DAN BURY REPORTER VOLUME XL. me DAY AT KING Opening of the Stokes County Fair Very Successful. CREDITABLE SHOW Exhibits Ref ect Favorably On the Resources Of the County Larjje Crowds Expected Today and Tomor row. Tin- openiug day of tile Sto ken 'utility Kail- Tuesday wu* very suc cessful, and a representative of the Reporter eouuteil himself fortunate to lie present. The weather looked a little bit threatening, and hut for thin the signs were auspicious for the mortt successful fair in the his tory of the association. Mr. D. K. Tiilotaou. the President, in everywhere looking after tlie com fort. and the entertainment of the \ visitors. Likewise Mr. L. K. Ptil iUm. the etfieleut secretary, is there helping to keep things straight. Mr. E. P. Newsom is looking after the tinances, while Messrs. !. «. Boles and 1. A. Hlw-more are gate keeper*. The personnel of the fair are molt accomodating and courte ous gentlemen. The exhibits are certainly tine, and reflect great credit on the M»«>d farmers of the community, especially the lacbi's. whose displays of fancy work and cookery attracted general * attention. Among the farm pro ducts the specimens of wheat, corn and oat*, and many other articles, were subjects of wide comment. it is regretted that space forbids a more extended write-up of the fair, which will doubtless lie one of the best yet held. Among the good people of the community who were present were noticed I). Tuttle, S. !•'. Shite, S. It. Fulp, J. \V. Johnson, J. S. D. I'ul- Ham, it. F. Pulllatti, O. W. Smith, Wn». Smith, Luther Gravltt, tj. A. Jones, J. E. Wilson. I. A. Sizemore, \V. A. I'etree, .lames Fulk, t'aiie Boles, W. A. Sullivan, ami nnuiy others. Today and tomorrow large 'crowds are expected at the Fair. • Millinery at Shore Mercantile Company. TO SPEAK IN STOKES. Mr. J. H. Folger, Democratic Candidate For the Senate, To Address Voters. Hon. J. H. Folger. of Mt. Airy, the Democratic candidate for the Seuate In this district, will address the voter# of Ktokes county at the ■times and places mentioned lieiow : Walnut Cove, Wednesday, Oct. -1, s o'clock p. in. Dan bury, Thursday, Oct. - M .(, s o'clock p. in. .Sandy Itldge, Frldav, Oct. :to. 11 o'clock a. in. The public Is cordially invited to attend. If you need horses or mules be ' S sure to attend the auction sale of stock at Joyce's stables in Wal nut Cove next Thusday, Oct. 29. Sale begins at 10 o'clock A. M. There Will Be No Panic. There is no panic, there will be no panic. K very tiling a farmer can (produce lu tlie country is selling a*, good prices for ca-di. excerit cotton, and as si mil as the war Is over, or long before, the ciltton situation will be adjusted. Tobacco Is selling 'as hinii as It ever sold before, with the exception of last. year. Tlju. banks are all sound, and money Is available oil good security. A man wno will go around over the couu tt.v yelling panic hasn't enough sense to lie dangerous, but he ought to lie nnixstled tot a common nuis ance. There will be a car load of mares, colts and young mules " sold at public auction at R. P. Joyce's stables in Walnut Cove on Thursday, Oct. 29. Sala be gins at 10 o'clock A. M. A surprise birthday supper was given at the home of Mr. James Alcorn's near Dillard last Monday night. Quite a crowd was present. We have exclusive agency for bMh the OLIVER CHILLED and CHATTANOOGA plows, and carry a line of each with repairs. 14oct2t KURFEES HDWE. CO. Pictorial Review, one dollar per year. The fashion authority in over one mil ion homes. Your subscription or renewal will re ceive prompt and careful atten tion. Was severely injured two yeqri a?