DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XL. Annual Reunion of Stokes ex-Confederates List of Survivors of the Lost Cause Who Attended Saturday's Meeting -- Large Crowd Spectators Present. NAME. CO. ! REG. ADDRESS. J.J. Martin - F 11st Eng. Gideon, N. C. A. J. Tilley H I 22d N. C. j Smith. N. C. G. C. Thorn bury E 22d N. C. Meadows, N. C. Willis James-.-- F 21st N. C. | Walnut C.. N. C. F. J. woods H i 'sth N. C. j Dan bury, N. C. Sam Johnson- C |2dTenn. I Germanton, N. C. John R. James -- H j 22d N. G. j Dillard, N. C. John R. Mabe C ! 54th N. C. i Danbury. N. C. D. K. Mabe C j 4th Bt.NC; Nettle Ridge, Va. A. P. Shelton--- K i32dVa. Sandy Ridge, NC R. R. Boyles ,J I 21st N. C. Mizpah, N. C. A.J.White- H Hist N. C. Walnut C., N. C. J. P. Willard H 22d N. C, Germanton, N. C. Martin V. Bullen H 53d N. C. Meadows, N. C. W. M. Duggins M 21st N. C. Red Shoals, N. C. W. H. Shelton C 4thßt. NC Sandy Ridge, N C W. H. Smith G 21st N. C. Germanton. N. C. H. C. Lackey- H 22d N. C. Campbell, N. C. L. D. Lewis - Walnut C., N. C. William Cox H 53d N. C. Pilot Mtn., N. C. Tandy Bennett, Sr H 53d N. C. Mizpah. N. C. E. L. Bennett G 2lst N. C. Walnut C., N. C. John W. Fulk F 21s. N. C. Walnut C., N. C. James Hix G 21st N. C. Walnut C., N. C. W. J. Lawson C 73d N. C. Pinnacle, N. C. Gideon Ferguson G i 21st N. C. Germonton, N. C. J. W. Fagg-. j The above is a correct and complete list of the old soldiers who attended the annual county reunion here Saturday. There are 29 of them. The attendance was small owing to many of them being at home sick in bed or attending their feeble and afflicted wives. Since last year a number of the old soldiers have died, one an officer of the camp, namely, Mr. J. H. Stewart, who was colorer-bearer, Mr. J. R. James being elected in his stead. All the old officers, with the above exception, were re elected, as follows: J. J. Martin, Commandant. 9 J. A. Southern, First Lieutenant. A. J. Tilley, Adiutant. J. B. George, Quarter Master. M. V. Mabe, Second Lieutenant. The crowd in attendance was large, numbering several thousand. The ex-Confederates were unanimous in their approval of the movement started by Messrs. J. J. Martin and Amer Tilley for the erection of a monument to the Confederate dead to be built on the court house square here. The com mittee appointed to secure contributions for the monument is published elsewhere in this paper. Commandant Martin stated to the Reporter that the next reunion of the old soldiers will probably be held in April. 1915. HARDBANK NEWS. Cooper Smith Burns Barn of Tobacco—Miss Lillie Flinchum Improving. Hardbank, Aug. 31. Mr. W. C. Smith had the misfortune to lose a tine barn of tobaccD last Saturday morning by fire. Mrs. John Simmons, of Fran cisco Route 2, is seriously ill, we are sorry to 3ay. Miss Lillie Flinchum, who has been very sick with fever, is improving, we are glad to say. Misses Beatrice and Florence Smith and Messrs. Gilmer Nel son. Anderson Nelson, and Early Smith visited at Mr. J. H. Flin chem's Sunday afternoon. Mr. Elbert Flinchum and Miss Kate Smith spent Sunday at Vade Mecum Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Flinch em visited at Mr. L. T. Smith's Sunday. Elder J. A. Fagg will fill his regular appointment at Piney Grove church next Sunday. Mr. Lemly Smith called at Mr. W. Q Fagg's Sunday. Mr. F. E. Nelson made a business trip to Walnut Cove last week. PATSY. I'W'ilinntil S|Tin«H lioU-1 CI.WMI I. PIEDMONT SPRINGS. Closes Its Most Successful Year--Twenty-five Guests Remain to The Last. Piedmont Springs, Aug. 31. After its most successful year the hotel here will close today for this season. About twenty five guests who had remained until the end left for their re spective homes. Among those leaving today were Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Gorrell and children, of Winston-Salem; Dr. W. C. Hill, of Lexington; Miss Gladys Cum mings, of Reidsville; Miss Sara Anderson, of Leaksville: Mrs. W. B. Wra.v and daughter, Miss Marion Wray, of Reidsville: Mr. Henry Clark, of Reidsville: Messrs. Carl Merz and T. A. Tupman, of Richmond, and others. Mrs. Will McAdoo and daughter, Miss Mary McAdoo; Mrs. J. E. Justice and son, Mr. J. E.Justice, Jr.- of Greensboro, spent Sunday here, coming up in a machine. