BITTEN BY RABID DOG. Mr. Geo. Ore, of Vade Mecum, Goes To Raleigh For Treat ment. A maddog which visited the Vade Mecum section the past week bit Mr. Geo. Ore and he left this week for Raleigh to take the pasteur treatment at the State hospital. Mr. Ore is among the best citizens of that section of the county and his many friends regret his mis fortune very much. The head of the dog which bit Mr. Ore was sent to Raleigh last week and a telegram this week from I)r. Shore, who is in charge of the Pasteur Institute, stated that the dog had rabies. Mr. Ore left immediately for Raleigh. A number of dogs were also bitten in the Vade Mecum sec tion by the same dog and more trouble is expected in that i neighborhood. LATER— John Rierson, of the Vade Mecum section, who was here yesterday, stated that the same dog which bit Mr. Ore also bit a child of John Beasley Mabe in the Brown Mt. section, and that sh3 was taken to the hospital in Raleigh this week. i Stokes Sawmill Men Buying Traction Engines.; Mr. Thos. J. Thore, of West-; field Route 1. agent for the i Huber Machinery Co., who was i here Monday enroute to Walnut j Cove, has recently sold two j more traction engines to Stokes sawmill men. One of them goes to Mr. John Neal. at Meadows. 1 and the other to Mr. Joe Neal and sons, on Germanton Routa 1. i T. Leslie Lewis, J. A. Thomas, N. H. Lewis, T. P. Thomas, Jim R. Martin, J. M. Taylor, Fletcher Kallam, OWNERS AND PROPRIETORS OF UNION WAREHOUSE STONEVILLE, N. C. To Our Many Friends and All Tobacco Growers of Rockingha , Stokes, Patrick, Henry and Adjoining Counties : We respectfully submit for your investigation our reputa= lion as to handling and selling tobacco. While we are out with a new and well equipped brick warehouse located near the Bank of Stoneville, we wish to say that the ware= house business is not at all experimental with us, as we have had years of experience in selling tobacco at auction for the tobacco growers of this locality. Mr. J. C. Hutcherson, of Reidsville, who is known as a celebrated auctioneer, will sell tobacco for us. We respectfully ask for a share of your patronage and will leave nothing undone on our part to merit your con= tinued business. Respectfully yours to serve, UNION WAREHOUSE CO. You Should Read It will be to your advantage to read and consider what this says. We have just made a large deal with the Clearing Houses of New York City for another large stock of all PURE WORST ED SUITS in Blues and Browns which we took off their hands at a big reduction, and we now have them on sale from $9.90 to $15.00. Don't miss the opportunity of at least seeing them on your next trip to Winston-Salem or Reidsville. Mail orders promptly filled. BOYLES BROS State Tuberculosis Sanatorium Reopens The State Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis at' I Montrose will reopen December Ist sor the treatment of tuber-' cular patients in the first and! THE DANBURY REPORTtR moderately advanced stages of tuberculosis. This institution i was closed by iti Board of Direc tors last September, and the Legislature was asked to turn it over to the State Board of Health, new Board will reopen it December Ist. The institution : has beds for only fifty patients, HMMHH M MMHH but already over thirty appli cations for admittance have been received. j The very limited capacity of ; i the institution, together with j the meagre funds provided for I maintenance, make it possible ! for the Board to accommodate all ; the tubercular sick in the State. I For this reason it will be found | necessary to make the institution j do the most good for the greatest number, instead of some good i for a few. It will therefore be : necessary to select out of the ap- I plications made those that can be cured the easiest and quickest. For instance, it would be mani festly unfair to fill the institution up with consumptives in the last stages because such patients have such a meagre chance of recovering and would keep others out of the institution lur a long time, perhaps a year. On the other hand, many more patients in the early stage of tin- Jsease could be cured and sent h me in the same time. Nearly ali cases of tuberculosis can now be cured by from four to six or eight months of absolute rest, fresh To all persons who like to save J | money on their purchases I would like f p to say that I am now receiving my full § line of fall dry goods, shoes, dress f [] goods, hats, etc., and will be glad to f (5 compare prices and goods with my P $ competitors. Drop in and see for!. •j yourself. lA. T. ROTHROCK, Walnut Cove, N. C. | l. iErsaagMananßMMnHß zsz23B.isnz tints.?* "XF&rtuxßzaLzi rT.Txrrxsxvxrz jaaaggßSßMßßg FAQQ AND NELSON | I | Wholesale and Retail Dealers ' In General Merchandise. i We are prepared to fill orders large or small for all kinds of dry goods or groceries. You are cordially Invited to visit our store and inspect our stock and prices. Fagg and Nelson WALNUT COVE, N. C. air and abundance of good food, but not nearly so many cases of advanced tuberculosis can be cured, even after long treat ment. For a patient to enter the State Sanatorium it will be neces sary to write to the State Board of Health at Raleigh for an ap plication blank. Have a physi cian examine the patient and fill out the blank and return to i the State Board of Health. If i the patient is found to be in the ! early stages or moderately ad vanced stages and there is room at the institution, he will be accepted upon payment of a minimum charge of SI.OO a day. This charge scarcely pays half the cost of patient for the treat ment given. The remainder of cost is paid by the State. Special arrangements are being made to care for the tuberculosis poor. Churches, fraternal orders, city and county authorities are providing for the maintenance of such patients. Any person having tuberculosis there should not let the question of money interfere. In treating tubercul osis there is no time to waste. I The State Board of Health should be advised at once, as arrange ments can doubless be made to provide the necessary dollar a day for treatment. Laffargue Excells in Purity of Tone and Durability of Construction. Cataogue Free. Write Department S. R. J. BOWEN & BRO. Winston-Salm, N. C. We carry a complete line of Edison Phonographs and Re cords. Write for catalogue of new records. For Marble and Granite Monuments and Tombstones, Iron Fencing and all kinds of Cemetery work, call or write The Mouut Airy Marble Works W. D. HAYNES & CO.. Propr's. Mount Airy, N. C. WANTED—One lady in each township to act as agent. Good commission paid. Address R. R. HILL, Greensboro, N. C ——MTIIIHiIIIIWIIIIMIIHIIimmiIW CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND 00 A~ # LADIES I for cm cnEa-TKR'a A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in RRD »nd/\ GOLD metallic boxes, seated wllta BluK A> Ribbon. T*rn NO OTDII. BAR •» Draft*)'* »nd uk tor Oni-OUCMCI I V DIAMOND RBAND PILLS, for twctl»T-flf« years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS \ TKXJU) EVERYWHERE LUNG DISEASE "After four in our family had died of consumption 1 was taken with a frightful cough and lung trouble, bat my life was saved ana I gained 87 pounds through using DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY W. B. Pittswim, Wellington, Ttx.