MCDOWELL & ROGERS WINSTON'S BIG CLOTHIERS SELLING OUT TO QUIT THE CLOTHING BUSINESS $30,000.00 STOCK BEING SACRIFICE D^RETAIL Wait! Don't Buy !!£!£: Sensational Bargains In MEN S, t • SL,, Clothing HATS AND FURNISHINGS Everything for Mens and Boys' Wear except Shoes. DISEASED CATTLE. "Soie Mouth" Prevalent Among Cattle In Stokes —A Remedy Given By Dept. ol Agriculture. A number of Stokes county people have recently mentioned the fact to the Reporter that their cattle were suffering with a disease known as sore mouth, and the following sent us by the State Department of Agriculture may prove of interest: We are beginning to receive reports of some disease that spread over the entire -Mate last fall, Mycotic Stomatitis, or Sore Mouth and of cattle. This is a disease c.xus:d by cattle eat ing food containing irritating fungi, which c ius. j d an inllama tory condition of the mouth, ton gue, nostrils, udder and throat. THE CAUSE. The disease is the result of j cattle eating food containing irritating fungi. The fungi is usually found on the grasses during an unusually hot, wet season, immediately after heat and moisture being conductive to its growing. SYMPTOMS. The first symptom usually' noticed is a dripping of saliva $2,000 Reward ————— m—mmmmm — —————— To any man or set of men who will cut from 2,000 to 4,000 cords green oak wood for me by March 1,1914. Timber two miles east of Winston- Salem on Southern Railroad. Will furnish house in which to live, and will settle on Ist and 15th of each month. LIBERAL PRICES WILL BE PAID. Apply immediately. Address, BOX 81, KERNERSVILLE, N. C. from th) mouth; inability to graze, sluggishness of the cattle, r a slight stiffness of gate and in ; clination to lie down most of the time. Upon making a careful examination, the mucous mem brane would be found inflamed and red. or, if the disease has 1 progressed far enough, small ulcers may be found. The first porton usually affected is the dental pad, which takes the place of the front teeth in the upper jaw: this becomes inflam ed and raw, consequently, the ' cattle are unable to graze, not being able to cut the grass blades, but could eat feed already cut. From this point, if not properly treated, the infla mation will spread until the en tire mouth and tongue are in volved, becoming raw, making it impossible for the cattle to eat anything. In some cases the outer portion of the lips and nos trils are involved, i In milch cattle, there is a great decrease in the milk flow, heavy milkers may completely dry up in a few days. Small red spots may be seen in the udder and teats. A tempera ture of 105 degrees F. to 197 de grees F. is frequently seen. If | the feet are examined carefully 1 small red spots or ulcers may be seen at the top of the hoof or l HF. HANRIJWV wPPOL-Tr-D THE DANBURY REPORTEk between the toes. TREATMENT. If the affected animals are on pasture they should be moved to some place where they can bo properly treated and fed on bran mashes, or other easily masticat ed food and given plenty of fresh water. In each gallon of water put one teaspoonful of chlorate of potash, The mouth should be well washed two or three times a day with a three per cent, water solution of carbolic acid, or creolin or some other reliable antiseptic The cattle should be kept in a dry, clean place, in order to keep the feet as free from dirt as possible. The fact should also be washed several times a day with an antiseptic solution. One of the most im portant things is to 532 th it the cattle get something that lliey can eat. If constipated, give a pound of epsom salts dissolved in one quart of warm water. If properly treated, the loss should not exceed one or two per cent. Yadkin County To Work Roads On November sth and 6th. The Yadkin Ripple says that the citizens of that county will go out on Nov. sth and 6th and put in some telling licks on the roads of Yadkin county. The county commissioners and the Board of Education of the coun ty have each issued proclama tions to the people of Yadkin calling upon them to go out and do their duty these two days. All of the schools of the coun ty will be suspended on the good road days. Do You Fear Consumption? No matter how chronic you cough or how severe your throat or lung ailment is, Dr- King's New Discovery will surely help you: it wy nA* your life. Still man, of Malichite, Col., writes : "Two doctors said I had consumption and could not live two years; I used Dr. King's New Discovery and am alive and well." Your money refunded if it fails to benefit you. The best home remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Price 50c. and SI.OO. Guaranteed. A Good Fanner. Mr. Charley M. Williams, of Meadows, paid the Reporter a pleasant call Saturday, and paid for his paper another year in advance. Mr. Williams is pleased with the cash-in-advance plan for newspapers, and says that he thinks the Reporter has done the right thing. Mr. Williams is one of the best farmers we know of. He raises all his supplies at home, including meat and bread, feed stuff, vegetables, chickens, eggs, etc., and does not have to pay out money for anything except sugar and coffee, the Dan bury Reporter and