DAN BURY REPORTER .VOLUME XLIII. WALNUT COVE LETTER T. n Thousand Dollar Fire Ar Belews Creek Sundav. DECEPTION APRIL 29 Fo Be (iiven By Board of Trade - Revival Aleeting To Be Meld In Warehouse —High School Commencement First Week In May —Various Other News Items. Walnut Cove, April 10. A destructive fire entailing a loss of about ten thousand dollars visited Belews Creek, five miles southeast of here, early Sunday morning, completely destroying the store owned and conducted by Mr. A. W. Preston. The oriein of the fire is unknown and when first discovered it was rapidly gaining headway in the second story. It is learned today «■ that Mr. Preston carried only two thousand dollars insurance on the building and stock of goods and with the exception of this and a few articles of mer chandise hurriedly taken from the burning building his loss is estimated at from five to seven thousand dollars. Mr. Preston expects to resume busi ness as soon as a suitable build ing can be had. r.eports reached here during thi. past week that the officials of the Southern Railway are contemplating the discontinuance of the train operated from Greens boro to Mt. Airv leaving Greens . bom in the morning and return ing in the afternoon. This; would or.ly give two passenger j trains on the Southern daily and a v igorous protest is being madei against this action on the part of all the towns along the road. ; At some date this month, pro biii ly on April 2!>, the local Board! of Trade expects to give a recep-l lion and smoker to its members; anu to all prospective members ; in the town and county. Emin-I ent speakers from Winston-Sa-1 lem and other places will be in- 1 vited who will deliver addresses I looking toward the development j of a bigger and better Walnut j Cove. Local speakers from dif-| ferent sections of the county j will be present to discuss the; relation of the farmers to the | business men of the town and i the affair promises to be a pleas ant and profitable event. Rev. E. J. Poe delivered an j interesting sermon at the Junior flail Sunday at 11 A. M. At the close of his discourse Rev. Poe; announced that beginning on the' third Sunday in May. assisted bv : the presiding elder of this dis-, trict, he would begin a series of 1 meetings in one of the ware-; , houses. The meeting will pro bably continue for two or more' weeks, and Mr. Poe hopes to or-! ganize a choir of fifty of the; best singers he can secure for the meeting. The high school commence- ! ment will take place during the first week in May. The program' of the exercises has not yet been j completed but under the effici- ■ {ent faculty in charge an interest i ing program is assured. j At a meeting of the stock | holders and directors of the old ; warehouse held here Thursday 'Mr. A. J. Fair was re-elected i president, Capt. R. L. Murphy : was elected secretary and treas ' urer. while the old board of ' directors weie all re-elected. It ' is stated that the warehouse was j leased for next season to Messrs. ;E. J. and H. H. Davis, of Mar [tinsville, who have so success : fully conducted it during the I past two years. These gentle , men are exceedingly popular | with the people here and with jthe farmers throughout this ! section and we are glad to wel ! come them back. | Just at the present Walnut J Cove is without the necessary ' safety valve in it 3 govermental ; routine of a policeman. Mr. Jno. It. Smith, who has held the office for quite a while last week after due notice of his premedi tated and contemplated action 'delivered up to Mayor Eierson his badge, his billy, the key to the celebrated calaboose together with all the rights and privileges he had enjoyed in the capacity •of the office. His successor has ! not yet been named. Mr. I). S. Watkins, salesman j for the J. G. Flynt Tobacco Co., jcame in yesterday from his ter ] ritory in Virginia to spend a few I days. The merchants as usual at this ; season of the year are enjoying 'an excellent trade and the spring I business bids fair to be as good jas in years past. Lumber and j cross ties are being shipped in large lots at good prices. Farm ers are preparing for a bumper 'crop of corn with a reasonable amount of tobacco as a side line. 1 i I The recent spring weather has; transformed every hillside into 1 I , a bright green field of healthy,' : growing wheat and every wide-! .awake business man is looking % j ; forward to a prosperous year. ; | Dr. E. Fulp, of Fulp, last} j week purchased a two-passenger' 1 Ford auto which he expects to ! use in his practice this summer. | j Mr. A. J. Barker has also pur ! chased a Ford to use in connec-, tion with his livery business. | ; Register of Deeds J. G. More field. of Danbury, was in town on business Saturday. Messrs. E. .J. Davis and son. Harry H., of Martinsville. Va., were here on business Thursday ' and Friday. Mr. VV. (1. Dodson spent a day or two in Winston-Salem last week. Mr. A. I). Jones, who has held a responsible position in j Richmond, Va.. for the past j year, arrived Friday and entered 1 upon his duties as assistant j cashier of The Rank of Stokes i County. Misses Jessie Pepper, Mary! Jo\ce. Lou Rinkloy, Messrs. X., E. and E. P. Pepper, of Dan-! bury, wore visitors here Friday.! Mr. R. L. Murphy and daugh ter, Miss Louise, spent Saturday' in