DANBURY REPORT Eli VOLUME XL. WHISKEY CAPTURES Stokes Officers Seize Percy Dillon, His Team And A Hundred Gallons Of Virginia "Booze." | GIVEN HOT CHASE! Outfit Turned Over To Federal Authorities Monday - Dillon Placed In Jail. Saturday night soon after dark Sheriff Slate received a telephone message saying that a wagon loaded with whiskey was then somewhere on the public road leading from Red Shoals + o Walnut Cove headed in the direction of the latter place. In a very few minutes Deputy Sheriff Frank Tilley, accompan ied by Messrs. Joseph Dunlap and Raleigh and Will Stewart, were on the trail. About 11 o'clock, just before reaching the home of Mrs. Adams, a mile this side of Walnut Cove, a wagon was sighted by the; officers some distance ahead. A man on horscb .ok w«i ;ilso riding just in fror.t o v. :;;" and the? officers at imi.v ni:ic.;c-u --ed the speed of their sl-v;!.- As they cam:* ill* driw of the team was w.i to.-,v : from the wagon an 1 diw hrn the woods ;;t the side oi" the r • id and at the •ar.\> time the h v man put e,»'rs to his I r:\T-, here the chase : ; t;i't ' ' v a hot raca of about half a i. le the ofiieershad grin •>! cT.r-My ; '- nbly on the horseman and FOOD he was ?cen to jump from his horse and run toward the woods some little distance away, but bsfore reaching the woods the officers were upon him and he promptly surrendered. The oaptured man, who proved to be Percy Dillon, of Patrick county, ▼a., claimed not to be connected with the whiskey wagon but the officers thought differently and he was brought to Dtnbury and plaoed in jail. Upon investigation it was found that the wagon, which had been left behind in care of one of the officers, contained two large barrells of whiskey, containing about fifty gallons each. The entire outfit was brought here Saturday night and the whiskey placed in the jail. The driver of the wagon made his escape and has not been heard from. A goorl Colt's revolver was found next day, almost on the same spot where Dillon was captured and it is thought that it was thrown away bv Dillon to keep from having the officers find it on h : s j orson. The outfit captured Saturday night, which consisted of about one hundred gallons of whiskey, two mules, on? horse and one two-ho r sj wagon, was all taken to Walnut C)ve Monday and turned over to Deputy Marshall Cape Hanes, of Mt. Airy, who delivered it to tli3 proper authorities. It is learned that the wagon and team captured is the same one seized by Sheriff Slate and other officers near Dillard in November, and was already under bond, it having been turned over to the Federal authorities at that time and later given bond for an J carried back to Virginia. Dillon's bond is $7.">0.00 and he hopes to arrange it this week and return home. The bond was Sv?nt to Virginia yesterday to be signed by friends of Dillon. The whiskey that is seized by officers in a case like the above is placed in the ! government storage house atj I Winston and is disposed of un-j der special arrangements made, with the Internal Revenue De-! partment by Collector Brown, j who was serving when the pro- j hibition law went into effect. The seized whiskey is advertised j for 30 days, so that the owner j may have ample time to put in ja claim for it. If no one ap i pears, it is advertised for sale j for 10 days' at end of which time it is put up for sale and bid oit by the deputy collector at the amount of the taxes for the government. It is then I shipped into Virginia, where it is resold. QUICKSTEP STOCKHOLDERS MEET. held Annual On 10th — Big Catch cf Game. King Route 2, «Jan. 12,—We are having fine weather at this j writing and the farmers are making good use of it as they j | arc looking for stormy weather 'in the future. The directors of the Quick Si;-;) Telephone Co. met at Air. J. K. Wi loon's J an. I> :uid settled ■;. i! • 1.-'. i; i.vv.s for 1013-and begun Vo!k for ii'l i. They ' r-;»>ri '.l.::t the company is in I f "idiiioti, and there are :»■ ••..