DAN BURY REPORTER VOLUME XLIII. COVE HIGH SCHOOL Trustees Elect Four Ol the | Teachers Tor the Fall Term. j WAREHOUSE TALK, E. J. Davis & Sons, of Martins ville, Open Market at Fairmont j This Week, and at Walnut Cove Later In the Season —Think Prices Will Be (iood. Walnut Coye, July 20.—At a recent meeting of the high school trustees only four of the teachers for the next term were elected. For the primary grades, Miss An na Reid, of Pilot Mountain, intermediate grades, Miss Mayme William, of Fairview, assistant i high school teacher, Miss Pearl I Seagraves, of Holly Springs, teacher of music, Miss Minnie Joyce, of Stoneville. No princi-i pal has yet been named but the j committee have under considera-i tion applications from some of | the best men in the State and will elect one of these within a few days. The school will prob ably open about Oct. 10. An enjoyable and profitable re freshment party was tendered at the New warehouse Wednesday evening under the auspices of the ladies of the M. E. church for the purpose of making im provements in the interior of the parsonage. A large crowd was present and a neat little sum was realized from the sale of ice cream, sherbert and other delica cies. Mr. J. C. Hutcherson left last week with his family for Tabor where he will conduct a ware house until about Oct 1 when he will return here to assume charge of the New warehouse. The bond election to be held Aug. 10 when a $2,000 bond issue will be carried or rejected is the subject of very little interest. It would be difficult to predict eith er the success or failure of the proposition at this time although a great many voters have already registered. Many taxpayers will be unable to vote owing to the fact that they failed to pay their poll taxes. Messrs. E. J. Davis & Sons, of Martinsville, Va., who will con duct the warehouse this year were in town a short while Thurs day enroute to Fairmont where they will open a warehouse this week. These gentlemen who are well versed in the tobacco business are confident that the prices will start off well and while the high prices of 1013 can hard ly be expected they are sure the prices will be up to last year's average. Many from here attended ser vices at Rosebud Christian church three miles west of town Sunday. The services were the opening of a protracted meeting which will continue throughout the week, Mesrs. Jno. G. Fulton, Carl Joyce, J. R. Snyder, Watson Joyce and C. E. Davis made a business trip to Charlotte Friday. The trip was made in Mr. Joyce's Overland and remarkable to state not a N breakdown, puncture or any of the evils of auto travel was experienced during the 232 miles traversed. With the ex ception of a two mile stretch from Fulp to Dennis a perfect sand clay road covers the entire dis tance from this point to Char lotte via Mocksville, Statesville and Mooreviile thru one the prettiest agricultural sections of the State. Messrs. A. W. Davis, S. H. Stewart, W. G. Dodson, Dr. C. R. Hutcherson, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Boyles, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Davis spent Sunday at Moore's Springs and Piedmont. Mr. Jacob Fulton, Jr., who has been attending Eastman Business College, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., since Jan. 1 is expected home this week. Elder J. A. Fagg spent Satur ' day and Sunday near Mocksville in the interest of his church. Mr. L. B. Neal, of Mizpah.was a visitor here Sunday. Misses Nina, Hester and Vea \ ter Whitten, of Mayodan, visited ; Miss Willie Stephens here Sun-1 day. Mr. Sam P. Health, of Pied-! Mont Springs, was in town a shor* while Monday. Miss Lillie Joyce has been \ spending some time with friends at Stoneville this week. Messrs. Jno. Burton, Jr.. ana, Geo. L. Jarvis left Friday for Piedmont Springs for a stay of ten days. Messrs. S. H. Stewart and Sanders Rierson went to Madison and Stoneville Thursday evening. ; NEWS OF GIDEON. Protracted Meeting to Be- j gin at Davis' Chapel, Second Sunday in Aug.; —Other News. Gideon, July 2u. —'The health! of this community is very good j at this writing. Services were conducted at I I Wilson church Sunday by Elders j j Stewart and Mabe. A large : crowd was out. I Mr. and Mr 9. C. A. Wagoner I visited relatives near Rose Bud ; Saturday and Sunday. Mr. J. G. H. Mitchell spent Sunday night with his brother, Mr. Mason Mitchell, at Dillard. Miss Ethel Flynt is on the sick list this week. Quite a crowd called a f . Mr. Bobbie