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Davis, of Walnut Cove, were among the week-end guests here, return ing home Monday. If N fji'irtoil hi're that Mr. »'!s;i|> I'.odi-n'.wimer,cniti'.ty hits vv.N'.i nut. hi* iiirin *S**r i!i:into:: uv.il will r. s'il,' in Fiui'ida. DANBURY, N. C.. SEPTEMBER 2. IVI4 WALNUT COVE HEWS i Citizens to Ask County Commissioners For Bet ter Bridge Across Fork. TOBACCO MARKET New Warehouse Nearing Comple tion—Semple & Davis Writes Encouragingly Local and Personals of Interest. DANIU'KY ItKI'OKTKIt Walnut Cove Xt'\vn liuri'jiu. C. K. DAVIS. Kill tor. Walnut Cove, September 2. At the meeting of the county commissioners on the first Mon day in tnis month the citizens will ask for a more adequate bridge across Town Fork between this place and the depot. The present bridge besides being in need of numerous repairs is entirely too narrow for the vast amount of traffi.* with which it is burdened. It is doubtless used more than any three bridges 1 at other parts of the county and a double bridge with a walkway on the side would greatly facilitate the traffic and it is to be hoped that the matter will have favorable consideration. A force of laborers from Salisbury arrived here Monday ! and began work on the floor of ! the new warehouse. The build ing will have a concrete floor and this will be reinforced with floor ing. When finished this will be one of the most up-to-date ware j houses in the state, j Letters received from Messrs. Semple & Davis, who are con j ducting a warehouse at Fairmon*, j state that tobacco is selling well 'on that market and that they j fully expect the 9ame conditions jto prevail here when the market opens on the fifteenth. These ! gentlemen will arrive here on I the twelfth in time to get things jin shape for the opening. Mr. Chas. H. Davis, one of their office force, came in last week. Mr. D. S. Boyles has recently completed one of the most modern automobile garages to be found in any town of this size in the state. He is well prepared to furnish all kinds of repairs, gasoline and oils and will employ an experienced machinist to look after repairing machines. Messrs. Carl Joyce, J. C. j Bailey, Chas. Davis and Misses Liliie and Mattie Joyce and Leliaj Moore spent Sunday afternoon in j Winston-Salem. Messrs. W. G. Petree, Paul! Taylor. Frank Tilley, Dr. W. C. j Slate, T. S. Petree and A. H.! Joyce were among the Danbury j visitors to our city this week. j Mr, Eugene Dodson returned, Sunday from an extended visit j to relatives in Bluefield, W. Va. j Elders McMillan and Casey, of j the Primitive Baptists, preached at the Junior Hall Tuesday [ morning. Mr. Odell Jones went to Win3ton - Salem Sunday after noon. Mr. Jor.es expects to ' leave soon fyr Mars Hill or Wake Forest where he will take a literary course. i Mr. Charles MeChristian. of \\ instor.-Salem, was here a short while Sunday. Mr. J. E. James is carrying the rr.a:i on route four fir a couple of weeks while Mr. Walter ! Bo; I**. the regular carrier, is off on his vacation. Mr. A. r. Rothrock and family, i accompanied by Mr. Rothrock's i father ar:d mother, visited friends in Wir.ston-Salem Sunday. Miss Bessie Morefieid returned i !ast v/eek from visiting friends ;at Leaksville, Spray. Stoneville I and other places. Elder -J. A. Fag£ went to Germanton Sunday where he delivered two sermons, one at ChaHin's school house and anoth er at the home of Mrs. N. J. Slate. Miss Nan Linville is the guest of Miss Lucv Burton, on Summit i street. Mr. Jno. G. Fulton went to] Stokesdale and Summerfield Tuesday in the interest of The Stokes Grocery Company. Misses Gladys George and Hedgecock, of Winston-Salem, j are spending several davs with j Mrs. R. A. Hedgecock. Mr. E. W. Carroll, of Sandy I Ridge, Democratic nominee for; sheriff, was a visitor here Tues-' day. Messrs. J. N. Young, J. C. Bailey, A. J. Barker and S. H. Stewart went to Danbury Mon day to attend the sale of some land lying near here. A portion of the land was purchased by Messrs. Young and Barker. Miss Mabel McKenzie, of Germanton, visited relatives here last week. Clerk of the Court M. T. Chilton, who is a candidate for re-election was in town Monday enroute from Greensboro where he had been on business. Mr. Clifton S. Kurfees, of Germanton, who has held a position with Mr. John R. Smith here, left Saturday for his home. His many friends here regret to see him leave. Messrs. Sam P. Heath and Newton Y'oung, who have held positions at Piedmont Soring* this summer, will return, to their homes here this week. Miss Nonnie McKenzie, of Winston-Salem, is the guest of Miss Mary Martin this week. Contractor R. R. King, who has so creditably constructed the briiges in this township, went to Danbury Saturday. Mrs. King is spending sever? 1 days at her home there. For Sale or Exchange For Stokes County Property. 