DAN BURY REPORTER'" VOLUME XLIII. ALMOST A FIRE Store of Mr. J. N. oun£ At Walnut Cove Comes Near Burning. I WAREHOUSE TALK Mr. Henry \V. MeOeeWill He As-, socio ted With the New Ware house A Kaptist Church Talked of—Other News. Walnut Cove, July 7. -Excite ment ran high early Thursday ; morning when the entire popula-, tion WHS rudely awakened at ( about two o'clock by the ringing of bells and shouts of fire. A hasty investigation located a] dangerously large blaze in the' rear of Mr. J. N. Young's store which was rapidly gaining head way in a bulk of dry leaf tobac co. The arrival of a great many | citizens who formed a bucket brigade proved effective in soon conquering the fire, although con siderable damage was wrought to the building before the flames were extinguished. The timely discovery of the fire was nothing short of providential for in five minutes the conflagration would have been beyond control and the entire block consisting of the stores of J. N. Young, J no. R. Smith, Fulton & Davis, as well the Cates hotel and many dwell ings adjacent to the block would have been 9wept away and c. loss of thousands of dollars would have been the result. The orgin of the fire is surrounded in mystery. A rat and a match or a cigar stub carelessly thrown are only theories of the probable cause. Mr. Henry W. McGhee, of Nichols, S. C., spent Saturday and Sunday in town. It is learn ed that Mr. McGhee will be prominently associated as one of the managers of the New Ware house here this season. The style of the firm will be McGeee & Hutcherson and both partners will devote their entire time to the business. Mr. McGhee is a a seasoned warehouseman, hav ing been the proprietor of a warehouse in Nichols, S. C. for manv years besides being con nected with other houses in this state and Virginia. He comes here highly recommended as a live wire in the tobacco business and the market here is fortunate in securing his services. Plans are on foot for the erec tion of a Primitive Baptist church at this place in the near future. The location of the church has not yet been decided upon. Messrs. Cabell Hairston, W. G. Dodson, R. L. Murphy, Jas. W. Lasley, J. R. Voss and R. A. Hedgecock went to Danbury Monday on business. Mrs. Dr. J. W. Neal returned Friday from a visit to her brother. Dr. W. A. Johnson, at Reidsville. Dr. L. H. Hill, of Germanton, spent a few hours in town Fri day. Dr. W. H. Critz is spending some time at his old home in Davie county on his vacation. During his absence his patronage is being attended by Dr. C. R. Hutcherson. who recently suc cessfully passed the State Hoard of Dental Examiners. Rev. and Mrs. W. P. (.'amp bell, of Rocky Mount, are spend ing a few weeks at the Vaughn hot-1 in the interest of tneir health. They are very much impressed with the climate and water in this section. Messrs. Carl Joyce and S. C. Rierson, Jr., went to Reidsville Sunday. The H. S. Motor Co. last Friday unloaded a car of Ford autos and have succeeded in disposing of the entire car. Another carload is on the road and a part of these are already sold. Among those who have recently purchased new cars are Messrs. J. R. Morefield, Jno. R. Lackey and F. S. Ross. ISMK Ben Cahill spent Sunday and Monday in Winston-Salem. Miss Jessie Vaughn is the guest of Miss Margaret Rankin in Greensboro this week. Miss Edith Petree, of Winston- MANY NEW HOUSES 1 To Be Erected For Schools Of County At Early Date. | THE BOARD MEETS The Appointment of County Superintendent and School Committeemen Deferred I ntil Next Meeting. The board of education met in their office at Danbury at 10:30 o'clock. N. A. Martin, S. P. Christian and J. Wilson Mitchell being present, transacting the fol lowing business: The books and vouchers of .1. A. Fagg, treasurer, were exam ined and approved as being correct. i The following committeemen I were appointed: .las. W. Lasley for Walnut Cove high school: J. ■K. Hutchinn fcr King high school: W. W. Ferguson for Mt. i View special tax school: J. S. Kiant for Pine Hall special tax school. The county superintendent re commended tha*. buildings be erected as follows: An annex to King high school building; a two room house at Dry Springs: a two-room house at Chestnut Grove: a two-room house at Frans' store: an annex to the Smithtown school house: an an nex at Asbury: a house at Free man's: an annex to the