Seme Good Advice to Tobacco Farmers. Mr. Editor: You will olease publish in yourj paper the following editorial: Farmers, hold your tobacco, on account of the prevailing low J prices of tobacco. I think it ad- j visable for the farmers to hold i their tobacco for a better price, j The low prices of tobacco and 1 cotton are caused by the! European war and the cut off of our export trade on our tobacco j to foreign countries. It looks i very reasonable that tobacco will j sell for a better price when i Europe declares peace and trans-! portation is opened up between 1 the United and Europe. Farm ers have formed a habit of | marketing their tobacco too early j and too fast. They seem to act as though they have to sell their tobacco early and very rapidly in order to get a price for it. I will admit it has been the case for the last several years, that the farmers that sold early in the season received the better price. But who brought about this con dition of affairs? The farmers brought it on themselves. The bulk of the tobacco is sold in the fall of the year when farmers ought to be harvesting their corn, sowing grain, clovers, grasses and other crops. The farmer that does these things on his farm, generally gets the most from his farm. If he does have to take a little less far his tobacco later in the season if the farmer would co-operate and agree to market their tobacco more gradual and in bet ter condition they would realize more for it. The buyers and manufacturers had rather buy it more gradual and in better con dition and better order. It costs them 10.--s tohnndli it, and isnotas liable to dam ige on their hands. The farmers should get in a posi tion to price their tobacco and h >ld it for that price. And if they could not get a price over the cost of production enough to enable them to educate their children and enjoy some of the luxuries of life, then stop making it. 1 am sorry to say that I belong to a class of people that don't think enough of their labor or what they make with their labor to put a price on it. It is a God given right that they have. Brother farmer, do not Bell your tobacco any faster than you are compelled to do to meet neccessary expenses. Yours very respectfully, W. A. L. VEAZEY, Lyons, N, C., Sept. 27. Children's shoes at Shore Mer cantile Co. 6 HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him per fectly honorably in all business transactions and finaciallyableto carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COM MERCE. Toledo, 0. Hall's Cattarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfa:es of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. For Sale ill Jl Bargain. V One fine river farm located only two miles from Stoneville, N. C. Good road leading from farm to town. Farm contains 136 acres of which 60 are in the best of bottom land. Two dwellings in fair condition, All necessary out buildings and also six tobacco bams. Call on or write, L. F. Frice or E. D. Tinaley, It Stoneville, N. C. Notice!: Tax Round and Public | Speaking. I will meet the people of Stokes ; county for the purpose of collect-, ing their taxes for 11)14, at the 1 following times and places: Danbur.v. Monday, Oct. 5, 1914. ] Dillard, Tuesday. Oct. >th, 1914. i Sandy Ridge, Wednesday, Oct. 7, 11)14. Lawsonville, Thursday, Oct. 8, 1914. Francisco, Friday, Oct. 9, 1914. W. R. Mitchell's Store. Saturday, Oct. 10, 1914. Wilson's Store, Monday, Oct. 12, 1914. Capella, Tuesday, Oct. 13, 1914. Pinnacle, Wednesday, Oct, 14, 1914. King, Thursday, Oct. 15, 1914. Germanton, Friday, Oct. l(i, 1914. Walnut Cove, Saturday, Oct. 17, 1914. The county candidates will at tend on the above tax round and address the people. Speaking will begin at 1 o'clock p, m. I hope the people will attend at the above times and- places and settle their taxes, and hear the candi dates. Everybody is respectfully invited. This the 9th day of Sept. 1914. W. C. SLATE, Sheriff. Children's hats at Shore Mer cantile Co. Be Careful! The