DAIs BURY REPORTER VOLUME XLIII. ELECTION MOHDAT O. N. Petrec Becomes Mayor of Walnut Cove Without Opposition. MEETING OF JUNIORS New Brick Plant To tie Establish ed Soon—Hoard of Trade Mas Enthusiastic Meeting- Other News. Walnut Cove, May 4. —At the municipal election here yester day the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: For mayor, Mr. 0. N. Petree was elected without op position, while Messrs. J. A. Fa®g. J- R- Lackey, W. G. Doison and A. J. Barker were choaen for commissioners. These gentlemen are among the best citizens of the town and beyond question the local affairs will be conducted in a conservative >et progressive manner under their efficient administration. The commencement exercises of the high school which begun on Saturday afternoon are progressing nicely. The exer cises, which are unusually good, are attracting large crowds and many visitors from other places are here for the occasion. Thursday night at the Junior hall one of tire liveliest and most enthusiastic meetings of the board of trade held this year was conducted with a full atten dance of members. The as sembly was addressed by Mr. Geo. L. Jarvis on the subject of "Why I Came to Walnut Cove." Mr.. .larvis painted a vivid picture of the great possibilities of the town arid county and was heartily applauded. County Demonstrator W. P. Holt also made a few timely remarks on the relation of the business man to the farmer and urged a more thorough co-operation along this lire. Upon recommendation of the internal improvement com m ttee, Monday, May the tenth, was set apart as "Clean Up and Paint Up Day" at which time every person in town will be asaed to remove all rubbish, tin cats, boxes, scraps and in fact ev >rything that is conducive to the breeding of mosquitoes and flies and everything that, tends \o impair the appearance of the town to homefolks and visitors. A vigorous campaign is going to Lie waged against the fly here this summer and if every fam ly and every person will do their duty in this respect not a case of fever is likely to be reported. The board of trade has come to stay, to start things moving and to keep them going. A district meeting of the Jr, 0. U. A. M. was held here Saturday with a large atten dance. After a business meet ing in the afternoon the public was invited to attend at 7:30 when they were ably addressed by Messrs. H. 0. Sapp, VV. F. Hamilton, Chas. E. Snyder and Lee Hopper, of Winston - Salem, un the work which is being undertaken and accomplished by the Juniors. The addresses were exceedingly interesting and were heard by a large and appreciative audience. Mr. E. J. Davis, of Martins ville, Va., was a business visitor here Saturday. Capt. and Mrs. It. L. Murphy spent Friday in Winston-Salem. Misses Thelma Adams, Lena Hedgecock, Elizabeth Ambler, Ethel Grubbs and others, of Winston-Salem, were the charm ing guests of Mrs. R. A. Hedge cock Saturday and Sunday. Miss Claudia Rierson returned NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT Plav To Be Presented At New Warehouse In Wal nut Cove. Walnut Cove, May 4. The three act musical comedy "Cra/.y Patch" will be presented at the New Warehouse at Wal nut Cove, N. C.. Tuesday night. May 11th, by local talent, under the management of Mr. J. Irving Bolt, tor the benefit of the High School. The play is one of the best ever used by amateurs, and every character handles his part well. Be sure and hear the Crazy Patch quartett. and Miss Kate McPherson Jin humorous recitations, and see J. Irving Bolt in his impersonation and songs. Two hours of solid fun, with a laugh every minute. Come and enjoy a good laugh and help swell the High School fund. Prices 15 and 25;. The cottage of Hon. J. C. Bux ton at Piedmont Springs will have some additions made to it in a few days. Mr. R. H. R. Blair, of Danbury, has the contract for the work. home Fridav after having spent several weeks visiting relatives in Charlotte, Shelby and other places. Messrs. Samuel H. Stewart and Elwood Boyles went