DAN BURY REPORTER i. . - -d6 VOLUME XL. TOBACCO MARKET Opens At Walnut Cove With An Average Of About Nine Cents. OFFERINGS POOR Large Crow J of Ladies and (ientlemen Attend the First Sales of the Ureal Stokes Staple. A representative of the Re porter attended the opening of the Walnut Cove tobacco market Tuesday. A large crowd of farmers, merchants, and business men were present, from over a large scope of the county. Many ladies graced the occasion with their presence. The Stokes County Warehouse, Semple & Davis, proprietors, had the first sale, their floor being well cover ed with about 1(H) loads. The new warehouse, Messrs. Taylor & Hutcheron, proprietors, had about one-third or one-fourth as much. The American Tobacco Company, The Export Company and Liggett-Meyers had buyers present. The offerings were the farmers' first curings of prim ings. Some of it was quite good, much was sorry and half green, a majority was common. The prices ranged from 2 cents to IS or 20 cents. We were told the average for the day was about !) cents at both houses. The farmers in most cases exprc3i-ed themselves satisfied with the prices received under the circumstances owing to the European war having largely disarranged the exportation of tobacco. The Imperial, the com pany that bulls the market, has not yet come on. The price may be conservatively said to be about 20 per cent. otV from last year's prices, and about as high as the year before last. Walnut Cove Route 3. Walnut Cove Route 3, Sept. 21. —The people are busy cutting tobacco and pulling fodder in this section. There was preaching at Mt. Carmel Sunday by the pastor. There will be preaching there again the 3rd Sunday in Octo ber by Rev. C. H. Hutcherson. Hope to see a large crowd out. Mr. Bruce Gatewood was bap tized at the river Sunday. Quite a crowd attended. Among those who visited at Mr. W. L, Mitchell's Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. John Dun can and Miss Eva Eatman: Messrs. Willie and Mallard Mitchell, of Madison Route 3; Oakley Crews, of Dennis: Chas. Crews, of Winston-Salem; Rev. T. J. Folger, of Danbury, and Mrs. Chas. Wagoner and child ren. There was a large crowd at tended services at Wilson church J Sunday. Mr*. J. D. Smith and children ; visited Mrs. S. F. Abbott Sun- J day. Miss Chattie Lasley is at home again after spending the sum mer at Piedmont and Moore's Awings. ZELMA. Miss Lizcie Adkins and Mrs. j SalKe Wall, of Red Shoals, visited | Mrs. M. T. Chilton yesterday, j Mrs. Chilton aoeaaipained them hone, ■returning ywterday. j I BEGIN DECEMBER 1 All Subscriptions To The Reporter Will Be Stopped When The Time Is Out-- Announcement of Publish ers. Some months ago the Reporter made an effort to install the cash-in-advance and stop-when your-time is-out plan for its subscription department. Owing to unavoidable circumstances the plan could not be put in working operation at the time announced for it. Beginning next December 1, this plan will be put in force, and strictly observed. All sub scriptions will be promptly dis continued when expired. All persons who desire the Reporter to continue to their address will please settle in full and pay up in advance by December 1, else their names will be drooped. All unpaid subscriptions on our books Dec. 1, 1914, will be put out for collection. PEPPER BROS., Danbury, N. C. BARN OF TOBACCO BOOHS Young l.ady I ill .Much Diphth eria Other Items Front King: Route Two. King Route 2, S>jpt. 21.