DAN BURY REPORTER VOLUME XL. SCAFFOLD FAILS Four Workmen Thrown Twenty Feet To the Ground \\ ithout Serious Injury. I WAREHOUSES CLOSE Walnut Cove Market Has Sold One and A Quarter Million Pounds of Tobacco Other News Of Our County Town. Walnut Cove, Dec. 22.-What came' near proving a serious ac cident occured Friday when a scart'old on the new store house be ing erected by Mr. J no. K. Smith gave way and hurled the oc cupants, Messrs. Jesse George, Isaac Neal, Jas. Davis and Ed Hicks, to the ground twenty feet below. Strange to relate none of the carpenters were seriously injured, however, all of them suffered painful bruises. After three months of suc cessful business the warehouses closed for the holidays last Fri day until the first week in Jan. Thus far both houses have sold a million and a quarter pounds of the weed for which the banks have paid to the growers a total of nearly one hundred and thirty thousand dollars, an average of about $10.42 per hundred. Tl is market is far ahead in pounds and average of any town in the state of equal size and capacity. The Methodist Sunday School at Stokesburg will hold its an nual entertainment and Christ mas tree Thursday evening at seven thirty. At the Episcopal church a like service will be held at the same hour on Friday evening. Mr. T. C. C'reson, of the firm of lames & Co., who conduct the bowling alley and cafe, this week sold his interest in the business to Mr. J. E. James who will continue to conduct the en terprise. Mr. Creson, it is learn ed, will return to his farm west of here. An immense amount of "Christ mas corn juice" from Virginia towns is being unloaded at the stations here this week and from present indications the . famous beverage will flow freely. It is estimated that more than five hundred gallons were unloaded during this week and last and every train continues to bring its supply. Mr. Natt Hedgecock, who con duets a brick manufacturing en terprise at Greensboro, spent last week in this section bird hunting. Messrs. W. P. Nelson and O. M. Bennett, two thriving mer chants of northern Stokes, were in town last week on business. Misses Lillie Joyce, Sallie Ful ton, Mesdames J. H. Fulton and H. H. Davis and others from here spent a day shopping in Winston-Salem last week. Messrs. C. R. Hutcherson, Jr., and Dexter Tuttle, two students j of Atlanta Dental College, ar-1 rived here Friday to spend the; holidays with relatives. Mr. R. J. Petree, of German- j ton, was a business visitor in : town Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bowles' and little son, Billie, left Sunday j for Dallas, Texas, where they will visit relatives for several weeks. Misses Thelma Neal and Nan nie Jones, students of Salem College, arrived Saturday to spend the holidays with their parents. j BOOZE IS SCARCE. Reported That Eighteen Dis tilleries Were Destroyed On Shooting Creek, Patrick County, Last Week. Mr. Moses B. Mabe, who was o. Dan bury visitor yesterday, has just returned from a trio to Patrick county, Va., and he reports that revenue officers last week destroyed eighteen dis tilleries on Shooting Creek, in the northern part of Patrick county. As a result of this raid Mr. Mabe stated that booze was exceedingly scarce in Patrick. He knew of one man who last week visited all of the places | where whiskey is usually to be | found without even getting a drink. Io Preach Sunday. King, Dec. 22. Rev. li. A. Helsabeck. of Salem, Va., will preach at Galatia Christian church next Sunday, 27th, at 11 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to come out. AT DILLARD TODAY. j Pupils of Dillard School Given Christmas Tree ! —Teachers Return Home. i A Christmas tree with appro priate exercises was given the I pupils of Dillard school at the j school house this morning at 10 o'clock. A large attendance was j reported. The three teachers of the J school, all of whom reside in j other counties, leave today for ; their respective homes. Miss Bernice Woodrull' is spending several days with her sister, Miss Elizabeth, in Greens boro this week. Mr. J. A. Dixon, a tobacco buyer on the Critz, Va., market, spent Monday night in town enroute to Winston-Salem. Mr. Paul Fulton went to Greensboro Friday, returning Saturday. The Gem Theatre is showing interesting scenes of the Euro pean war this week and good crowds are in attendance every night. Miss Margaret Wheeler, who is attending school at Lenoir, arrived Friday to spend the holidays with relatives. The High School closed Friday until Monday, Jan. 4. The facul ty, Prof. J. W. Scroggs, Misses Laura Waddell, Ozelle Lewis, Mary Martin and Kate McPher son left Saturday for their re-, spective homes to spend Christ mas. Capt. W. P. Landreth, who has been confined to his home j for several weeks, is sufficiently j recovered to be out again. Mr. B. J. Savage, of German- 1 ton, was a business visitor here ( Monday. Mr. W. L. Nelson, of Danbury: Route 1, is here this week look ing after some business affairs. ! Mr. John Brown, an aged and, respected citizen who has lived, here for several years, died sud denly at the home of his son-in-! law. Mr. J. A. Southern, early j this morning. He leaves a wife, i several children and grand child- j ren. DANBURY, N. C., DECEMBER 23, 1014 MUCH MARRYING i , Register Of Deeds Issued More than A Dozen i Licenses Since Last \\ ednesda\. 