DAN BURY REPORTER VOLUME XLIII. WALNUT COVE LETTER Two Forsyth County Men Get In the Calaboose and Are Released By Their Friends. WAREHOUSES CLOSE Southern Railway Cuts Down Freight Service To Three Trains a Week—Revival Closes—Car Load of Mules To Be Sold Personal Items. Walnut Cove, March 23.—Riot lind disorder prevailed here Saturday night when Joe Mat thews and Percy Harrison, two young men from Forsyth county, much the worse for having par taken too freely of whiskey, proceeded, it is alleged, to paint the town red. The first charge against the young men was made when the large plateglass front of the Farmers Supply Store was caved in and shattered almost y. to fragments in some mysterious way. Upon this complaint Policeman Smith proceeded tc place Matthews under arrest but when he approached his man he was held off by Matthews whe drew his revolver and defied ar rest. Finally, however, witli the assistance of other citizens and the use of a billy, the of u'ender was subdued and placed under arrest. In the meantime Harrison had fled but was latei captured by deputy sheriff Joyce and W. N. Gilbert. Both the prisoners were placed in the calaboose, but to the surprise of the officers next morning it was discovered that some allv of Matthews and Harrison had pried the lock off! the calaboose, releasing the prisoners who es caped to parts unknown. Of ficers Joyce, Smith. Tuttle, lames and Gilbert searched all day Sunday for the prisoners but were unsuccessful in their U nest. The tobacco warehouses after a successful year's sales closed their doors Friday until early in September. Messrs. Geo. H, Semple, H. H. and C. H. Davis and P. G. Smith, of the old warehouse; Messrs. Hutcherson Bros., J. M. and Will Taylor, and E. D. Matthews, of the new warehouse: auctioneer, Col. J. S. Ball: B. S Young, buyer for the Export Co.; R. P. Sar tin, buyer for Liggett & Myers: H. L. Byrd, buyer for the Ameri can. all of whom have been close ly connected with the tobacco 3 industry here this year, have won many lifelong friends through their untiring efforts in behalf of every farmer whose tobacco . has graced the Walnut Cove floors. These gentlemen have worked hard towards establish ing a market here and thev have succeeded in a large measure and they have won the friend ship and confidence of the citizens here who regret to see them de part from our midst but who wish them well and hope to have each of them back again next ~ season. Evangelist B. H. Vestal closed his series of meetings Sunday night and left for his home at ' Greensboro Monday. The revi val lasted two weeks, and every night large crowds were in at tendance and much good has , t no doubt resulted from the ear nest sermons of the evangelist. The local freight train between Greensboro and Mt. Airy which l has formerly been operated every day has been taken off and now only three freights a week are operated on the Southern. This is quite an inconvenience to ship pers who are accustomed to every day service and consider able complaint is being made. Rev. A. W. Taylor, of Mayo-1 dan, filled his regular appoint-' ment at the Episcopal church Sunday, preaching two able ser mons. Miss Eulah Peters, of Roan oke, Va., has accepted a position with Mr. Jno, A. Burton in his millinery department and took charge of her work last week. Their semi-annual opening of spring millinery will take place next Fridav and Saturday at which time an extremely beauti ful line of ladies' hats wi|l be shown. Messrs. Nolen, Hylton & Tur ner, horse dealers, unloaded a car of good young mules here today which they expect to sell at auction at Danbury next Mon day. It is learned that Mr. Jno. R. j Lackey has purchased a lot from | Mr. J. E. James adjoining the store of Fulton & Davis and con- I templates erecting a modern 1 store building on the lot in the ! near future. Messrs. W. G. Petree, E. P. : Pepper, N. Ray Martin, John Taylor and N. 0. Petree were among the visitors here last ; week. Messrs. Harry Davis, Sanders Rierson, Chas. Davis, Miss i Eunice Vaughn and Mrs. Lola j Bennett visited Miss Minnie ; Gray Marshall at Dennis Friday night. Miss Mattie Joyce delightfully entertained a number of her j friends at a birthday party Satur day evening. Miss Margaret Wheeler, a student of Davenport College at Lenoir, is spending several days with her parents here. Miss Nellie Hutcherson, who has been teaching at Sandy Ridge, arrived this week to spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hutcherson. She was accompanied by Miss Mary King, of Leaksville, who will be her puest a few days. Mr. Julius Young and Miss; Nonnie Mckenzie, of Winston-; Salem, were visitors in town! Sunday afternoon. Misses Mary Martin, Eunice : Vaughn, Messrs. Walter Vaughn,; W. E. Joyce and Geo. Fulton j visited friends at Danbury Fri-I day night. Mr. Maurice Miller, of Salis-1 bury, spent a short while here Sunday. Mr. E. J. Davis, of Martins-j ville, Va., was here on business | yesterday. Mr. Numa Vaughn and Miss Sink, of Greensboro, visit ed Mr. Vaughn's parents at the Vaughn hotel Sunday. Messrs. W. E. Hartman, Will! Morefield, Jno. Burwell. Arthur