•iv.l new iii.uru! being placid en T ■;o line. Hie future tooUsi Ijril.t fir the euvipanj. Mr. (i. Vv". Smiih attended the annual union nu « ting at Dan bury last Saturday. He reports a nice time. The meeting was int. resting and important busi ness was transacted. He claims that this is the day for the union while the number is not so large. The farmers have just got able to be united. They are able to hold or pool their tobacco until the manufacturers get able to buy it. There is no reason why the farmers should not be the leading people of the nation, if they will just stay together. They are the corner •tone, and they have the power i if they will just use it. ! Messrs. A. S. Marsh, Hubert | Gordon, and Pid Braddy went ! hunting old Xmas dav and bagged '25 rabbits, 26 birds and one owl. Anyone doubting the varasity of the matter please com municate with Mr. Gordon, sec. of the club. They challenge any club in the county. If any one wishes ! to take the matter up set date and I place and write H. C. Gordon, Sec., at once as hunting time ; will soon be over and the club's i aim is to make a crop and will ; not be bothered after April 23rd on account of hunting. We are glad to say Rev. P. Oliver is nicely improving. He ! can sit up in his room. SCRIBBLER. Meeting oi Stockholders of Big Creek Telephone. Westfield, Jan. 10, 1914. To the Stockholders of the Big Creek Telephone Company: You are hereby notified that the next annual meeting of the Big Creek Telephone Co. for the | election of officers and the tran saction of other business will be held at Big Creek on Monday! Jan. 19th, 1914, at 11 o'clock a. m. Either be there in person or send written proxy, as matters of importance will come before this meeting. We contemplate making some much needed changes in the system and want all stockholders present, j We will make arrangements to take care of all members com ' ing from a distance. Yours very truly, R. L. NUNN. DAIS BURY, N. C., JANUARY 14, 1914 iARM COT BADLY I j Mr. Carey Page Nearly I Severs His Arm While Cutting Board Timber. TWO MARRIAGES Mr. Will Smith and Miss Mamie Flynt and Mr. Carl Nunn and Aliss Sallie Mabe Wed—Other Meadows News. Meadows, Jan. 13. —Mr. Will Smith, a progressive young farmer, was married to Miss Mamie Flynt, the daughter of Mrs. Sarah Flynt, Sunday. Only a few relatives and friends were present. Mr. Carl Nunn was married to Miss Sallie Mabe, the daugh- I ter of Mr. Bob Mabe, last week. I Mr. Carey Page happened to , a serious accident last week, j While sapping board timber he made a miss lick, cutting his 'arm half off at the wrist joint. Mr. Lenzie Young, one of the best farmers of this sectiou, has moved to Rockingham county. Mr. Frank Davis has moved from near Walnut Cove to thin ph'.ce. We are g..:d to welcome them to our neighborhood. A very large crowd attended services at Clear Spring church : !:;ft Sunday. Mrs. Sadie Matthews, who has beeti visiting relatives at V/inst»i for some time, has re lumed home. Mr. S. J. Tut tie, who spent I ; Christmas here with his mother, 1 has returned to Winston. ' Miss Thelma Neal spent the ! Xmas holidays at her home j ! here, returning to Salem College la6t week. Dr. J. W. Neal made a busi ness trip to Reidsville Friday. News of Brim's Grove. i Brim's Grove, Jan. 12.—Rev. W. H. B«amer, of Mt. Airy, fill ed his regular appoiptment at Brim's Grove Saturday and Sunday. Several families of children have whooping cough. The families are: E. T. Wilson, Ezra Jessup, S. B. Hill, A. o. Hall, E. A. Covington, Frank Hicks 1 and Robert Lynch. Messrs. S. B. Hill, James Wilson and M. O. Lynch are preparing to have 'phones installed in their residents soon. 1 Mr. J. D. Essex has been right sick for some time, but is very much improved, we are glad to note. Mr. M. O. Lynch had the 1 misfortune to loose a fine young horse with blind staggers. BILL. Elders Joseph Southern and Payne, of the Primitive 1 Baptist church, preached at the home of Mr. Isaac Bullin, near Danbury, last Sunday at 11 o'clock. A large congregation at tended the services. Big Offer—Progressive Farmer, Rural Weekly and Household Magazine, all one year for SI.OO. E. P". NEWSOM, King. 14janlw NOTICE ! 