'ONE COUPLE FAIL ! i _ j After License Had Keen Issued It Was Discovered that Girl Was Not Of ARC. [ 1 Since last Wednesday Register ,'of Deeds Morefield has issued I j more than a dozen marriage ; j licenses and the prospect is that i a number of others will bj issued . during the remainder of the k week. One young couple failed to secure license on account of the fact that the girl was under age. The Register of Deeds had already issued the license, on I the statement of a friend of the i couple, who stated that the girl was eighteen vears of age, but ' before the groom-would-be left j town the school census was I consulted and it was discovered 1 that her age was only thirteen. |The young man was looked up I and asked to hand over the : ! license, which he did with a i' great deal of reluctance, j The licenses issued since ; Wednesday were for the marriage ■ of the following couples : i Willie Baker to Carrie Manuell. A. J. Collins to Mattie Tucker. ' Charlie Cole to Pina May Fulk. ! Rodolphus Hill to Jennie Smith. E. R. Jackson to Maude Mc ' i Kinney. i J. T. Manring to Lillian Rhodes. W. V. Moran to Elizabeth Stewart. ( . W. D. Mickey to Sallie May . Leathe. j B. 15. Oakley to Ida E. | Hawkins. ( | Sallie Smith to Mattie Reynolds. I T. H. White to Jennie Spain | hour. ! Art Wall to Edna Vernon. I !| TEACHER RESIGNS. •! Miss Chattie Lasley Will Not Act As Principal In Hard bank School Any Longer. Walnut Cove Route 3, Dec. 24. i Everybody is busy preparing for Christmas. Mr. Eany Roberts of Dillard ,is visiting friends in this section ' at present. ! Misses Nannie Mae Stewart, Nannie and Ruth Mitchell andj Messrs. John, C'has. and Ben: iMitchell are planning to attend' a box supper dt Dillard Tuesday; i night. Miss Chattie Lasley, who has j been teaching school at Hard j I Bank, has resigned her position ithere. 1 : i Miss Ethel Mabe is quite sick :at this writing. We hope she will soon be out again. ZELMA. !~ ' i Bank To Observe Holidays. I The Bank of Stokes county of \ Dan bury will be closed Friday. and Saturday, December 25 and j 20, for the Christmas holidays. t Hn OF 1. SUMS Stok»*s Citizen Passed ] A\\a\ In Indiana Last Week. BURIED MOND AYj .Mr. C. M. Lunsford Kills Largest ; Hog—TohatvO Crop Three- | Fourths Sold. King Route 2, Dec. 21. Some! iof our farmers who raise their j supplies at home killed a lot of I fine porkers last week. Mr. I Wade H. Boyles killed three. | weighing3s4, 358and359 pounds; ; Mr. T. W. Gentry two, weighing I 457 and 500; Mr. Dock Boyles! one, weighing 530; Mr. C. H. Lunsford one, weighing 013. "Scribbler" killed a good hog but of course he didn't weigh it. Mr. Wesley Sams, who resided | lon Pinnacle Route 2, and who | some time since went to Indiana ;in the interest of his health, jdied last Friday and the remains I were sent home for burial at i Volunteer church last Monday. , Tha Oak Grove school has ! closed for the holidays. It is estimated that the tobacco; | crop in this section is three- j j fourths sold, and already far | mers are beginning to talk about' burning plant beds. SCRIBBLER, j I Many Fail Io Put War-lax Stamps On Deeds and Other Papers. Register of Deeds Morefield states that many people in send-! ing in deeds, chattel mortgages, I etc., to be recorded fail to attach j the necessary war-tax stamps.! ilt is important to have such pa ' pers properly stamped as they j cannot be recorded until the ! stamps are placed on them. I I | Christmas Tree last Night. The Bennett school, five miles i j north of Danbury, taught by! i Misses Juda Ray and Annie Hyl- j 'ton, gave a nice entertainment! i l and Christmas tree last night. The entertainment was largely attended and the best of order j prevailed. Wilson Tobacco Market j Averages IS Cents. Wilson, Dec. 19. With total receipts of over 000,000 pounds of bright leaf Friday, the tobacco market closed for the holidays. Prices were still better and the average for the day was over 15 j cents. i Christmas Iree At Palmyra M. I Church.: There will be a Christmas tree and entertainment at Palmyra M. E. church on the night of Dec. 2."