DANBURY REPORTER-- VOLUME XL. IfflE HAD WORK Started On Roads of Dan bury Township Saturday. ' SURVEY FINISHED Danbury to Meadows Will Be First Road Built Forre Working A mile South o! Danbury. Contractor Swinney with his force of men, mules and ma chinery started the work of j building good roads in Danbury j township Saturday morning, j The first road to be built will be the one leading from Danbury . to Meadows postoffice, a distance of about three and a half miles, and the first work was started on this road one mile south of Danbury Saturday. This first mile of road out from Danbury, which is now being built, is by far the hardest to build on ac count of so much rock and the 1 high hills, but an excellent route has been secured and with a I good steel bridge across the creek just below Danbury this will make a pretty road, and one that we will have cause to be proud of. It is not known, of course, just how long it will require to complete the three and a half miles, as it will depend to a great i extent upon the weather, but it THE PLACE TO BUY CHRISTMAS GIFTS Here you will find the largest stock to select from for Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, and Sweethearts. Beautiiul Combs and Brushes, in white ivory; Mirrors, Powder Boxes, and Vanity Boxes, Elegant Perfumes, and Toilet Waters, Manicure Cases, Cut Glass, Writing Paper and Correspond 3 ence Cards, Huyler's and Liggets Candies, in beautiful packages, ail sizes, Cigars from one dollar to nine dollars per box, Pipe, Cigar and Cigarette holders, Elegant Shaving Mirrors, Shaving Soap, Powders and Paste, Safety Razors from 24 cts. to five dollars, and everything else that must be kept in North Carolina's largest drug store. Come, write or phone to O'Hanton's Drug Store When in Winston come in and shake hands with Julius Young. You must not feel that you have to buy. will probably not require more than eight to twelve weeks. The survey for the road has been completed as far as Meadows, and the route se lected, as far as the County Horn?, runs almost paralell the present road, except it has much better grades. From this point it goes considerably to the left of the old road, coming into the Red Shoal road about a quarter of a mile cast of Mead ows postoffice. The engineer reports that the soil on this route is good and an easy grade was secured all the way up the hill from the County Home to Meadows postoffice. Mr. R. R. King is drawing the plan for the bridge which will be erected across the creek just south of Danbury. The ! bridge will be of the trestle type | and while it will be of consider able length it will not •• be an expensive bridge. By erecting a bridge here it not only enables! I i the engineer to secure an easy! j grade up the hiil just south of town but shortens the distance ! ; 1 a quarter of a mile or more. The pension checks for the ! old Confederate veterans were received this week by Clerk of t.h? Court M. T. Chilton and mailed out at once. Those veterans who fail to get their checks are requested to notify Mr. Chilton. DANBURY, N. C.. DECEMBER 17. 1913. WALNUT COVE LETTER Addition Being Built To Stokes County Warehouse. ENJOYABLE DANCE New Minister Arrives and Gets Pounding—Miss Vaughn and Mr. Vaughn 111. Walnut Cove, Dec. 16.—Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bowles gave the people an enjoyable dance last | Friday evening from seven until eleven. Several of the young people from town went out and they all report a pleasant time. Rev. Mr. Poe, the new Metho dist preacher, came in Friday and they found when they ar rived at the parsonage that the people had tendered Mr. Poe and family a generous pound ing. Miss Maybelle Vaughn was real sick Sunday and Monday ' but is improving at this writing, ! we are glad to note. Mr. Wyatt Vaughn, who has ! been real sick with bronchitis, j is able to resume his school work iat "Winston-Salem, we are glad | to note. i Mrs. 0. N. Petrce spent the jday Sunday with her husband ! who is at St. Leo's hospital at J Greensboro. j The extension to the new Stokes Cpunty Warehouse has ' been started, and the work will ibe pushed as rapidly as possible ' until it is finished. THE fCKSTEP CO. Puts Its Telephone Lines In First-Class Condition For the Winter. ACCIDENT TO BUGGY Converts Mr. Burges Boles To Good Roads—Some Fine Hogs Being Killed. King Route 2, Dec. 15.—The Quickstep Telephone Co. has recently had its lines gone over and put in first-class condition. Mr. I. G. Gentry has recently had his dwelling repainted. Some fine porkers are being killed in this section. Wr. Wade H. Boyles recently kil'ed three weighing 1070, Mr. C. C. Boyles two weighing 760 and Mr. G. A. Jones two weighing 700. There are lots mo-e fine ones in this section that will be slaughtered as soon as the weather gets j cooler. Mr. Burses Boles, who voted against th; bond issue for roads in this township, went out driv ' ing Sunday and while pulling ; through sane of the deep mud | his horse became frightened and ! jerked the buggy in two pieces, ; leaving Mr. Boles and the hind j wheels in the mud while the i horse took he two front wheels ! of the vehicle home. Mr. Boies says a wreck like ; this is enough to convince any ! man that the bond issue for ' roads is a good thing. I SCRIBBLER. WESTON-BLAIR. Secret Marriage Of Young Couple Comes To Light. Quite a little ripple of excite ment prevailed in Danbury society circles Monday afternoon when it was discovered that Miss Annie Blair, of Danbury, and Mr. Lacy U. Weston, of Loray, N. C., had been secretly married in Greensboro on Dec. 6th. The groom is at present study ing for the ministry at Wake Forest College and while the bride was on a visit to Greens boro recently Mr. Weston came up and they were married at the Huffine Hotel in Greensboro in the presence of a few witnesses, Rev. Mr. Sherrill. of the M. E. church, being the officiating minister. After the ceremony the bride returned to her home here while the groom went back to his studies at Wake Forest College as though nothing had happened. But on Monday of this week through some means the secret came to light and the bride confirmed the raport. The bride is the attractive and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. R. Blair, of Danbury, and has hosts of i friends who will no doubt hear iof her marriaga with surprise. iThc groom is a bright young j minister of the Baptist church, and expects to ome here after | the present term of school expires i to spend tin summer. No. 4,268 HICKS-STEPHENS Mr. Joe Hicks and Miss Ethel Stephens Wed. WALNUT COVE NEWS Dodson hotel To Have An Ad dition Purse Containing $140.00 Is Lost. Walnut Cove, Dec. 12. —An annex is being built to the new warehouse at this place, the capacity of the main building be ing vastly inadequate. It is learned that Mr. W. G. Dodson will build an annex to j his hotel with 15 or 20 more | rooms in the near future. This | addition is much needed as the i the hotel is constantly crowded I .these days. Wednesday evening in the i presence of a few friends and I members of the immediate ' families of the bride and groom, | Miss Ethel Stephens was united , in marriage to Mr. Joe Hicks, at : the home of the bride's parents. ' Rev. J. A. Fagg was the ; officiating minister. The bride is the popular young daughter of Mr. W. R. Stephens, ! and has a larga circle of friends I who extend to her many good ; wishes. Mr. Hicks is also ; popular, and a jrcod business i man. He holds the responsible ! position as supervisor of our new road. Last Wednesdsy a Mr. Bullen had the misfortune to lose a i purse containing $140.00. It has not yet been found.