Reid's Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Dunlap and children, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Gann and children and Mr. J. D. Flynt visited at Mr. W. M. Flynt's Sunday P. M. Mr. John Flinchum called on Miss Annie Young Sunday. There was a singing at Mr. Alex Flinchum's Saturday night. A large crowd was present. Mrs. Guy T. Eggleston spent a short while here yesterday. Mr. W. M. Flynt spent the latter part of last week with Mr. J. G. H. Mitchell at Walnut Cove. Messrs. J. Frank Dunlap and Carey Flynt went to Walnut Cove on business Friday. Miss Lillian Mitchell spent Wednesday night with Miss Ethel Flynt. Mr. Jas. Herd spent Saturday night at Mr. Alex Flinchum's. A protracted meeting will be gin at Davis' Chapel the second Sunday in August. Mr. Marvin Mitchell, of near Greensboro, visited friends and relatives in this community last week SWEET SIXTEEN. Meadows S. S. Convention. The Meadows Township Sun day School Convention will meet at Palmyra church on July 24th, 1915. All Sunday Schools in the township are invited to be with us. All Sunday Schools having programs are required to be .there by 10 o'clock. We have I the promise of Rev. Walter Long, of Greensboro, State Sunday ,Schcol Secretary, and other able speakers, who will make clear the interest of the Sunday Schocl work. Everybody come with ; well filled baskets that we may spend the day profitably to all. J. B. GREENE. An Easy, Pleasant Laxative I One or two Dr. King's New Lift Pills with a tumbler of water |at night. No bad, nauseating taste; no belching gas. Ho right to bed. Wake up in the morning, ' enjoy a free, easy loowel move ment, and feel fine all day. Dr. King's New Life Pills are sold ! by all Druggists, 36 in an original package, for 25c. Get a bottle to-day—enjoy this easy, pleasant ! laxative. i DANBURY, N. C., JULY 21, I^ls SERIOUS CHARGE! Young Man Living Near! King. But In Forsyth, I Under Si,ooo Bond. I GOOD RAIN AT KING I Wonderful Likeness Of Two Twin Boys—Other Items of Interest From King. King, N. C., July 1!). —Mr. and Mrs. A. VV. Petree, of Cincinnati, | Ohio, are spending several weeks, with relatives here. Mr. Petree | holds a position as engineer on ' the N. & W. Railroad. Mr. J. L. Fitts will lecture' here on socialism on July 21st,' at 2 o'clock. Miss Maude Bennett, of Wins j ton-Salem, and Miss Mollie Ben- j I nett, of Haynes, are spending several days with relatives and friends here. Mr. H. S. Green is having his ( new residence painted. Mr. C. A. White is preparing to erect a new residence. The protracted meeting com- 1 menced at the Baptist churchi here last Thursday night. Large crowds are attending. Mr. C. 0. Boyles, of Haynes, 1 spent the day here yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Pulliam, of Winston-Salem, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. Albert Rains, of Ramseur, returned home yesterday after a few days stav with his brother, Mr. 0. L. Rains, the popular railway agent here. We had a good rain here last night which revived the suffer ing crops wonderfully. Sheriff Flynt, of Winston- Salsm, arrested Mr. Gray Daub, a young married man aged about thirty years, who resided near Tobaccoville, Wednesday on the charge of attempting criminal assault on Miss Ida Long, the sixteen year old daughter of Mr. John Long, who resides in the same neighborhood. It is charged that Daub went to the field where the girl was at work alone and assaulted her. He was placed under a SIOOO bond which he readily gave. He will have his preliminary hearing today before Esq. Bessant at Winston- Salem. Able counsel has been employed on both sides. Much surprise is expressed amcng the people here as Mr. Daub comes from one of the best families in that section. The eighteen months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Will Spease, ; who resides near Tobaccoville, ! died Saturday of meningitis. Mrs. Mamie Chandler and children, of Richmond, Va.. are spending a few weeks with rel i atives in this community. Prof. J. T. Smith made a busi ness trip to Walnut Cove and 1 Winston-Salem Saturday. Messrs. J. R. Caudle, G. G. Boles and J. W. Caudle all made a business trip to Danbury Satur i day. j Rev. Mr. Doggett filled his regular appointment at Trinity church yesterday. Mr. M. T. Spainhower, who resides here, has two twin bo.