® aT, d have since beep unab'e to walk; and am earning my living in this way, Uptw G. Wilson. Madison, N.C 21oct2c SALES OF TOBACCO. Semple & Davis, Of the Stokes County Ware house, Get Farmers Good Prices. Below are a few sales made the past week with Semple & Davis of the Stokes County Warehouse at VVainut Cove. These men are working hard for the farmers and they guarantee the ones who sell with them as good a price as any market gets. Good tobacco is selling hifh and now is the time to sell your primings. The sales mentioned above are as follows : Capt. Lee Nelson. 44 ibs. at 17, 3a at 15 1-2, 90 at 10 1-4, 70 at 17. 170 and 18 1-2. J. T. Nelson. 180 at 17 1-2, 140 at 14 3-4, 30 at 17 1 2, 104 at 14 3-4. W. M. Nelson, 200 at 16 1-2, 70 at 12 1-2, 16 at 14. W. 0. Baker. 160 at 13 3-4, 100 at 16, 160 at 13, 156 at 16. W. 0. Baker, 100 at 20, 40 at 20, 70 at 18 1-2, 120 at 13, 20 at 40. A. A. Bowles, 50 at 19, 60 at 11 1-3, 24 at 16, 50 at 16, 70 at 11 3-4. Rut'us P. Mabe, 144 at 20. lin at 12 1-2. W. L. Nelson. 85 at 15. 166 at 19, 430 at 10, 135 at 7 1-4. S. M. Wilson, 34 at 13, 64 at 11 3-4, 160 at 16 1-2, 68 at 6. J. 0. Abbott, 10 at 20, 54 at 17 1-2, 102 at 131-4. Jesse Bennett, 40 at 14 34, 100 at 15, 60 at 9, 190 «t 18 1-2, 50 at 20. Ruth Mabe, 46 at 14 8-4. 64 a> 17 3-4, (# at 18, M at If 1-2. W. 0. Fulp. 380 at I'.', 60 at 20. 304 at 14 1-2. Bob Stevens, 120 at 15, 104 at 16 1-2, 30 at 20. Geo. Bowman, 170 at 15 12, 15 at 16 1-2. 150 at 14 3-4, 105 at 9 1-3 A. B. Nelson, 55 at 13, 60 at 17, 54 at 22 1 2, 182 at 17 1-2. J. W. Lasley, 170 at 17, 452 at 10. A. Bowman, 206 at 14 1-2, 320 at 18. 50 at 20. W. M. Tuttle, 70 at 15 1-2, 110 at 18, 84 at 18 l-2i 40 at 25, 64 at 12. W. L. Bullen, 372 at 17 1-2, 124 at 18 1-2, 100 at 16 1-2, 46 at 9. Jim Mabe, 70 at 15 1-2, 80 at 19 1-2, 70 at 20, 80 at 16 1-2, 60 at 8. W. R. Fagg, 60 at 15 1-2, 30 j at 22, 100 at 17 1-2, 50 at 7 1-2. MUCH SICKNESS; Rev. P. Oliver and Others j of The King, Section 111-- I Wheat Sowing Slow To 1 Get Under Way. King Route 2, Oct. 19 Rev. P. Oliver is quite feeble this week, his many friends will regret to know. We regret to learn that Mr. and 1 Mrs. Wade H. Boyles are both on the sick list. Miss Clemmie Boyles is also very ill at this writing. Mr. C. H. Lunsford went to Virginia on business last week. Our people are attending the County fair at King this week and report it good. Mrs. C. H. Boyles is spending a few days with her sister at Reidsville. The farmers are now market ing a good deal of tobacco from this section and report prices good. On account of wet weather farmers are behind with their grain sowing. Some oats have been put in. We are sure that farmers will make no mistake in sowing lots of wheat this jear While we don't believe there is much money in growing wheat to sell in this country, it is a great saving to make our own supplies at home. SCRIBBLER I | When fou Visit Winston-Salem Be sure to look for the little I white store obposite the market : house where'wu get hot weiners 'at only sc. Fresh Kitchen Candy on'y 10c. a pound. - Remember the place. ; • •' 15oct4t i J. R. POLLING, Prop. wmsTws&ifii, N. C. DANBURY, N. C.. OCTOBER 21, 1914 DON'T FORGET. ' Beginning December 1, 1914, the cash-in-advance plan will be adopted by the DANBURY REPORTER, and all unpaid subscriptions will be dropped from ! the list. This is the policy adopted by a majority of the progressive newspapers of the United States. Our friends will oblige us by helping us carry out the policy.' It is best for the paper and best for the , subscriber. The expense and labor of collecting small amounts is the reason we take this procedure. Many of our subscribers who have for many years made it a habit to pay up once a year, will confer a 'favor by not forgetting that this rule will apply to all, and no exceptions will be made in the case of any person. Address : DANBURY REPORTER, N Danbury, N. C. NSFFL CAPTURED: Stokes County Officers Seize One Hundred and Twenty Gallons. NEAR CAPELLA V H. ). Bryant, of Patrick County, Is