> th. The public is cor dially invited to attend. Miss Willie Edmunds, of Wins- j ton-Salem, is expected here to- j day to spend the holidays with j Misses Nell and Mary Joyce. OYSTER SUPPER. Mr. J. S. Garner Entertains His Sunday School Class-- Other King News. King, Dec. 21,—Farmers in this section are very busy strip ping and marketing tobacco. Mr. J. S. Garner gave his Sunday school class an oyster supper ' here Saturday night, which was enjoyed very much by all present. Mr. and Mrs. 1). Kiser, of Okla jhoma, are visiting relatives here. They will remain here through the Christmas holidays. Mr. Kiser holds a responsible position with a railroad company with headquarters in Oklahoma City, Okla. Mr. Kiser is a native of this county. Prof. Wm. Graves, principal !of the State High School here, spent Sunday with his parents in Mt. Airy. Mr. T. S. Petree, the banker jhere, spent Saturday night in I Winston-Salem. The Stokes Supply Co. are installing a large soda fountain in the old Keiger stand. People in this section are beginning to get anxious to vote on good roads as the roads are almost impossible to travel. MARRY TOMORROW I j Mr. Charlie Joyce and ! Miss Jennie Sheppard To Wed In Greensboro. Miss Jennie Sheppard, of Camp i bell, Stokes county, and Mr. j I Charlie Joyce, of Guilford coun ' ty, will be married in Greensboro! tomorrow, the 21th inst. Imme diately after the ceremany they j will go to the home of Mr. Joyce | near Greensboro, where a recep j tion will be tendered the bridal party. Miss Sheppard is a sister of i Messrs. E. C., Z. R„ C. H. and Joel Sheppard, of Stokes, and is popular among a large circle of | friends. i Mr. Joyce is a prominent and well-to-do farmer of Guilford county. Miss Sheppard, in company with her nephew, Mr. W. H. Moore, of Campbell, was in Dan bury today enroute to Greens boro. Family Advised On Death Bed To Stick To the Old Reporter. Mr. W. F. Priddy in renewing his subscription for another year says that the family was advised by his mother on her death bed a few weeks ago to "never stop the Reporter." Mrs. Priddy was a splendid, good woman, and her advice to the loved ones left behind was for their good. Never turn away the old family friend that has been paying its regular visits since January, 1572, nearly half a century. Etude Music Club To Be Entertain ed By Mrs. W. C. Slate. The Etude Music Club will be entertained at its next meeting Friday night by Mrs. W. C.Slate. Several of the members of the club who have been away from home will be present at this meet ing and the attendance promises to be large. No. 2,057 MASS MEETING Citi/ens of Yadkin To Drat Read Bill For thrir Tow nship ON |AN. IST. 19 15 Legislature Will tie VsWeJ u Pass Special Act Far Nam kin Township, 1 It is learned that quite an er ■ \ thusiastic meeting of Yadkin township citizens was held at King Monday when the question of bond issues and direct , for good roads were discussed at length. At the conclusion of the meeting it was decided to ask all of the voters of the town ship to attend a mass meeting at King on ,lan. Ist, 1!»15, wheci it is hoped that a road bill may be drafted that will be satisfac tory to all of the citizens of the township. The Reporter is in receipt of the following notice in regard to the meeting: In compliance with a resolution adopted at a citizens meeting held at King, N. ('., on December 21, 1911, the voters of Yadkin township are called to meet ai King, N. at 1 o'clock P. M. on January Ist. 1!»15, to draft a road bill for Yadkin township. We hope that the people wii! come out and co - operate in formulating a satisfactory roa j bill so that it can be enacted int.) law at the coming session of the Legislature. Very respectfully. J. T. SMITH, Chairman. L. K. PI'LLIAM. Sec. Meadows-Blackburn Road Blocked By Contractor, That part of the Danbury- Walnut Cove road between Meadows post office and ,1. I Blackburn's has been closed up at each end and traffic between Dan bury and Walnut Cove is now forced to go around bv way of the Brown road, about three miles out of the way. This U made necessary by the fact that the contractor who is at work on | the road is having to make a j number of tills in and across the j present road so that it is impos sible to go that wav. Regrets lo Leave Stokes. Editor Reporter: Kindly change the address of my paper from King to Wallburg, Davidson county. N. C. We are moving this week and it makes me feel sad to leave old Stokes. Had 1 thought that we would ever have good schools and good roads in Yadkin township and old Stokes I would have been the last to leave. I hope that in a few years the county will be dotted over with good schools and have good roads running from one side to the other. Then people will move in instead of moving out. ,1. WALTER TI TTLE.

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