t For a Stokes County Farm j | Write to | [STOKES REALTY EXCHANGE,J I DANBURY, N. C. j 7 GENTLEMEN: _________ in the lot of machin-j i * | ery that I have sold »?] »n Stokes county since last October are 1 v ) *0 traction engines which all of the j owners are well pleas . J p or saw ni illi ng, "* L hauling, I u m bcr, threshing, plowing, etc., the traction engine is the thing. In fact, the steam traction engine is an all round farmer. I have on hand at this time a few rebuilt jobs as good as new that I can give you a great bargain in. i you are interested , } . in machinery please 'a N ■' » • / I > drop me a card. If I cannot save you i v - something on any llrf " " ' .7; machine you may '•**- I want I don't ask you to trade with me. I have quite a number of satis fied customers in this county that I would be glad to refer you to. 1 have the best line of threshing machinery in this State. Let me hear from you in regard to what ' kind of machine you want. Yours truly, * T. J. THORfc WESTFIELP, N. CAROLINA ij| | P 13 RIETAL SHINGLES j Arc Stormproof | They interlock nnd overlap in such a way that the hardest driv- S ■ ing rain or sifting snow cannot possibly pet under them. •**' 1 Besidi's this—they lust indefinitely, and never need repairs. | Another ]K)int— They're very reasonable in first cost. You can | 0 learn all about them from ® R. H. R. BLAIR DANBURY, N. C. (CTIRES! TIRES! TIRESM^ I I Buy Your Tires direct at Lowest Prices. I'.y buying mid eontraeting direct from the faefctries for 3 tire's in large quantities for spot cash, .ve are iilile to offer H I B tiiem nt 11 great money KHVIIIK price direct to tliecon- g * • ' " sinner. A savinn'of from to liil per cent. When you buy tires from 11s you got full value, you don't have to pay the dealer's profit, the distributer's prolit, saleman's cominission and other IIIJAII selling and I I overhead expenses. We sell tires direct to consumer at jobbers prices ami YOl'tSKl' HKi VAM'KANI) KXAt'T- I,V WHAT Vol' I'AY FOlt. I | Shrewd auto owners eonipos" our customers among them are bankers, merchants, lawyers, doctors, planters I and ine'i In all Hues who know values and realize the ail- I vantagen of buying direct. During the past dull winter automobile months we secured some excellent deals from the factories mid now offer our purchases nt the following prices : Among our tires are Diamond, Coodyear, Quaker, Nassau, Knipire, Fisk and others of equal quality. ALL TIOHS ■ AHANTIiKI) ITLLY. Nolo These 1* riccH a refill I.v. SIZE. TIUK. (iIiKY. KKI). lIKLIXKK. l'Sx:l S 7.20 1.e.". 1.5(0 I.:'m 7.s(t 1.5 i."> L'.L'O 1.40 :nix:i'J 10., 50 :>.so :i.lo l.'.tn .'Hx-'t 1 .. 11.00 -.5(0 ."..it) 1M ".•.'xit's 11.110 15.5 C. .'! i". i!.oo :u.\::C U'.4o :?.oo :s.:io i;.or. :io.x4" m.io ::.ll» :t.40 2..",0 :tlx4 i:i.4"> :s.«o i'.:sr» i . :ti'x4 1:5.70 :I.:w» .".so LMII - 1 :i:ix I 14.N0 H.r.o :t.!io L'.ir, :Mx4 10.NO :t.io i.oo LMIO :::.xt ir.i'i ■>'■> 4.-JO i'.;o fj :!ii\» 17.N5 3.510 15. Nil I :'.4xP., Is, do 4..N0 .'..10 I't m n :i:.\P", i 5 .7.1 4. sr. .VJO c. I :t(!x4'» 15i.4."i 4.5t0 r..::0 :t.tio ::i;x."»" I'.'i.ini "..so (•,.•_'() .|,eo J We c.ii) furniNli nil other Niyes. IN'on-sl.iil IO i»erc>. (richer. j B Otiv supply of these tires is limited, so we advise early ordering, Remember. they are new, clean, fresh, fully 1 goods. All high grade goods tlu.it will give TEKMS—."> per cent, discount if full amount accompanies H H order, >. D. upon receipt, of lo per cent. «.f cost. ■ Prompt shipments. Monev returned if unable to till order, I I I Send us trial order now. I TIRE FACTORIES SALES COMPANY DAYTON. OHIO. THE DANBURY REPORTER I Veterans Invited to ! Attend Reunion. i Mr. A. J. Tilley, of Smith, ; Adjutant of the Stokes Camp of 'Confederate Veterans, is in receipt of the following letter j which explains itself : San Francisco, Cal., April 23, 1914. A. J. Tilley, Adjutant, ' Stokes County Camp, United Confederaty Veterans, Smith, North Carolina. Dear Sir : You are doubtless advised that an invitation