at-Law, DANBURY, N. C. [ Prompt attention to all busineea "entrusted. Will praotioe in all 1 ! State courts. Dr. J. A. McClung, Dentist. . Office 701-702 Wachovia Bank Building. , Phone 420 Hours '.) to 1, 2to 5 •, WINSTON-SALEM. N. C. 1 Watch, Clock, Jew= elrv Repairing. ' All work guaranteed. 21 years practica I exp»rience. 3''l Liberty St.. Win*ton-Sa!em A shell ! .n." Store, George L Mack. l.e\lV. Fcrjruson, i:. l v .;uson Ferguson «$: Ferguson I awyers. OltiiT over Thoini'souV Drug stoii Pkone 815. Winston-Salem, N. C. Prompt attention to all busi ness entrusted. I)R. W. H. CRITZ DLNTIST. Oilice over Drug Store. . WALNUT COVE, - N. C.