Winslon-Salem. Misses Lillio and Mattie Joyce, Messrs. Sam Jones. Carl Joyce. \ i.Contiaued on page 8.) DANBURY, N. C., APRIL 14. HHS JIM SMITH SHOT j j Received Serious Wound Saturday In Fight Willi Zeb Smith, His Brother. i r I ZEB SMITH GO N b Cause Of Trouble Between the i Two Brothers Unknown—No Warrants Have Been Is j sued At this Time. J Information reached Danbury j yesterday to the effect that in a | fight near Campbell postoffice j Saturday. Jim Smith was shot |in the side with a 44-caliber pistol by his brother. Zeb Smith, the ball passing through the abdomen and coming out or. the opposite side of the body. Smith is reported to be in a serious condition but will probab !ly recover. Zeb Smith is repor i ted to have left the country and lup to this time no warrant has been issued for his arrest. He ; has been residing in North j Dakota for several years and | only recently returned to Stokes | county to live. Particulars as to what the two brothers were : lighting about could not be learned. CASE CONTINUED. Meadow s Township Citizens Brought Suit Against High way Commissioners To Recover Attorneys Fees. Mr. J. I). Humphreys returned I from Greensboro Monday where he went to represent the high way commissioners of Meadows township in a case tried before .Judge C. C. Lyon, in which the I commissioners were being sued .by the old hoard of highway commissioners of Meadows town ship for attorneys fees advanced by them in the two injunction .cases heard in Greenboro some j time since in regard to road work lin Meadows township. The case I heard Monday was continued until the next term of Stokes j Superior court. TERRACING WORK. i j County Demonstrator W. P. Holt Doing Considerable Work of this Kind In the County. I County Demonstrator W. P. Holt spent the past week in the | Mizpah section assisting Mr. J. VV. Neal and other farmers in terracing their farms. Terracing is a valuable improve ment and saves the loss of much good soil on any farm, and the people of the county should ; take advantage of Mr, Holt's; services in getting their farms: terraced. He is here for that pyrpose and will be glad to assist any farmer who needs his ser-' vices, either in the above men-i I tioned or any other problems to ! be mastered on the farm. Clerk of the Court M. T. Chil ton visited one of his Rocking ham county farms near Stone ville this week, returning to; Danbury today. 'SHEIK NEW I ; Danbury To Have Agency For Fertilizer Company , and Deliver Article Bv Auto Truck. t TO STAR! SATURDAY I i , I Storage House Being Frected This Week —Will Compete In Prices With Agencies On Railvva) —Made Possi ble By Good Roads. Something never before at tempted and which is now made possible by the coming of good roads is to be undertaken at Danbury. It is the establish ment of an agency here to handle fertilizer. Mr. A. VV. Davis, of Walnut Cove, is now having erected a storage house here in which he expects to keep a large supply of fertilizer to sell direct to the farmers of this section. The fertilizer will be delivered at Danbury by auto truck, and a large quantity will be kept on hand throughout the season. Mr. Davis will handle the cele brated Armour biand of fertil izer and will sell both for cash and on time. Bv having the guano delivered here in large quantities by auto truck he expects to be able to compete in prices with the agencies on the railroad. The first shipments are expected to be received here by Saturday. April 17th. LISTING TAXES. | Work W ill Begin In Stokes I Earh In May Appoint | ments For Danbur. Town ship. The work of listing taxes in Stokes will he started by the list | takers early in May, and each list-taker is required to make five I appointments in his township | during tire month of May. The appointments for Danbury j township, as made by Mr. L. J. ! Young, the list-taker for this township, are as follows: I). C. Taylor's store. May loth. Hartman's Store, May 11th. Danbury, May 12th. Mrs. Roxana Tattle's. May 1:1 th. Piedmont Springs, Mav 14th. FARMERS MEET 17TH. All Members of Stokes Union Urged to Attend Quarterly Meeting at Danbury Next Saturday. The regular uuartorly meeting of the Stokes County Farmers' Union has been called by Presi dent J. A. Lawson to be held at Danbury next Saturday. April 17th. and ail members of the Fnion are urged to attend this meeti-.g as there is c( nslderable business of importance to be I transacted at the meeting. Sheriff \V. C. Slate spent Mon day night with his father. Mr. VV. G. Slate, at Mi/pah. 1 Mr. Siate has been confined to I his bed with sickness for a goodj while and we regret to know! that he does not improve very| much. ■ TWO MARRIAGES. j Death of Mrs. Oliver kisep --Mr. Robert Southern 111=-Other New > cl King. King. April 12.