has been extended to the United Confederate Veterans tc hold their Twenty | fifth Reunion in San Francisco in 1915, in connection with the Panama - Pacific International Exposition. We are on this date j renewing our invitation to be presented by the Adjutant General at the annual Reunion !of your association to be held in Jacksonville, Florida, this 'month. We are very h'peful I that you will bo able to attend ; this Reunion and that you will .join in supporting onr invitation. I We are also inviting a Reunion ■of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and a Congress of the United Daughters of the Ccn | federacy, and it would seem especially appropriate if the Con federate Veterans themselves should lead these younger or ganizations in a Reunion with ; us. i As you know, the Grand Army | of the Rupublic held a remarkably successful Reunion with us two years ago. We wish to assure you that the same glad welcome awaits the United Confederate 1 as well as the Sons of t'ouiodi rate Veterans and the I United Daughters of the Con federacy, in recognition of their rerrai kab'.e devotion and success in he gr:at work of rebuilding and restoring the Southern States during the past fifty . i years. I am enclosing, for your information, a copy of "Dhe Exposition Fact-Book," recently issued. Other copies will be | supplied or will be mailed to any addresses you may send us. The organization of the San Francisco Hotel Bureau, rep- I resenting over SCO m idem hotels, apartment and rooming house?, containing more than 50,000 i rooms, insures excellent accomo ! dations at very reasonable rates, j The Transcontinental Railway Passenger Association, nt its ; meeting in San Francisco recent ly, announced Exposition rail way rates for 1915 on the basis of one fare for the round trip from all points west of Chicago and the Mississippi river, with liberal stop-overs enroute, and the privilege of going via one direct route and returning via another. Eastern lines are ex pected to make similar reduc tions. | We cannot in a brief letter out line all of the many inducements favoring a visit to the Exposition and to all California, which in so many ways resembles your own ' home-land. We can only assure I you and your association n characteristic California welcome to' San Francisco and the Golden iGate in 1915. Will the Adjutant of each Camp receiving this letter kindly inform his Com mander and fellow members. Very sincerely yours, JAS. A. BARR, Manager. LOCAL Wi wm M Dr. J. A. Roach, of Madison, was a Danbury visitor Sunday. Mr. T. J. Covington, of Wal nut Cove, was in town Monday. Mr. Matt Moore, of Smith, had the misfortune to lose a good horse last Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Hull returned Sat urday from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Oliver, in Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Joyce, of Madison, are spending a few davs in Danbury with relatives. Mrs. Julia Flinchum, of High Point, is spending several days: in Danbury with relatives. Mr. Julius Young, of Winston, spent a short while in Danbury Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Coleman, of Meadows, were Danbury visitors Monday. Mr. Pink Slawter, a prominent citizen, of Quaker (Jap township, spent Sunday night in Danbury. Elder W. J. Simmons and; sjn, Sam, were in Danbury a short while Monday on business.: Messrs. J. M. Neal and J. H., Matthews, visited Danbury yes terday. Mr. Mott, of Winston-Salem, visited Piedmont Springs Mon day, coming up in his "spider" car. A great many of the Danbury i people attended the Baptist Asso i ciation at Clear Spring church i Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Folger, ? who have boen spending some ! time with relativesat Dobson, ■ are expected home tomorrow. Mr. William Moore and sioter, ! Miss Marie, spent Saturday and • Sunday here with friends and 1 attended the Baptist Association 7 Sunday. Mr. Walter Leak, of Peter's Creek, Va., passed through ; town Sunday enroute to his home from the Primitive Baptist Asso : ciation at Clear Spring. Dr. arid Mrs. J. W. Neal, of Meadows, and Mr. and Mrs. ' Davis Fegg, and Mr. Johnson, of Pilot Mtn., visited Danbuiy Saturday, coming over in the ( [atter's car. Messrs. J. N. Young, Sam Stewart and Sanders Rierson, , Jr., of Walnut Cove, were Dan ! | bury visitors Monday night, j coming over in Mr. T. J. Coving ton's machine. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Mocre , and Dr. and Mrs. R. 11. More , field, of Moore's Springs, attend ed the Primitive Baptist Asso ciation at Clear Spring church , Sunday. Register of Deeds John G. Morefield returned Monday from a visit to Orangeburg, S. C., where ho has been on a fishing trip. Ho reports a tireut time. Air. R. F. Brown, of Campbell Route 1, was in town Monday. 1 Mr. Brown and his mother, Mrs. :A. J. Brown, expect to sturt to j Northern Texas, wher: they will 1 make their future hi in j next week. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Republican Voters of i Stokes County : 1 hereby announce my candi dacy for the office of tf e Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes county, subject to the will of the Republican convention. 6may4t CHAS. R. HELSABECK. DEPARTMENT OF WOMAN'S WORK (Conducted By The Woman's Union Missionary Society of Danbury.) | Things You May Bo To Help. Go to the help of your pastor; he is over-loaded, andcan'tcarry i the burdens of church work all by himself. Line up beside your Sabbath j School superintendent; he needs teachers and other Sabbath 1 School workers. Come out on the side of the; Great Captain of Salvation, in | church membership, in every kind" of fight for temperance, j social purity, civic righteousness,' and above all, for the giving of the gospel to tha unsaved multi tudes of mankind. See what you can do to help ! the one in your own home who i has the heaviest end of the load to carry; or the friend at school who needs sympathy and help with the lesson now arid then;' or the worker at your side in ycur place of business, who is l discouraged, feeble in body, dis-. i Nolice to the Public, j Persons who are thinking of, blasting rock out of the public ; roads at the expense of the coun ty are hereby requested to con sult the board of commissioners, before purchasing dynamite for that purpose, as we cannot pay bills which are not authorized bv i us. 1 CHAP BODENHEIMER, Chm. Bd. Co. Commissioners. ; (smay4t Oh, I'm a Soapmaker a! J right. ' j HOT Just dissolve a can of me In a quvrt of u-.ttcr. Now W OOj /. / Vc/ 1 " Ur P"""" 1 * '"'■ lied Orcasc, INOTICEIj . w OBBESBBI II have just opened up 1 nice line of Furniture, | , Ranges and Stoves. I r | When you are in Wal- I 1 1 nut Cove come in and | , I get my prices, the}' are i ! | right. I I J. W. Morefield, 1 Walnut Cove, N. C. jj J tressed in mind, or tempted in j soul. : "Be swift, dear heart, in loving, For time is brief, And thou may'st soon along life's highway Keep step with grief. Be swift, dear heart, in saying The kindly word; When ears are sealed, thy pass ionate pleading Will not be heard. Be swift, dear heart, in doing The gracious deed, Lest soon they whom thou i holdest dear Be past tha need. I Be swift, dear.heart, in giving The rare, sweet flower, Nor wait to heap with blossoms the casket in some sad hour. Dear heart, be swift in loving- Time speedeth on: ; And all thy chance of blessed 1 service will soon begone," | - Sophie Bronson Titterington. A cross, peevish, listless child, 1 with coated tongue, pale, doesn't sleep: eats sometimes very litti \ 'then again ravenously; stomach sour: breath fetid: pains in stomach, with diarrhea: grinds : teeth while asleep, and starts up with terror all suggest a i Worm Killer something that expels worms, and almost every ! child has them. Kickapoo Worn Killer is needed. Get a box to day. Start, at once. You won't I have to coax, as Kickapoo Worm ! K'ller is a candy confection. Ex pels the worms, the cause >f your child's trouble. 25c., at your druggist.