' DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XL. COUNTY FATHERS In Session At the Court House In Danbury Mon day. A FULL BOARD Bonds of County Officials Are Examined and Approved - Other Matters. The county commissioners met in regular monthly session here Monday, all members of the board being present. The bonds of the county officials were examined and found to be satisfactory, also the report of the Clerk of the Superior Court was gone over and reported correct The county exhibit and the report of the Clerk were ordered to be published in the Reporter. The board adjourned to meet here again Saturday, the 6th inst., for the purpose of confer ing with the Meadows township commissioners in regard to build ing three miles of road in Mead ows township from -J. I. Black burn's to Meadows postoffice! The loop Session of Congress Ailjaurns. Washington, NJV. 2d The 1 >ngest continuous extraordinary session of congress practically closed tonight, the regular session beginning at noon Mon lay. The Democratic leadets, tclingvith the President, would not permit an actual finish, though the House adjourned finally. The Senate meets again Monday, adjourning a few moments before opening the regular session. The great projeets held the t attention of Congress and the country during the unprecedent ed year's work—tariff revision becoming a law in September, and the currency reform, still a vital issue for the regular session. Notice of Re-Sa!e of Real Estate. By virtue of decrees of sale, and re-sale of the lands of James A. Bostick, deceased, made by the Superior Court of Stokes County, in the case of Mrs. Nannie J. Bostick, widow of James A. Bostick, John W. Bostick and others, ex parte, appointing the undersigned a commissioner to sell the same, I will expose to public sale upon the premises in Stokes County, near 'he lite residence of the said James A. d'.'Stick, deceased, to tne highest bidder, upon the lurir.s set ton.ll it 1 iw, JI Satur day, Dec. -0;h, at thehv-r of o;ie o'clock, p. m.. two tracts of land iw Stokes Cjunty, one containing oU acres more or less, and being the same tract de scribed in a deed from J. Y. Phillips, administrator of D. N. Dalton, to James A. Bostick, recorded in the ofiiee of ihe Register of Deeds of Stokes County, in Book No. 40, pages 356, etc., and to which reference is hereunto made for boundaries and description, the other tract containing 31 1-2 acres, more or less and being the same tract described in a deed from R. J. Petree and wife to James A. Bostick, recorded in the office of the Register ot' Deeds for Stokes County in Book No. 18, page 67, and to which reference is here unto made for boundaries and description. Terms of side:- One third cash > on day of sale, one third in six months, and the remainder in twelve months, with bond and approved security for the deferred payments, bearing six per cent, interest from day of sale, with privilege to the purchaser or purchasers to pay all cash if they so desire. | This the Ist day of Dec. 1913. HARRY G. PETREE, Commissioner. N. 0. PETREE, Atty. for Com. DEATH OF MRS. SALLIE HILL After a Lingering Illness Passed Away Monday At Her Home Near Danbury. Mrs. Sallie Hill passed away at her home two miles south of Danbury Monday morning early, following a prolonged illness with a complication of diseases. Interment was made today at the Rierson cemetery amid a large number of relatives and friends of the deceased. Mrs. Hill was the widow of the late Caleb Hill, who preceded her to the grave twenty-two years. She was aged seventy-six years and had been in declining health for some years. The deceased is survived by three sons and three daughters, as follows: Messrs. R. W. Hill, of Pinnacle; Isaac Hill, of Meadows; C. H. Hill, of Greens boro: Mesdames N. 0. Petree, of Danbury; J. F. Pepper, of Meadows, and Miss Pattie Hill, who resided with her mother. There is also one sister, Mr?. Sterling Gentry,' of Bluefield, West Va. Fine Hall. Pine Ilall, Dec. I.—People are about thru shucking corn in this section. Miss Viola Creakman and sister, Gertrude, spent Satur day and Sunday with Mrs. G. M. Creakman. Miss Myrtle Neal spent Thanksgiving with her parents at Stoneville. Mrs. C. H. Powell and little son Harris spent last week with her patents here. Miss Lottie White and sister, of Winston-Salepi, spent last week with Mis. J. L. Haynes. Mr. W. M. Creakman made a business trip to Madison last week. Mr. and Mr 3. Jim Boiling, of Greensboro, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Flinn last week. Dr. J. L. Haynes made a business trip to Raleign last week. Mr. Joe Black, of German ton, spent Thanksgiving with his plrents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Blackwell. Mrs. E. P. Cahill and children of Madison visited fiiends and relatives here last week. Mr. Jno. W. Shelton,' of Campbell Route 1, was here on business .1 short while yesterday. Mr. J. Wesley Morefield, of Walnut Cove, was among Dan bjiy's visitors yesterday. i Stomach Troubles Disappear. Stomach, liver and kidney troubles, weak nerves, and lame ! back and female ills disappear ! when Electric Bitters are used, j Thousands of women would not Ibe without a bottle in their home. Eliza Pool of Depew, Okla. writis: "Electric Bitters raised me from a bed of sickness and suffering and has done me a world of good. I wish I every suffering woman could j u.