Ford is my auto. I shall not walk. It maketh me to lie in the muddy road. It leadeth me into much trouble. It draweth on my purse. I go into the paths of debt for its sake. Yea. though I understand my Ford perfectly I f jar much evil, for the radius rods of the axle might break. It has a blow-out in the presence of mine enemies. I anoint the tire with a patch. The radiator boileth over. Sure ly this thing will not follow me all the days of my life, or I shall dwell in the house of poverty forever. Moral: Buy your Hardware from Kurfees Hardware Co., at Germanton. They have mad" war on high prices, and won the victory. 14oct2t Ladies' long coats at Shore Mercantile Co. Report of the Condition of the Bank of Stokes County at Dan bury-Walnut Cove, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business Sept. 12, 1914. ItKKOI'KI-KH. Loans ami discounts ¥214,144.tUl Overdraft* secured 1,4*5. IK I Hanking houses $2,05.'!.30: Furniture and Fixtures *4,420.20 7,370.50 All other real estate owned 725.00 Due from Hanks and Bankers 33.N73.25 Cash items 391.07 Oold coin 1 ,SO2 .V) Silver colli. Including all minor coin currency 1,«HK1.r»2 National hank notes and r. S. notes 4,00:1.10 Total... f205,5K0.10 LIAIIII.ITII:S. Capital slock paid In $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund 2,070 7»> I'lidivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes 550.0S Hills payable 35.000.00 Deposits subject to check.. 00,(105.52 Deinnnd Certificates of Deposit 40,205.01 Cashier's Checks outstand ing 700.20 Total *2tis„miO State of North Carolina. County of Stokes. I, N. IS. I'epper, * Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that (he above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. N. K. I'KI'PKK, CashieU Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 10th dav of Sept., 1014. E. I*. I'EPPEU, Notary i'ulilic. Correct—Attest : M. T. CHILTON. .1. I!. WOODKI'KF, ,1. 11. KILTON, Directors. Children's coats at Shore Mer cantile Co. NOTICE. Mr. C. E. Davis, the Editor and Manager of the Reporter, Walnut Cove Department, is authorized to receive subscrip tions, advertising and job work! Call on Mr. Davis at the Bank of Stokes County when in town, tell him the news, and give him some business. ' DAN BURY REPORTER. MILLINERY Shore Mercantile Co., COAT SUITS _______ King, IN. C. _____ We Offer Special Values For Fair Week In Coat Suits, Millinery, Shoes and Dry Goods. We have the most complete line ever put on dis play in Stokes county, bought direct from the manufacturers. Our many years of experience in this line of goods enables us to know where i to buy and what to buy at prices that mean i a great saving to our customers. This depart - i ment of aur large store is very busy now, and i trade is increasing daily. Come in and make i our store headquarters during the fair. Look i over our stock, ask the prices and see for your self the values we are offering. ASK ABOUT OUR PREMIUM DISHES. rrwiawMMiiwmßTTnfiii'niiMr r^i^rjeamaoßßaa SliObS ! ! DRV GOODS L King, IN. C. f Notice of Sale of Real Instate. I'.y virtue of a decree of tin* Super ior Court of Stokes enmity, N. rendered on the :10th day of March, 11)14, iu the special proceeding entitl ed : "A. J. Fair against Mary .lane Fulton ami others," we will expose to puldie sale to ilie highest bidder for cash oil Saturday, Oct. the :11st, 1014, at the hour of one o'clock p. in. at the court house door In the town of Danlmry, N. C„ the following tract of land In Stokes county, to-wit: "Beginning at a white oak, Davis' corner, runs Fast 011 ills line seven chains and f'dt.v links to a wh'teoak, France Fulton's corner, thence South on his line eighteen chains to point ers In Homturant's line, West on .1. 