Found With the Booze and Held Under $500.00 Bond—Team Escapes. Stokes county officers on Wednesday night captured one hundred and twenty gallons of whiskey cr brandy near Capella, nine miles south-west of Dan bury. A man, giving his name as H. 0. Bryant and claiming to be from Patrick county, was found with the booze. He was arrest ed and carried before Justice of the Peace J. H. Covington, of Capella. who found sufficient evidence against him to bind him over to Superior Court in a bond of $600.00. This ha was unable to give and Deputy Sheriff Tom Watkins brought Bryant to jail here Thursday. He later gave the bond and was released. The team which hauled the whiskey and was driven by another man was not captured as the whiskey had been unbaded in the woods before the officers found it. The booze was in two large barrels of sixty gallons each, and was turned over to the Federal authorities at Winston-Salem. Bryant denies knowing any thing about the seized whiskey but Deputy Sheriff Watkins stated that the evidence against him was strong and that he found the stopper to one of the barrells in Bryant's pocket. Ladies' hats at Shore Mercan tile Co. Death of Mrs. Wesley Sizemore Mm. Wwley WieDiorr ilinl at her home near.Quaker iap church early | Tuesday morning, nfter it lingering tllufHH of couHumption. She I* nur- { vlved by a liutibrnd and four child-1 ren. The euterment will be made I at I'nion Hill cemetery today At | one o'clock. The sorely aggrieved family have the ulncere Hympathy of the com munity. Ladies' long coats at Shore Mercantile Co. hopeless Lung Trouble Cured. | Many recoveries from Lung Troubles are due to Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It strengthens the Lungs, checks the Cough and gives relief at once. —Mr. W. S. Wilkins, Gates, N. C. writes: "I used Dr. Ball's Pine-Tar-Honey in a case given up as hopeless and it affected a complete cure." Get a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine- Tar- Hwey. If your cough is dry and hacking let it trickle down the throat, you will surely get relief. Only 555 c. at your Druggist. MEN CAPTURED HERE Are Held Under SIO,OOO Bonds By U. S. Com missioner. , I AT GREENSBORO 17TH __ Charged With Postoffice Robbery At Siler City—Portland Ned Is Uterviewed By Greeas boro Newspaper. James Johnson, known as "Portland Ned," and T. A. Conway, the two men arrested on suspicion by Stokes county officers oear Walnut Cove in August, were given a preliminary hearing in Greensboro Saturday on the ehhrge of robbing the pntoffice at Siler City, N. C, and were held in bonds qf $lO,- 000 each. The Greensboro News inter- J viewed "Portland Ned" after | the trial and in its Sunday's edition has the following in regard to the trial and the inter view : The case of James Johnson and T. A. Conway, charged with breaking in the postoffice at Siler City, was heard before U. S. Commissioner Collins yester day. The trial was conducted by Postoffice Innpectors Gregory and Hodgin. The defendants were represented by Attorney J. W. Hall, of Danbury. The evidence Introduced against the prisoners was to the effect that | they were seen In Slier City on the 1 day before the night of the burglary. I This, toaether with the fact that 'tiie men had dynamite and cap* with them when nrrested In Stokes county, caused the commissioner to hind I hem over to Federal court in bonds of #10.00(1 each. Attorney Hall contended that the evidence as to the carrj inn dynamite was in»t competent in i lie cime be ing tried, but it was allowed to stand. It is learned that Johnson Is from ail excellent family lu Philadelphia. The News says that in its Inter view with .iohuson he stated em phatically that lu* had never been to Slier City and did not know where the place wns. Me claims that lie has not had Fair treatment since his arrest 111 Stokes county, aud that the Slier City matter wm»a frame up of the I'ostortice inspectors to hold lilni when they found lie could give hum! In tiie case against him in Stokes. Coat Suits at Shore Mercan tile Co. Appointment of J. C Bower At Capella Is Cancelled. 