DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XL. PIEDMONT SPRINGS Week-End Automobiles Parties Features At Thve Popular Resort. EARLY STAY PARTIES Winston-Salem and (ireensboro People Constitute the Large Number of Quests. Piedmont Springs, N. C., July 15.—Mr. and Mrs. Clement Man ly and Mrs. J. L. Graham and children, of Winston-Salem, com posed an automobile party who . pent the day here Sunday. Messrs. Walter Reynolds, R. L. Williamson, T. W. Huske and other prominent citizens came over from Winston-Salem Sun day and spent a pleasant day at Piedmont. Among the prominent young people from (ireensboro who spent the week end here were Misses May Richardson, Mar garet Dunn, Grace Jones, and Messrs. A. S. Richardson and 1). V. Hagan. Mr. Lawrence Mcßae, of Wins ton-Salem, spent the week-end here with his family. A party of Winston - Salem young people, who s:)ent Satur day and Sunday here were Messrs. W. P. Hill, ,T. P. Sted man, E. IX Hill: Misses Ruth Critz and Louise L. Henry. Messrs. Walter Nading, Ed Lasater, Robert Critz and John Whitaker composed a sta? party who spent Sunday here. They left the Twin-City before break fast, arriving here in time to take breakfast with the guests. Hon. J. C. Buxton, of Wins ton-Salem, is spending a few ( days with his family who are summering here. Rev. J. B. Shenck and family j of Greensboro spent the day j Monday at this resort. Mrs. E. D. Vaughn anddaugh-| ter, Miss Margaret, of Winston- Salem, accompanied by Misses Laura Noel of Elkin and Kate Rucker Penn, of Madison, came up yesterday to spend some' weeks at Piedmont. Mrs. J. 0. Tideman and Misses' Lsbey, cf Savannah, Ga., arriv ed here Monday and will spend two months. Mr. Geo. Tudor, of Winston- Salem, spent last night here! with his friend, John T. Simpson. Messrs. Gene Gray, Robt. Mc-! Arthur, J.. B. Pritchett, W. S. Alexander and S. A. Hutchens spent Sunday night here, return ing Monday to the Twin-Citv. State Bank Examiner S. A. Hubbard, of Reidsville, spent Monday and Tuesday here. Messrs. W. L. Hesper, W. J. McAnally, W. H. Long, J. L. Fulton and M. J. McAnally, of High Point, spent Sunday at the hotel. Messrs. R. L. Walker, R. E. Davis, Sam Walker and J. R. Gregory came over from Martins ville, Va., Saturday in Mr. Wal ker Hudson's car and spent Sunday here with their relatives and friends who are guests at the hotel. Mr. H. E. Ballance, of Greens boro, spent Sunday here with his wife. He was accompanied :by Miss C. Gorrell, who will ! spend some time here with Mrs. ! Ballar.ce. I Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnson, jof (ireensboro, are among the i guests at the hotel here. Misses Ida Cowan, Matilda Mitchell and Sarah Cowan, of ' Durham, are spending two ! weeks here. Messrs. Paul Montague and M. L. Mott, Jr., who were here the past week, are said to have made the run up here from ; Winston-Salem in Mr. Montague's | "Spider" in 57 minutes, which 'is one minute less than it re | quired Mr. Gilmer Thomas to ! make the same run in his Cadillac 1 roadster. Dr. S. I*. Kapp and wife of | Greensboro were guests here ! Sunday. ' Piedmont Springs Hotel has recently been enjoying the greatest season in its history. On account of the fact that it is so easily reached hundreds of i people come here now every week, and especially on Sunday the hotel management is hard ' worked to feed the throngs who , come up to spend the day. There are about 100 regular guests at the hotel and with thp i large crowds who come up to ! spend the day it makes it look like quite a little town here on Sundays. Quaker Gap Overseers. To the Overseers of (Quaker Gap Township : All of the overseers of Quaker Gap township public roads are hereby notified that the board ( of supervisors will meet at Joseph Frans' store on Saturday | the Sth day of August. 1914, at ,10 o'clock a. m., to discuss the ! conditions of the public roads of ! said township. All overseers 'are hereby notified to report ! their respective roads to the board under the penalty pre scribed by law. This the 10th day of July, 1914. J. P. LYNCH. Chairman Bd. Supervisors. How to Get Trusted. In these days of skyscrapers unusual attention is being paid to ' foundations. They were always important, but now that the' buildings are going higher than ever, the foundations must re-' ceive greater care than ever. We see illustrations constantly of this same fact in the building j of lives and careers. The office' boy who puts a letter in the wrong envelope when he is send-! ing out the mail: the clerk who [ makes mistakes in his weights and measurements; the stenog rapher or teacher who lets little errors slip through her work; the helper of any sort who cannot be trusted to get things just right— these are not the people upon whom heavier burdens are put. The people in authority do not! care to build important structures of responsibility and opportunity upon these unsafe foundations. — 1 The Christian Herald. DANBURY, N. C., JULY 15. 