j Willis and B. J. Savage were | here on business Monday. Elder J. A. Fagg spent Satur day and Sunday at Center, Va., j where he went in the interest of' his church. Mr. E. 0. Caudle, of Winston- j Salem, was here Saturday at tending to some business mat ters. Mr. Chas. Wall, of the Caro lina Wholesale Grocery Co., of Greensboro, spent Sunday with Mr. Jno. G. Fulton. Messrs. Herbert Kurfees, of (iermanton, Dave Hodgins, of (ireensboro: and Jack Taylor, of Stoneville, were business visitors in town Monday. Sheriff W. C. Slate visited j Winston-Salem today. DANBURY, N. C., MARCH 24, 1915 SHOOTING AFFAIR William Jeff Shelton Put Bullet Into Oscar Smith At Sandy Ridge Saturda\. DONE AT BALL GAME Both Men Arrested and Placed I Under Bond Preliminary Hearinjr Saturday Smith Will Recover. At a ball game at Sandy Ridge last Saturday Oscar Smith was shot by William Jeff Shelton, the young son of Mr. Henry Shelton. The ball Smith almost in the center of the breast and ranged around the right rib, coming out at his back. He will recover. Both parties reside at Sandy Ridge. Sheriff W. C. Slate and Deputy Frank Dunlap went to Sandy Ridge Saturday night and arres j ted both parties. Smith's bond was placed at $250.00 and Shel ton's at SIOO.OO and they will be given a preleminary hearing | Saturday of this week. I It is not known what the [ trouble between the two men ■ was about. It was learned that jeye witnesses of the affair say : that Smith had a shot gun in his hand and was in the act of rais ing it up when Shelton shot him. Womens' Missionary Society lo Meet Sunday, April 4th The Womens' Foreign Mission ary Society of Danbury will hold its next monthly meeting at the Presbyterian church here Sun : day, April 4th, at 2 o'clock P. M. j The topic for this meeting i will be India, and the follovving I program of the exercises has been J arranged: Song—All Hail the Power of ! Jesus' Name. I Devotional exercises by the I President. Roll call and responses with names of missionaries in India, i Secretary and Treasurer's re-, ports and offerings. Business of the meeting. Reading, The Indian Empire Miss Nell Joyce. Reading, Hinduism—Miss Josie Pepper. Hymn. Paper, Foreigners in America —Mrs. J. D. Humphreys. Vocal solo—Miss Mary Joyce. Missionary items from all. . Committee for May meeting Mrs. H. M. Joyce. Mrs. A. J. Fagg and Mrs. M. T. Chilton. Topic for next meeting, The American Indians. Carl Ray's fine Work, j Carl Ray pitched three innings i for Birmingham against the j Brooklyn Nationals a few days; ago. Only nine men faced! the Stokes boy. A double play i was pulled off while Carl was ' on the mound. One writer j says that Ray's curves were puzzling to the big leaguers. Mr. N. Ray Martin visited Winston-Salem this week. SATURDAY, APII7 President Lawson Fixes Datej For Next Session Of j Farmers Union. I ! AT COURT HOUSE .Important Business To Transact! and All Alembers Are L'rired To Attend the Meeting;. The next regular meeting of the Stokes County F. E. and C. U. of America is hereby call ! Ed for Saturday, April 17th, 1915, jto be held in the court house iat Danbury, N. C., at 10:30 o'clock A. M. There is important business for our consideration and all members are requested to be present. The mem bet's of any neigh boring county locals are given a cordial invitation to be with us. J. A. LAWSON, ! President |MR. FRANKLIN MABE Passes Away At His Home ! Ira Greensboro"iV\r. H. H. Reidlll--Other News. ! Danbury Route 1, March 23. Mr. Fhinldin Mabe died at his home in Greensboro on Sunday, j March»l4th, with heart dropsy with Which he has been suffer ing for some time. Mr. Mabe is a well known citizen of this county and made this section his home up to a few years ago when he became disable to work ; and decided to make his home jwith his son, Riley Mabe, in j Greensboro. He was buried | ! near Greensboro on March loth. | [He was survived by a wife and | ; several sons and daughters. His | | wife is now in a very serious, condition and not expected to j live. Mr. H. H. Reid is very ill I this week. I Miss Alpha Stephens, who; has had an attack of appendicitis, is some better. Mrs. William Mabe and daugh-j 'ter were visitors at J. H. Nel-j ' son's Tuesday. Mrs. P. H. Mabe was a visitor | at Mr. W. R. Bennett's Tuesday, j Capt. Lee Nelson was a 1 visitor at Mr. Eli Nelson's Sun-1 day evening. Mr. Jasper Lovins, of High i Point, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. j I Fagg last week, returning home Saturday in company with : Mr. John Woods of Omaha, Neb. j Mr. O. M. Bennett was a: visitor at Mr. H. H. Young's: Friday. Mr. Charlie Nelson called to see Miss Trudie Simmons Sun- . day evening. ( Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nelson , were visitors at Mr. J. H. Nel son's Sunday evening. r.orn unto Mr. and Mrs. Eli j Nelson, a boy. ; i J] THE LACISLM CLLB. j, i ( Entertained By the Faculty; Ol the Walnut Cove Hioh School Thursdav -- The i Program. j Walnut Cove. March 22.