HO BIRTHDAY DIMitR; i .Mr. (i. \V. Kot erts W ill Be Away I'roni Hone ( n Day Set \pait I\ r Birthday Dinner Other News of Dillard. DiUti'd, May 1!'. Uuite a er wd trom this p!i c-• attended the Association at Clear Spring iast Sunday. Mr. Jesse Powers spent Satur day night with his sister, Mrs. Lester Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rothroek and iittie daughter, Myrtle, call ed at Mr. G. W. Roberts' Sun- [ day. Mrs. I). 11. Carter is able to be out again, we are glad to note. She visited her mother, Mr?. G. W. Roberta Sunday. We are sorry to say that there wi:l be no surprise birthday din ner at the home of Mr. G. W. : Roberts next Sunday, May 21th. a? some one has informed him ar.d he has planned to be away from home. We are sadly dis appointed, and hope all who were invited will get notice that the invitations are recalled in time 1 ; keep vou from trouble or ex . « i ( ;•' • • Annoitncamsiil, T the Republican Voters of St Acs County: ; If it meets the approval of ■ u a. : oriry of y* u, I would an- , . iv.'ace the nomination for tii• • ee el ' I reasaivr at «. s* j c :ning t\ nvention. I: >ill give ir.e ;his r,'.::.inatiun I assure you that no one would ; .vciate it more. As to my party loyalty. I r.-f ;■ to Republicans who have known me in the past, (ads 't.) Res pec t l*i. i lv. 1 •I. A. FAGG. LET YOUR MONEY HELP YOU WORK. The Windham City Savings Bank in Connecticut recently had a bank book brought in that they had not seen for nine teen years and on which no money had been drawn or de posited since 1871. In that year, SBOO was deposited. Com pound interest had increased the SBOO to $2,300—51,500 clear train to the depositor, money he didn't have to turn his finger over for. Thi3 illustrates the wonderful power of compound interest. After you work for your money, your money works for you, if you put it in a gocd bank. n ! Two Citizens Lose Morses-Per sonal Items of Law sonville. : Lawsonville, May 1!). —A very large crowd from this community attended the Primitive Baptist | association held at Clear Spring j Saturday, Sunday and Monday, j Misses Bessie and Erie Moore and Pearl Sheppard spent Mon day with Misses May Avers and Elsie Sheppard. Mr. W. R. Hylton of Camp bell had a tine horse to die last, ' week, and also Mr. Matt Moore; of Smith had one to die at the i association last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robert : son visited their aunt, Mrs. j Moses Lawson, Sunday. Mr. E. C. Sheppard has re cently moved his sawmill from ! Mr. Will l>oss' to Mr. C. R. Wall's place. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawson and children visited at Mr. Gabe Lawson's Sunday. Mr. ard Mrs. R. L. Lawson spent Sunday at Mr. M. H. Robertson's. Miss May Ayers, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. K. C. Sheppard, the past week, will return Thursday, accompani ed by Misses Eisie and Georgia Sheppard. who will attend the commencement of Stuart High School. Misses May Ayers and Elsie Shenpard '-.pert Tuesday with; Misses Emu Sheppard, llessie and Erie Moore. Mrs. Emiline Hill visited her brother. Mr. tioorgo Smith, v. H.i has ijven wry rick, Sunday. Mr. ar.d Mrs. .!. Wiih'e Smith and niece, Miss Fannie Smith, of (ireer.sboro, came up Satur day to occupy their cottage at Piedmont Springs. 1 i |WL LACV LOSES HIS CASH. I One Of the Road Superintendents Looking For a Lost Purse— Lum itlabe and Mr. Brown ! Also Out Considerable Sums. Mr. Lacy, one of the superin i tendents who are building good roads in Dan bury township, lost his purse from hi.? pocket Wednes day. containing about $75. l T p Ito this writing he has no trace • of the whereabouts of his money. A few days ago Mr. W. C. Mabe was in Madison sel'ing I some tobacco, and before he left Ihe felt for his money and it was gone— s•') 1.00. Mr. Mabe thinks he was robbed by a pick-pocket. Last week Mr. Brown, of ■ Moore's Springs, lost !?.") and some cents in Walnut Cove. He has no theory as to which way the cash went. It was carried loosely in his pocket, and some where dropped out unnoticed. If people would quit the fool ish habit of carrying money about on their person, they would save themselves the mental, anguish of needless searching for lost pocketbooks. The bank is the place to keep money, and the check-book-way is the only! way to pay bills. Oft times you are dunned for a bill which you; , know you have paid but which : 'you have i> pay again because ( vou can't prove it has ever been paid. If you would always pay by check, yo.i would be on the safe side, because at tha end of the month the bank puts the check bad; in your hands after it has paid your bill, and the payer's name is endorsed on the check. This is a legal receipt. Condensed Statement The Bank of Stokes County At the close of business March 4,1914. ASSETS RESOURCES Loans - $196,657 35 Capital - $20,000 00 Overdrafts - - - 1,404 14 Surplus and Undivided Profits - 2,580 69 Banking House and Furniture and Rediscounts - ... 