taxes. Mr. Williams is a good roads man, believes in paying his debts, and sleeping with a clear conscience—and this is what it takes to constitute a man according to the old-fashioned standards, and they are the best. Hy the way, Mr. Williams 1 made a fine sale of tobacco on the market lust we°k, averaging about 2j cents. He has more to sell, and besides has two good porkers in the pen, which he expects to get 800 pounds of meat out of this fall. Wood's High-Grade Farm Seeds Best Qualities Obtainable We are headquarters for Seed Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, Vetches, Alfalfa and all Grasses & Clovers. Write for Wood's Crop Special giving prices and seasonable in formation about Seeds for Fall sowing. T. W. WOOD & SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Wood's Descriptive Fall Catalogue (lives prices and information about all Garden Seeds for Fall Planting. Mt.iled free on request. — XOTK'i:. Having t|ualiiied as administrator j of the estate i>( ■!. Su-ihi >!»' deceased, notice is heiv'n iiivtMi to| all persons holding ci.i.m» against the said J. Swain Morei.ld 10 present 1 them lo me duly :> ut h>>n t Jv- 1 t«MI for! payment on or before i :.f iith day j of Oct.. 1:>14, or thin in>ti- will la 1 ' pleaded in liar of their re, -very. All j persons indebted to the «ai 1 estate I are respectfully requested to make Immediate payment to me. This the 4t!i day of Oct., JOHN (i. MOKEI'IELD, Admr. M® TaKe One Y __J Pain Pill, I" then— TaKe it E*ay. For Neuralgia, nothing la better than Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills Used by thousands for a generation Those who have suffered from neuralgic pains need not be told how necessary it is to secure re lief. The easiest way out of neuralgia is to use l3r. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. They have re lieved sufferers f r so many years that they become a household necessity. "I have taken Dr. Miles' Anti-Fain rills for five years nnd they are the only thing that docs mo any good. They have relieved neuralgia In my hend In fifteen minutes. I hav« also taken them for rheumatism, head ache, pains In the breast, toothache, earacho and palna In the bowels and limb*. I have found nothing to equal them and they ar« all that U claimed for them." J. W. SEDUK, Blue Springs, Mo. At all druggists—2l dOM* 28 cants. Navar sold In bulk. MILKS MEDICAL CO., Ktkhart, Ind. TIME OUT DEC. IST Danbury Reporter Will Adopt the "Stop" Plan, and All Subscriptions Will Be Cash-in« Advance. After a great many years' trying out of the old credit plan, the Reporter will adopt the cash-in advance system for subscriptions. Going into effect December 1, 1913, all subscriptions on our books not paid up, will be dropped. The Reporter is assured by hundreds of its patrons that this plan will be much more satisfactory than the old way of sending the paper on year after year, whether the subscriber orders it or not. It is a bad business policy to extend unlimited credit for small sums of money. All subscribers who want the Reporter to come on to their address may settle up in full, and in advance by December 1. Otherwise their papers will be promptly stopped. Hundreds are now doing this, and by December Ist we expect to have a clean list, and but few names dropped. Please take notice, and attend to this without delay. Laffargue PIANO 1 z™i| j ft' ■ 1 . .. %? si.. " : ' Exoells in Purity of Tone and Durability of Construction, Cataogue Free. Write Department S. R. J. BOWEN & BRO. Winston-Salm, N. C. We carry a complete line of Edison Phonographs and Re cords. Write for catalogue of new records. | FAGG AND NELSON Wholesale and Retail Dealers f In General Merchandise. I We are prepared to fill orders large or small for all kinds of dry goods or groceries. You are cordially invited to visit our store and inspect our stock and prices. i hagg and Nelson WALNUT COVE, N. C. TOBACCO FLUES Anyone needing Tobacco Flues, see me. I will save you money. W. R. Stephens, Walnut Cove, N. C. The (our designs of Cortright Metal Shingles as shown above are made in any of the following ways: 1. Stamped from Tin-plate and painted Red. 2. Stamped from Tin-plate and painted Green. 3. Stamped from Tin-plate and Galvanized by a hand-dipping process. 4. Stamped from special tight-coated Galvanized Sheets. 1 , Each and every genuine Cortright Metal Shingle is embossed with this Trade-mark, " Cortright Reg. U. S. Pat. Off." « For Salt by R. H. R. BLAIR, - - DAN BURY, N. C. Constipation Lured. Dr. King's New Life Pills will relieve constipation promptly and i get your bowels in healthy con dition again. Jon Supsic, of Sanbury, Pa., says: "They are the best pills I ever used, and I advise everyone to use them for constipation, indigestion and liver complaint." Will help you. Price 25c. Recommended by all dealers. I WANTED—One lady in each township to act as agent. Good commission paid. Address R. R. HILL, Greensboro, N. C For Marble and Granite Monuments and Tombstones, Iron Fencing and all kinds of Cemetery work, call or write The Mouut Airy Marble Works W. D. HAYNES & CO.. Proprs. Mount Airy, N. C.

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