DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XL. siiiii mm Contract Awarded To Mr R. R. King, of Dan= bury, For Their Construction. TOTAL OF 9 BRIDGES County Commissioners Mold Regular Monthly Meeting —Will Meet Again Next Week. The Board of County Commis -1 sioners held their regular month ly meeting here Monday, a full board bting in attendance. The most important business before the commissioners was the awarding of a contract for the construction of nine steel bridges in Sauratown town ship, to span streams on the new - roads being constructed in that township. Mr. R. R. King, of Danbury, was awarded the con r tract for the cum.;ruction of all the nine bridges at the priur? oL $0,.'50G.G J for all of them. The contract calb for the c:.m; ietiun of all of the bridges by August Ist. 1;>! 1. The question of where to work the prisor.ers sentenced at la;-.t week's term of court was dis cussed but no action was taken. It will be necessary for the com missioners to meet again next week for the purpose of canvas sing the returns from the election to be held in Beaver Island township, and at that time some action will likely be taken in the matter of putting the convicts to work. Sandy Ridge Route 1. Sandy Ridge Route 1, Apr. f>. —Quite a crowd attended preach ing at Buffalo and Ayersville . Sunday. Farmers are greatly behind with their work. Choppings and barn raisings are all the go around here at present. Dr. J. 11. Ellington is having some *urye>ing done this week. Quite a crowd visited at Mr. C. I). Duncan's Sunday night. Prospects for a good wheat crop are promising at present. There will be preaching at Delta next Sunday at 11 o'clock instead of 3 o'clock. Mr. J. W. Ward has just re turned from a \ isit to relatives and friends at Francisco. Quite a crowd attended the • funeral services of Mr. Willie o.j Carter last Wednesday. Board of Education Meets. The County Board of Educa tion met at the court house Mon day, members N. A. Martin, S. P. Christian and J. W. Mitchell being present. The only busi ness transacted was the paying of some claims against the board. TIMBER FOR SALE. I will sell the timber off of 60 j acres of land lying near Mtn. I View. Will sell land also. Easy *to get out. Apply to i L. A. RISER, BWalnut Cove, N. C. Route No. 2. mLapl3t SURPRISE MARRIAGE. Mr. George Brown Weds Miss Delia Boyles At the Methodist Parsonage In Danbury. i A surprise marriage was con j summated at the Methodist par- I ! sonage here this morning: at ten .o'clock when Mr. Geo. Brown jand Mis 3 Delia Boyles were i happily married by Rev. T. J. | Folgcr. J The contracting parties reside !at Walnut Cove, the I ride being ! the attractive daughter of Mr. j and Mrs. Walter Boyles, while the groom is the son of Mr. Will Brown, and holds a position with the Farmers Supply Co. The bride has been teaching the public school at Hard Bank, her school having expired yes terday. Eluu? Masia fiial) Eiiierfeinsii By Mrs. Siaio Written for the Exporter. Mrs. V/. C. isato delightfully entertained the Etude Music ■ Club at her hotnj Thursday oven- I in;-. A;»ril *!. id. I The hosix-ss ;;i?t th • guests ai u!:'» (1 >or and e .nd.jctt:d them to ithjrear of ihe h:.;i wliere Miss j Mary Tilley profit-1 at the i punch bowl, and in lurchaim jlng wav served each one with ! delicious punch. I Ivl ward Groig was the com pter studied. Owing to the absence of ( several of our fnembers the : program was very short. The se.retary being absent, j Mr. Chas. R. Helsabeck was re quested to read the minutes o e the last meeting after which the following program was rendered: Reading—"Sketch of Greig," Mr. C. R. Helsabeck. Vocal Solo "Meet Me To night 'Mid the Roses," Mrs. L. 1 U. Weston. Piano Duet—"Alpine Violets," j Misses Mary Taylor and Agnes Martin. | Piano Solo-"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Stars," Mrs. R. R. King. Vocal Solo —"The Moonlight, The Rose and You," Mr. C. R. Helsabeck. I Piano Solo —"Wedding Day," ( Greig, Miss Mary Taylor. Piano Duet -- "Under the ; Mistletoe," Miss Luna Taylor and Mrs. L. U. Weston. Piano Solo—"The Last Hope," 1 Miss Mary Taylor. ' After the program the hostess , served delicious refreshments, consisting of ambrosia and cake, j The meeting adjourned to. 1 meet with Mrs. A. J. Fagg, Fri-: day evening, April 17, 1911. Card From H. P. Glidewell. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office o. Treas urer of Stokes county, subject to the will the Republican c in vention. R. P. GLIDEWELL. We have on hand the largest and best assorted stock of HARDWARE since we have teen in the business. If its farm ing utensils of any kind you are after see us before you buy. Remember the Johnston Mow ing Machine and Hay rake. Ask any one who has used them, and you will be inclined to go and do likewise. No better on earth and the price is right. All kinds of plows, hoes, culti vators, harrows, etc. • KURFEES HDW. CO. Germanton, N. C. DANBURY, N. C., APRIL 8, 1914. WMNUT COVE LETTED Stokes County Warehouse Closes After A Good Season. GREAT DEAL SICKNESS Mr. A. W. Davis Returns From St. Louis With Car Of Alulcs Other News Of Our County Town. The Stokes County Warehouse closed here last Saturday, April 4th, and the warehouse pro prietors, buyers and all the men connected with the business have returned to their respective homes. Mr. A. W. Davis, who spent a week or more in St. Louis, has returned, and his car load of stock arrived last week and they are indeed nice looking ani mals. The series of meeting that have been in progress at Stokes burg Methodist church will continue i 'n rough this week. The Presiding Elder held services Monday right. Eevcrened Dr. Smith fill ■ 1 liia regular appointment at the Baptist church Sunday mornim; and night to large congrega tions. Ex-Shorifr C. -1. Jones and r 11, C'dcll, have been real sick for the last few di.ys but are im proving at this writing, we are glad to note. Miss May belle Vaughn is very much improved after an attack of lagrippe for several days last week. Miss Helen Keith spent the week-end with relatives at Wins ton. Mrs. Ann Rierson has been ill for the last few days, we are sorry to note, but hope she will soon be entirely well again. Mr. Watson Joyce and Misses Li Hie Joyce and Bessie and Jettie Morefield motored over to Winston and back Sunday in Mr. Joyce's new machine. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Derby have returned from Statesville and are spending a few days in town at the Vaughn Hotel. While here he is attending to the good roads during Mr. Plott's absence. A good number of our people went to Winston Monday night to attend the play, "Rose Maid," and were well pleased with the play. Mr. L. C. Reingo is in town representing the Towsend Buggy Company of Winston-Salem. TOLL HQ TO BE BUILT. j Stock Company Organized and Work To Start Soon On Road From Atoore's Springs To Ouaker Gap. Mr. W. G. Moore, proprietor of Moore's Springs, who was here this week, told the Reporter that a stock company had recent ly been organized for the purpose of constructing a toll road from Moore's Springs to Quaker Gap, a distance of four miles. This is a part of the road from Rural Hall to Moore's Springs. Work on the new road will probably start this week. The company will secure a charter at an early date. Fifteen hundred dollars has already been paid in to begin work with. It is estimated that the road will cost i SB,OOO to SIO,OOO. DOH'T BE MMNM. It is a disgrace to be I disfranchised. Pay your jpoll tax before May I, otherwise you cannot vote in the fall election. 1 F. IK, FARMER Advises Raising of Supplies At Home, Then Oo In For Tobacco —Made One Thousand Bushels of Corn. The Reporter was glad to have its good friend, Riley F. Fulk, over for a day or two's visit this week. He was a witness at court. Mr. Fulk owns a fine farm on the Littl3 Yadkin, which he could sell for $15,000 if he want ed to. His broad acres are very productive, being fine for tobac co, corn and wheat. Mr. Fulk is one of those farmers who believes in the gospel of hog and hominy. He has always made a practice of raising his supplies at home. Last year his farm produced a thousand bushels of corn, muk ing an average of 50 bushels per acre, which is probably the best record in the county. Mr. Fulk's tobacco ciop netted making a very satisfactory average. if/alnai ibata 1, Walnut Cove Route 1, April G. Rev. "E. J. Poe will preach at Palmyra church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Rierson is quite ill with pneumonia, we are sorry to know. Among those that visited at Mr. S. L. Smith's Sunday were Mrs. Carrie Tuttle and children, Mrs. Annie Bowles and children and Misses Pearl Blaylock and Hallie v. hapman. Mr. James Tuttle and family visited at Mr. J. W. Rierson's Saturday night and Sunday. Those that visited at Mr. Thos. Rutledge's Sunday were Mrs. Fountain Blaylock and children, Mrs. J. W. Fowler and sons, Luther, Willie and Spencer, Mrs. Gaston Tattle and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bnvles. Mr. and Mrs. A'bart Young spjnt Saturday night at Mr. J. B. Grce l's. Series of Meetings To Be Beld In Danbury. A p-otrpc'ed meeting will begin at the Methodist church in Danbury on tha 3rd Sunday in this month, conducted by Rev. Thos. J. Houck, of Sparta. Brother Houck is one of our strongest preachers. He is deep ly "spiritual, and knows how to preach to win men to Jesus Christ. If our people, who know the Lord, will begin now to pray for ■ttoo.jsuoeess of the meeting. I I am confident that we shall have a giacious revival 'of religion. Let us co-operate with Brother Houck in the salvation of cur people. T. J. FOLGER. Mr. Alley Blum, of Winston- Salem, is here this week trading horses for Messrs. Smoak & McCreary and J. Spot Taylor. ! Report of Committee Appointed to Draft Resolutions Relative to the Death of Hon. Andrew H. Joyce. . State of North Carolina, Stokes county. In the Superior Court, Spring term, 1911. To Honorable Henry P. Lane, Judge Present and Presiding : WHEREAS, on the 20th day jof March, 1911, in the wise Providence of Almighty Cod, | death claimed Honorable Andrew i Hamilton Joyc.