1". W, Davis former line, seven chains aud fifty links to pointers, thence North 011 said Covington's line, eigh teen chains to the lieglmiing," and lielng the same tract of land convey ed by deed from Annie F. Lash and husbuud, \V. A. Lash, to Thomas W. Fulton, r«>corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes county, in Hook No. 40. page M. and to whiehjrefereticc is hereunto made. This flu- 1:1 th day of Oct., UU4. .1. D. HTM I'll UK VS. I N.O. I'KTKKK, r OI,,rH ' Notice of Sale. By virtue of authority confer red upon me by Deed of Trust executed by R. L. Simpson and wife Dora Simpson, on the first day of September 1913, said deed of trust being recorded in book 55 page 583 of the record of deeds of trusts of the County of Stokes, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at Madison N. C. in front of the Bank of Madison at two o'clock P. M. on Tuesday the 17th day of November 1914 the following described real estate, to wit: being a certain boundary of land containing forty nine and 59-100 acres in Stokes county. For full descrip tion see deed from Z. L. & Celia Wall to said Simpson of date of September the Ist, 1913 t on re cord in Stokes County. J. 0. RAGSDALE, Trustee. This Oct. 14, 1914. WANTED —A lady to keep house. Will pay fair price. J. W. LACKEY, 14oct4t Campbell. N. C. THE DANBURY REPORTER Sale of Valuable Timber. I'.y virtue of a uccrce of the j I Superior Court of Stokes county i 1 rendered by M. T. Chilton C, S. C. in j , j the Special Proceedings entitled, ■j "Nannie A. Tillotson, Kxccutri.x of 1.1. C. Tillotson, deceased, vs. L. K. 1 [ Hoyles et al," 1 will sell at public 1J auction to the highest bidder in ; front of Shore Mer. Co.'s Store at ■ King. Stokes county, N. C. 011 Satur . day, the 14th day of November, 11114, , at the hour of one o'clock I'. M. all , of the marketable timber of all 1 kinds upon the following described lands to-wit: A tract of land , situate, lying and being in Yadkin ' township, Stokes county, N. C. 011 " the waters of the Little Yadkin, being the home place where J. C. I Tillotson resided adjoining the lands . of b. F. Tillotson, C. H. Lunsford, ' H. 1.. Dennett, W. L. Smith, 11. i. ■ ( lien try and S. A. .lones, and it being ja part of the tract of land assigned I to .1. C. Tillotson in the division of , | tlie lands of his father, John Tillot j son, except the walnut trees which ■ I will not be sold, said timber to be 1 sold being of the size of fourteen j inches across the stump, one foot - above the ground, and above said t size, tlie same to be sold by the j! thousand feet board measurement, .land paid for before removed from I the premises, which removal shall | | 1 *; be made within one year from sale, C | and tlie measurement to be made by 5 i one person selected by the executrix and another selected by the purchaser and if they are unable to agree they to call in a third person 1 to assist them, the decision of any t two of tlieui to be final as to f | measurement Sale will be made | subject to tlie continual ion of the 1 j court. Full particulars as to details j are intended to be set out above. 1 i and will be fully explained on day r i of sale. This Sept.-'tit h. lul l. 1 , NAN NIK TILLOTSON. -1 Kxecutrix of J. C. Tillotson, dec'd. M J. I). Humphreys! ! Au ' vs for Kn -I Notice—Sale of Real Estate. lly virtue of a decree of the Sii|ier |«>r Court of Stokes county, rendered oil the llttii day of Sept., 1014. 11l the • S|K>cial Proceeding entitled "J. F. Newsoin, et al, exparte," appointing the undersigned a commissioner to " make sale of the lands hereinafter set q forth. I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, upon the pretdleee at Kiug, Stokes county. N. C., on Saturday, Oct. 24th, 1914, at I. tlie hour of one o'clock p. in., the fol lowing lands formerly beloiiginu' 10' ; 'John W. Newsoin. deceased. . j First Tract, beginning at a black j gum. J. \V. Newsoin's and Crabs' ' ■ corner, runs ICast (is yards to a ] I rock, thence North l(l> yards to a . rock, thence West lis 2ii-.