'Hie appointment of Solicitor .l.j Bower to xpwik at (.'npelm lian > been cancelled on account of Mr Rower not licinu: alile to lnv prenent | on the day appointed. The other, appointment* made for Mr. llower; will he tilled. I Toned Up Whole System. "Chamberlain's Tablets havjj done more for me than I ever dared hope for." writes Mrs. I Esther Mae Baker, Spencerport, I N. Y. "I used several battles of i these tablets a few months ago. I They not only cured me of bilious attacks, sick headaches and that! tired out feeling, buttoned upmv whole system." For sale by All Dealers. SOMETHING NEW. Agency To Be Established In Stokes To Handle Any thing For Sale From Real Estate Down To the Small est Article. Stokes is to have something new .in the way of a selling agency. This aavuey proposes to handle anything for sale from real estate on down to the smallest article, lis object and business will be to find a buyer for the man having something for sale, and to find what is wanted for the liiati desiring to buy. The members of the new lirm are .1. W. East and E. F. l'epper, the former having an office at Walnut Cove and the latter at Danbury. Farms, timlter, machinery, stock, cattle and In fact anything and everything the |ieople wish to sell or buy will lie listed and the buyer and seller will be brought together. For Instauce a man wauts a cer talu kind of farm In a certain sec tion— tills agency will lind Itforhim, another wants to B*ll his farm, the agency finds him a buyer, and the same way with the hundreds of other articles. The agency will do Its business largely through advertising by keep ing the people informed as to iVliat It has to offer npil what It wants to buy, anil it promises to be a great c inreniencp to the buying and sell ing public. Death of Mr. Jesse A Duncan Of Sandy Ridge Route 1. Mr. .(esse A. Duncan, a good citizen who resided on Sandy ttidge ICoute 1. passed a way at his home suddenly with heart fullure Tuesday morning. The deceased was about ff! years of age. lie Is survived by his wife and eight sons and daugh ters. Mrs. .lames Itiggs. Mrs. lUtMle Mabe. Mrs. Mary Martin. Messrs. Will. Jess. Weft, John and Tllden Duncan. Mr. Duncan resided on t!ie Phillips farm. A car load of good live stock will be sold in Walnut Cove at Joyce's stables at public auction next Thursday, Oct. 29. Don't fail to attend. You can buy a bargain there. Sale starts at 10 o'clock A. M. Excellent Town Lots To Be Sold In Rural Hall On Tuesday, Nov. 2rd.' Three excellent building lots locat ed on Main street in Rural Mall will j he sold at public auction by Dr. It. H. Moretieid on Tuesday, Nov. "rd, j at one o'clock, 'I liese lots are among the most valuable In Rural Hall and parties desiring to make a good investment will do well to attend this sale which will lie held lit llural Hull oil the above date. I'loctl't Woman's Home Companion and The American Magazine, each $1.50 per year. Both one year for $2.00 if your subscription is received on or before Nov. 7th. Upton G. Wilson, Madison, N. C. 1 21oct2t Affray Neat King; One In The Hospital, The Other In lail. A young fellow named Cromer of Winston Uin jail here charged with nearly killing Walter Whltaker •>f Iving near tiie Stokes County Fair grounds Tuesday evening- Roth | were drunk. Cromer struck Whit , aker over the head with a rock or ! stick ami probably fractured his I skull. Whltaker was carried In nil ' automobile to a Winston hospital. Ifheriff Slate, who arrested Whltaker, i brought Ills prisoner to Jail here. The Etude A magazine for music lovers. Each