VOLUME XL. PHFiCE MOVED From Home Of Mrs. R. A. Tuttle To The Store Of J. W. Morefield AT MEADOWS Box Parly Saturday Night A Success Mrs. Matthews Im proving—Other News Items. Meadows, Feb. 10.- The box party given at Meadows school house Saturday night drew a large crowd. We had excellent behavior, but every body seemed to be full of life and to have plenty of money, as the sales amounted to $28.35. The highest box brought $3.50. The school house will soon be painted and have a large bell hung in a new belfry. Messrs. Homie and Gid Moore of Lawsonville visited their sister, Miss Bessie, who is teach ing at Meadows, Saturday, re turning home Sunday. Mrs. Rosa Covington, accom panied by Miss Emma Kimball, both of Winstcn, visited rel atives at Meadows Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Sallie Matthews has al most recoved from a s.'iious spell of pneumonia. Mrs. Joe Coleman, who has been ill for some weeks, is nearly well. An infant of Mr. und Mrs. James Matthews is very sick with pneumonia. Miss Minnie Glidewell, who is teaching at Ore Bank, visited her father and mother last week. The Meadows postoffice has been moved from Mrs. R. A. Tuttle'a to Mr. J. W. Morefield's, the merchant, at Meadows. Mr. Matt Smith carried a large load of tobacco to Walnut Cove this week which brought him a nice roll of money. Mr. Jno. H. Neal purchased a fine horse from last week. SMALLPOX RAGING. In Pine Hall Section-Mr. W. Y. Gordon Loses A Fine Horse. Pine Hall, Feb. 10.- Small pox seems tc be raging through this section. Miss olie Boone of Stokes dale has accepted a position with the • Carter-William Co. here. We are glad to have her in our community. Dr. J. L. Haynes made a business trip to Madison last week. Misses Pattie and Lillie Rolls of Lone Oak, Va., are visiting Mrs. J. L. Haynes. Born unto Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Roberson last week, a daughter. Mr. Turner Shockley, of Roanoke, was here a short while last week. Mr. W. Y. Gordon lost a fine horse a few days ago. Mr. Clyde Gentry, of Madison, was here a few hours last week. Mrs. J. C. Flynn went to Madison shopping last Monday. Mr. Tom Covington, of Wal nut Cove, was here on business last Monday. Mr. J. S. Gant, depot agent here, is taking a few days vacation this week. LOVER. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Collins, of Danbury Route 1, c ied Sunday. flffil KB. Fir ,t v'u.:r.:r y Conference to He Held At Davis Sat urday and Sunday Other Items. The first Quarterly Conference for this Circuit will eonvene at Davis' Chapel next Saturday and Sunday. First service will be held on Saturday at 11 o'clock. Let every Steward be present with a good report from his church. We have for our Presiding Elder this year, Rev. R. M. Hoyle, who is considered one of the strongest preichers in the Western North Carolina Con ference. The public is cordially invited to come out and hear this able man preach. At the present time the pros pect for a good year seems very bright on the Danburv Circuit. I want each member to ask him self the question : If every member should stand by the church this year as I shall, what kind of report will our preacher carry up to the annual Conference next fall? Now. let's all try to do what we can to advance the cause of Christ this yea •, and I know we will feel better by having done so. 1 shall not fill my appointments at Danbury, Vadj Mecum and Union Hill next Saturday on account of the Quarterly Meet ing. T. J. FOLGER, P. C. Dr. IS. F. Tillotson Recovers From Operation. King Route 2, Feb. 9.—Ground hog day has passed and stormy weather is here. The people are buying a new supply of winter clothing and hauling in their wood that they may en joy nice fires during the stormy days. Messrs. G. A. Jones, T. B Darnell and Jasper Bennett went to Phillips' mill one day last week and stayed over night. They report a nice time. Dr. S. F. Tillotson, who had an operation performed a few ago at Greenboro, is now at home. He is not able to do any riding yet but is doing a lot of office work. | Mr. G. W. Smith has a large cat sixteen year 3 old. He catches a great many rats and when ' they give out he goes and gets the monsters for his neighbors. SCRIBBLER. I Feel Miserable ? Out of sorts, depressed, pain in the back - Electric Bitters re news your health and strength. | A guaranteed Liver and Kidney remedy. Money back if not i satisfied. It completely cured Robert Madsen, of West Bur lington, lowa, who suffered from virulent liver trouble for eight months After four doctors gave him up, he took Electric Bitters and is now a well man. Get a bottle to-day; it will do the same for you. Keep in the house for all liver and kidney complaints. Perfectly safe and dependable. Its results will surprise you. 50c. and SIOO. H. E. Buck len & Co. Philadelphia or St. Louis. DANBURY, N. C., FEBRUARY 