—The farmers of this section are very busy taking care their tobacco. This section has a good crop of tobacco much better than was expected. We notice the public schools open October 12. We hope to have better teachers and better order so that we won't have to stop our children as soon as the compulsory law expires. There are lots of foxes in the neighborhood. Drs. Tillotson and Helsabeck report lots of diphtheria in this section. Mr. D. F. Tillotson went to Virginia to purchase a riding horse, but failed to find one to suit him. Miss Eftie Gordon, daughter of Mr. Bud Gordon, who has been seriously ill for some time, is slowly improving. Mr. Wade H. Boyles claims to be on the sick. We think he will be all right by the time the crop is gath >red. Mr. Nat Pratt burned a barn of tobacco in Mr. J. H. Djrsett's barn last week. Messrs. R. K. Long and C. F. | Donald are going to Oklahoma | this fall to look for real estate, j Born unto Mr. and Mrs. S. F. j Edwards, a boy. 1 M. E. CONFERENCE. Methodist Church at Danbury to Be Dedicated at Services Next Sunday at U O'clock. The regular quarterly confer ence of the M. E. church for Danbury circuit will be held here next Saturday and the pastor will be assisted by the Presiding Elder, Rev. R. M. Hoyle, of Mt. Airy. Mr. Hoyle will preach in the M. E. church here on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at which time the M. E. church will be j dedicated with appropriate 9er-| vices. The public w cordially in vited to attend the services. Mr. W. H. Clark, of Winston- Salem, came up today to visit his daughter. Mr* Dr. W. V. McCanless. DANBURY. N. C.. SEPTEMBER 23. H>l4 MEADOWS BRIDGES Two New Ones To Be Erected and Another To Be Repaired. WILL COST §5,423.00 R. R. King Is (iiven Contract By County Commissioners At Their Meeting Here Friday. At the special meeting of the County Commissioners here Fri day the contract was let to R. R. King, of Danbury, for the erec tion and repair of the following bridges in Meadows township: One bridge across Buffalo creek, between Germanton and Walnut Cove; one bridge across Neatman creek, between Ger manton and Ross' store: one bridge across Town Fork at Ger manton to be repaired or remodel ed. The price agreed upon for all the work was $5,423.00 and they are to be completed by January 1, 1015. News Items and Personal From Gideon. Gideon, Sept. 22. Services were conducted at Wilson Sun ! day by Elders Fagg, Stewart, i Tucker and Mabe. Quite a 1 crowd was out. The health of this community is verv good at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley More ; field, Mr. J. (i. 11. Mitchell and idaughter. Miss Bessie: Misses Annie Young, and Lillian Mitch ell; Messrs. John Flinchum, Walter Flynt, and Farm er were visitors at Mr. W. M. Flynt's Sunday. Miss Avis Dunlap is all smiles this week as Mr. Sam Alley called to see her Sunday. Messrs. John and Elmer Flinchum went to Pine Hall on business yesterday. Mr. Carey Flynt. of Walnut Cove, spent Sunday and Sunday night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Flynt, here. He was accompanied back Monday by his father. Mr. Bruce Gatewood was baptised Sunday in Dan river. Quite a crowd called at Mr. Alex Flinchum's Sunday after noon. Mr. Nat Nelson and sister. Miss Carrie, spent Saturday and Sunday at their uncle's, Mr. Alex Flinchum. Miss Myrt'e Fagg spent a short while with Miss Ethel Flynt Sunday morning. Mr. W. M. Flynt went to Walnut Cove today with a load of tobacco. Mr. Wyatt Duggins and Miss Bessie Martin passed through I here Sunday enroute home from I a visit to Mr. Alex Flinchum's. Mrs. Martha Reid is visiting friends at Dillard today. There will be preaching at Wilson church next first Sunday at eleven o'clock. While leaving Mr. J. W. Young's Sunday night Mr. John Flinchum's mule became fright-: ened and ran away. The mule' ran home and when they found ! it the mule enly had the shafts, and harness to it. tearing the bed and running gear of the buggy completely up. Mr. Flinchum escaped uninjured. Miss Sadie Flinchum spent a short while at Mr. W, M. Flynt's* Monday, IfRtMffiLETOG.. Sir. Cteve-Crews, conductor on* » k>«»l freififht train' running j between Greensboro and Mt. J Airy, was in Danburv on busi-| ness today. in GOES DRY State - Wide Prohibition Carried At Election Held Yesterday. MAJORITY .35,000 Law Does Not Taki Effect Until July 1, IVlf> Many lsar