VOLUME XL. TWO WEDDINGS Mr. Chas. W. Sisk and Miss Florence Yates and Mr. Yancie Yates and Miss Carrie Sisk. ON MADISON ROUTE 3 The Contracting Parties !n liach Case Are Popular Younff People of Eastern Stokes. Madison Route 3, Jan. 19. At the home of the bride's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Yates, Miss Florence Yates became the bride of Mr. C. W. Sisk, of Sandy Ridge Route 1, Thursday, Jan. 15, at 11 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Watt Priddy, in the presence of a few intimate friends and rel atives. Immediately after the cere mony the party gathered in the dining room where a delicious dinner was served. The house was beautifully decorated with ferns, ivy and trai ling-pine. The bride looke l very beauti ful. She wore a go.vn of white a combination of silk and l"oo. The bodice v»as of wide bcautifr - l.v patterned shadow-lace oyer a lining of net. and pivtiiy finished with rhinchtori" bucld.-r. and buttons. The .;l:ir l was of sphn idid silk mescaline in ovoiskirt eii'ect with silver sp.nigles. The bride's maids of honor were Misses Carrie Sisk, sister of the groom, and Minnie Roberts, cousin of the bride, while the groom's best men were Missis. Will Wood and Yaneie Yates. They will reside with the groom's parents. On Sunday, Jt.n. lSih. at i o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sisk, of Sandy Ridge Route 1, Miss Carrie Sisk became the bride of Mr. Yancie Yates, of Madison Route 3. The ceremony was performed by R >v. Watt Priddy in the presence of a party of relatives and friends. Immediately after the cere mony the party assembled in the dining-room where a bountifully spread table awaited them. The house was very pretty, decorated with holly ferns, etc. The bride's and groom's atten dants were Misses Beulah Shep pard and Minnie Roberts, and Messrs. Will Wood, and Fletcher Kellam. They will make their future home with the groom's parents. Sandy iiidge. Sandy Ridge Route 1, Jan. 10. —We are hxving some fine weather at present. There has been a lot of horse trading in this section recently. There was a cotton picking at Mrs. Eli/.a I))dson's Saturday night. There was a sinjpng at Mr. W. R. East's Saturday night. Among those present were Misses Chattie Lasley. Burnice and Pearl Brown, Lillie and Dora Ward, Ludie Hawkins, Ethel and Agnes Pringle, and Messr*. Harry Pringle. Ernest Brown, Hue Griffin and J. E. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Fast. All seemed to enjoy themselves fine. Rev. Chas. Wall filled kis regular appointment at Delta Sunday. Quite a crowd attend ed. The singing club will meet at Delta next Saturday at 1:00 o'clock instead of 10 as before. Misses Lillie and Dora Ward and Chattie Lasley and Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. East spent Saturday night at Mr. W. R. Ivist's. Mrs. W. H. Hutcherson and children spent Saturday night at Mr. W. T. Ward's. Mr. William Carter continues quite ill, we are sorrv t/> note. EXCELSIOR. Col. M. V. Mabe, ofj Danbury Route 1, was a visitor here Sat urday and dropped in to see the Reporter. Music Club \h± Nsw Officers Elected. I I , The Etude -Music Club.lac j cording to adjournment Dec. 2>, 111*13. met with Miss Sadie O. i Petree Jan. 10,1911. Hew officers | were elected as follows : Miss , Mary Taylor, President; Miss Effie Hone, Secretary, and Mr. i Chas. Ilelsabeck, Treasurer, j Robert Schumann was the author studied and the following program was rendered : Pleading —"Schumann's Period Ancestry and Bir.hplace," by Mrs. Lacy U. Weston. Duet—"Slumber Song," by Misses Mary Joyce and Mary 1 Tav'or. J Vocal Solo—Mr. Chas. R. Hel- I sabeck. ! Pleading "Schumann's Early ! Training," by Miss Jessie Pepper. Piano Solo —"Message to the ; Rose." by Miss Mary Joyce. ! Reading'—"Schumann's Popu lirity in America," by Miss Sadie Petree. Piano solo— "Nocturne," Chop in. by Miss Mary Taylor. Vocal solo—Mrs. I/icy \Ve:;ton. Reading "Wisdom of Robert Siluimann." Mi-s Liiic I'. Booc. ''iano Solo- "The L'lst Hoop," Gottsehalk, Mrs. J. W. Hall. After the programm,* delicious ivfrcshnvmts were served by the charming l'.ostess in two courts, the former one being c::ke ;>;:d ambro.da, the Litter hot c!