*>ti yards to a 1 post oak, thence South ItHi yards to the beginning. Second Tract, beginning at a 1 stake. Kclgcr's corner, runs Knst with Crabs' line. crossing a liranch 1 s chains and 41 links to a post oak. I thence South 011 Lloyd's line 4 chains .' and 77 links to a black gum, thence | West crossing branch Kchalnsnnd 41 links to a stake. In Keiger's line. I thence North with his line 4 chains and 77 links to tlie beginning, coii- I tabling ."il-2 acres, more or less. Less one-half of one acre sold to L. A. Hut ledge and wife. 1 This the 10th day of Sept. 1014. C. D. SLATK. Coin'r. j N. o. l'etree, Attv. forCom'r. ; ; LAND SALE! Hy virtue of n decree of the Super ' ior Court of Stokes county rendered 1 by M. T. Chilton, C. S. ('., in tlie 1' Special Proceedings entitled Henry 1 . Mitchell et al vs. William Ward et al ! appointing the undersigned a com- [ liiissioiicr to make sale of the herein after described lands, 1 will on Tues -1 lay. October the 20th, 1014, at the t hour of one o'clock p. in. in front of I tlie Postoflice at billard, N. C., sell at public auction to the highest bidder' ' for cash the following described . lands, to-wit: , A certain tract of land situate., ■ lying and being in the county of Stokes and State of North Carolina • in Heaver Island township, adjoin-; ' iug the lands of S. A. Mitchell, c. A : Mitchell, deceased, W. A. Ward and , others aud bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a dogwood corn • er of Lot No. 1, runs Kast 011 Ward's 1 line 2:1 1-1' chains to a white oak in Ward's line, thence South wi'hsaid , line lti 1-2 chains 10 a stake, thence| West 011 line of l.ot No. 4, 2:11-2. chains to a pine comer of Lot No. 1. thence North on said line lii 1-2 ' chains to the beginning containing :|« :S-lt> acres more or less and it be ing Lot No. 2 in the division "f tlie ' lands of the late Anderson Carter, deceased, which was allotted to Jasper J. Carter, who has since died. For record of said division see Hook , • No. :>ii, pages 2tir>, etc., in the otlice of 1 tlu' Register of Deeds of Stokes conn-, I ty. N. C. Sale will be made subject . to the continuation of thecoui'l. This Sept. 12th, 1014. W. K. COOLSHY, Coin'r. - J. D. HI'MPHUKYS. Atty. for IMffs. 1 i' j For Sale or Exchange For Stokes ; County Property. e 1 have for sale a house and lot t in Winston-Salem, corner lot 150x175 feet, house large, 2-story, 11 morns including 2 basement rooms and bath room, with modern conveniences, water and lights, and promise of sewe rage at early date. Room on lot to build ti tenement houses. Good feed barn and other out houses, and garden. Located in Fair view, splendid residential section. One block from car line, two churches and school within ! three blocks. Will sell or will exchange for small farm near railway sta i tion in Stokes county. Address Box 451, Winston-Salem, N. C. 2sept tf NOTICE! IliiviiiK duly iualitied as ;i>lminfs ■ trator of the estate of Mrs. Mary J, ; Newstnn. deceased, nutlet' is hereby ; iiiven to all persons hohlinu claims apiinsi salil estate to present them tome for payment, duly authenti cated, on or by the Kith day of Sept., | litl.'i. or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of their recovery. All pei'Hons indebted to said estate are renpect fully requested to make immediate payment tome. This the 12th day of Sept.. I!tl4. I>. SLATI'.. \ilinr.. P. >.: Kiim. N. t'. N, i'DTKKK. At t.v. for Admr. Sale of Valuable Personal Properly. On the premises at the home place of the late Thomas M. Baker, on King Route 1, on Thursday, November 1!), we will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the personal property belonging to the estate of the said Thomas M. Baker, consisting of household and kitchen furniture, including the library one organ, furniture, etc.: two good mules, wagons and harness, one buggy, one drill, corn shucker. mowing machine, I rake; a quantity of hay, wheat, ' corn, fodder, shucks, tobacco Hues, farming tools of all description, and various other articles of personal property. Sale will begin at 10 A. M. Be sure and attend this sale, as you will be sure to get some great bargains. T. F. BAKER, ROBERT BAKER, Executors of T. M. Baker, deceased.