1914. f 11I0N NEWS WALNUT COVE HEWS Mrs. R. 1.. Tuttle Gives Delightful Supper. PICNIC DINNER Other Items of Personal Nature From (iermanton and Neighborhood. Germanton, July 13, Last i Friday evening Mrs. K. L. | Tattle pave a delightful supper l at Sullivan's Spring in honor of j her house guest, Miss Laura | Tatum, of Statesville. The three! mile drive was a pleasant feature j and the supper served picnic fashion, and thoroughly enjoy able. The chicken, cold tongue, stuffed eggs, imported olives, and sandvvitches deserve special mention, also the ice cream and j three kinds of cake. Mr. and Mrs. 11. L. Tuttle, | Mr. and Mrs. H, S. Foy, Misses Turner, McKenzie, Mrs. C. T., Joyce, Messrs. James M. Hill, Max Gorsuch and Lauriston i Powers participated. Miss Carrie Poindexter has been quite sick for several days. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Stedman and Mr. Porter Stedman of Wins ton are visiting Mrs. Stedman'Sj sisters, Misses Mollie and Alice Hill. Mr. Roy'.McKenzie and sister, | Miss Nonnie, of Winston, are spending several days with rel atives and friends here. I Mrs. C. T. Joyce, of South ' Boston, Ya., is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. C. Matthews. Mr. J. C. Small and daughters returned to Spencer today after a weeks visit to their father, j Dr. L. H. Hill. Mr. J. J. Styers is visiting his ! brother, Mr. Sam Stvers, in Bal timore. Mr. Otis Bodenheimer ofßoan !oke, Va., is spending his vaca j tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chap Boclenheimer, near J here. Mr. H. S. Foy left yesterday for a stay at Wrightsville Beach. Mr. Norman Hailey of Rural : Hall was in town today, i Mr. C. S. Kurfees left for Wal nut Cove today after spending the week-end here. Mr. Robt. Graham of South Boston, Va., spent the week-end with his father-in-law, Mr. R. J. Petree. Mrs. John W. Kurfees and family are visiting their brothers, Messrs. Jesse and Marshall in j Mooresville and other relatives; in Davie county. Mrs. J. C. Carson and Miss Anna Hill spent Friday in Wins ton shopping. Mrs. W. C. Matthews returned' from Greeensboro last week where she spent several days with relatives. Large Rattler Killed. Mr. Ebbott Kiser, of Meadows; Route 1, was in Danbury a short while today, and reported that Miss Ellen Eaton killed a rattle snake with 14 rattles Sunday in her yard on Germanton Route 1. Pretty Wedding ol Mr. T. J. Covington and Miss Bessie Shaw Perkin. LARGE INDUSTRY May Materialize For Walnut Cove In the Furniture Fac tory Spoken Of Other News of Interest. 1 Walnut Cove. July 15. A j pretty wedding was solemnized |at the home of the bride at Old j Trinity last Wednesday evening j at eight o'clock when Miss Bessie Shaw Parkin became the bride of our townsman, Mr. Thos. J. Covington. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. S. Raper in the presence of a laige , number of relatives and friends of the contracting parties. The i bride, who was beautifully attired 'in a gown of white, was attend ed by her sister. Mrs. E. F. Pepper, of Thomasville, while i Mr. C. C. Smith, of Winston : Salem, acted as best man. The bride is from one of the most . prominent families of the Old Trinity section and has been teaching in the school at that place for some time. Mr. Cov ington, who is well known in this county, is one of our town's progressive business men, at i present being the successful ! owner and manager of the Wal ' nut Cove Motor Co. The happy couple have the best wishes of their rr.any friends at this place. It is rumored that a High Point concern is anxious to erect and operate a large furniture | factory here, provided they can | secure the proper encouragement ! from the citizens and property | owners of the town. Such an ' industry would mean much to | the community and will doubtless ' have the co-operation of the (citizens who realize the urgent need of a manufacturing industry. Nothing definite has been learn ed as to the identity of the firm that has the matter under con sideration. A severe hail and wind storm j visited the Old Town section a i few miles east of here Thursday, doing considerable damage to the jcorn and tobacco crops besides ' unroofing several buildings. Since the recent rains the ; farmers who come to town on business are very enthusiastic about their crops especia'ly the | tobacco which they had almost given up as being beyond the aid i of rain. While many are confident that the crop cannot be as large as in previous years, it is gen- j erally conceded that there will, be a far greater yield than was' expected a week ago. A great many of the voung people from here spent Sunday 1 at P.edmont Springs and other j places up in the mountains making the trip by automobiles. No people derive more pleasure from the blessings of good roads than, the folks of Walnut