Rooms, Distilleries and Dispensaries Will Have To Close. Richmond, Va., Sept. 22. The state-wide prohibition forces won a sweeping victory at the polls in Virginia todey, returns at midnight showing that they had won by a majority of 35,000. This figure will be increased largely in favor of the drys when further returns are receiv ed frotn counties which tonight are inaccessible. With complete returns from all the cities and 44 of the 100 counties, and with scattering returns from other counties, the total vote is 121, - 703. It is estimated that the final total vote will reach 150,- 000. Of this vote the drys re ceived 77,453 as against 14,618 for the local optionists. The cities which were expected to roll up a majority for the local optionists sprung a surprise by giving 1,315 for the drys. Only four cities—Alexandria, Nor fold, Williamsburg and Rich mond returned majorities for the wets. KILLING RATTLERS. Mr. j. D. Hall Slays Three At One Shot -- W. R. Stewart A Single Large One. Snakes are said to be on the look-out for their hiding places for winter at this season of the year and there is evidently truth in the saying. Recently a num ber of rattlers have been killed in this section. The past week Mr. J. Dock Hall killed three rattlers near his home just west of Danbury at one shot with a gun. One of the three was an unusually large ons, being four j feet or more in length and had ; a long string of rattles. Last Sunday Mr. W. R. Stewart, of Danbury. killed a large rattler in the road near Danbury, Tl t snake had ten rattles and was about three and a half feet in length. j Buy War Supplies. Richmond. Va.. Sept. 21.—The British Government today placed an order here for I.(HM) sets tf artillery harness and 500 cavalry ; saddles to be ready for delivery jin six weeks. It is understood I cavalry and artillery mounts also art- being bought in Virginia. Baptising Sunday. VVestflald Route 1, Sept. —■ At Stoney Ridge Baptist church feist Monday Messrs. Bud Mabe and Eugene Marshall weie baptised by Rev. J. E. Simmon?, i Service® were held at the chur h immediately after the baptisii g. 1 Mr. Ale* Roger®, of Campbell, was here today, coming down in his new automobile. NEWS OF KING Smokestack Blown Down— Maddog Killed--Addition To Store Of Mercantile Co. King, Sept. 21.— The siroke stack at the Grabs Manufactur ing Co. \s plant was blown down .ast week and the plant has oeen closed since. The y will be ready for work in a few ilays again. Mr. J. T. Love is preparing to build an addition to his residence on Pulliam stieet. A maddog was killed one mile south of town late Friday after noon. No one was bitten so far as known. The new addition to the Shore Mercantile Co. store is nearing completion. The fast growing business of the Stokes Supply Co. has ne cessitated the employment of a stenographer and bookkeeper. A move is being agitated to to build a sand-clay road from Pinnacle via King and connect with Forsyth county's good road near Tobaccoville | ELECTION OFFICERS. Appointed By the Stokes ! County Board of Elec i tions At a Recent Meet ing. | The Stokes County Election I Board at a recent meeting in i Danbury appointed the following | registrars and judges to hold the general election in Stokes in November : Danbury precinct: J. M. Al ley, Registrar; J. D. Smith and 0. F. Yourg, Judges. Wilson's Stcreprecinct: Frank Ross, Registrar: J, H. Matthews jand L. B. BoLs, Judges, Cermanton precinct: L. M. ! McKenzie, Registrar; ?. 