DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XL. « AMERICANS KILLED; 28 HMD VERA CiZ IS TAKEN American Troops Take Mexican Port After a Battle Federals —Stubborn Resistance of Federals / Looks Like War-—-Old Glory Now Waves Over Customs House At Vera Cruz. Washington, April 21. Marines and bluejacks of the American navy today took the customs house and a large sec tion of Vera Cruz with a loss of four killed and 20 wounded. The loss of the Mexican garrison was not officially known here tonight, but was estimated at 200 killed. This was the first step in the program of reprisal by the United States against the Huerta government for the arrest of American bluejackets at Tampico and other offenses , "against the rights and dignity of the United States." it was the first clash between forces o: the United States and Mexico sine:; revolution broke out in the southern republic in lDl'i, and gave the Washington government a Mexican problem. Fletcher Sounds IVanting. Though fighting had not ceased at a late hour tonight, Rear Admiral Fletcher had warned the federal commander that he would use the big guns of the American fleet if his man did not stop firing. The American forces had orders to fire only to defend themselves. The United States intends to take no of fensive steps for the present. The salute to the flag which Huerta refused will not be satisfactory reparation. It is understood a declaration of apology as well ES a salute and a guarantee that ths rights and dignity of the United States will be resptcted can alone cause a withdrawal of the American forces. While American marines and Gideon. Gideon, April 21. The farm ers of this section are very busy preparing for another Urge crop of tobacco and corn. Mr. W. M. Flvnt and son, Cary, went to Winston-Salem last week. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ham Fiinchum and children spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. Flinchum's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fiinchum, of Rod Shoals. Mr. Carl Gann and sister, Maud, and Miss Lillian Mitchell visited at Mr. J. F. Dunlap's Sunday. Mr. Will Woods called on Miss, Berchie Dunlap Sunday. Mrs. Sallie Hartman spent j Sunday afternoon at Mr. H. C. ! Martin's. Mrs. Maud Powers and son, Jesse, spent Saturday and Sun- j day with her daughter, Mrs. Lester Mitchell. Mr. J. W Flynt visited his brother, Mr. J. D. Flynt, at Rui-al Hall a few days last week. I bluejackets were fighting the senate debated the whole Mexican | situation before crowded gal leries. The joint resolution that passed the house supporting the President's proposal to use the army and navy to obtain ! reparation was being debated in i t' - e senate at midnight with ; prospect of an all night session. ' Many Republican senators want 'ed the resolution broadened to ' authorize steps to obtain repara ! tion for all offenses committed I ( against Americans in Mexico. N.) Quarrel With Mexican People. The administration senator,;, fought this t.s tantamount to a declaration or war, saving the United States had no|jarrel with the Mexican people but with the Huerta government controlling a small portion of it. The President went ahead on the authority of the executive, in accordance with precedent he believed an emergency existed. J He gave Rear Admiral Fletcher authority to seize the Vera Cruz, customs house to prevent the' landing there today by a German i merchant vessel of a big consign-! ment of arms and ammunition j I for thj Huerta government. Secretary Bryan conferred with the German ambassador, Count Von Bernstorff, and it is ( believed the influence of the I German government will be J interposed to prevent the | consignment from landing else j where in Mexico and complicating' the situation. The ship car-j 'ries 15,000,009 rounds of, ammunition and 200 rapid fire i guns and thousands of rifles. Mr. Rosco Gann, who has been i confined to his room with pneu monia, is able to be out again, i ' : we are glad to say. Miss Berchie Dunlap spent Tuesday night with Miss Bessie Martin. DANCING KID. Revival Meeiings At Melhcdist Church. A series of revival meetings j were started at the M. E. church here Sunday night, being con ducted by Pastor T. J. Folger, and his sermons are strong and earnest. Rev. Mr. Houck, of Sparta, who was to have as sisted in the meetings, has so far been detained at his home on account of the illness of his wife. A message from Mr. Houck yesterday stated that his wife was better and that he would probably arrive here in a day or two. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Moore, of Moore's Springs, visited Danbury today. DANBURY, N. C., APRIL 22, 1914. HAT HI jMrs. Walter Jones and the Infant Of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mabe Pass Away. ; HORSE CRIPPLED |On the Much-Discussed Had Road—Various Other News and Personal Items. Meadows, April 21.—Mrs. A. js. Stewart is critically ill with J apoplexy, but is a little improved ! since Saturday, when she was stricken. Born unto Mr. and Mrs. Watt Tuttle, a son. The infant nf Mr. and Mrs. Hush Mabe died last week of membranous croup, and was | buried at Clear Spring 1 . | Mrs. Walter Jones died last , Wednesday of tuberculosis and ] was laid to rest Thursday at i li'Jlhol. She leaves a husband 'aril fyur children, a mother I an i f.uhei' and r.n>' brothci' and i sister to mourn their loss, i The lir.tb daughter of Mrs. Rosa Covington, who has been ill with i nsumonia, is much bet ter. wo are glad to know. Mr. Jona Johnson is very low with pneumonia this week. The litti; son of Mr. and Mrs. Watt Wall, who has been quite iil with pneumonia, is recover ing Mrs. Joe Coleman, who has been- confined to her home for some time with a bad throat trouble, is out again. Mr. J. W. Morefield got a fine horse crippled on the bad road leading from Walnut Cove to Meadows last week. Mr. and Mrs. Left Mabe visit ed Mrs. Mabe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Glidewell, Saturday, returning home Sunday. Mrs. Sallie Matthews, who has been suffering with pleurisy and other diseases for some time, is improving some. Sandy Ridge. Sandy Ridge, April 20. Quite a crowd attended preaching at Oak Ridge Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Dunlap and Mr. Jesse East spent Satur day night at Mr. W. T. Ward's. Among those who visited at Mr. E. K. Vernon's Saturday nio:ht were Miss s Ella and Ruth Wal', Lillian Dodson: Massrs. James, Tommie, Everett and Parker Hawkins. Tommie Stede, Ctt, Pete, Sam and Albert Wall, Herbert and Robert Cirter, Jess; East, Ed Ward an! Mr. and Mrs. Willi J Wilson. All semed to enjoy themselves fine. ! Rev. Charlie Wall filled his regular appointment at Delta Sunday. Mr. Wallace Hawkins, who has boen quite ill for several days, is very much improved, we are glad to note. Rev. D. A. Oakley will preach at Delta Tuesday night April 28. Everybody is cordially invited to | attend. RASTUS. WALNUT COVE EETTERi Annual Commencement of Walnut Cove High School Will Start April 26. ; CONTRACT TO BE LET | April 22nd For A New Warehouse In Walnut Cove Other Personal Items of Interest From The Busy Town. Walnut Cove, April 21. The 'annual sermon for the Walnut 'Cove State High School com [ mencement will be preached on Sunday, April 23th, by Rev. W. H. Willis, of Mt. Airy, at the Baptist church here at eleven o'clock a. m., while the annual address will be delivered by Dr. T. C. Amic, of Elon College, on i 'Tuesday, April 28th, at 11 o'clock |a. m. The full programme has | not been arranged yet. I Messrs. C. M. Jones, J. M. Taylor and J. C. llutcherson, who are the building committee, will let out the contract on Wed nesday, April 22nd, for building the new warehouse here. The building will ba N>x2i!o feet, which is the same ii/.e of the Stokes County Warehouse and will be completed by August first. Rev. Mr. Willcy, ff Mayodan,; filled his regular appointment at ! Christ Episcopal church here' last Sunday morning at. eleven o'clock, preaching to a large con gregation. Mrs. J. Wesley Morefield and daughters, Misses Jettie and Bessie, spent the week-end in Greensboro. Mrs. W. S. Vaughn and daugh ter, Miss Jessie, spent the day Saturday in Winston-Salem shop ping. Miss Myrtle Samuel, who has [ been attending a business Col- j lege in Roanoke, Va., came in j town Saturday night and is now ; spending a few days as the guest of her sister. Mrs. 0. N.! Petree, on Summit Ave. Mrs. J. H. Fulton spent the day in Greensboro last Friday to see her sister, Mrs. S W. Gentry, of Mt. Airy, who is in St. Leo's Hospital for an oper ation for appendicitis, but was improving nicely, which her many friends will be glal to learn. Miss Bernicj Woodruff spent a few days last week in Greens boro as the guest of her sister. Miss Bettie Woodruff, who is a student at the Normal College ther\ Misses Maud Crame:\ of Eliza beth City, and Mae Daltor, of Winston-Salem, have been the delightful guests of Miss Annie Kate Jones at her home in Stokes burg for the past week. Mr. A. W. Davis made a busi ness trip to places in Virginia last week. Several of our town people left in a machine Monday for Greensboro for the ba'l game, but the machine broke down on , the way and the young ladies ! came back on the train while the young men kept on their way, but not in the machine. Mr. Gaston Carroll, of Wins- BIRTHDAY DINNER Given Mrs. M. D. Turpin ---Wade H. Bovles and Burgcs Boyles 111--Other News. King Route 2, April 22.