VOLUME XL. ELECTION CALLEO; To Vote On Bond Issue Fori Roads In Beaver Island Township. APRIL 11TH THE DATE County Commissioners Meld Kegu ar 'Monthly Session Monday Tax-Listers Appointed. Citizens of Beaver Island township were before the county commissioners at their regular monthly meeting here Monday with petitions asking tiat an election be called in that town ship for the purpose of allowing 'the citizens to vote on the question of issuing $25,000 in road bonds. The commissioners ordered that an election be held for the purpose asked on April 11th. The names of tho registrars and I judges and other particulars of the election appear elsewhere ? in this paper. The county commissioners at * their meeting Monday appointed the tax-listers for the various! townships of the county as fol- i lows: Danbury township L. J. I > Young. Meadows J. Walter Fowler, i Yadkin—J. Walter Tuttle. Beaver Island J. W. Young. Peter's Creek—Augmon Nel son. . ! Snow Creek—ll. T. Corn. Quaker Gap-J. R. P. East. Sauratown 0. J. Cates. Walnut Cove Route I. Walnut Cove Route 1, March I.—The people in this community have realized that the ground hog is no fake whatever, for he I is doing just what he promised and that in full measure. 1 ' There was quite a crowd at Mr. R. S. Smith's Sunday. Among them were : Mr. and Mrs. Gid • Tuttle, Mr. Will Tuttle and family, Mr. George Hampton and I family and Mr. C. F. Smith and little daughter. 1 Mr. Frank Young called on Miss Beatrice Tattle Sunday afternoon. Mr. Will Bowles called on Miss ' Pauline Smith Sunday. Misses Sadie and Glenn Tuttle visited at Mr. T. T. Campbell's Saturday and Sunday. 1 Miss Mollie Smith visited at 4 i Mr. Sam Hampton's Sunday. ! Mr. G. T. Burge visited at Mr.' Thomas Tuttle's Sunday after- j noon. Mr. 11. C. Allen spent Sunday 1 i night at Mr. R. S Smith's. ! Miss Martha Rutledge visited i' •„ Miss Etta Bowles Sunday. Mr. Watson Smith, of Winston, | P spent Sunday with home folks j I here. Messrs. G. W, and 0. G. j Rutledge # cailed on their best!' r girls Sunday afternoon. Mr. C. B. Voss called on Miss Macie Young Sunday. GO33IPER. \' Mr. Thomas S. Petree, who has been acting assistant cashier at the Bank of Stokes County in ; Walnut Cove, came up today to i spend a few days at his home here.l He will leave soon for King, i ft where he will be cashier of the, ft new bank sion to be established I* there. I piiii! mmm. i Delegates Appointed To District Conference Missionary Com mittees Appointed. Quarterly Conference was held at Danbury yesterday, (March 2,) with two stewards I present. One of these was W. J. Adkina, the steward who is never absent from a quarterly meeting. We were sorry that our Presiding Eider could not be with us. The writer did not attempt to fill the Elder's place, only followed the programme which had been given him to follow. The ft Mowing were elected delegates to the District Con ference : E. P. Pepper, H. J. Hundley, J. M. Lovins and Rus sell Ward. .The Missionary Committees for the various charches were elected, and are as follows : Mrs. J. T. Smith, Misses Jessie Pepper and Sadie Petree for j Danbury; Miss Lizzie Adkins, | Mrs. Jim Smith and Mrs. J. W. | Pitz'jr for Davis Chapel; Misses | Sudie Duncan, Delia C.irter and j Mrs. Lao Wall for Delta; Miss Laura Ellington and Mr. 11. J. Hundley for Sandy Ridge; Mrs. C. D. Smith for Smith's Chapel; Mrs. George Ore forVade Mecum; Mr. Roy Redding for Union Hill; Misses Rj„th Mitchell and Chattie Lasley for Mt. Carmel; Misses Harriett and Fannie Wall and Mr. J. M. Lovins for Snow Hill. Mr. Russell Ward was elected a steward for Del ta. I trust these committees will assist me in collecting our mis sionary money. T. J. FOLGER. JOE LAWSQN GONE AGAIN. Was Arrested In High Point This Week But Released Before Stokes Officer Got There. A telegram to the Stokes authorities here this week stated that Joe Lawson, who is wanted hero, had been captured in High ' Point and was being held there. Deputy Sheriff Watson J®yce, of Walnut Cove, left next day after receiving the telegram, but iwhen he arrived at High Point j it was found that on account of j not getting a ieply to their ! telegram, the officers had re- I leased Lawson and that he had Lleft for parts unknown, j It will be recalled that Lawson |is one of the men for whom ! warrants were recently issued | charging them with breaking | into the 1 ome of Mr. Robert Johnson, near Germanton, and ; stealing a trunk. Tlv; other of fender, John Heath, is also at | large. Mrs. larkin lynch 111. By telephone to the Reporter, j Mrs. Larkin Lynch, of Pilot |Mtn. Route 1, is reported to be ,on the sick list this week. She is thought to be taking pneumonia. We hopa for her a speedy recovery. DANBURY, N. C.. MARCH 4. 