DAN BURY REPORTER VOLUME XLIII. WALNUT COVE LETTER P. H. Linville and A. W. Da vis Have Automobile Accident. SELLING MUCH GUANO W. F. Davis To keturn To West —Mr. Petree (joes To Hxposi* tion —Revival Services In Progress—Another Hnter tainment To Be Given. Walnut Cove, May 18. Mr. Lawrence Mcßae, of Winston- Salem. was in town a short while Friday afternoon on busi ness. Mr. W. F. Davis, who recent ly returned to this place from Arizona, expects to leave again this week l'or the west. He has not yet decided where he will locate. Mr. H. H. Davis, of Martins ville, Ya., the popular manager of the old warehouse, was here Monday looking after some busi ness affairs. Mr. John G. Fulton spent Saturday in Greensboro on busi ness. Mr. Nat Poindexter. of Wal kertown, was here Saturday en route from Danbury where he attended a special meeting of the county commissioners. Mr. Oscar N. Petree left > ThursJay for San Francisco to attend the exposition. While away Mr. Petree is the guest of the Prudential Life Insurance Co. which he so succssfully re presents in this territory. L'pon his return Mr. Petree has con sented to deliver a lecture to the board of trade in which he will relate a few incidents of his trip und describe a few of the many interesting things to be seen at the exposition. While enroute from Greens boro where they had been attend ing court last Thursday Messrs. A. W. Davis and P. H. Linville had quite a thrilling experience and barely escaped having a ser ious auto accident. It seems that two cows being driven along the road by a farmer suddenly became excited and dashed directly in front of the car which was being driven rapidly and it was a case of collide with the •. cows or take to the fields, so the latter alternative was chosen. As the car swerved from the road it came in direct contact with an apple tree, tearing the fender from the car and injuring the occupants slightly, though not seriously. Mr. Linville however is in quite a dilemma as to just how to bring a Ford to a halt where there are no crab apple i..ees. Among those from here who spent Sunday at the Primitive Baptist association, mingling with good folks, enjoying a day of recreation and a dinner of palatable fried chicken and other good things too tempting to mention, were Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bowles, Messrs. John A. Bur ton. Dr. W. H. Critz, J. Irving Bolt. Jno. E. Hutchinsrn, Jesse Carter. Numa Baker, Miss I' - loss Crews, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Davis, W. N.Gilbert. Carl Joyce, Paul Fulton, T. P. Bailey, Geo. Fulton, C. E. Davis, Watson Joyce, J. F. Hawkins, L. B. Simmons, Sanders Rierson, Jno. Lewellyn, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morefield and family. The H. & S. Motor Co., of Rural Hall, last week unloaded a a car of six Ford autos which thoy have already disposed of. This makes eighteen cars which they have distributed in the county this season and it is un derstood that they have orders for almost another car load. .Mr. E. W. Fowler spent Sun day in King with relatives and friends. It is learned that probably early in June another entertain ment will be given for the benefit of the high school under the direction of Miss Kate McPher son, teacher of music. Those who witnessed the role of M iss McPherson in "Crazy Patch" are confident of her success in giving a splendid entertainment. Elder P. J. Lester, one of the leading divines of the Primitive Baptists, delivered an excellent sermon to a large congregation BREAD AND MEAT PROGRAM! Tremenduous Increase in j Coin Acreage in Stokes--' The Farmers Are In Earnest About It. | It is thought that fully 23 per 'cent, more corn has been planted in the county than ever before. This estimate of the increase is conservative. It is possibly 50 per cent. The people do not mean to be caught napping any ; more like last fall. They are; realizing that they cannot afford to pav the present prices charged for chop and flour and corn meal, j The farmers never did a wiser thing than when they decided to | raise their homp supplies. DR. SILER HERE. Secretary of Western North Carolina Conference De livers Several Lectures In Stokes. i Dr. Frank Siler, secretary of • the Western North Carolina M. |E. church Conference, spent I several days this week