3,00000 Fixtures - 6,303 52 CASH - 79,796 17 Deposits - - - - 258,580 49 $284,161 18 $284,161 18 We solicit your business. Four Per. Cent. Interest Paid on Certificates. Check Books Free. ! . ! % * % THE DANBURY REPORTER Start a bank today, j 1 ; We take any amount, large or small. i The Dank of Stokes County. N. E. PEPPER, Cashier at Dan i; bury. J. H. FULTON, Cashier at Wal nut Cove. j Contractor Swinnsy Gets ;j Road Work lo Surry,; Contractor Svvinney, who is j ! doing the road work in Danbury j . township, has just been awarded | a contract to grade miles of i road in Mt. Airy township, and; ;will start the work up there! June Ist. The condition of Col. J. H. Stewart, who is ill at his home ! here, is unimproved, we regret to know. |Let n E Yoiir Compost I | | j I Mil th»* champion rotter of the world. » I'll rot K ivos, Ft raw, utall:*, manure, f p;iw(iu.- tor any other vn?» :.«* »l.* inaittr, ; l ev« :i dirt, m*o a ri*!\ initio fer i J t.ii/er, iu U'S» fclr.u t*.*»» mouths. 1 .! ;t k ■ p m» on tin* joi:..-, ' I will rr.ve j \i u a big lot of tl. .i. ft iti.ij.T money. 1 li yon want to I:n w a!' th!*i i i post roiling, ;im well a n ij , j ;;;.l jrex c?:i: ;?,c» ho-; chole.*:t, wrilo l' r| \ !i, v.l.- i?i) N. str-.-U, {' l] J*'*. l.ii*. Mo. t a«'«| I'll .. Ik) yi ,i a tj' p] o. . »*., Irce, that t«-!l« how. (. • !i S nm Red Devil Lye tjj ■i Pfc, For BIG CANS j«| M .11 Alv.ot-t ;ut ;is thr>-2 mating !'V. fI [ f.tvj; it r.un:i.s. J rzvnccaajaajtt jxr-aa'g'gxirj^g^cargzjgcri | Will Return Soon To California. Mr. W. R. Slaughter, of Mead-' ows, who was here yesterday, told the Reporter that he expect-: ed to return to California some | time during the coming summer. j Mr. Slaughter is a native of Stokes but has for a number of years J I been residing in California. He: j came here last year but has not i j had as gooi health as he had in i ■ the far west, and this is the! j cause for his return. i | I Base Ball Challenge. : The Sandy Ridge Base Ball Club will play any team in Stokes county on its ground on any 1 ; date. For particulars write THE SANDY RIDGE BASE BALL CLUB, Sandy Ridge, N. C. ; I Notice of Sale of Real Estate. i I'-.v virtue of it decree of the I j Superior Court >f Stokes county, X. l«'.. rendered on tli«' :K!tli iliiy of l Maivli, T.HI, 111 tin* special prorwd iiiii 1 entitled : "A. J. Knir against [Mary .lam» Fulton and others," we Will I'XpoSC to plllllic Still' to till' 11iuIn *'■ t lililili'i* for ciisli on Saturday. Mutto tin- Pith, I!H4, at tin- hour of ; oil" o'rlork I'. M., at till' I'OIII't lioiisi' iloor in tin- town of Kaniuiry, \. • t In-following: t r.'ict of laidl in Stokes county, to-wit : I "Iji'aiiiiiiiijf at ;i wliitc oak. li.'ivis" corner, runs Mast on his line seven i chains niiil lift.v links in ;i white] i onk. France l-'uiton's corner, thence! South on his line eighteen chains to | pointers in Moiiilurant's line. West! •on .1. 'l'. \v li.'ivis' former line, seven ■ chains and lifty links to |iointers.; ihence North on said ('ovins;toil's 1 I line, eivvhteell chains 111 tile i ! ninu 1 ," and lioiitu' the saine traci of il.'ind ci.uveyed by deed from Annie ' ! il. i.'ish and husli.'tml, \V. A. La.-li, ito Thomas \V. Knit on. recorded in | the the Ketiisier of |feeds of : Stokes county, in Hook No. 10, p.'lH'e | !. and lo which reference is here-1 ! unto ma le. I This the 2nd d.iv of Mav, 1!H 1. .1. I'. IU M i'll I!KYS. i , , .... , X. >. I'KTUKi:, """ s ". Prisoner Escapes Is Re-Captured. Eugene Davis, one of the j county convicts, who are work j ing on a new roa J near Danbury, | escaped yesterday but was re captured by Mr. L. J. Young i near Walnut Cove on the same : day. ; I PLAIN TALK From Two Prosperous House wives, About Peruna. HPii* •' 351 M ra - E - T. Gad - 'st' v i dis - ot Marion, ISjIjPWEWMp.. ] North Carolina, • ' writes to the Pe- R «l _luinbus, Ohio: 1 ' coni 'j work without ■»* 1 suffering great muiiEiS _j] pain. I took Pe- IT -r runa and Man- I Mte. E. T. Gaddis n „ n> nnd can Btty i with pleasure they have done more for me than any other medicine I i have ever taken. Now I am as well | as ever. I do all my own work and it never hurts me at all, I think : Peruna is a great medicine for i womankind." Mrs. Sarah Frye, STo. 105 Sylvan Ave., Asbury Park, N. J., writes: "I have no words to express my grati tude for the wonderful cure that Peruna has done fot- me. It Is a godsend to all suffering women. Pe runa has done wonderful work for me. "I was sick over half of my life with systemic catarrh. I want this letter published fur and Wide, as I was a great sufferer, but to-day I | feel as well v.a anybody can feel. I "Nearly all my life I have spent ' nearly r!l I could ralai and scrape for ! doctors, but none of then did mo I any good. I!ut nitre 1 started on your Peruna one year O-TO I hove tit last found relief ia your wonderful • IV rut in. X had ksgun to think that I j was not coins; t > K''L Well, but thank ! God I am well to-day. "I hope and pray you may live loin? to hi Ip others as you have helped me. Instead of being a walking dru.r store J am growing f.it and doim, well. I v.ill iicv'.'r bo without Pe | runa." I Those v.'ho object to liquid medi cines can now procure Peruna ; Tablets. . t ?\