to Madison Saturday, returning Suuday afternoon. Mr. R. P. Sartin, who bought tobacco here the past season, spent Sunday in town. Mrs. J. T. Hire, of Creensboro, is the guest of Mrs. Nannie Fulton this week. Miss Lillie Joyce spent Sunday and Monday at Madison. Among the Danbury visitors in town Sunday Misses Mary Joyce, Sadie Petree, Mary Taylor: Messrs. W. (I. Petree, J no. Taylor, Ray Martin, Walter Petree, Andrew Joyce and oth ers. County Treasurer J. A. Fagg spent Monday at Danbury en business. Mr. O. N. Petree expects to leave within a few weeks for San Francisco to attend the exposition. He will probably l>e away for more than a month. •Misses Mary Franklin and Ruth Tyree, of Winston-Salem, are the guests of Miss Estelle Rierson this week. "Crazy Patch," the three act musical farce to be presented at the New Warehouse next Tues day night, should not be forgotten by those who love to laugh. The play is going to be a great suc cess and many visitors are expected fropi different sections. It is highly probable that another plant for the manufac ture of brick will be established here in the near fpture. While nothing definite has been learned as to the plans of the new con cern it is reported that work on the yard will be started in a few days. Messrs. Walker Brothers, ot' Winston - Salem, who are experienced in this line of man ufacturing are the promoters of the enterprise. Mr. J. W. Walker was for a long time sec retary and treasurer of the Hedgecock Brick Co. but recent ly severed his connection with this firm. Work is progressing rapidly on the residences of Messrs. T. J. Covington and W. C. Slate on Nortli Main street. Many other buildings will be erected in this popular section of town during the summer. DANBURY. N. C., MAY 5, 1915 JUITOMOBILE WRECK | Machine Goes Over High Fill On Danbury-Ger manton Road. I i SATURDAY NIGHT Occupants Escape Without { Serious injury But Car Is Badly Torn L'p By Fall. An automobile owned and be ing driven by Mr. Thomas Spen cer. of Campbell, went over a fill about twelve feet high Satur day night while enroute from j Mr. Spencer's home to Capella, j the accident oescuring on the , Danbury-Germanton sand-clay j road, six miles south of here, near i the home of Mr. Will Southern. ! In the car with Mr. Spencer were Messrs. Luther Gravitt, 1 Lewis Shelton and Preston I'er | guson, prominent citizens of King i Route 1, and all of them escaped ! without serious injury, though | Mr. Shelton and Mr. Ferguson each received severe bruises, j Mr. Shelton was a visitor at j the Reporter office today and iudging from his description of the accident their escape was al i most miraculous as the car turn ed completely over one time and half over again, landing with the bottom upward. Three of the party jumped or were thrown from the car but Mr. Shelton was I caught under it and could not get out until the machine was lifted off of him. The car. which was a Ford machine, was badly torn up, the top and wind shield being completely demol ished. I The cause of the accident, as re | lated by Mr. Shelton,was by Mr. I Spencer, the driver, losing his ; hat, and during his efforts to ! catch it while passing along a very narrow place in the- road, he lost control of the car, with the result above stated. i Meeting Of Lacisum Club ; At Walnut Cove Thurs day Evening. ! Walnut Cove. May 4.- The Lacisum Club was delightfully by Miss Lillie Wheeler and Mr. W. P. Wheeler jat their home Thursday evening. I The subject of study for the j evening was Scotch music. The ) program as rendered follows : ! Solo "Flow Gently Sweet Afton," Miss Bernice Woodruff. Reading "MacDowell As a Teacher Of the Pianoforte," Miss Jones. j Piano solo —"A Scottish Tone .Picture," MacDowell, Miss Mc ' Pherson. Solo—"Bonnie Sweet Bessie," Mr. J. Irving Bolt. Reading "Scottish Music," Miss McPherson. Owing to the absence of sev eral of the members some num bers were omitted from the program. At the conclusion of the program a "Musical Catechism" was given. Miss