in Stokes, delivering lectures at Danbury, Sandy Ridge, Delta, Davis Chapel and Snow Hill churches in the interest of home and ! foreign missions. Dr. Siler is a very forceful and | lluent speaker and his lectures are highly entertaining. His itenerary embraces the territory jof the entire conference, with ! headquarters at Greensboro. The past year Dr. Siler delivered more than seven hundred lectures and sermons. Walnul Cove Route 3. Walnut Cove Route 3, May 17. —The health of this community is very good at present. The farmers are very busy hauling fertilizer and preparing i for another large crop of tobac- i ; I CO. Miss Nannie Stewart, of Stone-j i ville, is visiting her grand-: mother, Mrs. A. S. Stewart, i Mrs. R. E. Alley spent Sun -1 day with her mother, Mrs. Ar renna Davis. | Mr. Hardy Johnson and sister, Miss Gussie, spent the day Sun day with their sister, Mrs. W. j D. Mitchell. ; Among those who visited Miss : Sadie Alley Sunday were Misses ! Mary and Nannie Sue Smith, : Messrs. Robert Carter, Jesse j Gatewood, Dread and Banner Priddy. Mrs. J. N. Lasley spent Sun day afternoon at Mr. W. I. Mitchell's. Misses Ruth and Nannie Mitch ell spent Sunday with their aunt, Miss Sadie Stewart. There will be preaching at Stewart's school house Sunday :at 11 o'clock by Revs. Boles and ! Stewart, j at the New Warehouse Friday | night. Mr. J. A. Whitten. of Mayo dan. is in town this week on business. Mr. W. E. Hartman, of King, ; was here a short while Friday, j The revival services being con ducted at the warehouse this | week by Rev. E. J. Poe, assisted ! by Presiding Elder Sprinkle and : Rev. C. R. Hutcherson, are | largely attended and much good j will no doubt result from the , meeting. i The amount of guano being sold here this season will com pare favorably with other years and since the recent rains the outlook is bright for a good crop. Farmers from every section of the county report that more corn has been planted than ever be fore and the acreage of tobacco decreased considerably. DANBURY, N. C., MAY 19, 1915 ACCIDENT SUNDAY I I Automobiles Collide Near' Rural Hall and Injure Passengers. | LADY'S ARM BROKEN Wheat Crop (iood and Tobacco Beintj Planted—Mr. kufus i liennett Loses A horse. : King Route 2, May 17. ; An automobile being driven by ; Mr. Ernest Helsabeck last Sun-; day collided with another car and i was turned over, breaking the! arm of one of the ladies in Mr. Helsabeck's car and bruising some of the other occupants of the car, as well as doing con siderable damage to the machine. The accident occurred near Rural Hall. The machine driven by Mr. Helsabeck belonged to his brother, Dr. Rupert Helsabeck. Those injured in the accident are getting along nicely. Farmers of this section are be ginning to plant tobacco, although plants seem to be a little scarce. The wheat crop seems to be looking some better since the] recent rains. Mr. Rufus Bennett, of Capella, had the misfortune to lose a fine! 1-year old horse last week. The ! animal was worth $25(1.00. Mr. N. I. Boyles has purchased a fine buggy. Rev. Phillips preached at Mt. j Olive last Saturday and Sunday, i Mr. Gaston Meadows' little boy j is seriously ill with erysipelas at | this writing. Mr. Scales Cromer's little boy j got his leg broken last Saturday. I Mr. J. E. Smith spent a few; hours with the correspondent! Sunday. Mr. Smith says if we had better roads he would buy! a car. Mr. Ira Smith has decided that, he will join some secret order, ! as he understands there is goat: riding in them and he has one, | and is a rough rider. Miss Emma Gentry and two of ] her nephews visited Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith Sunday. We learn that Dr. Helsabeck j .will get married about June 10.; Mr. and Mrs. Wade H. Koyles, of this section, are spending this! week with their son, Mr. C. R., Boyles. of Mt. Airy. There was a big fox race in the i mountain Saturday night. Rev. W. T. Baucom, of Pin nacle, returned home from the j hospital last Saturday evening, I but is in feeble health. SCRIBBLER. _____ j Personals From DiUard. Dillard, May 17. People of this section are very busy pre paring for another tobacco crop. Mrs. Alice Pugh, of Greens boro. is visiting friends in this section. Miss Berta Ward is visiting l friends at Winston-Salem. Miss Susie Duncan