-e this excellent remedy and \ find out, as I did, just how good it is." As it has helped thousands |of others, it surely will do the same for you. Every, bottle guaranteed, 50c. and SI.OO. At all Druggists. • H. E. Bucklep & Co. Philadephia or St. Louis. DANBURY, N. C., DECEMBER 3, 1913. BIRTHDAY DINNER Given Mrs. G. L. Tayloi, of Campbell, On November 25th. 75 PEOPLE PRESENT Table Thirty Feet Long Filled > With Good Things to Eat — A Pleasant Occasion. Campbell Route 1, Nov. 29. —On Tuesday, Nov. 25th, 1913, a number of relatives and friends, about 75 or more, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Taylor, of Campbell, to celebrate the 72nd birthday of Mrs. Taylor. When the guests arrived at the home about 11 o'clock Mrs. Taylor was visiting a sick woman in the community, and Uncle George, while in his 78th year, was in the bottom on his farm pulling corn as lively as a 17-year-old boy. At 12 o'clock a table 30 feet long was prepared and losded with nice and dainty eatables prepared by the good women of the com munity. After spending a pleasant day with the aged c .jupte the guests returned to their homes wishing them many more happy birth days. N. M. Brim's Grove. Brim's Grove, Dec. 1. - Mr. S. W. Sams is right sick with pneumonia, we are sorry to note. An apron party was given at the home of Mr. John Je3sup on the evening of Thanksgiving Day. There were eighteen aprons hemmed by the young men. The first prize, a beauti ful tie, was gi /en Mr. Roy Bullington for the nicest sewing, and second prize, a penny, was given Mr. C. L. Hill for the worst sewir.g. Everybody re ported a nice time. Mr. E. R. Sams spent Sunday p, m. at Mr. A. J. Hall's as usual. Mr. Robert Gordon spent Sun day p. m. at Mr. E. T. Wilson's. Mrs. C. W. Ervin is confined to her room, we are sorry to note. Mr Forest's workmen are building an annex to the Brim's Grove school building. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Gordon spent several days in Mt. Airy I last week visiting relatives. BILL. Mr. R. L. Hall, of Smith, was here Monday enroute home from the tobacco market. Mr. Hall has recently been ill with lagrippe and at the same time five of his children have had attacks of diphtheria. Sale of Personal Property. On Mjnday, December 15, 1913, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for ciah, the following property: A lot of corn, fodder, shucks, straw, and my household and kitchen furniture. Sale to begin at 2 o'clock A. M. T. L. COLE, Pinnacle, N. C., Route 2. BOX SUPPER DEC. 13 To Be Given By Mount Olive School On King Route 2. BENEFIT OF SCHOOL Dr. Tillotson's New Residence Nearly Completed —Mrs. Tip Johnson Improving —' Other News of King Route 1. King, Dec. 1. The public school at Mt. Olive is progress ing nicely with Misses Hester Wall and Effie Gentry as teachers. They will give a box supper Sat urday, Dec. 13, beginning at 6 o'clock. We want a large crowd present. The proceeds will go towards painting the school building. Dr. S. F. Tillotson's handsome new residence is nearing completion. ' The Haw Pond school will spell against the Capella school Friday afternoon if nothing pre vents. Misses Genie and Anna Ted der spent the week end with their uncle, Mr. S. P. Tedder, of Tobaccoviile. Mr. Paul Johnson and sister, Miss Efiie. attended the box supper Thursday night which was given by the high school. Mrs. Tip Johnson has been right sick, but is bstter, we are glad to say. Messrs. Marston and Hugh Hill, of Pilot Mtn., spent the latter part of last week visiting their grandfather, Mr. Tip Johnson, on King, Route 1. ELOISE. CM. Gideon, Dec. 2.—Rabbit hunt ing has been all the go around here for the last few weeks. The health of this community is very good at this writing. There was a large crowd at tended the box supper at Dillard Thurday night. Mrs. J. J. Martin, who has been right sick for a few days, is improving some, we are glad to note. Messrs. Carey Flynt and Elmer Flinchum called on Miss Fairy Wilkins a short while Sat urday night. Mr. W. M. Flynt spent' Fri day night with Mr. J. G. H. Mitchell at Walnut Cove. Misses Fairy Wilkins and Avis Dunlap spent Thursday night with Miss Ethel Flynt at this place. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Flynt visited M's. Fiyn'.'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Martin, Sun day. Miss Stella Martin spent Sat urday and Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Martin. SOMEONE'S DARLING. Deafness Cannot Be Cure J by local applications, as they I cannot reach the diseased portion I of the ear. There is only one' way to cure deafness, and that j is by constitutional remedies, i Deafness is caused by an I inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube.! When this tube is inflamed you 1 have a rumbling sound or im-j perfect heaiing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the' re nit, and unless the inflamma- i lion can be taken out and this tubs restored to its normal condition, hearing will b» de- j stroyed forever; nine cases out! of ton are caused by Catarrh. | which is nothing but an inflamed. | condition of the mucous surfaces, i We will give One Hundred ; Dollars for any case of Deafness | (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c., Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. WILLREMOVE T8 WALNUT COVE. Mr. J. N. Young Purchases