Walnut Cove high school building: a two room house at Fulp: a two-room house at Mt. Tabor: annex to the London school house at Walnut Cove for the colored race: a two room building near Pine Hall for the colored race. The following contracts were given: Sam P. Heath, a two room building at Frans' store: Fred James, a one-room house at Freeman: F. P. Pringle, an annex to Smithtown school house and to recover the old house. The county superintendent was ordered to go to the Fulp neigh* borhood and examine another site and see if it is not more suit able than the one'selected. The matter of electing a Coun ty Superintendent and appoint ing the regular school commit teemen was deferred till the next meeting of the board. BALL GAME TUESDAY. Danbury and Piedmont Springs Teams Plav Tie Game—Manv Spectators. A lively game of base ball was played here yesterday between Danbury and Piedmont Springs teams, the game resulting in a tie, 12 to 12. The Piedmont team was com posed of boys from various towns who are spending some time at the springs. Both teams played well and the game was interest ing from start to finish. The attendance at the game was large, a good many of the spectators being ladies, a large number of guests and camners coming over from Piedmont to witness the game. The two teams will play again tomorrow. Salem, is visiting relatives and friends here. Miss Willie Dodson delightfully entertained several of her friends at a birthday party Monday even ing. A few of the many present were Misses Kunice Vaughn, Mattie and Lillie Joyce, Mary Martin. Susie and Viola Smith, Louise Murphy, Kdith Petree, Kathleen Fulp. Wilma Rierscn, Mrs. Lola Bennett, Messrs. Pin nix Bailey. P. G. Smith. Robt. Mitchell, T. S. Smith, F. Martin and Chas. Rierson. DANBURY, N. C.. JULY 7. IVIS PIEDMONT SPRINGS About Seventy-five Regular, Guests At tiu* Hotel. MANY RESERVATIONS i For July and August Larue Crowds Are Kxpected List of (iuests Now Registered. Piedmont Springs. July 7. The families of Messrs. A. M. Stack, of Monroe, and J. C. Dodson, of Winston-Salem, ar rived here Thursday and took cottages for the month of July. Mr. John Coleman and family, of Winston-Salem, are spending some weeks at the hotel, i Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Newell and family and Rev. and Mrs. I C. E. Hodgin and family came [up Friday and vvill occupy the Trotter cottage for a month, and probably longer. i The Greensboro Camp Fire ! i iris left yesterday after a pleas ; ant stay of a week here. Another I party of young people from j Greensboro will arrive here next 1 week and will be chaperoned by • Mrs. A. W. McAlister. The music at Piedmont Springs chis 9eason is winning a i-eputa tion. The orchestra is composed of Karl von Wiegand, violinist, of Richmond, an Austrian; Mr. • Kneiling, 'celloist, of Baltimore, a German: Miss Ferguson, pian l ist, of Richmond, an English ! lady, and Mr. Jess Alderman, of Greensboro, bass violinist, an American. Each one of the band is an artist of high quality. Judge W. A. Devin and family and Mr. Clem G. Wright and j party, of Greensboro, are ex pected here in a few days to J spend some time at the hotel. Col. J. A. Barringer, of Greensboro, came up Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Waldrop and Miss Gertrude Frazier. Mr. C. («. Wright and family of Greensboro are expected this week at the hotel, accompanied by a large party of Greensboro young people. Mr. John W. King and family, and Mr. Walter W. King and family of Greensboro are ex pected the latter part of the i week. A large party of prominent ' and popular Winston - Salem j people will arrive soon, among ithem W. P. Hill and family: : Mrs. M. W. Willis, Mrs. Lawrence Mcßae. Miss Margaret Vaughn, and many others. There are about 75 regular guests at the hotel now, and a large number expected this week and next. The hotel manage ment is making even more reservations than last year. It is quite certain the season will be unusually successful. Misses Willie and Lula Hairs ton. of Walnut Cove, are guests j at the hotel here. Supt. of Schools J. T. Smith, of King, spent last night here. Messrs. R. L. Williamson, T. 1 M. Huske and Wilson Gray, pro minent business men of Winston, spent Sunday here. \ Sheriff F. B. Kemp and family, of Rockingham county, came up Sunday. ; The following guests have ' registered at the hotel since ! Wednesday: Chas. T. Beall, Mrs. C. E. Hodgin, Nelson Hodgin, Mrs. M. G. Newell, Elizabeth Newell, i Mrs. S. B. Turrentine, Julian iTurrentine, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. i Deal. Misses Sadie Stern, Pricie I Farrish, Miss Weild, J. E. Brown, ! Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Myers, Miss j Lucy Myers, Miss Jessie Myers, STOI WEDNESDAY Considerable Damage to ( Crcps in Snow Creek * l and Beaver Island. TOBACCO AND COtfN I Injured, and I.and badly Washed I —James Hawkins and S. 1.. \ enable Anions the Sufferers. Uuite a destructive storm visit-' ed Snow Creek and Beaver Island townships last Wednesday even-, ing, doing considerable damage : ( to crops of tobacco and corn.!. The storm was accompanied by 1 heavy rains, which in some sec ; tions badly washed the lands. Among the greatest sufferers from the effects of the storm wen; Messrs. Jas. Hawkins and S. L. Venable, who sustained: quite serious damage. ; | PENSION BOARD. I Two New Members Sworn In \t Meeting Monday--1 | Four Old Veterans Apply I Tor Pensions. i At the meeting of the County Pension Board here Monday! | Messrs. M. V. Mabe and J. H. | I I Alley were sworn in as members j ; 1 of|tlie Board to succeed Messrs. > W. G. Slate, resigned, and J.; | M. Burge, deceased. The other: I member of the Board, Mr. J. J., Martin, was in attendance. There were only four applica-1 [ tions for pensions before the: Board and these were all ap proved, the names being ordered placed upon the pension rolls. There was no other business of importance before the Pension ! Board and they adjourned to ! meet again on July 17th. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dodson, of Winston, who are visitors at Piedmont, spent the day here the quests of relatives, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Martin. M. B. Newell, Carl Daniel, Wal ter Story, R. M. Clapp. J. Clen denin, Mrs. R, A. Moon. Mrs. J no. C. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pryor, Misses Bessie Haw ard and Grace Lawless, John A. Barringer, Mr. and Mrs. John I). Waldrop, Miss Gertrude Frazier, Clifford Frazier, B. M. Newell, Jas. Taylor, Jr., Ben Bobertson, Watt Martin, Jr.. Allen Douglas, Walter Moore, S. Or. Wimbish, Miss Kathleen Price, Greensboro; •Mr. and Mrs. D. Rich, Miss Elizabeth Conrad. Mr. Mickey, S. B. Brown, P. H. Lehman, J. A. Kester. B. W. Rumpson, Joe Rogers, W. Ray Myers, P. N. Montague, F. S. Hill, C. A. Burke, R. L. Williamson, Wilson Gray, John C. Anderson, L. W. Hoskins. C. H. Williamson, (\ K. Nail, Gregory Graham. (\ J. Mock, J. C. Walker and family, James Simpson, N. W. Shore, John Coleman and family, Miss Broughton, J. A. Byerly, Mrs. 1). A. NancQ, W. H. Sloan. Winston- Salem, N. C.: Roy Meador, Mr. and Mrs. F. I!. Kemp, Evelyn Kemp. R. C. Matherson, Madi son, N. C.: S. P. Christian, West field, N. C.: J. J. Baxter, Tampa, Fla.: J. C. Joyce. Sanders liier son. J. E. Dodson, Miss Willie Hairston, Walnut Cove. N. C.: Mrs. A. Nance, Mrs. L. C. Nance. A. W. Nance. Clarkton; Kirby Reid, Mayodan, N. C.: Mrs. M. L. Wilson. Edward Wil son, Richmond, Va.: J. M. Hill, L. R. Powers, Germanton. N. C. IWO MEETINGS HELD ?ounty Commissioners Were In Session Friday ar.d Mcndav. JONDS NOT SOLD - j )ali Of Walnut Cove Bond Issue ti lection Is Chanßed—Koad i OrJered Laid Out In Peter's Creek Town ship. The county commissioners held j sessions here on Friday and Mon-, lay, a full board being in attend ince at each meeting. The commissioners met Friday ' for the purpose of issuing the $20,000 in bonds recently author ized tor the purpose of building a new county home, but owing to the fact that the bonding com pany which was to take them was not ready to accept them they were not issued. However, it is likely that they will be ready for the bonds within the next few days. On Monday the commissioners held their regular monthly ses sion, and probably the most im portant matter transacted at the meeting wfefl the changing of the date and the amount of the bonds to be voted on in the Walnut Cove special school district. The date of election was changed from July 14th to August 10th, and the amount to be voted on was changed from $4,000 to $2,000. See particulars of election elsewhere in this paper. A public road was ordered laid out in Peter's Creek and Snow Creek townships in the section near