spent Satur day night with Miss Myrtle Fagg. " Quite a crowd spent Sunday with Miss Bettie Roberts. Among them were Misses Delia and Ruth Alcorn. Bettie Johnson. Lydia! Mitchell. Eva Stultz: Messrs. Coon Martin, Stacy Rothrock, Willie Alcorn. Harvey Johnson] and Robert Ward. Messrs. Elbert and * Kaney Roberts and Wade Stulz spent; Sunday with Misses Nannie and ' Ruth Mitchell. JOLLY GIRL. The Piedmont Springs Hotel will open for guests on Saturday, June 12, 1915. CONTRACT AWARDED, New Sieel Bridge To Span! the Dan In North - Western Stokes. NEAR UNION MILL; I Austin Bros.. Of Atlanta. Ciet Contract At $1991.50—T0 Be 1 Completed By Nov. Ist. A contract was awarded by j the county commissioners Satur day to Austin Bros., of Atlanta, for the erection of a steel bridge across Dan river near the Far mers Union roller mill in the north-western part of the county. The consideration on the work was $1901.511 and the contract calls for the completion of the work by Nov. Ist next. With the completion of this bridge Dan river will be spanned by seven steel bridges in Stokes. At their meeting Saturday the commissioners ordered a flight of cement steps placed at the south side of the court house from the street up to the side walk. Consolidating Schools In The North State Now Raleigh, May 17. The State Department of Education is just now giving renewed emphasis to the consolidation of elementary schools in the rural districts as supervised by L. C' Borgden of the department, with a view to substituting three-teacher schools for present one and two teacher schools through consolidations of districts to the extent of includ ing as much as 25 square miles to the district where conditions will justify this. Numbers of such consolida i tions are being made from time jto time, with school farms and ; homes for the school teachers included wherever this is pos sible. Mr. Brogdenis enthusiastic over the possibilities and pro spects for school improvement in this direction. At Shiloh Baptist Church. Rev. R. E. White of Leaks ville-Spray will preach the intro ductory sermon at the Pilot Mountain Baptist Sunday School Association, to be held at Shiloh Baptist church, Pinnacle, N. C. May of his sermon is "Salvation by Grace." An interesting pro gram has been arranged and it is expected that a tremendous crowd will be in attendance. Big Thing for Leaksviile-Spray. It is an assured fact that the Marshall Field Company is going to spend about five hundred thousand dollars in enlarging somsof their mills in LeaKsville- Spray. The company will also build a power house to furnish power for the various mills of the community. This will be quite a big thing for Rockingham. Mr. Chiiton ins Suit Against T. S. Groome in the Superior Court of For syth county Monday Mr. M. T. Chilton, of Danbury, was award ed judgment against T. S. Groome, of Greensboro, in the sum of of $750.01). The suit was for damages in a land trade. An infant of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith at Walnut Cove died last night. STOKES A $5,000,00(1 COUNEY ? The New Assessment of Propertv Will Give Us An Increase Of About SBOO,OOO. Mr. E. W. Carroll was here 1 Monday. Mr. Carrol! is the Tax Assessor for the county, and is: giving the work conscientious at tention. He says the increase of I the tax rate for the county will | average about 1G 2-2 per cent. The present valuation of the | property as per the 1914 lists is j $4,295,882. The new assessment j will give us about SSOOO.uoo of; property. ! W.R.BENNETT DEAD. ! j Merchant and Gocd Citizen! Of Danbury Route 1 Passed ; Awav Last Night. | Mr. William R. Bennett, of i Danbury Route 1. passed awayj at his home last night after a lingering illness with a eompliea-: tion of diseases. Mr. Bennett was a good citizen and will be greatly missed is his community. He has for a num- ■ ber of years been engaged in the i mercantile business and had been very successful. The deceased was about 72 j vears of age and is survived by his wife and several sons and daughters, among these being Mrs. Matt Mabe, of Walnut Cove | Route 3: Mrs. Alex Nelson and, Mrs. Ham Mabe, of Danbury l Route 1; Messrs. O. M. and Z. L. Bennett, of Danbury Route 1; j Drew Bennett, of Cornatzer, and Robert Bennett, of High Point, and two small children at home. The funeral services were held at the home of the deceased today by Elder J. A. Fagg. of the Primitive Baptist church, and interment was made in the family burying ground. A large number of the friends of the deceased were present to pay their last respect. Rockingham Officers Capture Much Liquor Reidsville, May 17.