\ who for sixty four years was an honored mem ber of the Danbury bar; and, whereas, at a meeting of the bar held at the Court House in Danbury, N. C., on the first day of April.-1914, presided over by jour Honor, the undersigned were appointed a committee to draft suitable resolutions re specting the death of Mr. Joyce, jand ro report thi same to this ! Court on Tuesday of the second | day of this term, and in pur jsuance of their appointment, i they most respectfully submit j the following : i V. IIEREAS, in the Providence (of Almighty Cod, it war; His | will, on the :22nd day of March, 11! ! 14, to cull from our midst. Honorable Andrew 11. Joyce, who forty-four years was an, able and honored member of the i bar; and, whereas, in the death 1 of Mr. Joyce, we realize that; the profession has lost an able j and honored member, the family and relatives a kind, loving and affectionate husband and father, i and the State and county a good and useful citizen ; Now, therefore, be it resolved; I. That we, and the psople of the State, deplore the death of Mr. Joyce, and feel that in his death the profession has lost an able , and honored member, the State I and county a good and useful I citizen, and his relatives and I friends a kind, loving and affec | tionate husband, father, relative and friend, a man without guile, a citizen without enemies, and the friend of all who came to him in need. 11. He was an able and conscienti ous lawyer, and a man who dis charged every private and public duty with fidelity and courage. He was public spirited, and gave to his county and State his test services. He represented Stokes county in the Constitutional Conventions of 1861, 1565 and 1866. He was twice elected solicitor of his district and held other public offices of trust. As a public officer he was true to every trust confided by the people, and knew no man in the discharge of the duties of his office. Bitterness and enmity held no place in his honest, noble heart. He loved his people and home nestled in the rock-ribbed moun tains which looked down upon him in his daily toil as he delved by day, and slept by night. For twenty years next preced ing his death he was a consist ent member of the Presbyterian church cf Danbury, and was one of the charter members thereof, CIVIL TERM OF COURT Very Light Docket Being Tried This Week. | NEARLY COMPLETED No Cases Of Very Aluch Impor tance (icing Heard Atur neys In Attendance. The civil spring term of Stokes Superior court convened in Dan bury Monday with Judge H. P. Lane, of Reidsville, presiding. The docket is unusually small and is almost f'nished at this writing, Wednesday afternoon. It is very probable that the court will adjourn today or to morrow. Very few witnesses and spec tators are in attendance. It has been almost impossible to secure enough jurors for some of the c ises. Among the attorneys in atten dance from a distance are Messrs. jJ. C. Buxton and E. B. Jones, |of Winston-Salem: C. 0. Mc : Michael, of Wentworth, and VV. | R. Badgett, of Pilot Mt. Cases disposed of up to til's | hour are as follows : R. Moran vs. C. S. Tay lor and J. T. Neal, judgment, for plaintiff for $200.00 and cost. J. M, Neal vs. Joe VV. Cofer, judgment of non suit signed. L. P. Grogan vs. Win. Smith et al, verdict and judgment by consent for plaintiff and defen dant. Zilla J. Gann et al vs. W. T. Spencer, judgment for plaintiff signed. ' W. 0. Fowler vs. J. C. Davis, judgment of non suit signed. Nelia Cardwell vs. James Martin, judgment for plaintiff of $15.00 and cost. L>. li. Richardson et al vs. Jno. D. Waddill, compromise judgment signed. S. A. Westmoreland vs. Frank Scott ft al, cause dis missed. Robert Smith vs. F. L. Smoak, judgment ot' non suit. I Jno. Henry Carter v?. T. B. Knight, judgment of no.i suit signed. G. C. Hineys. Geo. H. C isrles, judgment for plaintiff signed. a regular attendant at church, and lived a christian life. 111. With respect and bve we ten der our deepest sympathy to the noble wife of his bosom, who for sixty-three years comforted him, and walked side by side with him to the valley of death. To his relatives we tender our | deepest sympathy: to the young men of his county and State, we ! commend his noble life and character. I IV. We request that these resolu tions be spread upon the minutes ;of the court, and that the Clerk |of this court furnish a copy of the same to the familyof the ; deceased, and also to the Dan j bury Reporter for publication. Respectfully submitted, April ! the 7th, 1914. E. B. JONES, C. O. McMICHAEL, r J. D. HUMPHREYS, Com N. 0. PETREE, State of North Carolina, Stokes county. In the Superior Court, Spring Term, 1914. It is ordered by the Court that the foregoing resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the court, and that the Clerk furnish a copy thereof to the family of Honorable Andrew H. Joyce, ana also to the Danbury Repor ter for publication. HENRY P. LANE, Presiding Judge. No. 6116

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