85 acres of land for sale in Virginia near the railroad, with fine orchard at a bargain, one I ; good sawmill outfit, thr;e head of cattle, one fine milk cow, two ; wagons, one grab cart, two horses, household and kitchen furniture. See me at once if you want to buy. W. T. MOREFIELD, 7jan3t Campbell, N. C. BOARD OF TRADE To Be Reorganized At Wal nut Cove and Efforts Made To Secure New Enterprises. CITIZENS M E ETI NGj $3,500.00 Subscribed For New ! Warehouse —Much Building ! Activity High School Shows Remarkable Increase. Walnut Cove. Jan. 12. —lt is learned that Walnut Cove's Board of Trade will be reorgan ized at once, and strong efforts will be made through it to secure some new enterprises for our town, among which will be a cotton mill, lumber plant, etc., while a special effort will be made to secure a union passen ger station here. At a meeting of the citizens a few nights since it was decided | definitely to build another tobac-j co warehouse in Walnut Cove; and the gentlemen present took stock in tiie enterprise to the! extent of about S3,."MUM. The remainder of the stock will not be' any trouble to raise. The house! will be erected as soon as a 10-i cation is decided upon and pureh- i |ased by the stock* company. A representative of ihe Stan dard 0.1 Co. was here the past; week looking around with a view to establiihing a branch office 1 and placing a tank here. He; stated that he would report the i outlook favorable to his com- 1 1 I pany, and that if they came! here oil would be delivered by; their wagons as far as the good | roads extend, and at a price of about five cents less on the gal lon than it is now being sold by merchants at retail. Messrs. Davis & Linville have started work on their new livery stable which is being erected on the lot opposite the Vaughn Hotel. Mr. J. Wesley Morefield has broken ground for his new store. Mr. Lester Morefield. who re cently sold his interest in the Morefield-Taylor Grocery Co.. at Winston, will open a furniture store here in the store building | formerly occupied by Mr. A. T. Rothrock. This property, which was owned by Mr. J. L>. Woodruff, has been purchased by Mr. J. W. Morefield. Capt. R. L. Murphy reports a marked increase in the atten dance at the high school here since the beginning of the new year, which is no doubt attribu table in a large measure to the j rapid increase in population, j Mr. W. (J. Dodson expects to | start work soon on the addition •of 15 or 20 new rooms to his hotel. Mr. Jas. R. Voss is erecting a , nice brick resi Jence. Mr. John Hicks has just i completed a good dwelling house 1 in the north end of town. Dr. J. W. Slate expects to i erect a nice dwelling house here soon. Mr. I). S. Watkins will remodel and put a gla«s front in his building south of the Gates Hotel and use it as a barber shop. Mr. Stump Gunter. of King, will opera f e the shop. Mr. J. N. Young has opened up a nice grocery store in the old Woodruff stand which he i recently purchased. Mr. J. B. Woodruff will open! up a modern cafe in his store j building in the near future. The new addition of fifty feet ' to the Stokes County Warehouse is being finished up this week. The Stokes Wholesale Grocery Co's. new building was com pleted some time since and is now occupied. This company, under the management of Mr. j John G. F'ulton, has built up an J excellent business. It is learned that Mr. Jack, Barker expects to erect a new livery stable on Main street. Mr. Geo. Lewis has opened a nice grocery store here. Mr. Nat Hedgecock has gone to Greensboro where he will establish a brick-making plant. Sandy Ridge flouts 1. Sandy Ridge Route 1, Jan. 14. j —There was a singing at the! home of Mr. W. T. Ward lasC Tuesday. There was a large crowd in attendance, and all seemed to enjoy themselves fine, i The school at Delta started 'Monday after a rest of two I weeks. Mrs. E. K. Vernon was given | a surprise Li;'thd.:y dhrirr hut . Wednesday. R>v. T. .1. .i.hd !.is rogukr appointm* i-r n- . i-'.U! SumLiy. tjuite a vd out. There was a sin/.i' : at .Mr. ! 