C. W. Ray's, W. M. Bryant's and Reid Hall's. The only other business before the commissioner# was the pay ment of expense claims against the county. A Surprise Marriage. j Miss Mary Pringle, of Camp-! bell, this cuunty, and Mr. W. H. ! Schaenneckenberg. of New York i j were married here last Saturday j by Justice N. A. Martin. The! !bride is the attractive and a:-' ! complished daughter of Dr. A. J.! j Pringle, of Campbell, while the ! groom is a promising young busi ness man. The couple met the first time at Guilford Battle Ground the 4th of last July while they were attending the celebration there and have since kept up a corres pondence. They will reside at the home of the groom. 1 Notice To Tax-Payers. All persons who have failed to list their taxes in Stokes county are hereby notified that their names will be presented to the Solicitor at the next term of | court and indictments will be; made in each case. If you have; not listed yet you have until: next Monday, July 12th, in which to get your name on the tax books, as the Eoualization ; Boad meets on that day. This July .">. J. G. MORE FIELD, ' For the Board of County Com'rs. | A telephone message to the : Reporter today told of the death of Mr. Matt Overby, one of the county's best citizens, at his home at Quaker Gap. Mr. Overby's wife died only a few weeks since. He was aged about ■7B years and is survived by : several children. No. 2.257 WHEAT THRESHING Grain Turning Out Well in the King Section. AUTOMOBILES THICK Aiore People Are Buying Them —" Ice Cream Supper —Items of Interest. King-. July 7.—Wheat thresh ing in this section is on and the i crop is turning out well. ! Born unto Mr. and Mrs. Cebe j Fowler, a son. I Mr. Numa Boyles made a > business trip to Winston-Salem ; Saturday. I Mr. S. L. Hauser has bought a new automobile. They are 'getting thick in this section. Mrs. S. 0. Schaub, of High Point, is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Bettie J. Stone. Rev. Baucom filled his regular ! appointment at the Baptise I church here Saturday and Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Culler, of j High Point, spent Sunday with I Mr. Perry L. Culler, who re | sides on West Main St. Rev. Bloom Vestal has moved | his gospel tent to Hauser's school I house near Donnaha where he is conducting a tent meeting thin ■ week. I Several from this place at | tended the Guilford Battle Ground , celebration Saturday, ; j Mr. and Mre, Ernest Boyles, !: of Greensboro, spent Friday and Saturday with Mrs. Boyles' | mother, Mrs. J. W. Caudle, on ; East Main St. Mrs. Conrad Samuels, of Pilot 1 Mountain, is spending a few days with relatives here. On next Saturday evening there will be an ice cream sup | per given here. Everybody is | invited. I Sheriff W. C. Slate, of Walnut Cove, was hereon business Satur : day. A crowd from this neighbor hood visited the Pilot Mountain ' Saturday. : i Mrs. Dr. Keiger is spending ! a few weeks with her parents at I Greensboro. ! Mr. Early Caudle, of Winston ■ Salem, spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. P. J. Caudle, on ' Pulliam St. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rumley, | of Winston-Salem, spent Sunday ' with Mr. Rumley's parents who ! reside here. , I The Bank of King is closed I today as the 4th of July came on '!Sunday. ! Mr. R. R. Love of this place > has accepted a position with the . i Motor Co. at Winston-Salem. ;i Board Of Education In Session Monday. : The County Board of Educa ( tion was in session here Monday, 1 all of the members being present. The object of this meeting was to ask the county commis sioners to change the date of the ( election to be held in Walnut , i Cove special school district and to reduce the amount of bonds to ' be voted for from $4,000 to $2,000. . 1 Messrs. R. L. Murphy. James ! Lasley and R. W. Hedgecock ; composed a committee from I; Walnut Cove who asked for this 1 change. Beaver Isiand S. S. Convention. The Sunday School Convention for Beaver Island Township will be held at Tine Hall on Saturday, July, 24, commencing at 10 o'clock a. rn. Let every Sunday School in the township be resent with a pro gramme and report from the jSecretary. We hope to have some one to make a Sunday school address. W. J. ADKINS. President of Beaver Isiand Town ship Sunday School Convention.

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