1914. jIIIBTCIVEIEEIER | Mr. P. H. Linville, The New Postmaster,• Takes Charge Of Office. | DELIGHTFUL DANCE I N ! Miss Nina and Mr. Hassel More field Entertain Their Young friends Personal Items. Walnut Cove, March 3.—Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Davis entertain ed their friend* very delight fully at a dance on last Thurs day eyening at their home on Summit Avenue, from eight'till | eleven-thirty o'clock. Quite a I crowd was out snd e«joyed the evening to the fullest extent. Misses Claudia and Stella RitVson entertained the Walnut Cove music club very delightful ly on last Friday evening. Nina and Hassell Morefield entertained q, number of their friends on last Friday in honor of their fourteenth birthday anniversary and various games were played and refreshments were served and every one enjoy ed the evening very much. Nina and Ilasscll received many nice presents. Rev. Dr. Smith filled his regular appointment at the Baptist church Sunday morning and at night. Mr. A. E. Strode, operator at the Norfolk and Western station, is spending a few days at his home at Charleston, W. Va., during the illness of his mother. He is being relieved by Mr. R. J. Bryan, of Buchanan, Va. Miss Flossie Crews, of Belews Creek, spent the week end in town as the guest of her sister, Mrs A. W. Davip. Mr. P. H. Linville, our new postmaster, took his position ea March Ist, with Mr. Sam Heath as assistant postmaster. Miss Mable McKenzie, of Ger manton, spent several days' in town last week visiting friends and relatives. Miss Ruth Bowers, of Winston- Salem, spent the week end in town with her sister, Mrs. George Semple. Mr. T. J. Smith, of Reidsville, left Saturday for home after spending several days here on the tobacco market. Rev. Mr. Willie, of Majodan, was in town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morefield spent the week end with rel ! atives at Pilot Mtn. Miss Lizzie Ripple spent Satur day and Sunday with friends and relatives in Winston-Salem. Mr. G. W. Farthing visited | friends at Stolu sdale Sunday. Mr. A. W. Daniela, of Madison, j was in town this week. Mr. Porter McKenzie, of Wins ! ton, was here Sunday. Messrs, Chap Bodenheimer, J. M. Fagg and J. I. Owens, members of the luard of county commissioners, were here today attending a special meeting of the board. « BESS OF BllliO Woman's Betterment Asso ciation Gives Sack And Pie Pari/. BENEFIT OF SCHOOL Plav Given Up On Account Of Bad Weather—A Debate. Dillard, March 3. The sack and pie party given by the Betterment Association here Wednesday night was a success. The pies averaged more than $2,50 each, while the sacks were returned full. The Dillard Betteiment Association has, since organizing last fall, bought water coolers, desks and a chair each for our three teachers. The school here was getting up a play: "Ten Nights in a Bar room," but owing to bad weather it was given up. Metsrs. Charles Mitchell, Will Ward, James Herd, Dave Mar tin, Grady and Lenis Mitchell called at Mr. G. W. Roberts' Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Young spent last week with her sister, Mrs. G. C. Roberts. Misses Delia and Ruth Alcorn visited at Mr. W. M. Stultz's Sunday. Miss Mallie Young spent Mon day night with Mr. Will Peebles. The people of this section en joyed a debate between part of the pupils of this school Wed nesday night. The Dillard Betterment Asso ciation wish to extend their thanks to those who returned full sacks at the sack party Wed nesday nigkt. BETTIE ROBERTS, Secretary ' 'he Dillard Better ment Assrciation, Dillard, N. C. Death of Young Man • On Germanton Route 1. By telephone to the RepDrter. Mr. Powell Mitchell, a prom inent young farmer, died at his home on Germanton Route 1 last Saturday of tuberculosis. Mr. Mitchell ha 1 been sic! only about two weeks and his death was a surprise to the community. At the time of his death he was 18 years, 2 months and 6 days old. Mr. Mitchell is survived by his mother, three brothers and one sister as fol'ows : Mrs. John Mitchell, Messrs. Willie, Ernest, Ed and Callie Mitchell and Miss Anna Mitchell, all of whom live on Uermanton Route 1. Interment was made Monday evening at 5 o'clock at the Lutheran church in the presence of a large crowd of friends and relatives. Elder J. U. Southern conductjd the funeral services. The bereaved family has the sympathy of the entire com munity. Pastor T. J. Folger will preach at Mr. Carmel on Saturday nijjht ! instead of Sunday morninjr. Dr. J. Walter