- Mrs. Oliver wiper, aged about seventy years, died at her home near Mt. View ! Friday with heart failure. •The interment was conducted j from Haw Fond church Saturday at "5 o'clock p. m. Grady, the 10-year-oid soo of ; Mr. James F, Newsum. sprained ' his arm while at play with some ; other boys Friday night. Messrs. W. E. Newsum, J. S. Garner, R. A. Spainhower and N. VV. Newsum spent Sunday in McLeansville. They made the trip in Mr. Newsum's machine. | Mr. James I. Moore, who re- I sides near here, has purchased an i automobile. | Mr. Walter Tuttle, of King, land Miss Joyce Miller, of Siloam, | were quietly married at Siloam j Wednesday. Their many friends !! join us in wishing them a long | and happy married life. I Mr. W. G. Tuttle. who holds a j position with the Southern Rail- Away Co.. spent Sunday with his i family here. i Mr. Walter Sprinkle's new res : idence is nearing completion. This may probably mean another wedding for King. Miss Annie Redman, the popu -1 lar young teacher in the high school here, spent Sunday with her parents in Pilot Mountain. ! Mr. Hardin Lambert, aged ! about twenty-one years, and Miss ( Viola Butner, aged about eigh ; teen, were united in the holy | bonds of matrimony Sunday. Mr. Robert Southern, who has ; been in failing health for some ' time, shows no improvement, we are sorry to note. I KING ROUTE TWO. I Infant Recently Shot In Head Is Improving -- i Farmers Planting Corn Too Early. King Route 2, April (12. We have hud some nice weather for the hurt two weeks, and the farm ers have their work in good con dition, Some few of them have become excited and commenced planting corn, which we think is a mistake. Corn planted from ; the dth to the li'th of May will do much better than planted now. The people are sowing a lot of clover seed in this section. Tobacco plants are quite small at this writing. The people are hauling fertilizer preparing for another crop. Mr. W. p. Holt, the Farm Demonstrator, visited our section last week showing the people : how to prune and grow fruit ! trees. j We are glad to learn that the infant of Mr. Dorse Eaton, who was shot through the head last i week, is nicely improving. Born unto Mr. and Mrs. Asa Smith, a boy. Mr. G. A. Jones recently went to Wallburg to see his son who was sick and brought him home. Mr. A. S. Marsh visited Mr. G. VV. Smith Sunday. He want ed to go fishing. Rev. liauconi. of Pinnacle, wilt fill his regular ai pointment at Mt. Olive Saturday and Sunday. VVc are expecting a large crowd : as it is getting time for the ladies | to show their hats, j We understand that there was j a mad dog in the 1 innacle section I recently. SCRIBBLER. No. 2,245 DEATH OF GOOD MAN I I ~ j\-lr. J. T. Mabe Passed A\va> i Oii Dantuir\ Route 1 \\ edncsdax. I ,1 ;HAD MWV RELATI\ E? I Miss Mai tie Lee Brown Dies At Her Home N:i r Mocre's Springs —Mr. Watt Priii dv Returns From Hot Springs Other News. Danbury Route 1. April Id.— Mr. Jim Tom Mabe. who lived ' near Pine.v Grove church, passed away at his home Wednesday evening at U Mr. Mabe | took blood poison in the foot las*, summer from which he suffered for some time. This disease not leaving his blood, developed pneumonia and side pleurisy some weeks ago. Mr. Mabe is survived hv a wife and twelve children. This number in one family is seldom known in this country by the same father and mother. Mrs. Mabe is the mother of seventeen children, five dead and twelve living ones and she is only Js years old. Mr. Mabe was well known throughout the county and had the name of being one of our best and most upright, hard : working men, spending his time in the best possible way to gair the love and friendship of hi? neighbors. He was also one o: our best Farmers' Union mem j bers. He became a member ! when tirst organized and hele closely to his fellow member? 'and all business transacted j through and by them. His wife with her large num ber of children will occupy the I same place and she has the | sympathy of the surrounding neighbors in her loss. Miss Hattie Lee Brown, the daughter of Mr. Jack Brown passed away at her home near Moore's Springs last Wednes day evening at '■> o'clock after an illness of tuber dosis, Her body was laid to re?/, at the graveyard known as the Old Orchard after a funeral service Iby Kidor J. A. Fagg, of Walnut Cove. J'his lady was 1> year? : old. serving her time here or earth, lovely and peaceable and i winning love and friendship I from all who knew her. Sh. i was Messed before the end with some hope of religion and pleased many whom she talker with. Mr. and Mrs. Moses 1». Mabe visited relatives near Walnut Cove Friday. F.ldei- Watt Priddv ha? .just returned from Hot Spring? where he has been for several months in interest of his health. Little Foil Oakley is\ery ill this week. Hope he may be up 1 again soon. Miss Guire Dalton is spending the week with her grandmother. Mrs. P. H. Young. Mr. J. H. Fagg and family ; snent Sunday evening with Mrs. Walter Priddy. Miss Klsie Coleman, of Mead ows, is spending the week with her sister. Mrs. J. B. Priddv. A party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oakley Monday night in honor of their visitors, Misses Ruth and Agnes Sands. Other friends present were Misses Myrtle Campbell, Alpha Woods. Bertha and Ida Mabe, Fate Dodson, Lizzie and Hester Tilley: Messrs. Henry : Harper, Terry Campbell, 'has. 'Oakley, ('has. Priddy, -letter Oakley, Marion X'unn, Tingy ; Mabe. Hobert Ray. Marvin Dalton and Jesse Mabe. Air. Dewey Reid is very ill with pneumonia this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morelield, of Walnut Cove, spent Saturday night at Mr. I). S. Priddy's. Preaching services will be held iat Wilson church next Sunday. I Mr. X. O. Petree returned today from a business trip to King.

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