VOLUME XL. S 1111 l Cd W'HT Itl S Bciif., riHMH ial;;..i Cii' .'s Sh;«low Par:\ " in l ii; .'i y.-h -.A I'OE- \C'C G S \i_: IX L.L .V.*!' ii CiI!,CHS !•> ' K.li.i'ill As Witne^sss —»-.(ting Ceil tc-.t ;oiliiv I 1 v Fire lirectcd At 5..1100] fUliliiiii'.f. Walnut Cove. .lan. lit. Fridaj • .i..: t :M the high school budding mder the auspices of the Wom an •' Betterment Association a •(v ■>! and interesting "Shadow i'aity" was given which was *1 splendid success. The shadows > sold at miction to the hirli -1 : bidder ;uxl the pi ices ranged t.-' m one to live dollars. I'rob abiv the most unii|Ue feature ot' the evening was the "Mystic Tea." consisting of a mystifying menu >i' unheard of delicacies solved in an exquisite and charming manner in the in termediate class room which was !e. ratcd with Japanese lanterns and evergreens. The menu was as follows: Bachelor's desire, candy hearts "c. A piece of moon, cheese ,'!e. Heavenly hash, fruit salad ">c. Food for the gods, ambrosia ~>e. Hidden fears, onions :sc. Foe's delight, chicken V. Lovers diet, pickles and crackers ."c. An island of the sea, sand wich .">c\ Slipper, bar.ana ">c. Moonshine, rice :sc. •lust from the pres3, molasses • Ic. Nature's beautifier. cow peas He. A product of Brazil, eofl'ee "JC. Heavenly elixir, honey 2c. Chip oil" the old block, tooth pick :sc. A necessity, salt Isc. A spring offering, water "»c. Satan's desert, devil's food ">c. Sliced sweetness, cake sc. What some girls give suitors, iemon :{c. What makes two acquainted, kiss f>c. At the request of the State authorities a modern steel fire escape was last week erected at the high school building which will positively insure the safety of students in case of fire. The popular young ladies' vot ing contest at the Gem theatre is attracting a great deal of at tention and at the close of the last week's voting Miss Lillie .Joyce load with a vote of 2,»Sl), Mis.-? Marv Martin is second with l.vjn while Miss bailie Fulton haw a' vote of 1.01». Mr. Robert .Jovce, of Dan bury, was a visitor here Saturday. Miss Minnie Gray Marshall sister, of Dennis, sper.t Saturday and Sunday in town, flit? guests of Misses Jettie and iWsie Morelield and Mary Mar tin. Messrs. A. W. Davis and A. ,!. Marker are spending this week at Spencer, Ya., on busi ness. Mr. Natt Pickett, oi' Madison, was a business visitor here last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. i. Fetree. rf Rural Hail, spent Friday and Saturday here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. N. Fetree. Messrs. J. M. Wood and .J. A. Fetree returned today from a business trip to the northern part of the county. A small amount of tobacco is being sold on the lo*al market at very fair prices. Owing to the condition of the roads very few farmers are selling. Messrs. .1. I). Humphreys and N. B. l'epper, of Danbury, were here today on business. Messrs. B 0. Creakman, J. H. Matthews. R. P. Joyce. Jno. R. Smith. .1. A. Neal. J. E. ,'ames and others from here left this morning for Raleigh where they will appear as witnesses against "Portland Ned," who was arrested here last summer. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Quilt* A Nunilu*r Ol Couples H.«\e W eil(!-.] Situv the. i Hid •• , ••• iiu !i:»w tr.UI :••••.:» "pi'.V.'d e.-i: i" . ;.nd R-■••"i• »*"*" o' lis ;.! T.'it' •as *'t •!■!•. - , . i Ar.r. Martin. ! Alfred C.'ok to Velio Christian, Joe Duggins to Flien Heath. Alex Freeman to Dora /.igiar. Robert JiarL to I lei tic Martin, Gaston ilili t> Perchie ('ook. ieo. 11. .Joyce to Susan Delia .Martin. M !!. -Joyce to Martha Piaster. F. F King to Mat tie Law.