DAN BURY REPORTER VOLUME XLIII. WALNUT COVE LETTER 0 Much Opposition To Bond Issue, cor Schools. NEW ENTERPRISES, Laundry Is Established and New Store Building Being Erected Examination For Rural Mail Carriers Much Interest Shown In Revival Meetings. Walnut Cove. June 22. Crowds are in attendance at the revival i meetings being conducted at the | Baptist church this week by: Evangelist J. W. Ham. Rev. I Ham is a fluent speaker and his | sermons are very impressive, j Great good wilt no result' from his earnest efforts in his meeting here. Owing to considerable opposi tion to the proposed bond issue for schools involving an expenditure of s4,(Hilt to be used in enlarging ar.d improving the present build ing a move is on foot to decrease the amount to be voted to a maximum of $2,000. Those who oppose the issue declare that for building purposes the state and county is supposed to furnish a part, of the funds and an effort towards this end will be made at the next meeting of the Board of Education. Many believe that with the assurance from the state and county of a part of the needed funds that it will be an easy matter to carry the election in favor of the bond issue. As the matter now stands it is con ceded by all that the issue will be defeated by quite a large major ity. A new enterprise in the form of a laundry has been installed in the leaf house erected here last winter. This is a long felt neces sity here and will in all probabil ity prove a successful venture for the promoters. It is a new feature and while the plant is small, consisting mainly of a smoke-stack, a gasoline engine and a washing machine, it will be enlarged from time to time to meet the demand of its patrons. The high school committee have received more than fifty applica tions for positions in the Walnut Cove high s:hool for the coming session. The applicants are from practically every section of the the state and are significant of the fact that Walnut Cove and the splendid school located here are widely known. The election of teachers has not yet been held but will be called some time in july. 'The Rabbit Foot Minstrels," a traveling tent show, exhibited here Saturday night to a crowded house. Nothing better demon strates the fact that there is no stringency in financial affairs than the liberality with which the folks donate for the unkeep of the show man and the susten enance of a dancing coon. An examination for rural de livery carriers will be conducted at the postoffice here Saturday to fill the vacancy on the route formerly held by Mr. C. 11. Marshall. It is learned that there "are several applicants from different sections of the county. On Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock services will be held at the Junior Hall by the Primitive Baptists. It is not known who will conduct the services but it is probable that Elders J. A. Fagg, S, H. Reid and others will be present. A new store building which is to be a modern brick structure is being erected on Main street, adjoining the Stokes Grocery Co. When completed the build ing will be occupied by Mr. Paul Fulton who will continue to I handle the same line of high ! class groceries which he is now ! carrying. It has not been learn ed who will occupy the building j where Mr. Fulton is now located. A force of hands with a modern well-drilling equipment are en-' ' gaged this week in drilling a well on the school house grounds. The well will possibly be sunk to a depth of about two hundred feet and will furnish an abundance of pure water. Among those who attended ! the commissioners meeting at Dan bury Monday were Messrs. 