«,co late. The meeting adjourned to m-:et with .Mrs. Wesley C. next time. Danlitiry Routs 1. Danbury Route 1, Jan. 19. People in this section are very busy burning plant beds and preparing for another crop. Miss Bessie Nelson spent Thursday and Friday night with relatives in Walnut Cove. Those who visited Misses Sadie, Dora and Murphy Nelson Sun day were Misses Jinnie and Isabella Fagg, Tilda and Bessie Nelson, and Messrs. EJward, Jessie, Gorrell, Everett and oerrie Mabe, Walter and Lum Fagg, Oscar and Lenly Smith. Nick aud Bob Stephens, Cleve Lawson, Alex and Edgar Nelson, Everett Sands, Anderson Bennett, Arthur Whitten, Phate Aller, John Priddy. Misses Jennie and Isabella Faf g spent Saturday night with Miss Tilda Nelson. Messrs. (lid Moore and Dewitt N«lson made a trip to Moore's Springs and Tado Mecum. WE LOVE EACH OTHER. Perry Dillon Released On 5J50.00 Bond. Perry Dillon of Patrick county, the man captured by the Stokes officers on Saturday, Jan. 10, while in charge of a load of block ade whiskey, was released Wed nesday afternoon Ute on a cash bond of $750.00, and he im mediately left for his home in Virginia. The man released on bond is a brother of Percy Dillon, who, it is understood, is also wanted by the officers on the same charge. Medical Association To Meet February 2. There will be a meeting of the Stokes County Medio*. 1 As sociation in Danbury on the first Mondav in February. All members are requested to attend aJ thsro is important business to transact. This Jan. 20. 1014. .J. 11. ELLINGTON, Pres. W. V. McCANLESS, Sect. DAN BURY, N. C., JANUARY 21, 1914. GOOD WOll COMMITCOVELEITEB Mrs. Charity Elizabeth Martin j Passes Away At The Home Of Her Son In Danburv. DIED TUESDAY Was the Mother of A Larpe Fam'.ly And Was Nearly Ififfl hty - Six Years of Ajre. | Mrs. Charity Elizabeth Martin passed away here early Tuesday ■ morning at the home of her son, I Mr. N. A. Martin, where she I had resided for some months. I The deceased had bee» seriously j ill with a complication of diseases ; for a number of weeks and her j death was not unexpected, i Mrs. Martin was nearly eighty ' six years of age. and was the ! mother of a large family of children, those surviving her being Messrs. N. A. Martin, of Dan bury; VV. J. Martin, of Burlington; Hugh Martin, of P. 11. Martin, of Ayersvi!!?: Mrs. Will Rierson, of Walnut Cove: and Mrs, J. N. Lasley. of Walnut Cove Route All oi the children were i.i attendance at the funeral services except Mri. Lasley and Mr. P. ii. Martin, the latter being ill at lib home. I The deceased was a consistent member of the M. E. church l'or more than sixty years, and wua loved by all who knew her. The funeral services were con ducted here at the M. E. ckurch by the pastor, Rev. f. J. Folger, and interment was made at the , family burying ground near , Meadows yesterday, a number of Daniury people attending the interment. i Among those in attendance at 1 the funeral services here from a distance yesterday were Mr. and Mrs. Will Rierson, Mrs. Sanders j Rierson, Miss Stella Rierson, ! Miss Annie Mart-in. Mr. Sanders j Rierson, Jr., of Walnut Cove: ! Mr. W. J. Martin, ol' Burlington; Mr. Hugh Martin, of Winston- Salem; Mr. James Lasley, of I Walnut Cove Route 3, and i others. School Buildings Destroyed By Fire Greensboro, Jan. 17.—Fanned by a brisk wind fire supposed to have originated from ao open grate in one of the buildings and discovered this morning at dawn completely destroyed two of the main buildings at Oak Ridge In stitute, eighteen miles west of this city, and the Methodist .Protestant church, situated on the school campus. The en tire loss i» estimated at $40,000, partially covered by $19,000 insurance on the two buildings, with no insurai.v on the church. None of the furniture or fixtures in the school buildings or the church were saved. The two bulidings burned this morning were* situated on the central part of the campus at Oak Ridge aud were connected by an over head passageway. One of the: structures was of brick while j the other was a frame structure. In the buildings were the class rooms, two literary, society halls, a library, large auditorium used as the chapel and other rooms occupied by officers and teachers of the institution. A telephone mes sage received here at an early hour this morning brought