10. K. Vernon's Inst 1 night. All r'.M.irt n '.rood lime. I I The farm era I ave begun to make preparations !'r another' tobacco crop by barring plant ! land. Misses Minnie and Rosie East and Will'e East spent Saturday ! night at Mr. W. T. Ward'*. Mr. A. B. Carter and little (daughter, Coy, visited at W. T. : Ward's Sunday. i Rev. Chas. Wall will preach at. Delta the 3rd Sunday in this j month art; 2:30 o'clock. Rev. T. J. Folger spent Sun-, day night at Mr. W. T. Ward's. Mr. Albert Vernon visited Spray the past week. There was a singing at Mrs. Sal lie Terrell's Sunday. Misses Ruth and Ella Wall, Lil-1 j lian and Gracie Dodson and Edna! j Vaughn visited Misses Lillie and J ! Dora Ward Saturday. Mr. J. W. Ward is visiting! I in Winston at present. ONE SIDER. j Guilford Court House land Sold j Greensboro, Jan. 10.—The ! Guilford county commissioners 1 today accepted the $150,000 bid of the Jefferson Standard j Life Insurance Campany for j the court house property, at i the corner of Elm and Market; streets, the price being the! largest ever paid for property I in the city. The county re-] serves the vaults, furniture j and fixtures. It will be some i time before the buyers can | get possession. No site was selected for the new court house, though Srveral were inspected. Action was deferred until a later meeting. Trial Here Saturday Big Crowd Expected The trial of Messrs. Leff and jLum Mabe, J. T., John and 1 Cleve Lawson will be held here ;at the court heuse Saturday at 11 o'clock before Justice of the Peace N, A. Martin. A large number of witnesses have been summoned in the case and the trial will no doubt tract a large crowd. THE ROAD WORK I Moving Along Nicely In Sauratown Township. CONTRACTOR MOVES 1 Now At Work On Road Leading From J. I. Blackburn's To ward Davis' Ford On Dan River. j Iload Commissioner Wesley Mabe, of Sauratown Township, spent a fe.v hours in Danbur.v Monday, and it was learned from him that work has been temporarily suspended on the main line road between Walnut Cove and J. I. Blackburn's and the contractor is now at work with his force on the road lead |ing from J. I. Blackbarn's to i ward Davis' ford on Dan river. I The reason for thi3 change is j that it is thought best not to do j any more work on the main road | until the severe weather is over, as it takes considerable extra work to keep the road shaped up after each rain. The road which is being built at ictMent w!il bj throe miles in i.'ii :i!il v.i;! oteM . from Mr. tflu'Jtt'UniV. 1 > • ii. :i•» {J..;iit or.e mi!-? of Davis' fur.l on tir» river. Th? gr.» of th» .1 road iu:.s if-i e.jtnpk.wd as far t '\v..nl \.'ai "it Cove the home of Mrs. Ad .tins, and t topsoil ha.-, b.'i n ]ll >.j vi on ir. >3' jl' it. ('onvi.isLi'jner Mabo stated thut an engineer en the three miles of rjad already completed shows that it. is costing less m >ney that they estimate 1 before the : work was done, which was about si(>oo per mile, and that con tractor Plott had offered to buitd I all the roads of the township ' for the money they voted. It is learned that the town of ; Walnut Cove will soon award a | contract for the extension of the | good road through the incorpor , ate limits of th« town. | Walnut Cove Roule 1. i Walnut Cove Route 1, Jan. 12r - j Rev. T. J. Glenn will preach at I Rose Bud Sundav at eleven | o'clock. , There was a singing at Mr. 1 Will Rutledge's Sunday after ! noon. Quite a large crowd was ! present. | Miss —Wagner, of Walker | town, visited Misses Carrie and ! Rosa Miller Saturday and Sun ! day. Mr. Watson Smith left for Winston-Salem Saturday where he will enter the Carolina Busi- I ness College. Mr. Charlie Tuttle, who has ■ | been attending school at -! Whitsett, entered school at ; Walnut Cove Monday. ! Mr. Will Tuttle and family visited at Mr. W. E. Rutledge's • Sunday. I I Messrs. Richard and Sh3rman ! | Tuttle visited at Mr. Thomas 11 Tuttle's Sunday night. j Mr. C. F. Smith visited at Mr. " ; Geo. Hampton's Sunday, t 1 Mr. Frank Young visited at 1 Mr. Gideon Tuttle's Sunday. There will be a singing at Mr. iJim Redman's next Sunday .evening. j Miss Glenn Tuttle has been very happy the past week as her best fellow called Sunday [afternoon. 1| Mr. John Lewellyn called on 1 Miss Margie Redman Sunday. 2' Miss Glenn Tuttle visited t; Misses Mamie and Margie Red -3 j man Monday night. J j GOSSIPER. ? All kinds watch and jewerly ? repairing. E. P. NEWSOM, i King, N. C. 14jan4w. No. :