—The cap ture of an automobile loaded with I i about 35 gallons of liquor was made just north of Ruffin Friday night. Deputy Sheriff C. W. Jackson and Policemen Turpin and Sullivan, of Reidsville, met the automobile in the road at the Wright place and halted it. While Deputy Jackson was look ing in the tonneau to see if there was any liquor on it one of the young men in the halted ear arose suddenly in his seat and ; smashed Mr. Jackson in the face ! with a long-necked quart glass bottle of liquor. The blow was a severe one and knocked Mr. Jackson senseless for several minutes. His face shows severe ! bruises now as a result of the un expected blow. The two men, J. I). Charles, ! a young man about 25 years old, , and Simmerman, and a youth j about IN or 19 years of age. were | placed under arrest and brought I to Reidsville and put in jail. The ! young men arc said to be from | Davie county. The inference is i that they were on their way from |Arey's distillery, just over the I line near Danville, where they !got their supply of liquor and were making for Winston or High Point. It is supposed that Char les planned to make his escape from the officers when he assault ed Deputy Jackson. No. 2,250 NEW COUNTY NOME Plans and Specifications to Be Submitted To Countv Commissioners. ON JUNE 7TH. 1915 Sealed Bids Will lie Received On the Work At An Harly Date —To Cost sl6.(Mil) To 52(),KX). At a special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held at the court house here Saturday the matter of building a new county home was taken up, and it was decided to have plans and specifications for a building submitted to the Board at its meeting on June 7th. At that meeting the commissioners will appoint a day on which sealed bids will be received on the work. A building costing between $15,000 and $20,000 will be erected on the site of the present county home. There is a special act of the legislature authorizing the com missioners to issue bonds to raise the money. This will be done without delay. At the last term of the court the grand jury con demned the present home, and strongly arraigned the commis sioners for the delay in carrying out the much needed improve ment. The building will be equipped with water, sanitary arrange ments, and all modern details. It is learned that after the home is completed, the farm will be let to a competent farmer at a salary, and that the effort will be made to not only make the coun ty home self-sustaining, but to produce an overplus of revenue for the countv. The following notice was ordered sent to contractors in this section: State of North Office of the Carolina. | Board ofCoun- Stokes County. Ity Com mi s ; sioners. To All Building Contractors Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given all I building contractors who may be I interested in the same, that I specifications and plans for a jnew county home for Stokes : county will be filed before the | board of county commissioners of Stokes county, N. C., at Dan jbury, N. C.. on the 7th day of I.June, 191"), bv an architect. ! when and where the same may i be inspected by any and all build ing contractors who may desire to bid upon the said work, and that sealed bids for said work will be considered by said board on a day thereafter to be fixed by it. By order of the board. This the loth day of May, 1915. J. (;. MOREFIELD, Clk. Bd. Cc. Corn's. : ! Walnut Cove Route 6. Walnut Cove Route (>, Mav IS. —The farmers in this section are ; about through planting corn. The health of this community i is v?ry good at present. Messrs. Ben and John Mitchell, ! of Walnut Cove Route went to Walnut Cove on business Monday. ! Mrs. Carri? Alley, of Panbury, is visiting Mrs. VY. M. Nelson • this week. Miss Jennie l-'ulk spent Satur i day and Sunday with Miss Les3ie Harrison at German ton. Mr. Jesse Sands, of Meadows, went to Walnut Cove last week. Mr. Roy Hicks, of Meadows, went to Walnut Cove last week. 1 -

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