—An j | Irish evening was very much; enjoyed by the members of the j Lacisum Club Thursday when j they were entertained by thej faculty of the high school at the school building. The proverbial green of the Emerald Isle was shown in the j ferns and potted plants which j j brightened the room in which the guests were welcomed by: Miss Martin, and the dainty | hand - painted programs were 1 I given each one when they were i seated. The program consisted of the following numbers : Selection from "The Bohemian j Girl," Balfe—Miss Fulton. Reading, "Music In Ireland"; —Mr. Wheeler. Piano solo, "Serenade," Victor j Herbert—Miss Martin. Vocal solo, "Little Bunch of Shamrocks," Von Tilzer Miss Joyce. Reading, "John Field,"-Miss ! Jones. Vocal solo, "Irish Glen Song," Mr. Scroggs. Musical reading, Miss Wood ruff. Vocal duet, "Killarney." Balfe —Mr. and Mrs. Covington. Reading, "Sketch On St. Patrick's Day," —Mr. Scroggs. At the close of the program each guest was given a green Shamrock leaf with a part of some familiar Irish expression j written on it and told that his j partner for the evening would ;be the person whose quotation I finished this out. A very' interesting contest followed on j words beginning with "Pat."j The prize given was a book of : songs of the British Isles. The color scheme was carried out in detail in the refreshments, which were then served, from | the green of the lettuce t leaf j i which held the fruit salad with i i ! green dressing, and the little {bundles of cheese straws tied jwith tiny green ribbon, to the 'green Shamrock - shaped mints' which followed. The club members then gather ed around the piano and con-, eluded the evening's entertain ment by singing "The Wearing of the Green," and other familiar j songs. Fire Destroys Gould's Barns and 13 Horses Fire at the Gould Lodge, six miles from High Point, at two, o'clock Sunday afternoon, de stroyed thirteen horses, one of which was valued at $1,300,1,300 bushels of corn, together with the three large barn buildings! including great quantities of hay and feedstuff'. The average value of the animals is estimated at S2OO each. The lodge itself was saved. The High Point motor fire truck was called, but arrived tool late to accomplish anything be cause of low water supply. The j origin ot the fire is unknown. Marriage Licenses, i Register of Deeds Morefield) has recently issued marriage j licenses to the following couples:; Ollie Burrow to Annie Mabe. j G. E. Cox to Hattie Lynch. George Priddy to Mary Oakley. F. D. Young to Beatrice Tuttle. No. 2,242 BAZAAR AT Klllt |To Be Held Easter Monday For Benefit Of School At that Place. | BIRTHDAY DINNER ; ' Tendered Mr. William Linville i By his Friends Citizens Purchase Automobiles Mrs. Culler 111 Personals. ! King', March 22. On Easter ! Monday there will be held at j King a Bazaar and good things to eat will be served throughout the day by the ladies of the commun ity. The proceeds will be spent for school purposes. Everybody is invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Love, of Concord, are spending a few days with relatives here. Mr. E. 0. Caudle, of Winston- Salem, was here on business Saturday. , Mr. YV. E. YY'right has return ed from an extended trip up through Ohio. Mr. P. L. Culler, who resides on West Main street, is at the bed side of his sister in High Point, who got severely burned Saturday. She is not expected to live. Master Elith Pulliam, of Wins j ton-Salem, is spending several ! days with grandparents, Mr. and j Mrs. B. F. Pulliam here, j The relatives and friends of I Mr. William (!. Linville gave him a surprise birthday dinner yester jday. About one hundred and I fifty people were present, This i was Mr. Linville's forty-fifth I birthday. One who was present ' informs us that they had the I most temping table he ever j viewed. Your correspondent re 'grets very much that he was un able to attend. Miss Macie Pulliam has return pd from an extended trip to j Greensboro. | Mr. li. C. Newsum. of Pin- I nacle. spent Sunday with rela tives here. Messrs. YV'. E. Martman and W. E. Newsum have each purch ased automobiles. The town of King now has five automobiles. | Messrs. YV. E. Newsum. .1. R. Ilutchins, Bryan Pulliam and R. R. Love went to Winston-Salem in Mr. Newsum's automobile yesterday. i j - . , ■ WALNUT COVE ROUTE I i ! School Closes With Enter tainment--A Marriage ==Preaching Sunday. Walnut Cove Route 1, Mar. 2:4. —The Rose Bud school, taught by Misses Louella Fulp and Stella Wall, closed March Kith with a nice entertainment at night. Miss Fulp will teach a subscrip tion school for a month. Rev. T. J. (ireen filled his regular appointment at Rose : Bud Sunday at 11 o'clock A. M. Mr. Robert Young, of YVins ton-Salem, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Young. Sun day. Mr. Frank Young and Bliss 'Beady Tuttle were nuiotlv mar j ried Sunday at the home of the j bride. Miss Mamie Fulp visited her ! sister here a few days last week. ! Miss Stella Wall returned to | her home at Greensboro last j week. Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Yoss, of YYVmut Cove, spent Sunday at | Mr. E. li. Yoss'. A good many from this sec tion are attending the revival meeting at YY'alnut Cove.