DAN BURY REPORTER VOLUME XLIII. WALNUT COVE LETTER I Arrangements Being Made For Chatauqua At the Cove. LATE IN SEPTEMBER Operator of Blind Tiger Is Captur ed - Selling Many lords Various Other Items. Walnut Cove, Aug. 17, 'ls. Dixie Williams, colored, was placed under arrest Saturday night by sheriff W. C. Slate charged with the importation of more corn juice than the law allows to the average man. When arrested he had upon his person about nine quarts of intoxicants which he had just purchased in Virginia. Upon his failure to secure the required bond he was committed to jail. Many arrests of this nature have been made here within the past few months and it is having its effect upon the walking blind tigers which have infested this place for many years. The quart law is fulfilling its designs and its mission has been stongly felt by former dispensers. Less drunkenness has been reported on the streets here during the past six months than ever before and the decline is due directly to the enforcement of the law, Mr. Numa Vaughn and Miss Pearl Sink who were quietly married in Greensboro Thursday arrived Friday to spend a fern davs with the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Vaughn, who is well known here and holds a resDonsible position in Greens boro, while the bride is one of that city's popular young ladies. After a few day 3 stay they will return to Greensboro where they expect to make their home. Bill Fulton, one of our typical young Americans, who is a familiar character to the general public, had the misfortune to lose one of his fingers Sunday after noon while inspecting the mechanism of a cutting knife in his father's barn. The young fellow is getting along nicely and was able to exercise his German cavalry horse on the streets again today. No doubt his finger will grow out again with proper attention. The supper given by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Bap tist Church at the New ware house Saturday evening was a splendid success in every par ticular and a neat sum of about thirty dollars was realized for the furtherance of the society's work. Many visitors from Win ston-Salem, Danbury, Mt. View other places were present. Messrs. Jacob Fulton and Wat soil Joyce spent Monday and Tues day in the western part of the county selling Ford automobiles. A great many farmers are avail ing themselves of the advantages of this low priced car and a great many will be sold during the fall months. Fulton & Joyce will re ceive their second car load Sep tember 1 and orders are being taken rapidly for these. The following have bought Fords since Aug. 1: Messrs. J.R. Tuttlo, J. Wm. Morefieid, A. Smith, H. H. Davis, J. C. Shields, and J. H. Fulton. Messrs. W. G. Dodson and son, Eugen?, left today for New York and Baltimore to buy fall goods for the progressive firm of Dod son & Co. While away they will probably spend a few days at Atlantic City. Walnut Cove has been throng ! EIGHTY-TWO AUTOS, j j I Have Been Granted License In Stokes Bv the Secretary; j of State. The Secretary of State re ports that up to this time eighty jtwo automobiles have been , granted licenses in Stokes for | the present year. , The license tax collected on j these machines is $425.00. All !of this money except twenty per i cent comes back to this county ; and the law provides that it all be used on the public roads. It is probable that within the next thirty days Stokes will J have been granted license for more than one hundred machines and the number will no doubt continue to grow. The taxes derived from machines will soon !be quite a little help in keeping ' up the public roads. - 1 The Supreme Court meets for '' the examination of applicants to 1 practice law on Monday, August > i' ed during the past few weeks [ by visitors from nearly ever* . section of the state. Among the > number are people seeking i the health-giving qualities of the I excellent mineral water, others I i attending to important business . I matters tending toward the de -1 velopment of business enter , prises. The greater number 'however belong to the fair sex , who are possibly attracted by the presence of so many hand jsome widowers, bachelors and dashing young fellows who never j tire of meandering in the direc | tion of the mineral spring, keep ing time to the croaking of the | frogs and the familiar song of the mosquito. Its a great town I when the visitors are with us. ! Arrangements are being made for a Chatauqua to be held at some date in September or Octo ber at this place. Noted lec turers from different states will be in attendance and the affair promises to be an eventful one for the town. The Chatau qua will be in charge of the "Booster Club" and will do much toward advertising the town and placing Walnut Cove on the map. While enroute home from Mt. Airy with his family Monday Mr. P. T. Harrington had the mis fortune to break the axle of his I car while traversing the moun -1 tain near Moore's Springs. Misses Jessie and Maybelle Vaughn, Lillian Hedgpeth, Mrs. | W. B Fluharty, Mr. and Mrs. Numa Vaughn, Messrs. A. E. Strode and Elwood Boyles spent Monday at Piedmont and Moore's Springs. j Among those who attended the Farmers' Union picnic at Dan bury Saturday were Messrs. A. 1 W. Davis, R. W. Joyce, W. C. i Slate, Jacob Fulton, C. E. Davis j and others. j Mr. Samuel H. Stewart went to Madison Sunday, presumably on a pleasure trio. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley More field returned Monday from Greensboro where they attended the Primitive Baptist Associa-; tion. Mr. Joseph Lewis, of Winston- j Salem, spent a day or two here, this week looking over some pro- j perty with a view to buying and j locating here. It is hoped that i Mr. Lewis will find a suitable 10-1 ; cation and become one of our citizens. DANBURY, N. C., AUGUST 18, 1915 INSTANTLY KILLED Sammie Snider Accidentally Shoots Himself With ! Shot Gun. LIN ED NEAR \A. LINE* Revival Services At Oak Ridge Church Close —Mrs. Pannie Nelson (liven Surprise Birthday Dinner — Personals. Campbell, Aug. 16.—The series of meetings which have been going on at Oak Ridge church closed Sunday. Rev. J. A. Joyce, the pastor, conducted the meet ing, preaching with much power from day to day. Large crowds | were in attendance. On Sunday ! morning two candidates were j immersed in the pool. The crowd | was the largest ever seen at this place, many people from quite a I distance attending. Mrs. Ogburn Landreth and Mrs. Nellie Martin were baptized and Mrs. Susan West received by letter. On last Thursday afternoon i Sammie Snider, in company with 1 hia brother, Ernest, and Marvin jand Will Spencer were out squir ! rel hunting when a shower of rain came up and they stopped near Mr. Peter Tuggle's mill. Snider put his gun under a cedar tree. After the rain was over he went to get it. Reaching in he took the gun by the muzzle to pull it out when a twig caught the hammer and the gun was discharged, the young man re ceiving the entire load in his right breast, dying instantly. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Snider, was about IS years of age. He was of good character, kind and lovely disposition and will be missed in his home and community. The burial services were held by Rev. Sandford Biggs at the Snider burying ground, a large crowd of sor rowing relatives and friends be ing present. The bereaved fam ily have the sympathy of the whole neighborhood. May God help them to bow in humble sub mission to Him who doeth all things well. Mrs. S. H. Steele, who is at Mother's Home, Stuart. Va., is improving some in health, we are glad to note. Misses Esther and Zilla Nelson have just returned from a trip to Walnut Cove, Winston, High Point and Greensboro. Mrs. S. C. Landreth, Messrs. George and Thos. and Miss Elizabeth Cookers visited rela tives in this vicinity recently. Misses Lillie and Minnie Gray, of Mayodan, visited relatives in this section and attended the meeting at Oak Ridge recently. The many relatives and friends of Mrs. Fannie Nelson tendered , her a surprise dinner last Wed nesday, it being her 4Gth birth day. A large crowd was in at tendance and a tine table set under the oaks in the yard. Mrs. Nelson received several nice presents. The occasion was much enjoyed by all present A fair is to be held at East j Bend, Yadkin county, the com ing fall. PIEDMONT SPRINGS Crowds Continue Fairl\ ! , Good So Far. | MANY AT COTTAGES . i>r. Booth May Go To hurope Personal Mention Of (juests. , Piedmont Springs, Aug. lb— ! While the crowd here is not so large now as for the past two months there is quite a good number of guests at the hotel yet, and a number of the cot tages here are occupied. Among those in cottages now are Mr. A. W. Mc . Alister and family, of Greens . boro, and a number of guests, r Mr. R. G. Vaughn and family, ,of Greensboro, and several I guests, Mrs. J. H. Prather and family, of Mt. Airy: Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Saunders, of Win ston-Salem: Mrs. J. M. Galloway, of Madison and several guests: Mrs. S. H. Taylor and guests, of Winston-Salem. Mrs. M. C. Glenn, Miss Nell ! Glenn and Mr. B. D. Glenn, of I Greensboro, were guests at the hotel here this week. Mr. Peter A Gorrell and fami j ly, of Winston-Salem, will ar rive here Monday to spend ten days. Messrs. T. J. King and Thos. Bradley and Misses Annie King and Minnie Gentry, of Roanoke, Va., and Mr. W. H. Gentry, of Madison, left yesterday for Wrightsville Beach, after spend ing several days here. They were traveling in Mr. King's car. Mrs. Lawrence Mcßae and children returned to their home in Winston-Salem Monday after a month's stay here. Mrs. J. Gilmer Korner and daughter, Miss Dore, arrived here from Kernersville Thurs day to spend two weeks. Mr. E. D. Grogan, of Reids ville, is among the new arrivals here. Mr. G. A. Follin and daughter, Mrs. Dr. Wiggins, returned to Winston yesterday, after a week's visit to Piedmont. State Bank Examiner S. A. , Hubbard, of Reidsville, spent , several days at the hotel here the past week. Mrs. Clark and family, of Reidsville, arrived here Monday to spend some time. I Mrs. Clara Watson and daugh- I ter, of Winston-Salem, came ,| up Monday to spend two weeks. Miss Madge Longwell and ; Mr. P. G. Collie, of Danville, ! returned yesterday after a week's stay here. i I Messrs. Eddie Sheppard and ! James Norlleet, Jr., came up from Winston-Salem Monday to j spend a few days here. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Wright and children and Mr. and Mrs. James Morehead, of Greensboro, spent the week end here. I Dr. R. S. Cole, of Greensboro, spent Sunday here with his i mother, who is a guest at the j hotel. Miss Amelia Flowers, of Rock ingham, Richmond county, is a FARMERS MEETING. Interesting Occasion At Dil lard On Aug. 16th--Large Crowd Present. ; Diilard, Aug. IC>. The Farm-' ers Instituteiheld here Thursday: proved to be a most interesting ; occasion and was attended by a good number of farmers with their wives and daughters, the ; audience showing much interest j in the proceedings, j Prof. Sherman, State Entomol ogist: Mr. Jordan, of the State's ; live stock department; Mr. \ j Holmes, the State Forester, and | Mr, VV. P. Holt, county farm {demonstrator, each made in teresting and instructive talks, while Mrs. Hollowell conducted the ladies institute. At the noon recess dinner I was served picnic style and very I much enjoyed by the large crowd j present. Stokes Negro Oldest In Slate. Stokes county can boast of I I probably the oldest negro in | . the State in the person of "Ur.cle" Ludlow" Joyce, of the j Walnut Cove section. He is 1 still active and works on the farm regularly thought he is 1 one hundred and fifteen years; j or age." "Cncle" Ludlow says' he was nearly grown when war ( was declared against England l in ISI2 and was a settled man , when the stars fell in 1833. He appears to be good for another decade at least. - Gaston county has voted to 1 jssue $150,000 of bonds for road work guest here. Mr. and Mrs. VV. S. Black burn, of Greensboro, are among the hotel's guests this week. Dr. J. W. Booth, of Oxford. | arrived here Saturday to spend\ some time. Dr. Booth is con-1 sidering going to Europe andj offering his services as a surgeon in the army of the Allies. He has been county superintendent 1 of health of Granville county for I fifteen years. Miss Addie Webb, of Winston i Salem, is spending two weeks here at the hotel. Messrs. P. A. Gorrell H. H. Ogburn, John Sterling, J. G.: Flynt and Joel R. Hill, citizens of the Twin City, spent the week end here. Mrs. Rev. Melton Clark, of Greensboro, accompanied by her, son and daughter, are guests here. ; I Messrs. S. G. Wymbish and ,T. B. Gaskin, of Greensboro, | spent last night here. I Messrs. Ben bow Jones and P. E. Hine, of Winston-Salem, were \ guests here this week. Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Carlton, and Mr. W. R. Holt, of Burling ton, spent the week end here. Dr. Wiggins and Mr. Geo. Coan, of Winston-Salem, were guests here the past week. Mr. Kleemier, of Greensboro, I spent Sunday here with his family at the hotel. Mr. Burton Newell, of Greens boro, spent the week end here. No. 2,263 FARMERS MEETING Annual Picnic of Stokes Couniy Farmers Union Held Saturday. A GOOD DINNER Air. I). P. Comer Fails to (jet Here But Several Addresses Are Delivered By Home Members of Lnion. The annual meeting and picnic of the Stokes County Farmers ; Union held Saturday was attend ' ed by a very good number of the I nion people but not as many as have formerly attended these an ! nual meetings. Mr. I). P. Comer, of Danville, Ya., a prominent member of the | Union, was expected to be pres ent and address the crowd, but for some reason was unable to get here. A business session of ] the Union was held in the court house at one o'clock and the ! audience was addressed by sever* [al of the home members, while a number of business matters were ! discussed. j An excellent dinner v\as served at 12 o'clock in the grove near | the M. E. church here and was j very much 6njoyed by the crowd. 'Winston Tobacco Market | Will Open on August 24 Winston-Salem, Aug. 17.—The I Winston-Salem tobacco market i will open for the season on Aug j 24, and the indications are that the sales will be good from the . start this season, opening was I set later so that all of the buyers ] would be on the market, i It is said that the crop is a lit tle later this year, too, but the I principal reason for making the j opening later was to give the buyers time to get on the i market. i It is said that the season has 1 been fine for tobacco for some time now, and it is thought that a big crop will be marketed here this season. It will not be very long before the golden leaf will begin to move this way, and a golden Hood of money will be paid out to the tobacco farmers. I Mr. and Mrs. katzenjammer Visit Danhury In the Interest Of , Jones & Gentry's Shoe Store. Mr. and Mrs. Katzen.iammer, famous people of the comic pap ;ers, visited Danbury Saturday, and as they didn't bring their numerous children along, the time was utilized in amusing oth er people's kids. They were at tending the meeting of the farm ers' Union here and were inciden tally advertising the big shoe store of Jones A: Gentry at Wins ton-Salem. The costumes worn by the famous couple were all | right and attracted much atten tion from the crowd. The Jones & Gentry Shoe Store j gets an excellent business from Stokes and will no doubt continue Ito do so. They have the right goods at the right prices. Watch j for displayed ad in next issue of j the Reporter.