>on. W. A. Moran to Nanr.io Pyrtie. Moir Mcdlone to Addie Bryant. M. V. Wood to Minnie Roberts. Cdi.oiti:!), Noah Martin t Nannie \\ e Ins tor. fluiifi ?'usic C!ub Enter tained By is. Weston The Ftude Music Club was charmingly entertained Friday evening. January Mb, by Mrs. Lacy F. Weston, and the hostess in her usual cordial manner made the evening a deiightfu! one for all present. Delicious punch was served in the hall by Mrs. Weston. Christopher (iluciv was the Club's subject for thee\eningand the program included l)oth vocal and instrumental numbers. PROGRAM. Reading "(duck's Period," Miss Nell Joyce. Piano solos —(a I "March of the Priests from Alceste." lb) "Dance of the Spirits from Or pheus," Cluck, Miss Mary Taylor. Vocal solo "0, Dry Those Tears," Miss Mary Joyce. Piano solo—"Garden of Beauty Waltz," Miss Luna Taylor, Vocal solo - "Ciribiribin," Miss Annabel Leese. Piano solo "Berceuse from Jocelin," Goddard, Miss Agnes Martin. Piano solo Miss Raynor Joyce. After the program was render ed delicious hot chocolate and wafers were served by the host ess, assisted by Misses Luna Taylor and Mattie Joyce. A delightful social hour was then spent, after which the club adjourned t>> meet with the Mis ses Joyce Friday evening, -Jan uary 22nd, li'l ■">. Road Laid Out Near Sheppard's lil The highway commissioners of Danbury township went to Shen pard's mill en Sandy Ridge Route 1 yesterday for the purpose of laying out a public road from the mill of Mr. Sheppard to the top of the hill to intersect with the Sandy Ridge road. Hail Colli Ouickly Hrokcn i'p. Mrs. Martha Wilcox, 'iowanda, N. V. writes: "I first used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy about eight years ago. At that time 1 hud a hard cold and cough ed most ot' the time. It broke up the cold in a few days, and the cough entirely disappeared. ( have told many of my friends of the good I received through using this medicine, and all who have used it speak of it in th» highest terms." For sale by all dealers. DANBURY. N. C.. JANUARY 20, P'ls El DEfEATEB C);:! •1 •: ',. . > r«»v :1 •: 111 >O; \ .*: \ • >r ' • i )V. - ! \*. o ICk : : i.> Bi.'jiu i 1. \ l : , ; c !• : 1 o r; tl.-v: 3'■ r Hi.- .'•iCU. lli.l I c* 'H'VJfS at it "toiv Than T .oilundrcJCiti/vns rail To Co. ne Out Jo siletlion. second 'I ie within the past 'v. ) years : falter Gap town- I ship in yesterday's election de i touted u bond Issue of »."i),|i()ii . for good roads, giving a majority | of forty-two against the measure. | There ar- four nrecincts in the 1 j township and the vote cast at each of these was as follows : of\Ki:i: i.Ai* II For bond issue so Against bond issue 1'! Mpjoritv for liond iss; :!i i i'ukci.vi ;• : Against bond issue :;!» 1, For bond issue 7 i I i| Majority against bond issue 1 »!ii*s i'Ri: !nct. j Against bond issue S2 ' | For bond issue -17 • Majority against bor.d issue HIIOWN MT. IMtI-:c:xrr. 1 Against bond issue :!1 For bond issue 22 ] | Majority against bond issue !» I i Total majority against | bond issue 121 By reference to the vote cast I , in the political election last I ■ November it is found that the! ,'vote in yesterday's bond issue' ' election was very light, two hundred and twenty-eight citi-l ' zens who voted in the political j 4 election failing to attend yester day's election. At (Quaker Gap precinct there were 202 votes ,cast in the November political election for Congressman, while only 12i> votes were cast in yes ( terday's bond issue election: at ? Moir's precinct in November iss! votes were cast and yesterday' 'only 12V» voted: at Brown Moun- I stain precinct in November 111! I II voted and yesterday only ; voted: at Frans' precinct in ' November 7i> voted and yester '; day only Hi voted. So it is seen from this that about one-third of | the voters of tha township failed, to go to the polls yesterday and express their sentiments, i As to what the result would! have been had there been a I hea\ v vote it is impossible to I 1 say, but the probability is that j ! the majority against the bond | issue would have been even j | greater. J Southern Railway Spending SI ,500.000. 1 Washington. I). C., -Jan. I*.. — 1 Southern Railway will pro- j ceed at once to revise and double' track the 25.7 miles of its Wash-1 ington-Atlanta line lying between ! Orange and Charlottsville, Va., ! the work to involve an expendi-] ture of SI,.">(MUI(MI.IO and to re-1 suit in a greatly improved line j both as to urades and curvature. The completion of this work to- j gether with other work now un- j der way will give the Southern a; ! continuous stretch of 121 miles of double track out of Washington j ,: and a total of H;!8.7 miles of , double track between Washing -1 ton and Charlotte, leaving only 1 41.0 miles of single track, divid ed into four stretches the long . est of which is 20 miles, i 1 IS 111 1,1 TV '• its! I I-., c. M.m .. • ;i: • CY>. !