Noal, of Mead lowa, spent a f nv hours lv re. to jday. ■ is posipmei Bessie Cook Enters Suit Against Caleb Jessup For Breach of, Promise—Trial March 19th. A criminal action in which; Bessie Cook, of the Westfield section, has indicted Caleb Jessup, of the same section, for | breach of promise, is creating i considerable interest in that part :of the county. The trial was to have been held before Justice |of the Peace J. P. Lynch, of ! Pilot Mt. Route 1, yesterday, but 1 on account of the fact that some ;of the parties to the suit were , unable to attend the trial was 1 postponed until March 19th. It appears from the evidence i that on the 7th of January last ! Caleb Jessup secured license 1 j from the Register of Deeds of Stokes county to marry Bessie j Cook, the prosecutrix, and that i a few days later Jessup secured | another license in Surry county and married a Miss Owens, of thaf county, with the result | above stated. ; Germanton Route 1. | | Germanton Route 1, March 1. —The people of Meadows town ship are looking for good roads and we hope we will soon have them. Mr. J. S. Chapman visited Mr. Y. S. Smith Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cicero White visited Mr. Robt. Wagoner Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. 'Smith, Mr. Y. S. Smith and little son, Carl, visited Mr. Will Darnell Sunday. Mr. Robt. B. Smith visited Mr. J. S. Chapman Sunday. Messrs. Robt. and Gaston Smith, who are attending school at Walnut Cove, visited their parents Sunday. Miss Effie Rutledge visited Miss Jones Sunday. There will be preaching at Palmyra Sunday at 11 o'clock. Miss Etta Rutledge spent Sun day with her mother. Born unto Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meadows, a fine boy. Mr. J. B, Chapman and family and Mr. Will Meadows and family visited Mr. Sam Meadows Sunday. Miss Una Rutledge, who is teaching at Young's school heuse, visited her parents Sunday. | Mr. W. I. Smith and family , visited Mr. J. S. Chapman Sun | day. Mr. J. B. Green, who has j been very sick, is very much i improved, we are glad to note. J Mr. Y. S. Smith, who has : been suffering from rheumatism is convalesent, we are glad to say. | Misses Stella Smith and Pearl Blaylock visited Mr. J. F. Allen Sunday. BUSTER BROWN. Attorneys N. 0. Petree and J. W. Hall are spending a few days in the northern part of the | county looking after the survey ing of a tract of land in which i they are interested a 9 counsel. SIMM BONDS Sold To C. N. Ma!one Co., Bend Buyers, of Asheville. FORWARDED TODAY County Com mis. l i >ner» Held Special Mtetinjf Here Today For Purpose of Expiring The liordi. Sauratown township has sold its $50,000 worth of road bonds to C. N. Malone & Co., btnd buyers, of Asheville, N. C., and the board of County Commis sioners held a special session in Danburv today for the purpose of execut'ng the bonds. The Sauratown commissioners will receive the money for the bonds as soon rs they are sent to Asheville, which will be cone at once. The purchasers of th? Saura town township bonds &re the s-\me reople who recently bought the Meadows township bonds. POISONED MULE. Mr. Frank Davis Loses Good Animal From Eating Paris Green. Mr. J. W. Heath, of Walnut Cove, was here yesterday tnd stated that some unknown poi son last Sunday poisoned a very fine mule beknging to Mr. Fiank Davis, one of his neighbors. The poison used was paris green and quite a quantity of it was found on the mule's food which was left where it had been eating. The animal died soon after eat ing the poison. Mr. Davis, it is learned, will make special effort to appreheni the guilty party. News of Capella. By telephone to the Reporter. Capella, March 4.- The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hall has been 6eriously ill for the last day or two with membranous croup, but is improving some, we are glad to say. Mr. J. T. Watkins went to Winston today with a load of tobacco. Mrs. Fountain Baker, of Ger manton Route 1, who has been seriously ill for some time, does not stem to improve any, we are sorry to say. Mr. J. H. Keaton, of Vade Mecum, will in the near future install a new telephone in his residence on the Big Creek line. iMany Trees Uprooted ! lo Campbell Section. Mr. W. R. Stovall, of Camp bell, who was a Danbury visitor Monday, reported that the severe wind Sunday and Monday did much damage to timber in some sections mar his hom?. Mr. Stovall stated that on his way to Danbury Monday he counted fourteen large trees across the public road within a very short distance. No. 114.5

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