issue con- j tains at leant twenty pieces of i music. $1.50 per year. Yourj subscription will receive prompt 1 attention. Write for sample copv Upton G. Wilson. Madiaon. N. C. 1 2loct2t : Hon. Victor S. Bryant To Speak At Walnut Cove Tomorrow Night.; i Hon. Victors. Itr.vnnt, of Durham. ! will addren* the voter* on the poiltl- leal i amies at Walnut (love tomorrow ! niKht. Oct. Mr. Hryant I* a very) !en tort«l »i In a: H|M*jtker mul tli» % iMiblk* I is cordially Invited to hear him. I It Always Does the Work. ' "I like Chamberlain's Coufih Remedy better than anv other." writes E. E. Roberts. Homer I Citv, Pa. "I have taken it off, j : and on for years and it has never I failed to give the desired results." j For sale by All Dealers. I Hon. A. L. Brooks will address 1 the people of Stokes county at | Dan bury, Monday Oct 26. ' Sample clothing at Boyles Bros. J Winston Siletn. 21 oct 4t. No. 2,048 PIES DUE GOOD Much Tobacco Being Market ed This Week By Farmers. AVERAGE sl2 TO sl3 Winston - Salem and Walnut Cove Markets Have Good Breaks and Farmers Are Satisfied. IMirintf (In* past vvet'k tlie \V!tm- and Walnut ove tobac co markets have each had ic-vxl breaks and the price* received for I the \v«fd have Iweu generally very : satisfactory t> the farmers. At Winston-Salem Monday the total amount of the WWK! sold \V;»H ils,4Wy pounds and the average price paid for it wax ♦llt'JO per hundred. i The Walnut Cove market Hold [about M.OtM) pounds at ahout the j Maine a rera^e. ! All of the buyers for the v&rhMM 'companies are now on the market \ and the prospect* for good priced j to continue Is bright. Music Club Meets. ! The Etude Music Club met I with the Misses Joyce on Friday ! evening:. October 9th. ! This was quite an enjoyable event for the young people, as it was the first meeting of the club since last July. The meeting was called to order by the President. During a short business session it was de cid'd upon to elect new officers, for which Miss Nell Joyce was elected President: Mrs. Weston, Secretary; and Mr. Helsateck was re-elected Treasurer. After the Secretary's and Treasurer's reports the following program was rendered: Piano duet —"Minuet" —Pade rewski, Misses Mary Taylor and Mary Joyce. Piano solo "The Last Hop«," Miss Agnes Martin. Vocal solo "Meet Me Tonight 'mid the Roses, ' Mrs. Weston. Pianoso'o- "Meditation,"Miss L'jna Taylor. Vocal solo-"In the Garden of My Heart," Miss Mary Joyce. Piano solo - "Dengoys" Maxixe Miss Mary Taylor, i Quartette—"When You and I :Were Young, Maggie," Miss Mary Joyce, Mrs. Weston and J Messrs. C. R. HeUabeck and j Robt Joyce. After the program a delight j ful social hour was passed. Chocolate and wafers were served by Miss Raynor Joyce assisted by Luna Taylor. Visitors present were Miss Mattie Joyce and Mr. Sander* Rierson, Jr.. of Walnut Cove; :md Messrs. Burnie Culler and John Taylor, of Danbury. Misses Agnes Martin, Luna Taylor and Raynor Joyce were appointed a committee to arrange the program for the next meet ing which will be held with Miss Sadie Petree, Friday evening, October 23rd. Don't fail to attend the auction sale of mares, colts and mules at Joyce's stables in Walnut Cove next Thursday, Oct. 29. Sale i starts at 10 o'clock A. M. Keep Your Stomach and Liver Healthy. A vigorous Stomach, perfect working Liver and regular act ing Bowels is guaranteed if ? ou will use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They insure good Diges tion, correct Constipation and have an excellent tonic effect on the whole system—Purify your I blood and rid you of all body poisons through the Bowels. Only 25c. at your Druggist. An auction sale of horses and mules will be eoncucted at Joy ce's stables in Wa.nut Cove next Thursday. Oct. 29. Sale starts at 10 o'clock A. M. This will be I a good opportunity to buy good ; stock cheap.