11, 1914. BAyK If KISS Organization Was Effected Yesterday Evening. OFFICERS ELECTED Material On (iround For Building Which VVI I Be Erected At Once. At a me iting of the stock holders of the Bank of King held yesterday evening an or ganization was effected by elect ing the following officers : V. T. Grabbs, President; S. W. Pulliam, Vice-President; Thomas S. Petree, Cashier. The following board of directors were elected : V. T. Grabbs, Dr. J. W. Neal, M. T. Chilton, S. W. Pulliam, C. O r Beyles. W. R. Keiger, N. E. Pepper. The meeting was a very en thusiastic one and it was decided to start business as early as possible. The material for the bank build ng, which will be a nice brick structure, is already on the ground and it will be erected at once. Valentine Drawing Hext Saturday Night. Walnut Cove Route 1, Feb 9. Rev. T. J. Glenn will preach at Rose Bud Sunday at 11 oclock a. m. if nothing prevents. There was a singing at Mr. W. E. Rutledge's Saturday night. Mr. Gray RutUrdge, of Rural Hall, visited at Mr. A. A. Mil ler's Sunday. There was quite a crowd at Mr. Thomas Tuttle's Sunday afternoon. Among them were : Misses Beatrice and Susie Tut tie, Louella Fulp, Nina Butner, Paul ne Smith ; Messrs. Charlie Tuttle, Will BJWIGS and S. W., C. 0. and Preston Smith. Mr. Thomas Shore, of Rural Hall, visited at Mr. W. E. Rutledge's Saturday and Sunday. Born unto Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Smith, a fine boy. There will be a valentine draw ing at Mr. Gid Tuttle's Saturday night. Mr. Preston Tatum called on Miss Mamie Redman Sunday afternoon. There will be a singing at Mr. W. E. Butner's Sunday p. m. Mr. Will Tuttle, who has been very sick, is improving, we are glad to note. GOSSIPER. Good Roads Bill Passes In House Washington, Feb. 10 The Shackleford bill, under which the Federal government would; distribute twenty-five million dollars for good roads among the various States, conditioned upon a dollar-for-dollar appropri ation by each State, passed the House today by a vote of two hundred and eighty two to forty two. It awaits the action of the Senate. The board of road commission ers for Danbury township, Messrs. J. Spot Taylor, J. Wesley! Morefield and W. H. Flinchum, I held a meeting here at the court, house Monday. Big TOBACCO SUE Stokes County Warehouse, Co. Sold 47,000 Pounds Yesterday. j| AT WALNUT COVE* j jl Mr. Jjlin A. Huiton 111 Other . News an J Peisonal Items From Our County Town , Walnut Cove, Feb. 10. The 1 Stokes County Warehouse here 1 sold 47.0C0 pounds of tobacco i today. Prices are holding up fairly well though not as high i as during the fall months. Mr. W. F. Bowles has gone to Richmond, Va,, to purchasa a lot of stock. Messrs. M. T. Chilton. J. A. j Lawson, J. Will Morefield. John T. Carroll, and J. H. Marshall were among Walnut Cove's' visitors today. Rev. Mr. Po3 filled his regu'ar appointment at the Junior Hall Sunday and preached a splendid sermon. Mr. Jno. A. Burton is confined to his room with grip, we are sorry to note, but hope he will soon be out again. Misses Louise Crist and Okey Kimel, of Winston-Salem, »pent the week end in town as the guests of Misses Maybelle and Jessie Vaughn. Miss Marie Langister, of Winston-Salem, spent Saturday and Sunday in town with Misses Claudie and Stella Rierson. Mrs. H. N. Scott has returned to her home id Winston-Salem, after spending some time here with home folks. Shs was ac companied home by Mrs. W. D. Bennett, who will spend several days with her. Messrs. Haynes Linville, John Bailey, Jr., Fletcher Hawkins, Watson Joyce, Jacob Fulton and Clareice Fair visited Madison Sunday, Messrs. Will Bowles and Luther Mitchell visited Winston- Salem Friday of last week. Messrs. Julius Young and Porter and Miss Nonnie Mc- Kenzie, of Winston, visited friends here Sunday. Mr. George Semple visited relatives at Winston-Salem Satur day. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Semple, who spent the week in Winston. Messrs. H. H. Davis and R. B. Semple returned Monday from Martinsville. Va., where they spent Sunday with relatives. Mr. John Bolt will leave Wednesday for Manatee, Fla., where he will spend several months. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Derby left Saturday for Statesville, where they will spend a while. During their short stay here, they made many friends, who were sorry to see them leave. Messrs. Sam Hairston and E. L. Hatchet, of Danviile, Va., were in town Monday on busi ness. Infant Oi Mr. I urn Bjoth Is Badly Scalded. An infant of Mr. and Mrs. Lum Booth, who reside near Danbury, was badly scalded the past week by turning over upon itself a vessol containing hot water. Era niliiii. Number of Applicants For Stokes County Postoffices Undergo Hxamination. Postmaster H. M. Joyce, of Danbury, conducted a civil service examination of applicants for positions of fourth-class postmasters here in the publ'c school room Saturday. Theie were quite a number of appli cants who stool the examina tion. The offices being applied for are Danbury, Pinnacle. Sandy Ridge, Moore's Springs, Ger manton and Campbell. Among those who took the examination were Messrs. Will Moore, of Moore's Springs; 1 Wiley Edwards, of Pinnacle; Caleb Hall, of Sandy Ridge; jR. E. Smith, of Pilot Mtn.; R. R. King, of Danbury: Homie 'Moore, of Campbell; Mesdames I Fannie Davis, of Germanton; I Walter Watkins and Robert Martin, of Campbell. There were a number of others whose names we failed to secure. NcWS GF SANDY RIDGF. | i | Djatli of Infant Child Oirls. Give A Pound Party j Personals. Sandy Ridge Route 1, Feb. 9. ! We are in the grip of the coldest | | wave of th 2 season ac present, j Rev. T. J. Folger filled his' appointment at Delta Sunday. His subject was "Blessed are the pure in Heart for they shall see God." There was a good crowd out considering the weather. Mrs. James Dodson continues quite ill, we are sorry to note. Mr. J. G. Dunlap is improving we are glad to note. Mr. Everett Hawkins is im proving, we are pleased to learn. Elliot Watson, the infant son jof Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Murphy, died last Thursday morning at ! 7 o'clock and was laid to rest [at the Delta church burying 'ground Friday afternoon. The 1 funeral services were conducted ! by Rev. J. A. Joyce, j Rev. Chas. Wall will preach at Delta next Sunday at 2 o'clock. | Hope to see a large crowd out. I Misses Ethel and Agnes Pringle and Lottie Hawkins ; spent Saturday night with Misses Ella and Ruth Wall. The Misses Wall and Vaughn gave a pound party Saturday night. Quite a crowd was present, and seemed to enjoy themselves fine. There are a lot of our farmers who claim that they lost money by not selling all of their tobacco last fall. Almost every farmer has tobacco to sell but he doesen't have any corn or wheat to sell. Its too bad that he has his bread to buy. Gut your tobacco crop and make more corn, wheat, vegetables, | hay, etc. Mr. Tobacco Farmer, help lower the high cost of liv ing. LONESOME BOY. Sheriff W. 0. Slate spent Mon day night with his father, Mr. W. G. Slate, who has been ill for some time. We regret to know that Mr. Slate improves slowly. Mr. R. P. Glidewell, of Wal nut Cove, was here yesterday enroute to Lawsonville, where he is doing some surveying. SHOW MEET Bank of Stokes County Closes Another Success ful Year. J. H. FULTON CASHIER Elected To Succ.-td 0. N. Petree, Who Withdraws From Bank To Engoge In Insurance Business. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Stokes County was held at the Walnut Cove branch of the Bank yesterday, quite a number of the stockholders being in at tendance. The reports of the officers and examiners showed that the Bank was in excellent condition and that it had just passed through the most successful year of its history. The usual dividend was declared and the remainderof the Bank's earnings were placed in the surplus. Mr. J. 11. FaltDn, was elected cashier of the Walnut Cove branch of the Bank to succeed Mi*. 0. N. Petree. who severs his connection with the Bank to engage in the insurance business at Walnut Cove. With this ex ception all of the old offic3rs of the Bank were re-elected. The following named board of directors were named : W. J. Byerly, M. T. Chilton, Dr. J. W. Neal, J. H. Fulton, J. W. More field, J. B. Woodruff, John H. Marshall, J. A. Lawson and N. E. Pepper. The Bank is to be congratulated in securing Mr. Fulton as cashier, as he is one of Walnut Cove's best and most careful business men, and withal is a man of highest integrity. It was decided to purchase for the Walnut Cove bank a new manganese steel safe, which will be absolutely burglar and fire proof. The safe will be installed at once. The meeting of the stockhold ers was a very pleasant one, all of the stockholders being very much gratified at the growth of the Bank during the past year. Heavy Blasting On New Road. A great deal of blasting has been done this week on the road under construction just south of Danbury. The supply of dyna mite was exhausted last week ; and on Monday when it arrived 1 more than a hundred holes had been drilled along the road within about a mile of Danburv. j When the shooting was started I one might, have imagined himself within hearing of some of the navy's immense 14-inch guns. A gool deal of rock has been ; encountered on the new road I but it is being rapidly done away I with. Messrs. Z. R. Moran, of Mead ows, and S. U. Atwood, of Al leghany county, were in Dan bury Monday. These gentlemen have recently been engaged in the cattle-buying business in Alleghany county. They ship ped a car load of nice cattle from Elkin to Winston-Salem last week. Nr.-. 1143

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