IjOCALpV MEWS H Messrs. .Ino. F. Dunlap and: .Jesse Rhodes, of Red Shoals. ! were here on business Monday. J Mr. X. A. Martin went to Wjnston-Salem ye*torusy to In after the sale of some leaf t( Mrs. A". (\ Slato ar.-.i children :r ; Miss Mary T:!!e" Mr. •''ran-: Ti iev i r •> at ? . \\ , 'I. . 1 jT. ' ' • of Moore's .Springs H i'i. was a ila... Attorn*.*:* i. i>. rivinr.hr- ys re -I.l.rred yesverdr.y fro:r. tireons i. r\ where ho appeared in v.he iVjt.vJows township road east'. ''.unty Commissior.er Joseph IVj£r:in, of I'ampbell. was here: r/!t ndav enroute to market with a lot of leaf tobacco. Mr. L. E. Smith, of Panlury Route 1, spent a short while; Thursday enmite home i'r >m Winston-Salcin. Messrs. 1). S. Priddyand Jor.:: Nea!, members of the board of highway commissioners f !U;n lu.ry towns-lit', were here M • lav. r »• V ' * v!• •; \VIl* "*» Ui*" • the past week operating t'i o saw in .} v i v.' i -vv-'i 1 ■ br iher. Mr. K. C. Sh pnar '. r.suy *...;:••••■ a! •' \y I*l t. -iwci- • .hav. • 1 ••••rh . Paai/urv trv.s week ;ir. •: t J urkeis are experiencing good lurhr'.s. Prices on good tobacco io said to be holding up very. will but the majority of the weed being sold or' 'inferior quality. The apple crop this year is said to be 11-I, 'MiI,(MM bushels greater ihan last year. Because we can't ship many abroad apples certainly should be the cheapest' thing going. But they are not. The wind falls were even picked lip off the ground. The ultimate consumer doesn't get much ad vantage. I Owing to the severe weather recently county farm demon ntrator W. P. Holt has been unable to accomplish much work | on the farms. He expects to superintend considerable terrac ing and various other work on I farms in all sections of the coun ty as soon as weather conditions, will permit. Something Doing! Never before have you heard of such a deal. Watch for next week's paper. Don't fail to read every word. :: :: :: SHORE MERCANTILE CO., The Big Store, King, N. C. THE COin FAIR By Peter Radford I.f-otur' r Niiiini.i'l Farmers' t'nlon The farmer gets more out of the fair tlian anyone Hist-. The fair to a city uiiiii is «:n entertainment; lo a farmer it is education. Let us take a stroll tlirou,-:!) the fair grounds and linger u Moment i-.t a lew of the points cf greatest interest. We will first \i.sit tile mechanical department anil held communion with lite world's preaW'Ht thinkt rs. Vi.it Hi''- now atu tiding a congress of t'.ie menial giants, in mechanical sei (.'.ce ' ..II s. They itie addressing you it. t itigites i,!' Iron i tu! steel and L;I ft* IIJL: •:!»».*■ • i. INT.' :;t:d poweri'.il tell an • ■ '.i:enl mir, «»|* ti:• worlds propr-rs. ■ ' ; *• t:.llsi■ s are the i:.. \. h!" i'I.I'M he. I.: \ I |.a\ i". ' 11 rforni . .. > • : :! inj; t. :*vlc>- ' i i. MM!. V ■ : • i;t Ip . *e- rs ii brief period wlnl. we live, but it ...is a !: re tef mi: .1 to tm,-r into Mie •'« aln >1 • i ■ tii*. .f.il I i:: 111 a tonil i»i : tit . i.>*. I ' .miiial. ! -e* | ; I li va> >-i iv ili/.ai ion I'm* Hit it i>- j:• •;:• ra tions. The tint! vim gave us t.ie. ;ui.!* (hi hinder, the cotton L n and huniiriiis of other valiublc invi uiioim work in evi r> !i >1 on earih and will (.Mime fii la! ■ra as loiii! as lime I I:i it" bright ii:t• -i 1 > ets have eompier" d litaih and ihey will li\i and serv«* inanhit'.d on and on forevi r, without money and without priee. They have shown us how grand ami noble it is to work for others; they have also taught us les u ons ,n economy anil lli cii in y. how I. tnakv one hour do the work of two or more; have length «ni d our lives, multiplied our opportunities and taken toil olf the back of humanity. Honar Isii For Gidesn Sciico! !" '! - v.- m sntMy bo.ior .' .1 il-i'-Hin S -.in' Rwt grade Xnnn!, Admins, >. i)ug.rins, I*. : ... .lu a»i i Rt-M .... >ec •• . : ,_i\.lei.- n Ma be. Third ic:T.d-- — ertrudv Adi;ins, Hi:!