VOLUMiS XL. WM I bUSiLliLil Mr. Beverly Jones 111 Atj Richmond Medical College. ■ OTHER SICKNESsj Ladies' Aid Society Gives Oyster Supper—New Sufe For Bank Of Stokes County Arrives. Walnut Cove, March 17. The oyster stew given by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Baptist church last Thursday night was well attended and a nice sum was realized, which will go to the repair fund of the church. Miss Lillie Wheeler has been; seriously ill at her home at Stokesburg for the last few days with erysipelas, and we are sorry to learn that her mother is also real sick and it is feared that j she 100 has the same disease. , We hope that both wii! scon be c:.t iroly reeovored. I)j*. A. G. has lu't'i! in Richmond. V-.. f>* i--:\ ?r«l days 1 the bciitiido '*• Iv.s s?on f i'.*• Bevc: !y Jon c \ vho\nat It n.dms : ei>;! c v I ■ • md V.r.s --l oen !'• :• v I* was llv i . , ;v!.t rt tint h> had fever. I'i't he has improved slighllv and Dr. Jr.nes will return today and, bring his con home to recuperate. The moving of the new safe from the N. and W. station to' . the Stokes County Bank seemed to be quite a curiosity Monday from the crowd that gathered to ! see it carried to the bank. It! is indeed a nice safe, and it is j said to weigh 0,700 pounds. It; required an extra strong wagon j and six large horses to bring it i to town. Mrs. Will Rierton is real sick I at her home on North Mainj street, we are sorry to note. Mr. Norman Stone and sister, Miss Nannie, of Winston-Salem, spent the week end with their parents and home folks at Stokesburg. Rev. Mr. Willey filled his regular appointment at Christ Episcopal church Sunday morn ing, preaching to a large | congregation. Miss Jessie Vaughn visited Mrs. Charles Joyce at fJerrr.an ton Sunday. Miss Sallie Fulton is spending a few days in Mt. Airy visiting friends. Mr. Virgil Ham spent the day I Monday in Winston-Salem. Mr. T. J. Smith, of Reidsville,! is in town this week on the tobacco mark at. Miss Bessie McPherson spent the week end with relatives at, Burlington. Mrs. Oscar N. Petree visited Winston-Salem Monday. Miss Maybelle Vaughn is slightly improved after an attack of grippe and neuralgia. Messrs. W. W. and P. P. John * son, T. V. Sizemore, Wallace Webster, W. Y. Gordon and J. I. Bennett were here Monday, witnesses in the Southern-Kiser trial. sail Or M! iU J®.| I Mrr. \V. .!. Sm'th HI — Other' News ol \Va!nat Coy.' Route One. Walnut CJVC Route 1, March ; 1(5. —The farmers of this com munity are behind >with their work on account of rough I weather. j There will be prayermeeting j at Palmyra church Sunday at 11 o'clock and will have Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Everybody is invited to come out and take part in the Sunday school and prayermeeting. Miss Katherine Smith, whoi has been visiting her brother, | Mr. W. H. Smith, the past week, j returned home Sunday. Dannie, the little son of Mr. j and Mrs. J. W. Young, who has been right sick, is improving, | we are glad to note. Mrs. James Rierson visited Mrs. W. T. Chapman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. J. W. Bowies'. Mr. and Mrs. r. \V. Young \\ -iu'd th *ir 1; -r Mi 1 rdst ! *iv i.-cJgennd Ivdy \Vhi:;'» visited Misso*. Harriett. nd Martha -toss Saivlay. Mioses Bjrthi aid Fannie Meadows, who an vi-irinjr their, brother, Mr. C. A. Meadows at Kernersville, will return this' week. Mr. Willie Fowler called on j Miss Pearl Blaylock Sunday. Mrs. W. J. Smith is on the i sick list, we are sorry to note. ; WJ want to note the sad death' of Mrs. Ila Young, wife of Mr. 1 Robert Young, who passed away| last Monday evening with pneu-1 monia. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lathe Knight. She leaves a husband, baby, 1 father, mother, brother and numerous relatives and friends to mourn their loss. She was loved by all who knew her. On Tuesday afternoon the remains were tenderly borne to Rose Bad church and in the presence of many friends and loved ones the last rites were spoken by Revs. Glenn and Gilbert. She was then laid to rest in the cemetery to await the resurrection morning. Danbury Route 1. Danbury Route 1, Marce 10. — Mr. John Lawson and Miss Josie Biby were united in mar riage at the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Biby, last Sun day at 10 o'clock by Esq. R. M. Smith. A large crowd was present and witnessed the ceremony. Miss Delia Boyles visited Miss Lillie Flinchum Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. Mary Ann Nelson, who has been quite ill for some time, |is n>t improving any, we are i sorry to say. | A large crowd visited at Mr. ' W. P. Nelson's Sunday evening. Mr. W. P. Nelson made a business. trip to Walnut Cove today. Mr. George Brown, of Wal nut Cove, called on Miss Delia Boyles Saturday and Sunday. DANBJkY, N. C., MARCH 1 i. t 14. vm? snpi.i ppiiiini i Ainu ilibii ObiiuULj j To Close Willi Entertainment i Beginning Today. LAW SUIT STARTED; J. A. l-lippin Files Action Against! A. P. Stephenson—Marriage Of Popular Young Lady. Bv telephone to the Reporter. Capella, March 17.