■' • o v - • i*. cn :*i *'ll.■)- ! ■!! 'in-, is r . »;i ' ir.rarx "».•»» •i !v.?r News 11i s in;-.. Kii ' 'an. !•. The of .a..; Manufaeturimr com pany. \.!. : c*!i has boon r soil in '.iccoiuit of the !:uv 1 smokestack ; being :• iwn down by a severe wind si.t:,o time : t«-. wiil resume , operation.; as soon as t!i»» work' of ißßtaTng another b-.iler is' : eomploV.;, Mi.«s Trilby Love, w'no has been k;:( nding a few month? with relatives in Durham, has returned home. Mr. Walter Sprinkle is placing material preparatory to erecting a dweliing on his farm near the fair grounds. Mr. -lames F. Newsum made a business trip to Winst m-Salem yesterday. Airs. .i. S. Morelield, who has resided at \'ade Mecum Springs for some time, is moving back to her residence on Railroad street. ; King. Jan. is.—Mr. .1. 11. jTroulove. of East Rend, was • here on business today, fair grounds. Mr. \V. (1. Tuttle, who holds a position with the Southern Railway Co., spent Sunday with ', his family here. •Miss Annie Redman, who is I teaching in the high school here, [spent Sunday with her parents I in Pilot Mountain. Mr. N. VV. Newsum, of Mc | Leansville, has accepted a I position with Mr. VV. E. Newsom | as clerk. Mr. Robert Scott, of Donnaha, j is here on business today. There will be a bazaar at the King High School Friday even ing, Jan. 2P, Refresh-' ments will be served. The proceeds will be used for the; purchase of books for the library. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. I jOI K ADVERTISERS It Will P,i\ Reporter Readers lo Look Lj> the Bargains Ollered In the Ads In this I ssue. The readers of the Reporter will do well to read closely the new and old advertisements in I thi* issue of the paper. ltoyles Bros., the hustling I clothing men at Winston-Salem, tell of a great reduction in clothing. The Shore Mercantile Co., at: ! King, is putting on a special sal*- | and giving away valuable articles i as an advertisement. The Stokes Supply Co.. at I King 1 , tells of its stock red'jctioa 'sale. All articles reduced ia I price. The Henry Rose Co., clotliieis at Winston - Salem, announce their mid-winter clearance sale. lirown's Warehouse at Wins ton-Salem, writes letter to far mers. Piedmont Warehouse, at Wins | ton-Salem, offers farmers some l \ timely advice. J. W. More field & Co.,at Wal ! nut Cove, are offering all cloth |ing, furniture and stoves ati!o' j per cent, discount. j l Constipation and Indigestion. I "I have used Chamberlain's! Tablets and must say they are j i the best I have ever used for constipation and indigestion. My wife also used them for in digestion and they did her good," writes Eugene S. Knight, Wilmington, N. C. For sale by dealers. Ri..\. SAMR\ SMITH. Si •; |I: j; ; ! :in •. .. . • :y, in • . ;■ ii Revi.a. Services a I.; ■ • u*j r, g,. •■: ■, ieteil at t: - e • . ..'C 'i clHKiist vli'i'il ii.lV cna >?reat interest in t:. city a; tlk' present. The church is being v,v!l fiilv' t caci; evening opk' wishing to h.ar !i, jdwy uive •>;' I lev. Sam/a i-mith, of X *rth "m'i : Tin. ihe crowds have been getting "lig: a!' I"!! t• thuM a-.V lUgliL til irii was cached to capachy, the evangelist thinking that he would have to lock the door and not allow anyone else to enter. Rev. mith is a man who believes in preaching the gospel as he sees it. and he has the stamnia to back up anything lie says. Some people who have gone to the meetings have taken offence at some things he has said. And they could not rest until they told him. about it. This they did, even going so far as to request him to make apologies from the puipil for what he had said. This he would a,-it do, and the next night in tile puipit. he gave the parties making the reouest one of the hardest talks they have ever re