McPherson was the recipient of the very ap propriate prize, a picture of Robert Burns. Some time was then spent pleasantly in conversation inter spersed with songs and readings by club members and visitors. A delicious salad course was then served by Misses Gladys and Eugenia Wheeler and Rebecca Harrington. ». G. MOORE PUNS Scheme to Turn Big Traffic By Danbury and Walnut Cove. BUILD TOLL ROAD I liis Is the Proposition, From Moore's Springs, via Pied mont, Connecting With the Fine Danhury- Walnut Cove Turnpike. Mr. W. G. Moore, proprietor of Moore's Springs Hotel, was here Tuesday talking in the interest of a proposed sand-clay highway j to be built from Moore's Springs via Piedmont, connecting with j | the Danbury-Walnut Cove sand-' clay road. j Mr. Moore says the distance from Moore's Springs to the Dan bury sand-clav road is only a little over 5 miles and that the cost of the project would not be over $5,000 or $*5,00(1. His plan is to organize a joint stock company and build the road by private sub- 1 scription. After it is built, a large territory of Western Stokes | : county would use it, and would be willing to pay a small toll for its up-keep and to take care of the interest on the investment. Mr. Moore finds his property peculiarly situated as regards its transportation advantages. 1 Since wtjuaker Gap was divided by the last legislature the north ern half is left against good roads, while the southern part in which Moore's Springs is located, is overwhelmingly for good roads, but the new township is cut off by Yadkin, which lies between it and the railway, and Yadkin is opposed to good roads. Mr. Moore found much en couragement in his scheme. The Walnut Cove board of trade, which has recently become a bundle of live wires, and is doing much to build up the town, promised to agitate the proposi tion, and heartilv co-operate in every way, as it would mean big things for Walnut Cove. TERRACING FARMS Countv Agent Holt Finds Much of this Work To j- Be Done |ON STOKES FARMS Corn Club Boys Taking Much Interest In Their Work Farmers Spraying their Trees. County Agent VV.P. Holt spent several days of the past week in conducting demonstrations in terracing on the farms of Messrs. W. Y. Gordon, J. M. Redding, Alex Southern and W. J. Johnson, of Germanton Route 1; J. W. Johnson, of King, and ' ius Burge, of Walnut Cove. Mr. Holt stated two weeks ago that he hoped to catch up with the terracing work, but he now has fourteen more farms booked for his next round. a Quite a number of the farmers of the county Tare keeping up their spraying operations under the demonstration work and will no doubt derive a great deal of benefit from their efforts along this special line. The corn club boys are taking considerable interest in their work and with a good season will no doubt make an excellent show ing in the fall. DEATH OF MRS. TILLEY Passed Away Thursday Night After Short Illness—Other 'i News. Danbury Route I, May I.—-Mrs. | Elizabeth Tilley, of near Walnut ) Cove, passed away at her home Thursday night at 8:4I o'clock, i after an illness of several -lays. Mrs. Tilley was buried at Clear Spring church Saturday evening. She is survived by three child ren, Mr. Robert Tilley, of Mead |ows, Mrs. John Shelton, of Sandy I Ridge, and Mr. Kerry Clark, of ; I Walnut Cove. Mrs. D. C. Taylor, of Sandy j Ridge Route 1, is visiting ' friends and relatives at Walnut | Cove this week. Mrs. Paulina Oakley and grand daughter Delia, visited Mrs. N. D. Priddy Sunday. Misses Mintoria Oakley, Mrs. Rosa Covington, of Winston- Salem, Mabel Sands. Gladys Wall, and Susie Mabe, were in com pany with Messrs. Bryant Wall, Ode 11 Coleman and Chester Cole man, Fred and Jesse Sands, Daniel Chapman, Kverette Mabe and Joe Joyce at the home of Miss Ruth «lidewell Sunday. There was preaching at the home Mr. and Mrs. Newton Stephens' Saturday night by the request of their daughter. Alpha, who is seriously ill with appendi citis. An unusual large crowd was present to witness the service : which was held by Klder Fagg, of Walnut Cove. There will be preaching at North View church Sunday. News Hems Gf Gideon. Gideon, May 4.