--The King High School will close tomorrow. The commencement began today. Several drummers were in Capella today. One of them said that he had been traveling 15 years and never saw the roads in as bad a condition be fore. The Haw Pond public school will close next Friday. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Boss Hall is seiiously ill with pneumonia fever. We hope it will sorn ncover. Mifs Marsha Thore, of Pin na, le Route went to Roanoke, V i.. I ! re'i 1, t > • '.-It friends rctivtand a nus\ was received here last week by i -.vl.niv ■ • • r viia' :1 v v. •• W.-.i i .-I r-» of !,t • • w,.. : •. a former Stokes hoy. who holds l aposiii-.m with the N. & W\ i'.iih.vay Company ■ at thr.t piaje. Ivliss There is the ac complished young daughter of Mrs. W. K. Thore, of Pinnacle Route '2. The news of the wed ding was a Surprise to the com munity. They intend making their future home in Roanoke. The many friends of both Mr. and Mrs. Nanier in Stokes wish | them a long and happy life. Mr. J. A. Flippin has filed a civil action vs. Mr. A. P. Steph ! enson. The trial w ill be held be ! fore Esq. J. P. Covington next Saturday. People are about through marketing tobacco in this sec- tion. Several wagons passed through Capella today loaded with hay and daisy middlings. People ought to raise more feed stuff at home. Messrs. W. B. Wihox and Bob Tise passed through Capella yesterday enroute to Vade Mecum Springs. Mr. C. W. Ilutchens has mov ed his saw-mill from near the Indian spring to Mr. R. H. Pul liam's place. Mr. Hutchens says that he don't think that he will ever put his saw-mill in the mountain again. Messrs. J. P. Watkins, W. A. Bennett and J. W. Johnson are having choppings today. Mr. Julius Overby, of near Capella, left last Saturday for North Wilkesboro. It is report ed that he got married in Wilkes county Sunday and will return some time this week with his bride. Ross Eaton and Chester Watts, two young boys of this section, left their homes one day last week for parts unknown. I)r. J. W. Slate has moved his family from near Capella to Walnut Cove. The many friends of Dr. and Mrs. Slate B 61 AT HE; Bovles Mercantile Co. Sells! ! Its Business To Winston- Salem Men. I DEAL MADE MONDAY j Oak Grove School Will Give En- ; tertainment On Alarcii 28fh. j King, March 16.—The largest j business deal to be consummated : here in somo time took place Mon day when the Boyles Mercantile Co., at this K.lace, sold its busi ness, including a large stock of general merchandise, to Messrs. R. W. Gorrell, Fred E. Shore, Will Eaton, D. R. Boyles and Aldene Moore. Mr. C. O. Boyles, the retiring manager of the Boyles Mercan tile Co., will probably locate at Winston or liaidsville, where he will engage in the clothing busi ness with his brothers, Messrs. i Boyles Bros. Wu will see him L>avo King with n-gsv?. Mr. tye-:; '-re, Winston, >: ie of the owowners, will prob ably mow iu»re nv-d me* age i'ro business. i'ha i:o\v owners will put iii a . r/o«-: 1( fk and othc i - wife improve the business. Til.; pubiii; school at Oak Grove, near this phce. will iriv j a nice cntertainm mt on 2Sch. Pulling Top-Soil Oil Danbury-Meadows Road. i The work of putting the top soil on the Danbury-Meadows road was started last week and has been completed on Jhe sec tion of road between the County Home and the Red Shoal road. ! Good progress has also been 1 made in the grading during the ' past few days of good weather. jWork on the bridges oyer the ' creeks on the above named road was started by Mr. R. R. King, ! the contractor, this week. ParcilPdk 1 / Tains Books. Washington, March 10.- Under the new ruling of the Postofiice Department put into effect today books sre no A* accepted for transmission by the parcel past. The rates are the same F.S on other ariicles, exc.pt that books weighing eight ounces or less are to cost one cent for exch two ounces or fraction thereof. regret very much to lose them from this community. Mr. G. A. Carroll, of Winston- Salem, was a visitor in Capella toiay. Mr. Pink Boyles is having a barn raising today. Mr. Joe B yles visited in Capella today. Mrs. Wiley Johnson, of Miz pah, is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. E. Slate, this week. Mr. Bob Covington, of Pilot Mountain Rout) 1. is reported to be very sick with lagrippe. Mr. R. B. Tuttle has been right sick this week, but is im proving some, we are glad to •ay. ii.'iji "?n P r C si ?1 s* * V i (3 fi ''.