Former Store Building of J. B. Woodruff - Will Probably Engage In The Mercantile Business. Mr. J. N. Young and family, of Dan bury, expect to remove to Walnut Cove within the next few weeks. Mr. Young, who has for some time been residing at the Taylor Hotel here, re cently purchased the former store property of Mr. J. B. Woodruff and will probably engage in the mercantile business at Walnut Cove. Dan bury people regret to give up Mr. Young and family but wish them success in their new field. It has not been learned at this writing who will succeed Mr. Young at the Taylor Hotel here. H. E. CONFERENCE ADJOURNS Rev. T. J. Folger Returned To Danbury Circuit —Other Appointment?. The recant session of the Western North Carolina M. E. Conference at Charlotte adjourn ed Monday, and the ministers were assigned to their appoint ments for the coming year. Rev. T. J. Folger was return ed to the Danbury circuit, and Rev. E. J. Poo was sent to Walnut Cove, these being the only appointments for Stokes county. Ihe next session of the Con ference will be held at Shelby. Mdag Hear Vade Mecum Bites Several Other Bogs Mr. Sam Simmons, of Vade Mecum, who was here yester day, reported that a maddog visited his section Saturday night, biting two dogs belonging to Mr. Ed Simmons and one or two of Mr. Geo. Hall's dogs and probably others in that section. The dog was killed and its head sent to Raleigh by Mr. Ed Simmons. Cortright Metal Shingle Roofing. We hope our readers have been noticing the advertising of the Cortright Metal Roofing Company, which has appeared in our columns regularly since early this year, and that any of those interested in high grade, sustantial roofing have gotten in touch with tho Company's local agent, R. 11. R. Blair. Cortright Metal Shingles have been in use for more more than a quarter of a century and are giving splendid satisfaction everywhere. Mr. Will J. Martin, of Bur lington, was here the past week to visit his mother who is ill. Dr. Hobson's Ointment Heals. Itchy Eczema. I The constantly itching, burn ing sensation and other dis- j agreeable forms of eczema. tetter, salt rheum and skin eruptions properlv cured by DR. HOBSON'S ECZEMB OINT MENT. Geo. W. Fitch of Men dota, 111., say : "I purchased a j box of Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. Have had Eczema ever since the civil war, have been treated by many doctors, none have given the benefit that one box of Dr. Hobson's Eczema, Ointment has." Every sufferer should try it. We're so positive it will help you we guarantee it or money refunded. At all Drug gists or by mail 50c. Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Philadel- I phia & St. Louis. No. 4,266 ENGINEER AT IRK Surveying Road In Danbury Township This Week. DANBURY - MEADOWS Contractor Expected Here this Week To Start Construction Work Between Danbury and Meadows. Engineer Miller, of Salisbury, arrived here yesterday and is at work today locating a route for a permanent road from Danbury to Meadows postoffice, a distance of about four miles. The road commissioners for Danbury township having decided to build this road first have secured a contractor to do the work and he is expected here this week with his road forces. Construc tion work will probably begin right away. Engineer Miller is a very com petent man and cur road com missioners are fortunate is se curing his services. He is also superintending the road work in Sauratown township and in Mt. Airy township, Surry coun ty- MISS FM MMM Young Men (live A Dance At Vaughn Hotel—News of Wal nut Cove. Walnut Cove. Dtc. 2. Miss Sjllie Fulton entertained very delightfully on Tuesday evening of last week, complimentary to Miss Mary McLuod Be-.hae, of South Carolina. During the evening tempting refreshments were served and the evening was spent most pleasantly. The most pleasant occasion of the season was the delightful dance given Thanksgiving even ing by the young men of the town at the Vaughn Hotel. Miss Ollie Ripple, of Lexing ton, spent the week end in town as the guest of Miss Maybelle Vaughn. Mrs. H. H. Davis is spending the week in Winstcn-Salem visit ing relatives. Miss Foster, of Burling ton, has returned home after sp:niing a few c'ays here as the guest of Miss Bessie McPherson. Mr. and Mrs. Gaither C. Davis, of Winston-Salem, visited friends and relatives here Satur j day, and Sunday. Miss Elsie Payne visited re -1 latives near Pine Hall Wednes ! day returning Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Semple spent Saturday and Sunday with | relatives at Winston-Salem. Mr. R. D. Semple spent the week end with relatives in Martinsville, Ya. Mrs. Hubert Smith and little daughter. Frances, of Liberty, spent Thanksgiving with Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Jones at Stokesburg. Miss Mary Bethae has return ed to her home in South Caro lina, after spending some time here, as the guest of Miss Sallie Fulton. Miss Nannie Jones, of Wins ton-Salem, spent Thanksgiving here with home folks. Constipation Poisons You. If you are constipated, your entire system is poisned by the wasta matter kept in the body— ! serious result often follow. Use I Dr. King's New Life Pills and ! you will soon get rid of consti j pation, headache and other I troubles. 25c. at Druggists or ibv mail H. E. Bucklen & Co., Phila., & St. Louis.

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