Cove, j There are more than twenty cars I owned here which is probably as j many as any town of its size in ; the state can boast of. With the Republican primaries I only a few days off politics is | waxing warm as it usually des at this place. The main target seems to be the office of county treasurer with as many as four aspirants from this immediate section. Messrs. Fagg, Petree, Glidewell and Fowler all have strong following and many active friends and the fight promises to t be an interesting one to the finish. Almost all the business houses here are taking up the slogan, "Swat the fly, "and the champion I germ carrier is the victim of I various traps and snares. To Dr. r Critz, however, belongs the honor , for devising the most destructive , of all the methods which is just a tox covered with wire with small . wire funnels on the bottom, the . v bait is placed beneath the box, ,jthe Hy, after satisfying his .1 appetite, llies up into the funnel J and is trapped. The little boxes II were placed along the streets . j Saturday and since then it is safe i to say that no less than a million ,'rlies are dead as a result. The . i little boxes are inexpensive and ,| no other method is near so 'effective. Mr. C. M. Miller, who is mak , ing road surveys in Surry countv, wa.-> here last week on business . connected with the roads here. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fulton, i Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Davis and ; Geo. Fulton visited relatives in I Greensboro Sunday. Mr. F. E. Petree, one of the • best farmers of the Germanton • section, spent Saturday here with relatives. i Miss Kate McPherson, of : Cameron, is the guest of Miss » Annie Martin on North Main i street. Mr. R. L. N'unn, of Westfield, ■ was here Saturday looking after i the interests of the Big Creek > Telephone Co. II Miss Cleo Marion, of Winston » Salem, is visiting the Misses t Boyles this week. I apt. R. L. Murphy spent . Thursday in Winston-Salem on j business. Mr. Stokes Linvilie and sister. Miss Nora, spent the week end i here with friends, t Elder J. A. Fagg went to Clear Spring Sunday where he at a baptising and i j delivered a sermon. | State Bank Examiner R. L. i Hubbard, of Reidsville, was heie I Monday looking after business ' connected with his office. Mr. T. M. Lawson. a good citizen of Pinnacle, was in town i Monday. Pension Board to Meet. The Stokes County Pension j Board will meet in the court I house at Danbury on Saturday, July 18th, 1914. All applicantsj i who cannot be present should send a certificate of a physician ' showing that they are not able to' come. , Lawn Party. Danbury Route 1. July 14. There will be a lawn party at , Mr. W. A. Nelson's store Satur -1 day night. The public is invited s to attend. MR. EDGAR TUDNER Thrown From Cart and Hurt \ erv B;idl\. i * 4 BIG HAIL STORM [ Does .Much Damage In Petei's Creek Section—Other News. I'eter's Creek, Ya., July 7. Mr. Edgar Turner, our run 1 mail carrier, happened to a serious accident last Monday when his horse became frighten ed throwing him from his cait and bruising him up considerably. Mr. Turner has not recovered enough to carry the mail at present. Quite a crowd attended services at Leak's school house Sunday. Mr. Samuel Glancett continues very low. Mr. \Y. \Y. Leak left Monday for Winston-Salem to visit his daughter, Mrs. (J. R. Pulliam. Misses Mary Ethel ' Woodal!, Lucy Blancett, Gracie Leak and Messrs. Hermon Hundley, John Lawson and Matt and James Blancett visited Miss Maggie Lawson Sunday afternoon. Mr. Walter Leak called on Miss Allie Jessup Sunday even ing. Miss Lillie Leak and Mr. Anville Martin took a trip to Piedmont Springs Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hutchens visited their daughter, Mrs. (J. \Y. Collins, Sunday. We had a severe hail strom Monday evening, doing lots of damage to corn and tobacco. Mrs. W. W. Leak visited at Mr. C. 11. Jessup's Tuesday afternoon. ! Mr. Frank Collins called cn Miss Bertha Hutchens Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Hill is real sick at this writing, we are sorry to know. Mrs. E. C. Ward and Miss Bertie Smith visited Mrs. W. R. Lawson Wednesday. KIDDO. ( Republican Ticket Suggested. Smith, July 9, 1914. Mr. Editor : I desire to suggest the follow ing names for the various offices of our county on the Republican ticket : For the House—M. T. Chilton. For Sheriff—Dr. W. C. Slate. For Clerk of the Superior Court— Chas. R. Helsabeck. For Register of Deeds—John G. Morefield. For Treasurer -A. J. Fagg. For County Commissioners - John W. Gann, R. F. Shelton and Tom I^awson. With this ticket I think we can sweep the county. B. A. OVERBY. Ice Cream Supper At Hard. I Dillard, July 13.— There will be an ice cream supper at the home of Mr. VV. J. Flinn Satur day night, July 18th. Everybody is cordially invited to attend and have a good time. | BANNER. 224)