\ s, ! William and Rober. aged about I twenty-one years, who resemble : each other so much that lots of their intimate friends do not know them apart. Your cor respondent has been seeing them almost every day for five or six years and he is frank to ledge that he does not know one I from the other. The boys have been at work for the Grabs Mfg. Co. for several years and Mr. V. T. Grabs, the president, who i 9 with them every day, inform ed your correspondent 9ome time ago that he does not know them apart. NO EXTRA SESSION! It Is the Opinion Ol M;:jor ' Sredman That Congress W ill Nor Convene. I AT PiEDMONT SPRINGS Many Distinguished Guests Now Summering At the Popular Resort. Piedmont Springs, N. C., July ; 21.—Congressman Chas. M. Sted man, of the Fifth North Carolina i district, does not believe that ; there will be an extra session of • j congress soon to consider the j (ierman problem, but thinks 1 that President Wilson will be table to handle the situation with the honor and dignity and jus-: I tice due the American people. Major Stedman is here to spend . a week or two at this popular I resort, where there are at pre sent more than 100 guests at the hotel, among them many of the most prominent people of the' I State. Maj. Stedman feels that 1 God Almighty created Woodrow > I Wilson for the crisis confront- i ing Americans, and that the !President's life will be spared to, 1 lead this great nation safely I land with prestige unimpaired I through the perils that beset it. i Major Stedman says the policy jof England in seizing and hold ' ing American commerce has | caused serious loss to the tobac- Ico and cotton farmers of North : Carolina. He is confident that jat the next session of Congress measures will be enacted which will compel the British to re spe*t American rights upon the high seas. Major Stedman is in excellent health and spirits ! and looks to be in the best physi cal condition of his life: Among the many prominent and distinguished people now spending the summer at Pied ! Mont Springs are the following: Mr. Clem G. Wright and family, Capt., Bernard. Superintendent of Maintenance of Ways of the Southern with- his family, Mr. , and Mrs. Julian Price and fam ily, Major T. J. Murphy and , family: H. E. Ballance and Mrs. | Ballance, all of Greensboro; Mr. | John T. Simpson, of Brown's Warehouse, with his family: Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hill, Mrs. C. J. Mock and children, of Winston-Salem: Miss Camille Holt Hunt and Miss Frances Holt Montcastle, Mrs. Capt. S. E. Williams and daughter, Miss Frances, of Lexington: Mrs. C. J. Harris and Miss Adalaide Harris, of Concord: Mrs. Will Pannill and children and Miss Ruffin, of Mayodan: Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Thompson, and Misses Davis, and Mrs. Walter W. King, of Greensboro: Miss Lil lian Smith, of Newbern: Miss Minnie Pepper, of Christians burg, Va.: I. H. Simpson, of Simpson's Store. President of Stokesdale Bank: Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Jones, of Winston-Salem: Miss Mary M. Petty, of C.reens bt io: Mrs. Lawrence Mcßae ar.d i children. Mrs. E. I>. Vaughn and Miss Margaret Vaughn, and Mrs. B. H. Abbott, of Winston- Salem: Dr. S. D. Booth, of Ox ford: Mrs. G. W. I'ryor. Miss Grace Lawless and Miss Bessie Howard, of Greensboro, and many others. The hotel's orchestra is com posed of F. Karl von Wiegand, violinist, graduated from Ithica Conservatory, with Pittsburg | Simphony Orchestra, studied under Floraburg, Berlin Simp hony Society. Miss Beryl Ferguson, pianist, L. R. H. M.. London. England. Jess L. Alderman, Bass Violin- [ I ist, studied under Butler of i' Philadelphia, eight years in the; orchestra of the Jefferson Hotel. 1 . L. Kneiling, cellist, many years with leading hotels and resorts in the north. The orchestra has been en larged this season by the addi tion of the bass violin. Fortun-H ately the pianist is an accomp lished violinist, making it pos- 1 \ sible for the orchestra to feature, selections as a string quartette, J this being the same instrumen-1 tation as is employed at the most popular sea side hotels. The dance music is excellent, ! J the time and selections being 1 1 superb, and up-to-date, render- I |ed every evening during the I 1 week in the cool and spacious i ball room from Bp. m. until 10 p. m. i On Sunday evening the guests:' are entertained with sacred music of the highest order ( rendered to perfection by this 1 most gifted and obliging orches-i tra. Programs for these sacred 1 concerts are sent out each week. ! The Piedmont Springs Hotel is fast gaining in popularity as jan ideal resort for week end, i parties. On last Sunday the crowd