—The farmers are very busy hauling ( fertilizer. Rev. Mr. Hellard of Winston- I Salem preached an interesting ' sermon to a large crowd at Mt. ! Olive church last Sunday. Mr. S. K. Anderson went to Mt. Airy last week and bought a load of pigs. Mr. C. T. Darnell hos traded for a fine pair of mules and bought him a new buggy. Messrs. G. W. Smith and R. L. Boyles spent Easter Monday at East Rand. Messrs. Wade 11. Bovles and 1 1.arges Boyles are reported on ; the stele list at this writing. ; Born unto Mr. and Mrs. .1. 11. Dorsett, a gii 1. There was n surprise birth day dinner given at Mr. M. D. Turpin's last Monday in honor of Mrs. Turpin. who is sixty one years of age. Mrs. Turpin was very busy preparing her dinner and the first she knew of it was about eleven o'clock when about 135 of her relatives and fr'ends drove up to her ! home. The table was sixty feet | long and was filled with every thing imaginable good to cat. , Rev. H. P. Mickey called the crowd together and returned thanks and wished Mrs. Turpin many more happy birthdays. SCRIBBLER. Among the citizens in attend ance at the meeting of the Coun ty Commissioners today were Messrs. J. H. Matthews, J. A. 'Neal, Milton Southern, James | Lawson, Dr. J. W. Neal, Wesley j Mabe, Louis Hicks, Will i Southern, Ollie Hicks, James j Chapman, J. D. Young, R. L. Coleman, J. J. Stephens, John ! Carroll, R. P. Glidewell, J. W. ! Morefield, Isaac Hill, Watt Wall, Joe Hicks, Eldridge Hicks, J. C. Wall, Joseph Coleman. Ben Smith, Robert Neal, I. G. Ross and others. Mrs. J. T. Smith returned today from a visit to her brother in Ashe county. ton, was in town Sunday enroute to Mt. Airy on a I U3iness trip, i Messrs. Carl and Watson Joyce and sister, Miss Lillie. spent the day in Greensboro Sunday. , They made a successful trip in Mr. Joyce's new machine. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hedgecock went to Greensboro Saturday to visit Mr. Nat Hedgecock's family. i Miss Ruth Hairston, of Coole mee, is spending a few days at Sauratown this week. I Messrs. G. W. Naff and W. H. Young, traveling salesmen from Roanoke, Va., were in I town Monday. j Mr. J. T. Plott of Statesville is in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fair and Misses Sallie Fulton and Bessie McPherson spent the daj Tues jday in W inston. ! ACTION TAKEN At Meeting Of Board Cf Commissioners In Dan bury Today. TO MEET AGAIN MAY 4 Will Aeain Take I'p Meadows Township Road .Matter On First Monday In May—Two Of Meadows Road Commis sioners Fail To Attend The Aleeting Here. At a meeting of the Board of ; County Commissioners held here I today, for the purpose of confer , ring with the Meadows Town ship road commissioners in re gard to the improvement of the public road in Meadows town ship between J. I. Blackburn's i and Moa lows postoffice, the i County Commissioners failed to tike any action in the matter ,on account of the fact that two of the Meadows road commis sioners w.-r • not i:i attend ;nce ut the meeting. The real com missioner.-; had been asked to meet with the County Commu si >ners, but it ij not known why ( they failed to Ij present. The Board of Commissioners | made an order that the road , commissioners of Meadows town ship be again notifnd to meet I with them on the first Monday in May, at which time the County Commissioners hope to make some satisfactory adjust ment of the matter if the Mead ows ccmmissioners attend the meeting. Quite a large number of the citizens of Meadows township were in attendance at the meet ing and urged that something he done to give them the road. Mr. John \V. Kurfees, of Ger ;manton, addressed the Board in | opposition to the building of the : road—or at least until some other roads in the township can be built. There was quite a lively | discussion of the matter through out the meeting. Program of Commencement ! For King High School. King, April 19. Rev. Fred J. Jones, State Evangelist of the Christian church in North Caro lina, will preach at Galatia Christian church on Monday night, May 4th, at 7:30 o'clock. He was formerly State Evan gelist of the Christian church of Illinois, devoting a greater part of his life to this work and for establishing the cause of | Christ. He invites all Christian : people of all denominations to j come and hear him. The church | extends a hearty welcome to all. , GALATIA CHRISTIAN CHURCH J. F. NEWSOM, Sec. Germanton High School Commencement Starts. Mr. W. G. Petree left today to attend the annual commence ment of the Germanton High School, which will start tonight. ,\o. C\\ 7

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