0. Hill iand G. W. N'ewsom, Judges. King precinct: S. R. Fulp, Registrar: L. K. Pulliam and L. J. Kiser, Judges. Bovles precinct: J. T. John son, Registrar; John H. Hamm and R. W. Covington, Judges. Pinnacle precinct: J.R.Stone, Registrar; W. A. Sullivan and V. G. Watson, Judges. Lawsonville precinct: J. S. Whitten, Registrar: R. L. Law |Son and L. D. Hole, Judges. Sandy Ridge precinct: G. A. Hutcherson, Registrar: T. M. Martin and S. H. Steele, Judges. Mitchell's precinct: E. L. | Mitchell, Registrar: J. Wilson j Mitchell and R. C, Gann, Judges. Pins Hall i recinct: J. C. Flinn, Registrar; J. E. Dalton and T. G. Reynolds, Judges. Walnut Cove irecinct: Wil liam Rierson, Registrar: James Hutcherson and H. G. Tuttle, Judges. Freeman precinct: M. D. Linville, Registrar: W. W. Fulp land J. L. Murray, Judges. Moir precinct: Joe France. Registrar: J. Moses Smith and Jno. E. Jessup, Judges. Frans precinct: J. P. George, Registrar; J. W. Dearmin and J. F. Nunn, Judges. Brown Mtn. precinct: J. F. George. Registrar; Dixie Smith and William Martin, Judges. Quaker Gao precinct: R. W. Hill, Registrar: Presley Palms r and L>. A. Simmons. Judges. - i Westtield Academy Opens. The Westtield Academy will open on MonJay, October sth. The following teachers have been elected for the ensuing year: Charles E. Hiatt, principal; W. D. George, intermediate grades and Misa Irene Payne, primary grades. v o. 1244 WALNUT COVE LETTER . Tobacco Market Opens With j Good Sak of the Weed. '.REAL ESTATE DEAL ' .Mr. A. \V. Ha-, is Hxchanges his Livery Business F r a Farm Boy Has His Arm Saw • ed Nearly Off—Other Items. i i CAXitrity .'.•/■ r >ttrxit, \r.iinht «■„, \ „. ~ ■ i :> i r/.v. ;• (. Walnut Cove, Sept. 22. T'ne warehouses held their opening sales here today with about thirty thousand pounds of to- I bacco, most of which was prim - ings. Considering the quality of the product it brought a very good price and although the • average was not so high as last year the farmers who sold here today were well pleased. ' Practically all the warehousemen I I for both houses are on the j floors and most of the buyers ' i for the large concerns are here. I Prospects are bright for this 1 market and it is an assured fact J that Walnut Cove will sell it 3 ; : share of the crop. The man j agers of the warehouses are i advising the farmers not to rush ' their tobacco in too fast as the j prices will probably be better ,; later in the season. | A real estate deal was male .I here last week whereby Mr. A , i W. Davis transferred his livery j business to Mr. J. A. Lewis for | his farm which lies about four J miles west of here. Mr. Lewis 1 has already taken charge of the ! livery stable and will remove his family to this place as soon as he can erect a residence, It has not been learned what busi ness Mr. Davis will engage in but it is known that he will still make this his home. Star Belding, a small colored boy, had his arm badly mangled last week while feeding a resaw in Covington's Tierce Factory. The boy was injured to such an extent that it became necessary for Drs, Tuttle and Fulp to amputate the arm. Misses Jettie Morefield, Mary Martin, Sallie Fulton, Eunice Vaughn and Bessie Morefield motored over to Winston-Salem in Miss Morefield's car Wednes day afternoon to witness the ! ball game. Motoring is a favor j ite pastime with the young ladies ! and many of the fair sex here ! have learned to handle a car with rcmrr'.itb.e skill. ! Miss Nan Linville, who has . heen t'ie ;.iiest of Miss Lucy ] L'urton for several weeks, lefc I ast week for her home in Waco, I Texas. Miss Linvilio made j many friends during her sojourn ] here who were sorry to see her leave. Colonel J. S. Ball, one of the world's renowned auctioneers arrived Saturday from Fair mont where he has been en : gaged in the sale of tobacco, j The colonel will be associated ! with Semple & Davis at the old | warehouse as auctioneer and the j farmers may rest satisfied that he will get them the highest market price for every pile of tobacco because when it comes to auctioneering the colonel is certainly on to his job. Mr. J. W. Walker, of Wins ton-Salem. was a business visi tor here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fulton spent Monday at Mount Airy where Mr. Fulton went to at tend to some business matters. Mr. R. E. Clodfelter, who is engaged in organizing the Order (Continued on page 5.)