'R. A. Hedgecock, T. J. Coving ! ton, J. R. Voss, Jno. R. Smith, J. W. Slate, J. H. Fowler. C. M. '.Jones, A. W. Davis and J. E. ! James. I Miss Sallie Fulton spent several ! days in Winston-Salem this week as the guest of Miss Julia Adams. A picnic party composed of 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hutcherson, Mrs. J. W. Morefield, Misses Nell, Kathryn and Margaret 1 Hutcherson, Jettie, Bessie and Nina Morefield. Ora Boyles, Sadie King and Irene Taylor, of Reidsville: Margie Foy. of 1 Burlington, and Ava Lewis; Messrs, Paul Fulton, Watson and Carl Joyce, Lester More field, Robert Murphy. Elwood [ Boyles, John Burton, Sanders Rierson, Ben Cahill, Jr., John Martin and Howard Woodruff spent a very pleasant day on , the Dan river Tuesday. After , 'dinner was served in the regular picnic style on the bank of the , J river and everybody had enjoyed ,' the good dinner fishing, etc., was . engaged in. The crowd ad journed about 4:30 after spend ! ing a very pleasant day. , Misses Sadie King and Irene • Taylor, of Reidsville, are the . j guests of Misses Kathryn and . ] Nell Hutcherson this week. ,1 Misses Jettie and Bess More r i field spent last week on Walnut , Cove Route 1 with Mr. L. E. t Morefield and Miss Minnie Gray , Marshall. . Miss Ava Lewis, of Walnut ( Cove Route 1, is visiting relatives in town this week, i Miss Ora Boyles delightfully 'entertained a few of her friends ' Tuesday evening. Among those j present were Misses Nell and ' Kathryn Hutcherson, Jettie and Bessie Morefield, Annie Fulton, | Mary Martin. Eunice Vaughn, | Margie Foy, Sadie King, Irene ! Taylor, Ava Lewis; Carl Joyce, 1 Watson Joyce, Paul Fulton, Jno. j Martin, Sanders Rierson, George Fulton and Lester Morefield. Delicious refreshments were served, consisting of cream and cakes. 1 Misses Jettie Morefield, Ora ' Boyles. Bessie Morefield, Messrs. Elwood Bovles, Jno. Burton, L. 1 B. Morefield and Geo. Fulton 1 composed a party who visited 1 Burlington and Graham Sunday. 1 They were accompanied home by Miss Loy, of Burlington, who is spending the week end with the Misses Morefield. ' Several from here attended an 1 enjoyable birthday dinner at I Mr. J. W. Heath's a few miles west of town Sunday. Mr. Mack Kober, of Richmond. I I Va., who formerly resided here, spent Thursday in town on busi [ ness. I Mr. D. R. Jovce, of Madison, , i was a visitor here Saturday and ! Sunday. 'i Messrs. S. H. Stewart and T. ijJ. Covington spent Sunday at Piedmont Springs. 0 i Mr. W. L. Nelson, of Danbury i Route 1. was in town Saturday and Sunday looking after the 1 erection of his new residence on ' Summit Ave. i DANBURY, N. C., JUNE 23. KMS CONTRACT IS LET For Stokes' New County Home At Mon days Meeting Ol | Commissioners. I I PRICE IS SlB. 0U 0 _ I Mr. Ernest \V. Fowler Was l.ow-j I est Bidder Building To Be A I Modern Structure Through out—County Commission ers To Meet Again Julv I Ist To Issue County home Bonds. The contract for the erection of the new county home for j Stokes was awarded to Mr. E. j W. Fowler at the meeting of the county commissioners here Mon day, the consideration being j SIB,OOO. There were nine other j contractors present, all of whom | placed bids on the work, but Mr. I Fowler's bid being nearly $2,000 | less than any other he was given J the contract. It is understood , that work on the building will be I started just as soon as possible jand it will be pushed to com pletion at the earliest date. The blue prints and specifica tions for the building, drawn by architect Joel R. Hill, of Wins ton-Salem, show that it will be a I large and handsome structure and modern in every respect. The extreme dimensions of the I building will be 110 by 72 feet, and it will be two stories high with basement. A steam heating plant, hot and cold water and acetylene gas lights will be installed in the building. The water supply will come from a bold spring which is situated nearby and is 130 above the * top of the building. One half of the building will be used for the white inmates and the other half for the colored. Messrs. Johnson & Matthews have been given a contract to saw all of the suitable timber on the county home land, and they will furnish all of the rough lumber used in the new building. The commissioners adjourned to meet here again on July Ist, when they will issue the $20,000 in bonds authorized by an act of the Legislature at the last session. These bonds have already been sold by the com missioners. To Open July 10. Several local leaf dealers will go to South Carolina early next month, it having been decided to open the tobacco markets in that State July 10. This is earlier than usual, but letters received here