ceived. Such matters as this are very common in a revival meeting, and ' are disgrace enough to any com munity, but to top this off, some-, one wrote the evangelist a very' threatening letter, which, if turn ed in to the postal authorities would probably cost the author of this dirty, under-handed trick a few years of his freedom, which this party justly deserves, j Those meetings are Samra j Smith's meetings and if you. I ! who are raising such a "stink" j don't like what he says, he has' told you a number of times to stay ! at home. Or if you happen toj be in the church, and should be-; come offended, just get up and go home, for, as the evangelist says, the door is always unlocked and there is plenty of fresh air on the outside, If these people haven't respect enough for themselves and the community to stop this under handed work, there is a law to call a halt and we think it is about time for the law to take a hand. i —~— ""i The late Flder Pinkncy Oliver, who passed awav at his home, at King. N. C. October 29, 191-1. aged 70 years, 1 months and 10 davs. He was a licensed Baptist .Minister for 55 years. I The (iist Of It. j "Last iK'cember 1 had a voty i severe cold and was nearly down j sick in bed. 1 bought two bot {ties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it was only a very few days until I was completely restored to health," writes 0. J. Metcalf, Weatnerby, Mo. If you would know the value of the remedy, ask any one who has juied it. For sale by all dealers. No. 2.COG { mm ■ . 1 ' '.j , ! . ' , ■ - i* • "ill 1 •> Vv other Nc .. •• 'i i\ iv.f King 1..;.r. 1 • V :Vw days >.' ice i.l. • ;'a; . t nol.orat i i . .-re sch wiii:..- waiking a acr- •: i creek ar.ci lea- irg ;he irt * son «.i Mr. Fred Boies, ocean i '■ oil ak.need it!) I iii i f ti'.c 1 : ' fei. into the stream, wh'ch v. - ..-: considerably swo:. Fortur • t«.-*! '•* nn elder pupil r tiv sen 1 wag near-by and with his ass:?-' anco they were rescued. Mr. C. 11. Lunsf-rd has re cent !y added several hundre' dollars worth of muchintrv :: his roller mill. The telephone switchboard :v Mr. 11. A. Jones' will he remow f to Mr. (i. \V. Smith's within i next -> days. Mr. Charlie Kdwards had a corn shucking and chopping ias. Saturday, the first for 1 *»1 Mr. l>avis from Yadkin count* and Mr. I'etree from Forsyth countv spent a few days in thi-i section recently fox hunting hi the mountains. They hail tine dogs and some times they were chasing as many as three of the animals at one time. Farmers of this section a." very much worried over the weather. There ha 3 not been much work done on the farm \ since last November. On ac count of bad roads they are no 1- even able to market their tobac co. Some few are shipping their tobacco over the railroad SCRIBBLER. Grading Of Road Three-Fourths finishes. The grading "ti the Meadows- Blackburn road, in Meadows township, is about threo-fourt; ! finished. The work would ha .■> b.vn completed Lit r ;'v. v. n Mr. Ifl. C. Fuip Maves Jo Ufa Mr. \v. » . I'uir. of Stokis i '.mi. . : -if the ?-;;st week itah. wi,'. re lie oxnrcts t«> resi : * ; ormaneritiy. He will probal ongage in farming. .Mr. Robert Lawsuii, of !>:;•- bury !' i'.i'o !. was her-.' today. >' I;. I• • • ■ 1. llt \ I ■ Ji.1.'.1.., 1..1.-.i- t I!I:i! \ . 1 ran.; .i. t honey uiai.os oat'.* thai he is senior partner of th* iiim of !•'. .i. Cheney A: Co., do. ing business in the City of Toledo County and State aforesaid, and that said Sinn wiii pay the sum of One Hundred Hollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use ot' Hall's i'?.tarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHUNKY. Sworn to before me anil nu- I scribed in my presence, this any of 1 December, A. I>. lxs\ : (Seal 1 A. \Y. OLKASON". Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken i internally and acts directlv upon i the blood and mucous surfaces of the s\stem. Send for testimon i ials, free. i !•'. *l. iII I*Nl*'.\ iV ( (i., Tnliil.». 4 1 j Sold by all Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. t

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