•irt'l ! (' i |{; T: ,'>J >'J {'* JJIIuJ «/ J M k/ J it I I w li In Session Here Alcndav So.v e Of tin.' Schools Expire !'\tr.t Week. The county Hoard of Education held a short session at the court house here Monday. A full bard was present, but th.-ic was very little business before it, the paying of ;i num ber of claims being the only thing done. _ It*i3_ learned ithat ajiumberi of schools in different,seetions of the county will expire next'.week. CHURCH NOTES Quarterly Conference At Davis Chapel April 4th and sth--Church To Be Dedicated. The Quarterly Conference for Danbury circuit will be held at Davis' Chapel on the 4th and sth of April. Let every steward on the circuit do 'his very best from now 'jntil.tho con!'-'-ivnrr cinvcr.es. We want to briny up an excellent n novf. Divis' Chape! church wiii 1: d vlie.iVd by the T-. v: ' : r-r T ' • o:i the second da'" ni' t!'..» eov,- ferenca at 11 o'clock Ali vit i i > o : i. ■ .v :.. 1 cj It'n rerviee. A public .'rr will be he! 1 by the h'iies of D.inburv i:i the Methodist on Friday right. April Mrd. a; which time the Presiding Elder will speak on ihe subject of missions. Let everybody in Danbury and in the country around a'tend this missionary service. P»ro. Hoyle will give us something well worth listen ing too. He is considered a good thinker and a most excellent speaker. Uro. Irvin, the Presbyterian pastor, has also been invited to be present and speak for us. Brother Irvin needs no intro duction, as our people have had • the pleasure of hearing him. T. J. FOLGER. Peter's Greek Township Now For Good Roads, i Mr. P. C. Campbell, who was iliere from Peter's Creek town ship yesterday, told the Reporter that he knew of a hrge number of good citizens near him whe !recen I ly opposed a bond issue ' for roads that were now heartily Jin favor of the measure and would gladly vote for it if they ; only had another opportunity. I I * Mr. W. H. Gibson Resigns As Road Commissioner. It is learned here that Mr. W. H. Gibson, of Sauratown town ship, has tendered his resignation !as road commissioner in that j township. It is presumed that the county commissioners will appoint another man to fill the vacancy at their next meeting. Mr. Robert T. Joyce, of Mt. Airy, spent a few days here this week visiting relative!. iWiTTPS MB£ liiUiiiitili iLu UyibiUL Merry Mariip, Of Sandy A'.v.d 23 Years, Shoots Himself Through The Head. SON Or J. H. MARTIN Body Of Young Man Not Found L'niil Several Days After Killing himself Cause For The Rash A;t Not Known. Sandy Ridge, March 10.- This community was severely shocked Saturday afternoon when it became known that Mr. Henry Martin, one of our prominent and highly respected young men, had committed suicide by shooting himself through tie head with a ! rifle. The story f the young man's idv'ath, as related by his people, is that he left home on last Tues l .y afti.-rncor!, as they thought, t' ■ 1 :i rii ,! i'.u : was to he IteUi In the community that al'ter n . ..! v.:, \ r.at -.rn it was pitr.-r.icii that lie had c i > i .t n- r ':.tvnv'on an • ' u'.f : ;«ls.nt i •!» t to scccro work, and nothing stru... • v o! In:? con tin;:- i hut to thur [su.piiie on rist .vauiri'.ay after- I noon, four days after the young man's disappearance, his body was found in a chaff pen by his sisters who happened to go out to th ; threshing yard in search :of hen nests. Dr. J. H. Elling ! ton was immediately summoned ! and an examination of the body ! showed that the young man had 'shot himself with a 32-caliber 1 rifle, the weapon lying by his j side with an empty cartridge in it. The ball entered the right i temple and came out near the J same place on the left temple. The deceased was a son of Mr. Ii J. H. Martin, one of our best citizens. Besides his father Mr. ! Martin leaves five brothers, four sisters and many other relatives , and friends to mourn his untime ilv end. He was aged twenty i eight years. No cause for his I I ! rash act is known. s j The remains were laid to rest ~| at Oak Ridge burying ground r J Sunday afternoon, the funeral 'services being conducted by 3 Rev. James Martin. 2 1 The bereaved family have the y i sympathy of the entire com- II munity. ; There was not any preaching !at Delta Sunday as was an n unced. Messrs. Fred and Jones, of I Walkertown, are in this section ! at present doing some surveying ■ i work. .: Rev. Fred Smith will preach . at Delta next Sunday at 11 t o'clock. Hope to see a large t 1 crowd out. t| Mr. Willie Carter continues 1 1 quite ill. e Guess it will be a busy time on the farm soon if the good weath er continues. Quite a crowd visited at Mr. C. D. Duncan's Sunday night. 9 All seemed to enjoy themselves fine. 1145