numbered over two hund-1 jred. Walnut Gove Route 1. i Walnut Cove Route 1, July 19. - Rev. T. J. Glenn, assisted by Rev. Richards, of Winston- Salem, begun a series of meet ings at Rose Bud Sunday. The meeting will continue for an in.i definite period, Miss Eva Eaton, of Dillard, spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday with her friends Misses Susie Tuttle and Mamie Wagoner. Mr. C. A. Wagoner and family, of Dillard, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Gideon Tuttle. We are sorry to note that Mr.! Agnew Hampton is very sick. j Mr. W. E. Young and family: and Mr. Robt. Young, of Wins- j ton-Salem, are spending a few ' days with relatives here. Mr. Ed Wood and sister, Miss Mamie,, of High Point, are spend ing a few days with relatives and friends here. Miss Alma Newsum. of Ger , manton, is spending a few days with her sister. Mrs. C. W. Tuttle. Misses Louella Fulp and Stella Wall, who tLujht the Rose Bud school the past season, are spend ing a few days with friends here. Mr. W. I. Smith and family spent Sunday with Mr. L. M. Smith. Mr. Moore and family, of King, spent Sunday at Mr. J. A. New i sum's. The farmers are about through ; threshing wheat in the com , munity. I Misses Minnie Wood and Glenn Tuttle spent Monday at Mr. ■ I Newton Taylor's. ■ | Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bowman spent Sunday at Mr. L. T. I Campbell. | Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Smith snent Monday at Mr. G. I. Hampton. , Mr. Gray Rut ledge and sister, | Mi«s Martha, of Winston-Salem, 'are spending the week at Mr. W. ' j M. Tuttle's. GOSSIPER. , Benefitted by Chamberlain s Liniment. "Last winter I used Chamber t lain's Liniment for rheumatic pains, stiffness and soreness of ' the knees, and can conscientious l ly say that I never used anything • that did me so much good."— Edward Craft. Elba, N. Y. For , sale by all dealers, i No. 2,259 ICE CREAM PARTY Pleasurable Time On Dan bury Route 1. at Buck Island School House. DAMAGE B Y STORM Wind and Hail Work On Crops and Buildings ltems of Interest. Danbury Route 1, July 21. The ice cream party which was given at the Buck Island school house Saturday night proved to be a success and was attended by a large crowd and everybody had a good time. Preaching services which were conducted by Elder Luther Tuck er Sunday evening at the Buck Island school house was attend ed by a large crowd. Mr. Tuck er is one of our young preachers though very able and he deliver* ed an interesting sermon to al his hearers. The storm which swept over this section Monday evening did much damage to crops and build ings. Some parts had no hail but had a severe wind. Crops in eastern Stokes are reported to !be damaged considerable by ! hail. | Miss Ethel Tucker, of Went j worth, is spending a few weeks with Miss Florence Smith. Misses Vallie Woods and Min tora Oakley were visitors on Danbury Route I Saturday and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Chesley Taylor and two sisters were visitors at Mr. J, H. Nelson's Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Charlie Nelson spent the day Sunday with Misses Florence Smith and Ethel Tucker. , Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jackson j were visitors at Mr. W. I. Fagg's Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cieve Mabe | were visitors at Mr. Rufus P. ! Mabe's Sunday. Services will be held at Snow Creek church next Sunday at jll o'clock. ALL RECORDS BROKEN 1 The Season at Piedmont Springs the Best Yet. The present season at Pied mont Springs is the best yet •xpereinced by the present management. Not only are the week-end crowds larger than can be handled, but the average crowd, those who remain from one to two or more weeks, is the largest ever known. There are 125 regular guests now staying at the hotel. Last Saturday night and Sunday from 250 to 300 guests were accommodated, while 50 or more were turned away because of the manage ments inability to handle them. Among the pleasant visitors at Piedmont Springs are Mr. IC. G. Wright and family land Capt. and Mrs. Bernard of Greensboro. Mr. Wright is i a lawyer of (ireensboro, and la capitalist. He is a man of great public spirit, and the one ! above all others that made Guil ford county the banner good .' roads county of the State. Capt. »' Bernard is Superintendent of E, Maintenance of Ways of the ■; Southern Railway, and is a most '! agreeable gentleman. There are r no better people in the State , than these. i