from warehouse men state that the crop this season is looking fine and is much ; farther advanced than for several I years. Winston Sentinel. I Voles For Women. Mr. Geo. Lewis was here today and reported crops fine in Meadows township, and the far mers well up with their work. Mr. Lewis is a great friend and supporter of Bryan, and is ready to vote for the Nebraskan on a platform of "Peace. Prohibition jand Woman Suffrage." TEACHERS' MEETING Was Largeh Attended and Sevetal Addresses W ere Deh\ ered. AT PIEDMONT SPRINGS Board of Education Holds Session —Visitors At Hotel and Others Coming The Thorn asvitle Tourists Have Nice Trip. Piedmont Springs, June 23. The annual meeting of the Stokes county public school teachers held here Saturday was quite largely attended and the occasion proved an interesting one. After dinner had been served picnic style at the spring the teaclers met in the ball room of the hotel and interest ing addresses were delivered by Evangelist John W, Ham, Hon, C. H. B. Leonard, Dr. J. W. Peacock, Col. F. S. Lambeth, and others, all of the speakers except the first named being members of the Thomasville good roads touring party, who were at the springs Saturday. While some of the addresses were devoted more to good roads than to schools they were all interesting. Th" ~ embers of the Board of Education for Stokes. Messrs. N. A. Martin, S. P. Christian and J. W, Mitchell, and Supt. of Schools J. T. Smith, were all in attendance at the meeting Satur day and the Board held a short executive session. The good roads tourists from Thomasville, among whom were j many of the most progressive business and professional men of th? city, arrived here Saturday morning. Among the dis tinguished citizens of the party were Hon. C. H. B. Leonard, who did so much for good roads in Davidson. Mayor Griffith and City Recorder D. C. Mcßae were also among the number. There I were more than forty people in jthe party. Many of them re imained over until Sunday and 'some are still here. The tour 'was quite a success in every I particular. Rev. J. D. Patton, of Atlanta, Ga., who will assist in establish i ing several Sunday schools and lin other religious work in this j section, arrived this week and is I making his headquarters at the hotel here. The hotel's orchestra will arrive Friday morning. June 125 th. The musicians come from Baltimore and Richmond and are of the highest class of their profession. Col. John A. Barringer, of Greensboro, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Waldrop, of (Norfolk, and Miss Gertrude ' Frazier. of Greensboro, will ar j rive here next week to spend two weeks at the hotel. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Glenn, , of Winston-Salem, spent the day i here Thursday. They were ac !companied by Mr. -Simpson's j brother. J. D. Simpson, who has | been in Texas for 20 years. Both the Simpson and Glenn families expect to return here soon t( spend a month or more. Mrs. A. W. McAlisterand fam , ily, of Greensboro, spent Sutur ! , day at the hotel. Mrs. MeAlistei i will return here next Wednesday !ar.d chaperone twenty or more jt'amp Fire girls of Greensboro. j\vho will camp at Piedmont J for ten days. The young ladies will arrive next Wednesday and they will no doubt have a great time. Mr. C. J. Mock and family, of Winston-Salem, will arrive here Saturday to spend some time. Mr. B. F. Huntley and family, of W inston-Salem, returned home Sunday after spending a week here. Mrs. Myers and Misses Hunt ; ley, of Winston-Salem, arrived i Sunday to spend some time at the hotel here. Mr. B. W. Newell and family will arrive here Saturday from 1 Greensboro to spend a month, i Mr. Charlie Hill and a party lof other Thomasville people spent Sunday here. Among the guests who have registered at the hotel here since j Wednesday are the following: Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Huntley, Miss Kathleen Huntley, Miss Kmma Huntley, Miss Josephine j Huntley, Miss Fay Huntley, Miss Eleste Huntley, Mr. B. F., Jr., j and John Huntley, Mrs. M. T. i Myers, Mr. S. W. Apperson. ! Mrs. Futrell, Miss Troulove, Miss (Reid, Mr. Aiken, Mr. and Mrs. |S. J. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. C. lE. Holloman, Chas. Holloman, | Jr., Allie Holloman, Mr. and Mrs, IJ. T. Simpson, Miss Kathleen j Simpson, Miss Frances Simpson, I Master William Simpson. Mr, and Mrs. Joe H. Glenn, W. H, i Sloan. W. Ray Myers, C. J ! Lewis, J. C. Click, S. B. Brown IJ. A. Kester, L. E. Martin ! Winston-Salem: Mr. and Mrs. J W. Peacock, J. W. Peacock. Jr. i Mr. T. L. Peacock, Miss Juanitj ; Peacock, Mr. A. W. Cline, Mis: Sadie Blair. Mr. and Mrs. J. W J Lambeth, J. W. Lambeth, Jr. I Col. and Mrs. F. S. Lambeth Mr. and J. E. Lambeth, Mr. anc Mrs. R. L. Lambeth. Mr. Harr* Lee Lambeth, Miss Rose Lam beth, Mr, and Mrs. John R Myers. Mr. C. S. Hill. Mr. R. W , Crews, Mr. A. H. Ragan, Mr James Hiatt, Mr. Avery Ever hart. Misses Ernestine Lambeth ! Jewel Parkin, Bain Henderson 1 Ella Lambeth, Mr. and Mrs. E F. Pepper, Mr. and Mrs. Zet ; Griffith. Mr. J. P. Gilbert, Mr ' Bill Julian. Mr. D. C. Mcßae, Thomasville: Mr. C. H. B. Leon ard, Mr. T. H. Livengood, Misses Mabel and Treva Livengood, Miss Myrtle Leonard, Mrs. W. L. Harbin, Miss Willie Pickett. Miss Maggie Pickett, Lexington: Dr. 1 W. L. Jackson, High Point: Mr. J. D. Simpson. Santa Anna, Tex. Prof. J. T. Smith, Mr. G. W. Smith, Master Ira Smith, King Mr. W. D. George. Westtield Misses Louella and Mamie Fulp, Mr. S. H. Stewart, Walnut Cove: I). R. Joyce. Petersburg, Fla.: Mrs. A. W. McAlister, Miss Jean 1 McAlister. Mr. John McAlister, Mr. Laeey McAlister, Rev. J. G. PaHon, Jr., Mr. R. R. King, B. N. Newell. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Riden'nour and two children, W. jB. Newell, J. M. Woltz, Waltei - C. Story. Lreensboro: Mr. J. C. ! MacPharson, Philadelphia, Pa. I No. 2,255 MEETIK MfINDAT Danburx Tow nship H:. huav Coinniiss:o:i Hold -52,500 ROAD BONES Remainder Of SI3.UIhi Issue To Be Sold-Status Of the Work In the Township. . The Dan bury Township High way Commission, composed of L. J. Young, chairman: D. S. Priddv and John H. Neal. was in session here Monday to complete some final details looking to the sale of the remaining $2,500 of the bonds, which is expected to be effected m a few days. It is not known just how much money will be available for the roads after the bonds are sold, as hundreds of dollars of bills are in hand for work or supplies con tracted for by the old board. Neither is it known where the remainder of the money will be spent. Mr. L. J. Young has spent a few days recently with several hands fixing some had places on the Buck Island road, and has ordered some piping to put in several drains where it has been difficult for vehicles to cross. The cost of the work so far outside of the piping, Mr. Young says, amounts to about | $27.00. This is all of the $13,000 • bond money which has been spent on the road west of the ! Presbyterian church in Danbury,' .as the work which was done j through the town of Danbury to I Dr. McCanless' meadows was 1 paid for by private citizens of i Danbury-practically all by Drs. ! McCanless. East of Danbury j about a mile of road has been I built, probably at a cost of $1,500 ' to $2,500. THE PENSION BOARD | Will Meet In Danbury At I the Court House On First Monday In July. j TWO NEW MEMBERS Messrs. M. V. Ma be and John h. Alley Are Appointed To Fit! Vacancies On Stokes Board, The Reporter is requested to announce that the Stokes Coun ty Pension Board will meet at the court house in Danbury on the first Monday in July. All new applicants for pensions are i .requested to be present at the meeting or have their applica tion before the board. Messrs. M. V. Mabe and J. H. Alley have been appointed by the State pension board to fill the vacancies caused by the ,resignation of Mr. \V. G. Slate and the death of Mr. J. M. Burge, former members of t! e board. Mr. J. J. Martin is the third member of the pension board for Stokes. It is understoo 1 that there are a number of veterans in the county who will make an effort to have their names placed on . the pension rolls. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Neal, of Meadows, were among Danbury's . visitors yesterday.

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