the news of the fire. The Methodist Protestant church, which was burned was situated within a few yards of the two buildings, and owing to the course of the wind, flames leaped easily across the narrow dividing space. Mrs. J. Will East Seriously 111 At Her Home On | Summit Avenue. DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT Personal And Other News Items | As Reported By Our Correspondent. Walnut Cove, N. C., Jan. 20. j Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Davis enter ■ tained their young friends at ! their home on Summit avenue [ last Friday evening at a very J delightful dance, which was highly enjoyed by every one j present. Mrs. J. Will East, who has j been seriously ill at her home on i Summit avenue, is slightly im , proved at this writing, we are glad to note, and we truly hope i she will soon be entirely well •again. Mrs. E. C. Derby has been ill for several days with gripp at the Vaughn Hotel, but she is slightly improved, we are glad to know. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Fulton, of , Winston-SUcm, spent the day ; Saturday in town with friends 1 and relative.-'. Mrs. Annie Rierson was very much indisposed hist week but is feel in;* very much improved, vvi- are glad to note. Mr. M. M. Martin, Mrs. M. V. Martin and daughter, little Mfes Augusta, returned to their home at Mullins, S. C., Saturday after spending two weeks here as the guests of Mr. M. V. Martin at the Vaughn Hotel. Miss Kate Fulton, of Mt. Airy, spent the weekend in town visiting relatives. Miss Maybelle Vaughn spent the day Saturday in Winston- Salem. Mr. 0. W. Jones, of Charlotte, was in town last week in the interest of The Charlotte Ob server. Rev. Mr. Willey, of Mayodan. filled his regular appointment at Christ Episcopal church Sunday morning. Mr. Frank Davis, of Martins ville, Va.,spe«t the day in town Saturday. - Dr. J. W. Slate returned Mon | day from a visit to home folks i at Capella. i Mr. H. H. Davis went to | Martinsville, Va., Saturday, re ' turning Sunday. Mr. Ernest Fowler, of the King section, was in town Mon day enroute to Dayton, Ohio. Mr. and Mr, Frank Petre®, of Route 5, visited Mr. Petree's I parents near Germanton Satur ! day and Sunday. ' Mr. Jno. A. Burton made a • business trip to Wilmington last ! week. ! Messrs. Sam Stewart a«d (>. iW. Farthing visited Madison | Sunday. Dr. Liurei Hill, of Ciermanton, ! visited Walnut Cove Sunday. I Miss Elsie Payne spent the ! week end with home folks near Pine Hal). . Mr. and Mrs. Gaither Davis, |of Winston-Salem, were in town | Saturday. Mr. Samuel Hawsum Dies At His Hsms Near King King, Jan. 19. — Mr. Samuel Newsum, aged 45 years, died at his home on Five Forka avenue early Saturday morning, of a complication of diseas es. H'j leaves a wife and five children. The interment was at Galatia church yesterday at 2 o'clock. A few valuable farms for sale in the bright tobacco bolt of Rockingham County. Well adapted to fine tobacco raising, corn, grain and other farm products. Lies in the best sec tion of Rockingham County, adjacent to good school and churches. Good buildings and the land lies well. Write or see J. M. Sharp, Madison, N C. tf I BRIDGE CONTRACTS County Commissioners Met Monday And Let Con tracts For Bridges On New Roads -- Convicts Hired Out. The county commissioners met at Danbury Monday in special session, a full board being in attendance. The object of the meeting was to let contracts for five bridges to be erected across creeks in Danbury and Saura town townships on the new roads being constructed in these town ships. Representatives of the Virginia Bridge & Iron Co. and the Roanoke Bridge Co. and Mr. R. R. King placed bids on the bridge work. Mr. King's bid was found to be the lowest and he was awarded the work ol' building all five of thcj bridges at the price of $3,300.0(1. i The county convicts were' hired to tin contractor who is i building the road between !).in- Imrv and Mov/lows pastciliee. There are only fur men in the gang now and the county is to recv.ve c!.:£"> per day op.cii IV r their labor. Mr. Joseph Dunlap will continue to gua;;l them w'tilj t'-ioy aie at work the or.- tractor. M Slioais. Red Shoals. Jan. !!