—A good rain fell this morning. Suppose most of the farmers are through planting corn. The Sunday School at Davis Chapel is progressing nicely. Mr. ,). M. f'lvnt has gone to Walnut Cove to have some I | dental work done today. Quite a crowd attended the show at DiHard last week. Several from around here at | I tended services at ISulfalo Sun ! day. Miss Myrtle Fagg spent Satur day and Sunday with Miss Moiiie • Young. j Mrs. 2.1. T. Chilton and daugh ter, Miss Nellie, of Danbury, | spent the latter part of last week ; with her mother, Mrs. Emily | Adkins, at lied Shoals. Misses Lillian Mitchell, Avis Dunlap, Bettie and Gussie John son, and Mr. Hardie Johnson visited at Mr. George Roberts' Sunday. Messrs. J. Frank Dunlap and Carey Flynt went to Sandy Ridge to the ball game Saturday after noon. It was played between Sandy Ridge and Dillard teams. Messrs. W. M. and W. J. Flynt went to Danbury on busi ness one day last week. Mr. W. M. Flynt and daughter. Miss Ella, left this morning for Walnut Cove to attend the High School commencement. Misses Lillian Mitchell and Avis Dunlap spent Saturday night with Miss Bettie Roberts. Mr. J. W. Ward spent Thurs day night with Mr. J. J. Martin. Mr. J. M. Fagg visited his daughter, Mrs. Guy Eggelston, Sunday. Mrs. R. C. Gann visited Mrs. No. 2,248 ANOTHER BRIDGE County Commissioners Wii! Let Contract Tor Bridge Across Dan River Max 15th. BOARD MET MON'DAV Many Claims Made By Meadow it Citizens For Damage By Road Two New Roads Order- Ed Laid Out At the regular monthly meet ing of the county commissioners | here Monday the most important , business transacted was the | decision of the board to erect a 'steel bridge across Dan river at , the Farmers Union roller mill in northern Stokes. The commis sioners will meet in special ses sion here on May loth at which time a contract will be let for the construction of the bridge. Commissioners John \V. Gann and Isaac 1). IJarr were appoint ed a committee to decide upon plans for the new county home soon to be erected and they left Tuesday for Winston-Salem to examine the Forsyth county home with a view to getting ideas from that building. Commissioner Joseph Ma/tin was appointed a committee to examine ar.d receive the new bridge just completed across Dan river at George's roller mill. Quite a number of claims were presented by citizens for dam ages by the new roads recently built in Meadows township. These were referred to the town ship highway commissioners of that township for adjustment. j> I'oads were ordered laid out by the Sheiilf. One of these is in Quaker Gap township ar.d starts near John Dennett's at Meadow branch, going byway of Gibson's school house and intersecting with the Volunteer road rear C. ('. Hail's. The other road is in Snow Creek township and will start at :'nep pard's roller mill and intersect with lite Danbury nad near Delta church. Quite a number of small claims against the county wore paid at the meeting of the board Mon day, lax Assessors AS Work. ! Mr. K. \V. Carroll, the County Tax Assessor, appointed by the State Corporation Commission to superintend the work of the township list-takers, was here Monday in council with the list takers. as required by law. He spent a day or two here after wards also. Mr. Carroll is very conscientious in the important work which he has undertaken, and while he will trv to do his duty, it is his intention to be con servative. He states that the average increase which will be sought to be effected in the county will be between 15 and *JO per cent. As the law requires, , Mr. Carroll will spend one day I with each of the township list ' takers. W. M. Flynt Friday p. m. Mr. J. Martin has gone to Walnut Cove on business today. Mrs. David Reid spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kington, last week. Messrs. Carey Flynt and Lent mie Duggins went to Madison to* a baptizing Sunday.