••>•>' Tuttie and \'erlu Sixth KMa Klynt. Wood's Seeds' Wood's Descriptive CataJcg for 1915 li.i«- In ' ii ciireluhy j.ie pared so :.t to ecu'.c our iariiiervatni market growers lo iletermiur. Intelli gently to the best and most j.roii tai'lecrops which they can umleitake to prow. i he (>ic«ent agricultural conditions make it vctv necessary to consider t!ie ijueMit.n of d.versilied crops, and our catalog gives lull inl'oiinution, both in regard to Farm and Garden Seeds that can be planted to profit and advantage. Write for Dascriptlv* Catalog and prices of any Grass and Clover Seeds. Seed Grain or Seed Potatoes required. Catalog mailed on request. T. W. WOOD & SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, V&. THE DANBURY REPORTER We Are Making Splendid Sales At Piedmont These Days. Our customers go home satisfied because they know they get every dollar their tobacco can be made to bring when they sell with us. ASK ANY OF THEM. If you want the best pay possible : v wv year's work, vou had better sell everv barn cr a: tobacco in WINSTON AT PIEDMONT WAREHOUSE, Run by the NORFLEE7S, Who Know Kow. Pircf talp ftai/c wlU'"! Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. * December -Th.! , week : .Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Notice to delinquent tax-payer or payers that the purchaser Jit Sheriff's suit l of land sold for taxes will apply for a deed to the same unless said land is re deemed within time prescribed by law. M. L. Hut-hi-'iT-on or other per sons who may own or be concern ed in 'he redemption of the i-inus heivai'tor described are hereby notified that W. A. Kiffer, the purchaser, at sheriff's sale of the smile by VV. '. Slate, Sheriff of Stokes county. N. ('., at the court house door in the town of Dan bury. \\ C.. on the Ith day of May, llil I, for taxes theretofore duly assessed and ievied by the commissioners of Stokes county. N. C. for State, County, school and special purposes and remain ing due and unpaid thereon for the year 1913 and which land was duly listed for taxation in the county of Stokes for same year in the name of or as the lands of M. L. Hutcherson, will apply to the Sheriff of Stokes county, named above for a deed to said lands unless the same shall be redeemed within the time prescribed by law. Said lands lying am being in the township of Snow Creek, Stokes county, and bounded as follows: First tract. Beginning at a red oak of Hugh Steele's tract running with his line north 71 degrees, west 15 chains to Mill branch, thence down the branch as it meanders 1G chains to the mouth of a drain, thence up said drain as it meanders 8 chains old line, thence out to top of hill north (59 degrees (». 17 chains, thence north 11 chains to begin ning, containing 25 acres, more or less, and being the same land described from Thomas Hutcher son and wife, Mary Hutcherson, to M. L. Hutcherson recorded in the oHice of the Register of Deeds for Stokes county, in book No. 54, page 172. | Second tract. Reginning at oak tree Annie E. Head, iee'd, j corner, running north 69 degrees ! west 69 2-3 yards to rock, corner l of Dr. W. J. Moore's land, south 1 35 degrees, west on Dr. VV. J. ! Moore's line 69 2-3 yards to rock, I thence south 68 degrees east to Annie E. Head's line 69 2-3 yards, thence with her line north 35 de grees east to beginning 69 2-3 yards, containing one acre, more or less, and being the same land described in a deed from Dr. VV. J. Moore and wife, Mamie Moore, to M. L. Hutcherson. recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Stokes county in book No. PI, page 171. Third tract. The lot and home at Sandy Ridge, N. C., which M. L. Hutcherson purchased of J. W. Hylton adjoining Robert Vernon in which M. L. Hutcher son resided before he removed to Madison, Rockingham county, j N. C. The taxes and cost for the year | 1913 being $4.99 with 20 per cent. I on same from the 4th day of j May, 1914, and cost of the publi cation of this notice and serving I notice on the person or persons | in possession of the land and the person holding a mortgage j against the same, being $4.20. That the time for redemption of said lands will expire on the 3rd day of May. 1915. and unless redeemed within the time pre scribed by law. as above s • forth, the undersigned pin chaser will a; '!y for a dee ! in c.