1 have for sale a house and lot in Winston-Salem, corner lot 150x175 feet, house large, 2-story, 11 rooms including 2 basement rooms and bath room, with modern Conveniences, water and lights, and promise of sewerage at early date. Room on lot to build H tenement houses. Good feed barn and other out houses, and garden. Located in Fair view, splendid residential section. One block from car line, two churches and school within three blocks. Will sell or will exchange for small farm near railway sta tion in Stokes county. Address Box 4">l, N. C. 2sept tf COMMITTEE APHITEO TO ' SOLICIT MOMENT EO§ Marble Shaft to the Memory of the Stokes Confederate Dead Hoped to Be Erected In Time For the Next Annual Reunion of The Old Soldiers. The old soldiers' monument, which it is proposed to build on the court house square in Dan bury, will be pushed forward to materialization. A committee was appointed at thirteen points in the county to solicit funds for the building of the shaft, which it is thought will cost from §l,M)O to $1,500. All the ex-Confeder ates were very anxious that the monument be erected at an early day, if possible within their life times, in order that they may be living witnesses to the tribute of loved ones living to their heroic dead. The committee appointed is as follows: C. M. Jones, Walnut Cove. Dr. J. H. Ellington, Sandy Ridjre. Mrs. Dr. W. C. Slate, Danbury. MR. HOLT ARRIVES. New Farm Demonstrator For Stokes County Es i tablishes headquarters I At Danbury. | The Reporter received a pleas ant call yesterday from Mr. W. ,P. Holt, the new Stokes county farm demonstrator. Mr. Holt is from Guilford county, and is a graduate of Guilford College having taken his B. S. degree from that institution with special ; training in agricultural sub jects. He has also had consider able practical experience in farm work, having recently conducted a farm very successfully in Guil- I ford county. His appointment ;to the work in this county by District Agent Millsaps of the United States Department ot Agriculture came as a result of a visit to and examination of his farm work in Guilford by Mr. Millsaps. There is no question but that Mr. Holt is eminently titted for his work, and the farm ers of Stokes county are fortun ate to secure his services. Mr. Holt will make his head quarters at Danbury, and will have an office in the court house. Visiting farmers are cordially in vited to call and make his ac quaintance. I Miss Hallle ami Mr. Kemp Xeal of Monroe are visitiny relatives at Meadows, the family of 1 »r. .1. \V. Neal. Kemp is just eo'ivnleseiuj; from mi attack of typlioM. NOTICE. i Mr. C. E. Davis, the Editor and Manager of the Reporter, Walnut Cove Department, is authorized to receive subscrip tions, advertising and .job work! Call on Mr. Davis at the Hank of Stokes County when in town, tpl! hi"i tiio rews, and give him some business. DANBURY REPORTER. Capf. P. L Uur;:'r;.\ Walnut Cove. Mrs. T. W. Til ley, Smith. Carl Srr.ith, Francis?. Mrs. Dr. J. J. Leal*:, Ajbury. Mrs. Dr. R. H. Morefield, Moore's Spring. Mrs. B. F. Puliiarr., King. Mrs. J. C. Flinn, Pine Hall. Dr. L. H. Hill, Germanton. Dr. W. B. Moore. Smith. Mrs. A. J. Pringle, Campbell. It is hoped that the commit tees will get busy and make their report as early as possible, in order that the monument may be erected in time to be unveiled at the next annual reunion of the ex-Confederates, wh-n the occasion wili be made the great est event in the history of Dan bury. Gideon. Gideon, Sept. 1. —The farmers of this section are {.riming and curing tobacco. Several of the peiple f«.m here attended the O i Si iiere 1 reunion at Danbury last Satur day. j Mr. James Weli-», o: Crab Orchard! Ky., is friends and relatives in thia section. I Messrs. W. M. Fiyr.t, J. W. Mitchell and John Your.g have gone to Walnut Cove tojav. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fiyr.t, of Rural Hall, are visaing frvindfl and relatives in this o:r.:njr'ty this week. Miss Myrtle Fagg svient Fri day night with Miss Ethel Flint. Messrs. Carpenter c.n i Farm er caiied to see the Mi?es Flhch em Sunday. Miss Grace I) >dson s:;er!t Fri day and Saturday ni;ht with Miss Lilli3n Mitchell. There was an apple pealing given at Mr. Mob Reid's Monday night. Among those present were Misses Ethel Flynt, Avis i)unlap, Emma Berry, Minnie Mabe, Ella Rhodes, Kate, Belo and Ethel Reid: Messrs. James Herd. Billie Ward, Carev, Ful ler and Robah Flynt, Roy and Peter Duncan, Will and James Rhodes, Hardy Johnson, Mal lard and Willie Mitchell, Gid and Charlie Mabe. All reported a jolly time. Mr. Robah Flynt spent Satur day night with Mr. Carey Flyr.t. Darris, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fagg, re turned to her home at Dillard Monday, after a week's stay with her sister, Mrs. Guy Eg gelston, at Ridgeway, Va. j Mr. John Fiinchum called to see MUs Anni.» Young Sunday as usual. POLLY. No. 2X4

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