>. Farme r s in this section are busy plough ing and burning pianl land. Misses Ethel and Ella Flynt at this rrriting are ill withpneu m:nia fever. Hope they will soon be out again. Misses Avis and May Dunlof) are ill at this writing. Miss Carrie Ethel Flinchum is confined to her bed with lagrippe. Mies Carrie Nelson is visiting Mis«e« Sadie and Bessie Fliach um this week. Mr. Marvin Flynt is confined [to his room with pneumonia i fever. Miittfg Sadie and Bessie Flinch | um entertained a number of their friends Saturday night. Among J those present were Messrs. I Carey, Fuller and Rober Flynt, j Charlie, Boulin, Claude and Will i Rhodes and Lemmie Duggins. | All report a jolly time. Messrs. George Smith and Lace Mitchell visited at Mr. Alex Flinchum's Sunday, i Messrs. Chariie Boulin, Rober and Fuller Flynt called at Mr. ' Flinchum's Sunday. I SOMEONE'S SWEETH EART. _ North Craolina's Suit Against Express Co. Carrying out the purpose of ! the States authorities announced some weeks ago, Attorney General Bickett has instituted ' suit in Wake Superior Court against the Southern Express I Company for $20,001) balance of taxes claimed to be due from the company for the 1 years 1909-1912, inclusive, and the first four months of last ; year. The tax involv ed is the 3 per cent on gross ; revenue and grows out of the fact that the company deducted the amouut paid c-ach year to the railroad companies for handling the express before giving in gross revenue for this tax. Mr. P. H. Linville, of Walnut ('.)▼(), has basn rec by Congressman S ted man for post masttr at Walnut Cove. THE BANK GF KING | Given Charter By The Secretary Of State Last Week. TO ERECT BUILDING Will"Probably Open For Business Early In The Spring - The Stockholders. The Bank of King was grant ed a charter by the Secretary of State last week with authorized capital of $23,000, the following named stockholders being named in the certificate of incorporation: V. T. Grabs, S. W. Pulliam, E. P. Newsom, L. K. Pulliam. C. O. Boyles, \V. R. Keiger, John Wade Johnson, of King: A. M. Stack and Dr. J. W. Neal, of Monroe: Dr. J. Walter Neal, of Meadows; M. T. Chilton and X. !•]. and K. P. Pepper, of Danbury. Work or. the building for the row B.rnk will start soon, plans ior same already having been drawn, k i.> i that the Panic will open for the oa:*iy spring. rr wUilitii J J L ,i I Walnut (')ve Jan. —Rev. J. (ilenn rilled his regular appointment at Rose !iud Sun day. Miss Lou el la Fill,) visited her parents Friday and Saturday, Q lite a crowd attended tie singing at Mr. James Redman's Sunday afternoos. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Shrop shire, of Winston-Salem, visited Mrs. Shropshire's parents Sun day. We are glad to learn that Joy, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Voss is, convalescing. Last Saturday night Misses Carrie and Rosa Miller gave the young people a party in honor of their guest Miss Vera Wagoner of Walkertowu. All enjoyed the occassion immensely. Mr. Gray Rutledge of Rural Hfcll visited home Sunday. Miss Sadie Tuttle and Mr. Richard Tuttle, Miss Glenn Tuttle and Mr. Sherman TutHe attended church at Rose Bud j Sunday. Mrs. W. E. Butner is on the sick list this week. Hope she will coon recuperate. GOSSIPER. Campbell. Campbell, Jan. 1!). The regular services will be held at Snow Creek church next Satur day and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Sheppard and little daughter, Yirgie, of Williston. North Dakota, are ■ visiting friends and relatives at Campbell. I Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Rhodes visited at Mr. Hub Rhodes' Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. James Sheppard, Misses Lena Taylor, Lela Boyles, Erna Sheppard and Messrs. Elijah ad Gilmer Taylor and Will Lackey visited at Mr. W. G. i Moore's Sunday p. m. j Mr. Roy Marl in made a busi ness trip to Winston-Salem last week. Mrs. J. L. Corn spent last Friday with her sister, Mrs. Zeb Rhodes. Mr. Percie Sheppard, who is ill with appendicitis, is no better, ; we are sorry to note. Marriage On King Route 1. ! King Route 1, Jan, 19—Mr. Roy L. Snider and Miss Hatti« E. (iibson were married yester day at the home of Elder P. : Oliver, the ceremony bei»g performed by Mr. Oliver. No. 42 4 2

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