>nf- rei itl certificate •;' • :r.\.a-- whic ; ie holds from the Sh' ri!f nbov' named. The sail j ii ; >eing urabie a iVr dhig s aiv i i.nd inquiry tn f.nd M. 1.. 1 lute • rson or nther pers'ir- ■>: per.- - claiming to own s: lands in Stokes county. hoiv.".- give- notice in accordance wi:h socti -i o: Pell's He visa i "1 Nor*': Carolina of l:-« K by publi cation. This the 12th dayof Jan.. 1915. W. A. KltiKß. Published Jan. 13th, 20th and 27th, 19! 5. J. W. HALI!, Attv. Notice to delinciuent tax-payer i that the purchaser at Sheriffs sale of land sold for taxes I purchased the land or lot described below and will apply , for a deed to same uniess said land is redeemed within time prescribed by law. J. A. (iilmer or other person jor persons who may own or be concerned in the redemption of l the land or lot hereinafter ! described, are hereby notified that E. P. Pepper, the purchaser at sheriff's sale of same made by jW. C. Slate, Sheriff of Stokes county, N. C.. at the court house door in Dan bury, N. C.. on the i first Monday in May, 1914, for | taxes theretofore fully assessed ' and levied by the commissioners (of Stokes county, for State, county, school and special purposes, and remaining due and unpaid thereon for the year 1913, and which land or lot was ; duly listed for taxation in the county of Stokes for said year in the name or as the land or lot of J. A. Gilmer, will apply to the Sheriff of Stokes county named above for a deed for said land or lot unless the same shall be redeemed within the time pre scribed by law. Said land or lot lies or is in Danbury township, Stokes county, N. C., being a lot at Piedmont Springs, and listed for taxation by J. A. (lilmer. The taxes and cost for the year 1913 is $1.30 with 20 per cent, interest on the same and the cost of this notice, $3.00. That the time for the redemption of this land will expire on the 3rd j day of May, 1915, and unless J redeemed within the time pre scribed by law, as above set forth, the undersigned purchaser i will apply for a deed in con-: formity to the certificate of i purchase which he holds from j the Sheriff above named, the 1 said purchaser being unable j after diligent search and inquiry ! to find the said J. A. (iilmer or other person claiming to own i said land or lot in Stokes county, ' hereby gives notice in accordance I with section 2903 of Pell's ] Revisal of North Carolina of | 1908 by publication. This the 12th day of Jan. 1915. E. P. PEPPER, Purchaser. Published Jan. 13, 20 and 27th, 1915. Notice to delinquent tax-paver that the purchaser at Slieri:'"s sale of :and sold fur taxes purchased the land >r .•«; described !••• and •'" for a deed to same in tuid lai'i is !vdp.':ei w:' I vm si bed by aw. V/. V. ( :•!*.• :• ;• ; : or ]H'i> . .* v*i • : ;• m , . , er. v i i.» n • : the land or lot hereinafter descri » i. ;uv rv-ft'uv ! -i that ;ll'«■*:■.»(the ni.* c.r sheriff s suit? of ssrn& i • \V. 0. Slate. SlktiT Mok» c-iuntv, N. at thee.house dx>r in Danbury. N. *' . in ti:e first Monday in May. I'd 14, for taxes theretofore fully assessed and levied by the commissioners of Stokes county, for State, 'county, school and special purposes, and remaining due and unpaid thereon for the year 1913, and which land or lot was duly listed for taxation in the cojnty of Stokes for said year in the name or as the land or lot of W. i'. Carter, will apply to the Sheriff of Stokes county named above for a deed for said land or lot unless the same shall be redeemed within the time pre scribed by law. Said land or lot lies or is in Dan bury township, Stokes county. N. C., being a let at Piedmont Springs, and listed for taxation by VV. T. Carter. The taxes and cost for the year 1913 is $1.30 with 20 per cent, interest on the same and the cost of this notice, $3.00. That ;the time for the redemption of 'this land will expire on the 3rd day of May, 1915, and unless redeemed within the time pre scribed by law, as above set forth, the undersigned purchaser will apply for a deed in con formity to the certificate of purchase which he holds from the Sheriff above named, the i said purchaser being unable 1 after diligent search and inquiry jto find the said VV, T. Carter or ;other person claiming to own j said land or lot in Stokes county, hereby gives notice in accordance j with section 2903 of Pell's I Kevisal of North Carolina of 1 1908 by publication. This the 12th day of Jan., 1915 E. P. PEPPER. Purchaser. j Published Jan. 13, 20 and 27th. ! 1915. i l Notice to delinquent tax-payer 1 that the purchaser at Sheriff's sale of land sold for taxes pur chased the land or lot describ ed below and will apply for a! j deed to same unless said land is redeemed within time pre scribed by law. W. A. Walker or other person ' ! or persons who may own or lie con cerned in the redemption of the I land or lot hereinafter described, are hereby notified that E. P.' I Pepper, the puchaser at sheriff's ] sale of same made by W. C. Slate j Sheriff of Stokes county, N. C.. !at the court house door in Dan i bury, N. C. on the first Monday in May. 1914, for taxes thereto fore fully assessed and leived by the commissioners of Stokes ■'. j.«.r county, school and srec a! purposes, and re main sg due and unpaid thereon • ■' r.r 3Ml:and which lar.u • ..s . I.'T listed for taxati '■ .ty >t kes it.r sa. be .•••.. /mod within tl a tin. ■ ;' i by lav/. Said land • • in 1 'iirdr.rv t'-wr.slv; ir>.. :nty. N. being a ! ' •. d'lu.tit Syrint-s, a*.d ii>t«.i for *ti•; i by A. WalKei. The ta es and cost for the veari: , vv;th 2m per cent, interest c . same ar,d the cost of this notice. 1 That the tim. for the IV - dernption of this land will expii - fn the !rd day of Mav, 1!1">. at* i unless redeemed within the tin - , prescribed by law. as above s. ; forth, t.ie undersigned purchas er will apply for a deed in eon fortuity to the certificate of pur chase which he holds from tie ,! Sheii:V above named, the sai l ipurchaser being unable after ,j diligent search and inquiry : • J rind the said W. A. 'walker . r other person claiming to own said land or lot in Stokes county, hereby gives notice in accordance with section 290.'5 of Pell's Revis i a! of North Carolina of 1008 by publication. . This the 12th day of Jan. 1015. E. I'. PEPPER. Purchaser. Published Jan. l:i. lM and 27th. ;j i mi.'). ; Notice of Public Sale. ; On Saturday, Jan. 1015, at ' the hour of one o'clock at n.\ i home one-half mile west of North 1 View school house. 1 will sell to sjthe highest bidder for cash a piano, the same being a prize awarded to Trudie E. Reid in i i the Dan bury Reporter's third voting contest in 1000. The 1 pri.:e will be sold to secure suf > ficient funds to build a nice fence around the grave of the winner of the prize who died June 2i". 1014. This fence will be built to the , credit of those who furnished their votes and gave their sub i scriptions to Trudie E. Reid dur i ing the Reporter's third voting I contest in 1!H)0. This sale is held to give every I man. woman, boy. or child that | would like to own this prize a , fair chance at it. A new live dollar stool will be given the highest bidder. Bids by mail accepted. ROOT. H. PRIDDY, 1 Campbell. N. C, FOR SALE—Nice level fertile i farm two and half miles from R. R., on public road, nice cot tage and house, some timber. This is a bargain at $15.00 per acre. 1 can also place several good tenants on the finest corn and tobacco land in the state. CHAS. C. DENNETT. RJjantft Candor, N. C.

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